From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:16 PM PT
To: Family
Cc: rest;
George Hurst Esq.
- Lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart aka Sperm Donor;
Subject: RE: Dr. Laura Points You In The Right
How far would Dr. Laura drive to see me bearing in mind I think
she would get “a kick” out of me
showing her a very funny video directed by our JoNathan of his brilliant, so
caring, math wizard mother, my drop-dead beautiful over the top sexy French C
While you may agree with Marie Dion
Gevisser that the above is not an appropriate
answer please consider, at least for a minute, as I give more thought to the “sales
pitch” to my-our forthcoming book M
So important you picked up on the paragraph 1/5th way
through the 1119 odd
word heavily broadcasted communiqué to Mr. Hurst Esq. the lawyer-liar for The Sperm Donor aka Dr. John Ben Stewart, to repeat:
Let me
have you make a note of both the day and exact time while recognizing that the
great masses of people while more likely to fall victim to a big lie rather
than a small lie have “good reason”
believe that investing in diamonds makes as much sense as Madison Avenues’, “A Diamond is
Forever-A Girl’s best friend”
which to a person with just the most basic common sense and an accurate read of
Economic History makes absolutely no sense, more likely causing them to want to
vomit, bearing in mind diamonds, unlike gold, are under the “command
and control” of the mafia of mafia, unlimited in supply, untraceable,
lightweight and never, not once inventoried and that includes diamonds used as
collateral to buy everything under the sun including the laws governing
interesting stuff like “money laundering” that limit the
amount of graft reaching the lowest levels of the pyramid.
While Dr. Laura knows that following the
end of WWI, the little corporal when realizing that he couldn’t make a living
as an artist-painter given his lack of talent and most likely not fortunate
enough to have as good an artist-painter teacher as MDG’s Sebastian
Capella, not even close, decided to make the “best use” of his “order taking” skills that required of course that Hitler first come up with a business plan, WHAT Dr. Laura quite obviously hasn’t bothered to give
much thought to, let alone encourage her one son Deryk, now in the U.S.
military, to question is how could the financiers of the business plan Mein Kampf be certain while it fitted
in perfectly with the need “master” financial engineers were looking for, knowing perfectly well that the
numbers killed and maimed for life between 1914 and 1919 when the Treaty of
Versailles was signed, but not I believe ratified by the United States Congress, were simply insufficient to keep them
in the “pound seats”, that this so pitiful example of the future Aryan race
could in fact be counted on with some Hollywood scriptwriting
to execute his rather “common sense” as well as detailed business
plan which like every business plan talks to everyone fortunate to be future
Just holders of debt, i.e. Bondholders
Better yet suppliers of machine
tooling, drilling bits to boot, needed to produce one fine military machine
coming out “smelling like
roses”, consequently agreeing to
release funding in stages which in Wall Street lingo is referred to as
traunches, based upon the achievement of very specific milestones which is not
to suggest that Joe Kennedy, quite
enamored with Hitler, sought much if any input from his wife Rose Kennedy
For that matter the father
of the current Governor of California?
May I suggest as you think through
how best to provide me with my next lead in to President
Bush, assisting us empower the next generation getting beyond bored, rather fed
up and increasingly angry with all the stalling tactics of again, mostly rich
Democrats such as the American
In the resignation stage of grabbing as much as they can as
quickly as possible before their time runs out simply having experienced more
strokes, i.e. turning
one blind eye after the
next to evil resulting in the loss of all sense of perspective because to do
otherwise interferes with them getting more than their fair share of the graft
dished out by those so extraordinarily bought and paid for elected as well as
non-elected government officials such as
One wouldn’t even need to read The Diamond Invention
Be aware of the information available
for decades under the Freedom of
You understanding better these days the
expression, “Why in war money is no object” as well as WHY the so important money laundering laws of each and every
country on the planet, applicable to every single human being, do not apply to
those making their living in the diamond industry?
Really important you read carefully
Chapter 18, THE
AMERICAN CONSPIRACY that talks to Harry Oppenheimer, the “Anglo”
head of the DAAC, meeting at the Carlyle Hotel in New York
City, on U.S. soil, without a fear in the world of being arrested as he had the
future President of the United States go through the most humiliating
experience of getting his “formal marching orders”.
President elect John F. Kennedy well aware of the SIGNIFICANCE of HO’s “American”
co-head of the DAAC,
Have a pleasant & mindful Thanksgiving.
[Word count 1421]
From: Family
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:56 PM
To: Gary
Subject: Dr. Laura Points You In The Right Direction
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