From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:16 AM PT
To: Jonathan; Danielle
Cc: Marie Dion Gevisser
Subject: ...Until such time as I hear back from you or I return from my next trip to China this will be my last written communication either of you will receive from me.


I mentioned on the phone to Jonathan when I called the Cliff House yesterday to look for the “aspartame” email and to let me know when you have found the time to read it.


Over the next 3 days I will be explaining other important stuff such as the “Right To Privacy” in no more than 3 emails none of which would be considered close to the size of a book but the “value” of such Light-Information-Knowledge I will be sharing with everyone at no charge could have your mom and I, in placing the world on the path to peace and justice for all, which of course means the “bad” will get their comeuppance, not having to die before becoming the richest two humans the world has ever known.


There is possibly only one thing in the world that your mother and I possibly disagree on and only because in my humble but seasoned opinion because she cannot bear the thought of being disappointed once again.


And of course I could be wrong since the world is changing rapidly with “shared energy” traveling faster than at any time in recorded history.


While both Marie and I can currently afford much more than significantly bigger digs than what we have in Del Mar, every penny more we might spend not to mention the energy exerted in finding something either more suitable or in addition to what we have that I know versus believe neither of you come close to appreciating, takes away from what again I know versus believe to be the only shot we have of saving the world from not simply a fiery end where we all blow up at the same time but much more likely the most bloody civil that will begin in earnest here in the United States once our tyrants in the 3rd world who provide us in exchange for our so bloodstained and worthless currency their precious oil.


Not to mention not only how my efforts could also end the horrible suffering including all those stricken by “Poverty of Thought” but how the cost of everything including law enforcement hooking welfare mothers on illicit drugs is impacted by what one pays when driving one’s vehicles, making “joy rides” for those with a conscience not quite as pleasurable.


Moreover, I welcome either of you, who these days have a lot to say, engaging me in written debate on the subject:


“Neither of you come close to appreciating our one-of-a-kind studio house sitting not only overlooking one of the most picturesque views in the entire world, if not the very best, that the overwhelming majority of people in the world cannot even begin to imagine all the senses that get tantalized by just one of the sunsets we see each and every day sitting in the lap of luxury surrounded by one of the greatest if not the greatest oil painting collections assembled under one roof that be viewed without having to get up from one of our two most comfortable Italian leather swivel chairs, not to mention Carriage-Cliff House sitting atop a parcel of land alongside one of the most cared for and most awesomely beautiful gardens I have seen in the entire wor.d, to mention little of the fact that I was born and raised in Apartheid South Africa where all the talk of racism was just an excuse by the ‘filthy rich’ with the biggest guns to steal blind, no different to the way things are here today in the United States - the problems of the world having nothing to do with race, color, sex or religion simply poor parental religious teachings and greedy people” [sic]!


Go ahead and give a moments thought to how extraordinarily easy it would be for our incredible landlady to find either one person or no more than a couple willing to pay each month what John Ben used to earn in a month before the good and vengeful Lord took away his eyesight, sidelining this most evil human being for his atrocities thinking himself so godly that he could so egregiously usurp his limited authority.


Not to mention such a sum of money about 10 times what Danielle, if she were to work full time, i.e. earn a year [2080 hours] in salary and tips, to mention little of our very independent thinking landlady surrounded by the most caring family never having to worry about someone self-absorbed leaving on an outside light, cappuccino machine, not able to adequately explain the bizarre opening and closing of windows, me making such a big deal about a hypocrite neighbor who later thought it was in his best interest to lie and say he never asked me to move my vehicle rather than appear to be a hypocrite, the sound of my very noisy racing motorcycle and the such.


As well traveled is your mother she is not as well traveled nor was she educated by as worldly parents and grandparents as me and cannot therefore be expected to agree with me on my point that you are both now ready to confront John Ben in an effort to help him “see the light” before the spotlight of the entire world focuses on him, not to mention how he nor anyone else I know is willing to debate me on the all important subject, “G-d does NOT exist” given how well I can explain the ever presence of our Supreme Being applying the highest levels of logical thought processing which of course requires no more than a basic command of Science, Math, Art, Religion and Technology but only to keep track of both our thoughts and actions.


Your biological father, no different to most adults who have been getting more than their fair share of the graft-spoils of war having got away with their misdeeds by simply being more crooked NOT SMARTER in building in to their cost of sales the cost of getting of caught is all about “money power”, with each tick of the almighty powerful clock is having increasing difficulty keeping track of his lies from day one.


Yes, it is worth reading at least 20 times those profound words of your mother to journalist Windy Winn that she wrote on June 10th 2005 coinciding with the 6th anniversary of me posting up on the Internet my very first post, “Revlon Make up Job”.


But even your biological father knows that he cannot count on what has happened in the past either to go away or rely on the past being an indicator of the future.


Not to mention he cannot simply “will away” his misdeeds just because he KEEPS THINKING he got away with attempting to murder my very good name and in the process destroy your mother who DARED to stand up to him and his poor male chauvinist and bigoted breeding, all symptoms of human beings raised in a welfare state, the United States today the largest welfare state in the history of our universe, at least that which we know.


You should know both he and his girlfriend have now gone deafeningly quiet, not to mention how much Ms. Dawn revealed, no doubt to the horror of both John Ben and his attorneys when she used his one email account to send me a physically threatening email, the same account he said back in court on October 24th 2002 Danielle had used to send me an email all geared to “incite”.


Yes, you should read at least 20 times what Ms. Dawn who remains a “partner in crime” with John Ben wrote me back on Friday, May 5, 2006 at 7:24 PM PT:


Fuck off Gary - this is not the sperm donor but Dawn.  If you would like to confront me - be foolish enough to.  I am about two feet taller than you and will chew you up and spit your stupid ass out.  You have been sucking life off of everybody you latch onto you POS (piece of shit).  Each day I pray Marie will get a voice from God to dump your stupid ass because she could do a lot better.  What?   The alimony and child support petering out you pathetic loser.  John is an honorable man, has supported kids well, and you are just a lowly opportunist.  Go to your hill in the mountains and talk to the animals.  Now stop violating the restraining order before we get another one.


Bear in mind that all I have said was that I would be willing to sit in a room with all of you present and have John Ben explain his insidious actions that led to me having to defend back on October 24th 2002 nothing short of my “life”.


While neither of you had any choice in your obscene biological father the same with your incredible mother, the same lack of choice applies to each one of us on this planet which talks to many things including the fact that there is reason for the “shared energy”, matters I am spelling out in simple enough English in “real time” but you have, like the rest of us humans, the right to exercise your “free will” at any time you consider yourself an “independent thinker”.


Not to mention how extraordinarily difficult it is going to be for either of you to “defend” taking a nickel, a surfboard, a motorboat, cars, motorcycles, hairbrush and the such from either John Ben or his mother once they have passed on by virtue of not having confronted them both ahead of time to mention little of the fact that part of the evidence that shows both of you considering yourselves “independent thinkers” is demonstrated in your passive aggressiveness towards your biological father, Danielle with her choice to color her magnificent blonde hair, the fake chemicals doing untold damage to her skin and then “sum” [sic] and Jonathan you with your decision to really shove it to your Sperm Donor by going out of your way to score an abysmal C in “cisum” [sic] that an imbecile simply keeping his mouth shut could easily achieve. 


While I don’t expect either of you to, in a heartbeat, “change your tune” let alone lift a finger in assisting me as others much younger are currently doing in an effort to give peace a better chance, such kids of course not coming from the “filthy rich” who see no “good” coming from changing the “status quo”, I don’t think you can ignore for very long confronting John Ben not only with his gross misdeeds using both of you first as a spear then as a shield as your mom and I responded with a vengeance, by having him dig NOW much deeper in to his pocket book and contribute FINALLY his “fair share” for all that it takes for both your mother and me to continue “reeducating” the two of you.


You can of course choose to ignore this email by saying to yourselves, “I rili don’t understand everything he is saying AND nor do I care” [sic] but I can assure you your position will inevitably change once you get your arms around the fact that others especially those not spoiled rotten who will inevitably read what I have to say just on the subject of “Right To Privacy” will have no difficulty getting their arms around the fact that all the privacy laws that we harp on here in the United States are for the exclusive purpose of allowing those who I know very well at the top of DAAC pyramid to be protected from being exposed.


The 88 word paragraph below that I cut and pasted from this 4464 word email I sent this past Saturday to another cabin owner that is yet to be completed, has already achieved my goals beginning with reducing significantly the number of people emailing me that limits me from leveraging my skills and experience:


The consciousness of knowing that death is a time certain is the most visible evidence of the genius of our Supreme Designer and once able to get your arms around this rather simple logic has you in the very NEXT INSTANT aware of everything around you whether it be a mouse shuffling close by a trap oblivious to how close it is to death even before it gets an opportunity to take its last bite or a dog letting you know it is time to take a break!


Suffice to say the pitiful sum of money that John Ben pays your mother every month is about what it would cost me to fly economy class over to China leaving tomorrow, coming back no more than a week later unless of course your mother decided that she was going to join me and then it would be up to her to decide whether or not we would even bother coming back to the U.S. prior to advising “in the flesh” the Chinese authorities how best to not only stop all the nonsense talk coming out of our elected and non-elected government officials but how best to prevent the spread of western man’s “fear disease”.


And the only thing you should in an instant gleam out of the above paragraph is the enormous amount of good I can do in the world with so extraordinarily small amounts of increasingly worthless DeBeers Dollars.


I mentioned to your mother yesterday as we spent the most delightful and fun-filled day unpacking the 2 most beautiful pieces of furniture that arrived the day before at the cabin that while you should as I was taught to question even the date on a newspaper, you should also be reading now more than ever and ever so carefully what is being reported in the news beginning with our very corrupt media being used by the “Money Power” elite headed by the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel to turn China in to the “enemy” not to mention both the dresser and jade filled screen packed in crates put together with such extraordinary care that would make a very competent carpenter here in the U.S. more than simply envious, darn-right fearful of China’s workmanship.


This hyperlink takes you to today’s feature story in the New York Times titled, “China Competes With West in Aid to Its Neighbors” which I have yet to read but know from just have browsed through it and seeing the name Wolfovitz who is the current head of the International Monetary Fund were I to have no more than a half hour with all the guides your mom and I had on our 24 day “fact finding mission” I would wager all that John Ben has set aside in trust funds for the two of you in an effort to “blacken your hands”, based on how well Marie and I got to know each of them as a result primarily of how well  bred I was to ask the right questions that first and foremost reveals who I am, resulting in little time wasted in “small talk”, it wouldn’t take more than 24 hours for at least one of the very aware guides to put me in touch with senior Chinese government officials.


Not to mention you mother may not recall exactly which guide but she will very possibly recall the one guide who after hearing that I was going to be writing the very important book titled by your mother, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE! let me know that her father before he retired wrote publications for government officials of the Peoples Republic of Communist China.


Time to fly.


Ps – Until such time as I hear back from you or I return from my trip to China this will be my last written communication either of you will receive from me


[Word count 2644]