From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:50 PM
Cc: Ghurst (;
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fixe...stuff...1960"

To be continued ...


Mr. President, let me indulge u and our audience once again in recapping a number of things be4 I get into telling u a little more about Mr. Tony Unruh, it important not so much that u read each and every word I write but to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your primary adversaries, the financial backers of Kerry-HEINZ while shaking to their core with each character I place in print r in fact praying at this very precise moment in time that u not only win but that u win by a landslide, the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk getting little comfort as they have in the past when young, enthusiastic people pick up on possible shenanigans that distract them from how the likes of Mr. JRK who make a good deal of money going after big time Wall Street crooks engage in the very same crooked tactics, the idea of it “takes a thief to catch a thief” interesting conversations when sitting around a table bullshitting no longer able to carry much weight as the likes of me, the “ultimate insider” shed light on the distracting techniques of the Democratic Communist Party bosses who make their ill-gotten gains principally off big government primarily in the “entitlement” area of both Federal and State budgets, the game of life like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage now not only in full swing but being understood with each tick of the almighty powerful clock by even the Lumpen proletarians.


Should the forces of light prevail and u win by even the slimmest of margins, china TU, in my humble opinion, will be deserving of full credit, more so than anyone else given how his deafening silences vis si vi his failure to answer a handful of relatively simple questions regarding his poor breeding, continue to speak volumes, now having the likes of Mr. JRK cringe, piercing short-circuits creating more of a vacuum of space between their ears, so so sad them increasingly less capable of hearing Ching Ching.


The failure of his German parents to address in an honest manner how it was in fact us Jewish people through the 10 “front line” Jewish diamond merchants that provided the DeBeers Diamond Cartel the wherewithal to not only supply the Nazi German Military Machine with its much needed diamond drilling bits both prior to and throughout WWII but at least equal in importance was how this out-of-control monopoly in creating the most fictitious money imaginable, far more egregious than any central money bank like the Federal Reserve which is at least mandated to exercise, “good judgment”, did nothing short of finance our own Holocaust, pale in comparison, however, with the mass enslavement, torture and murder that awaited tens of millions of Black-colored peoples throughout not just Africa but around the world, thanks to Robert F. Kennedy, my extraordinary mother’s most out-of-control client, who while Attorney General of the United States of America tasked with enforcing violators of our sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws kowtowed to his benefactors, my uncle David Gevisser’s main benefactor, the American Charles Engelhard and the South African Oppenheimer family, the co-conspirators of The Diamond Invention to mention little of the educational light journeys I am taking the likes of TU on pale in comparison to what awaits your competitor and his out-of-control money making machine, Mr. JRK, a very “skilled and experiencedSCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigator] right this very moment knowing perfectly well not only am I “firing straight”, far “tTOo” [sic] late in this chess game of chess games to take any prisoners, having him and his arch rivals, the 2,000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach in nothing short of “check mate”, agree?


Mr. President, they have simply no way out, the idea of giving anyone in this “dog eat god” [sic] world an escape hatch simply defies logical thought processing given the propensity of those who have stolen the most, having built into their cost of goods sold the cost of getting caught coming back time and again to pull off stunt after stunt, light journeys the only option for those who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, agree?


No doubt Mr. JRK’s one buddy Dr. Paul Tierstein considered, according to Mr. JRK, in the top 3 cardiologists in the world seeing at least briefly an opportunity to make another killing as he thrusts in to the deadening arteries of these scoundrel SCALs one stent after the next, and for my so “fast and loose” talkative pals Dr. Teirstein and Mr. JRK just to ponder their navels reflecting back on when we all met for the very first time in the spring of 1999 at the Matre D. restaurant in La Jolla, California where Mr. JRK’s named partner Mr. Howard Finkelstein, a former United States Attorney was not allowed entry since he was, and to the best of my knowledge, still remains on this overrated restaurant’s “banned” list together with the “art” lesson “gifted” to Dr. Paul “Technician” Tierstein by my Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion wearing for the one and only time this red feathered hat, enough for each of them including their wifeys to have at the count of 3 the grandest of heart attacks, agree?


Couldn’t happen, however, to better bunch of scoundrels, to mention little of the only name u see copied on this continuing one of a kind missive besides for the San Diego Chapter of the FBI is Mr. George Money Talks Hurst Esq. the lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart, my CPW Marie Dion’s former husband who is now on notice, come the sooner of my death-incapacitation and next July I will have posted up on the Internet for the world to see and judge for themselves why I consider Dr. JBS and his pitiful band of supporters made of Ms. Kathryn Murry, Mr. King Golden Jr Esq., Dr. JBS’ on-off girlfriend Ms. Dawn “Castlmean” [sic] a typist at the lawyer-liar law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach as well as Money Talks the most dangerous group of people on this earth who should be under surveillance, in my humble opinion, 24/7, agree?


So important, Mr. President to pay attention to the deafening silences around me as well as the disclosures I have been making in the course of the past 72 hours, connecting up the dots on a number of important issues of the day including why someone like Ted Turner would trust a lawyer-liar like Valerie Schulte Esq. of the National Association of Broadcasters, to share with me how one can by feigning mental illness hoodwink one’s bankers allowing the CNN network with its mighty broadcasting capability to employ an idiot Jewish person like Larry King Live, my credibility again Mr. President is much more, however, than heresy, the disclosures earlier this morning about Mr. Maurice Hank Greenberg being possibly in possession of my irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Communist Party with very possible tie ins with senior members of the Republican party simply cannot be ignored, agree?


Come tomorrow morning no matter who wins I will be making Mr. Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York, with or without the help of big talker Dr. John Cotter an offer he simply cannot refuse.


Right now I am sitting atop the cliffs overlooking the Pacific “Oshon” [sic] with my dog Pypeetoe soaking in both the incredible fresh ocean swept air along with the amazingly hot sun, just immediately to the left of this photo, just to the right of a jungle gym where my 88 year old friend Gene does his daily 100+ pull-ups.


In a short while I will be visiting with my very good friend continuing this missive that I know will lead to Mr. JRK doing the right thing for the general good not because he is on the “side of light” but because he has now run out of space to move, i.e. zero options when time, motion and space all come together, the past, the future all coming together in the present, agree?


Either way Mr. JRK’s money making machine days are over, by him failing to pull out all stops to get u elected despite him throwing everything he could including his wealth to unseat u, come tomorrow morning when I wake up and u r not in the White House for another 4 years I will begin instituting measures around the world that will bring a precipitous end to his business model, my ability to “stabilize” the stock markets thereby interfering with his business model which is dependant on “regulated” movements in the financial markets which requires an extraordinary level of trust not something which one can say with the straightest of faces gets handed down from one generation to the next, precipitous drops in the share price of public companies so very very important to keep the top dogs happy, happy, happy.


No matter what the outcome of today’s Presidential race I guarantee that u will be blessed with a continuous stream of smiles, us just moments in the space of time when every single literate human being will be up to speed with what it means to “turn the other cheek” to the sufferings of others all “in love with money” versus continuously seeking spirituality which to fully appreciate does require a basic understanding of science and mathematics at the highest levels, so very much at odds no matter what one’s intellect with “quick fixes”, agree?


By Kerry-HEINZ winning the SCALs will be able to play out their “windfalls” for a little less longer than if u win, the resignation stage that follows the denial stage all about grabbing as much as one can as quickly as possible and then I will unleash a series of Perfect Storms that will have them disappearing altogether, not able to show their face in public, Fools Names, Fools Faces in Public places, the winds of change very much in the air for likes of Mr. Debonair JRK.


Furthermore, should the fix be “tTOo far” [sic] set in, neat to know that there is another Perfect and Complete Set of numbers such as the 4 digits 1421, I would be most happy to nominate u as a founding member of our Clean Water Fund project.


To be continued...


Good Morning,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake



Ps – The most amazing things have already happened today, so far 2 people with beachfront properties here in Del Mar have offered to “put me up” until such time as Pypeetoe and I find permanent digs, one incredibly beautiful and sexy lady letting me know that I could have full use of her front deck, both Pypeetoe and I also having full access to her amazing house so generous in helping ourselves to whatever is in the incredibly stuffed refrigerator as long as I don’t mention her name in my book Manager Minute One and it would not surprise me when she returns later this afternoon letting me know as she departed, “I should be back by 2 and if u want to rest up feel free to make use of any of the 5 bedrooms” that in addition to providing me with her name she might very possibly hand over her credit card.


Moreover, a prior landlord of mine when seeing the other incredibly beautiful woman taking pity on me and my poor street dog Pypeetoe let me know that he thought he could arrange for me to rent the most prized property in all of Del Mar.


[Word count 1960]