From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:57 PM
To: Derrick.Beare


D – My plan is to get up early tomorrow morning dealing once again with whatever hand I am dealt my feeling more and more that I am not alone as I was at one point beginning to feel in terms of the extent we r living “on borrowed time” at least in terms of this “go around”.


The feedback I got from this post I put up earlier on the BUD yahoo website has me once again rethinking how best to approach the likes of Jonathan who could very possibly be more hooked in to all my writings than he would ever let on.


I am thinking of keeping it down to 2 short paragraphs not just because “less is more” but because I have finally worked out that I have nothing to prove, the Clean Water Fund [CWF] business plan although lacking numbers along with a good editor is both bulletproof and watertight, that we should leave it up to the likes of Jonathan to rip apart.


In other words, maybe we should take an ad out in newspapers around the world calling on private investors-bankers-institutions to respond in kind while having a field day on their websites perhaps going down to the unemployment offices around the world renting good looking dogs, maybe even hiring a bunch of high class prostitutes providing an incentive or “tTOo” [sic] to those simply wanting to make a living leaving it up to each of the poor and downtrodden to do what they think is the “right thing” for the “general good” explaining in 4th grade English that we will accept any and all excuses they have for being do “down on their luck” while constantly suggesting during the pregnant pauses words along the lines, “Now let me make certain that you are not calling yourself lazy.”


Now it is late and I am rather tired, thinking about joining Bryan Taylor the 21 year old running the Ccrest Café on a trek across the Sahara Desert on a camel beginning mid October, what do u think?


I am quite certain I have done pretty much anything that could be asked of any one of us human beings in terms of trying to do the “right thing” for the “general good”, the deafening silences of those with the most “blackened hands” is not, I repeat is not in direct contrast with those amongst us who have the most “white hands” who have in fact played it pretty straight in this “dog eat god” [sic] world, my rather sickened by the thievery most of all by the real estate people who in lying, stealing and cheating destroy the spirit of very good and innocent people like Marie.


The masses are in fact, very fortunately, shell shocked – again for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction nothing is gained nor is it lost – what I am finding tho is that each and every time I go “one on one” with someone who has “white hands” I can win them over in a matter of moments, the Internet along with the folks mentioned in the Clean Water Fund business plan is pretty much all that is needed to clean up all the pitiful acts and of course the young at heart who have not been co-opted in to committing a misdeed are the easiest targets, leading me back once again to the likes of Jonathan who shouldn’t feel more or less pressured to do “the right thing” for the “general good” than someone standing in an unemployment line on their last legs.


Good night.



