From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:41 PM
To: .”Buttler” [sic] – realtor 

Cc: rest
Subject: Perfect Storm XXIX merges with Perfect Storm Perfect Storm XXVIII with Perfect Storm III picking up steam


Attention:  The Butler did it.


Mr. “Butcher[1]” [sic],


I couldn’t recall if I had blind copied you on the email to Ms. Kimberly Hunt which launched Perfect Storm III although some would argue correctly that Seth Lubove’s article in the June 2002 issue of Forbes Magazine may have caused her eyes to become unglued, the conversion to decimals in the Internet edition not withstanding. More importantly, however, when one starts reading the article from right to left, i.e. beginning with the last paragraph that reads, “Good luck,” it should “be” give rise to at least asking, “How rushed was this journalist?[2]


Like many of my colleagues Mr. Lebove may remain focused on more important things like coming to grips with what causes screenwriters of movies like “Unfaithful” to write a script that has even the average intelligent male sidetracked while their better half have all the fun without the same degree of accountability. To his credit Mr. Lubove doesn’t place quotes around the words, “Good luck.” I couldn’t help noticing, however, that Mr. Lubove doesn’t place quotes around the word, “Agreed” which starts off the 10th paragraph.


Now I don’t really [don’t[3]] believe we ought to go to war over a quote or two that is missing in the same way I cant quite understand why my Jewish ancestors were so hell bent on stopping the Christians from introducing an 11th Commandment but when someone starts screwing with the numbers then they are going to have hell to pay for and then sum, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Butler?


Now of course you may think my Guidance tTOo is a bunch of gobbledygook but make no mistake Mr. Stephen Stanczak, the executive vice president and general counsel of Vivendi's U.S. Filter unit will not exactly be taking a “passive approach” when he gets wind of my thrust which is going to be more like a “lightning rod" that will possibly bring even dead fish alive to mention little of exactly who in his organization was working the “statehouse” while folks like Wetherly Capital went about a “land grab”, wouldn’t you agree?


The only thing "inevitable" these days is that rate payers, property owners and small individual taxpayers are in for the shock of their lives assuming I am not able to get the Governor impeached and his supporters heading for the hills picking up their trash however along the fast lanes.


By the way I was informed soon after I sent the email to Ms. Hunt that she had joined the KUSI news team. Ms. “Sharlene Allen”, Ms. Hunt’s assistant who assured me that Ms. Hunt has no one screening her email is not related to “Charlene Brainine” who thinks I must be sucking on more than wind and of course I am. I spent last evening up in our mountain rock cabin and had you looked in you would have been in for some treat. We had a fire roaring with our two dogs going at it like there was no tomorrow. Even the birds arrived in the morning to get their bird’s eye view.


Our two dogs which are not included in the purchase price provide none stop entertainment but please don’t just stop by without first calling for I might constitute such actions as “breaking and entering” which is what you must have assumed I was doing when you showed up my “travel companion’s” house insistent that you speak with “the owner” wouldn’t you agree?  


Please take the time out to read my assessment in my email to Ms. Hunt of the “poor” conditions that prevail in the realtor world. It never ceases to amaze me what causes folks who are well dressed, drive fancy cars to become so unglued when simply being called to task. Your argument that you like to be able to “look” your prospective clients in the eyes and in a matter of two twos falling apart remind me of something my mother once said, “I only debate people who agree with me.”


You will now be given equal opportunity to respond in kind beginning with articulating what you bring to the table that couldn’t be said in writing by emailing me from the website


Please do not ignore me nor should it concern you why my “travel companion” who is capable of running circles around you both literally and figuratively but gets bored with bald headed men which no doubt has a lot to do with what caused my hair to stop falling out although I think I might go with the shaved look should Ms. Hunt decide put her best leg forward.


By now it should be apparent to you why the owner of the house chooses to have me be the front person when dealing with folks like yourself who I believe have simply stacked the decks to the point that the entire industry is now in need of a makeover.


Instead of contacting Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk who is busy slaying dragons left and right as the insurance industry crumbles to dust, simply email my mentor, Amos Wright, whose email address is and ask him what lessons he imparted to me some 20 odd years ago that allow me to respond to you in kind. Amos is 86 years old today and has suffered a stroke or two along the way but I would hazard a guess that he would in a matter of two twos knock the chip right off your shoulder and then have enough energy left to go sink a battleship. During World War II he was both a marine and a Navy Officer and learned a thing or two afterwards while working for the only person I know who beat John D. Rockefeller at his own game.


Mr. Wright and I have done our share of battles side by side and there is no one on this earth who is more important to me right now in sending folks like you a very clear signal, “Don’t even try.” Only one person has ever dared to file a lawsuit against me and that individual along with his high priced lawyer who got the hell beaten out of them when we eventually went to court remain walking on egg shells knowing full well that I subscribe to the notion that it is THE MEEK WITH TEETH WHO SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH.


I also maintain that the only way to start pulling this world back in to balance is to attack “evil” wherever we see it and send “evildoers” not to hell which only exists here on earth but have them placed in work out programs that are performance driven much like what we already see with those folks who clean up the highways. Every time I see one of these orange clad guys and gals I make it my business to give them the thumbs up and were it not illegal I would probably do wheelies on my Dukati motorcycle which has to be the most unforgiving motorbike I have ever ridden. This forgive and forget stuff is for the birds although if you can prove to me that they subscribe to such teachings I would be willing to reconsider my position.


It really isn’t though the smartest of moves going from say a Harley or even a BMW to something that requires laser-like focus when threading roads that would make folks even in Mini S’ hair stand on end and of course my “travel companion” has yet to wear a mini dress in my attempts to break the “land-sae[4]” [sic] record.


The sooner we all start holding each other accountable, making a record of everything each one of us does from the get-go, as in Manager Minute One, i.e. the minute we make contact, being accountable for our words and actions from the start, the greater the likelihood folks will think twice before deciding to raise a politician or tTOo which you no doubt know are raised while their parents are often born-again losers. Again, the problems of the world have nothing to do with race, color or religion simply poor parental religious teachings.


I am taking the liberty of copying at least four other people on this email besides for Mr. Wright. Christopher Keeley is another real estate broker who seems far more in touch with the times, Professor Joe Grundfest of Stanford University, the former SEC chairman who I will be communicating with in “Jew course” [sic], Mr. Nicholas Johnson the former chairman of the “SEC[5]” [sic] who provided me with the tutorial, “What do you mean?” and “How do you know?” and Fran Prager the wife/business manager of Dennis Prager who remains deafeningly silent and who could now be aced.


The only way we are all going to really get to know one another is for each of us to become more transparent replacing much of the so-called conventional wisdom with examining carefully the rot that often hides behind the put-on smiles and you should know that although I could have made a billion or tTOo dollars from shorting Vivendi stock back in late 2001 when I knew for certain they were going down the tubes I chose to sit it out on the sidelines. I have now overcome all my injuries and am in peak condition to lead the attack on turning things in the right direction, starting with knowing our lefts from our writes and then paying ever so careful attention to evolution and the words of God weary of man’s interpretations.


With that said, perhaps you might be able to find someone within your ranks, say a lobbyist or too with access to Bill Simon Jnr and have them ask the “shoe in” republican nominee for the highest office in the State of California which is in the top ten largest economies in the world the following series of questions:


 “So tell me Bill what do you think about Bill Clinton joining up with Ron Burkle who we understand provided part of the seed capital to get Wetherly Capital off the ground and how it came to pass that you with all your daddy’s United States Treasury connections couldn’t have found a more experienced group to go to in order to satisfy your lust to die the richest person in the grave?


On that crazy note why do you think Governor Davis who met with perhaps the most knowledgeable water strategist in the land on or around December 28th of 2001, a meeting set up by a Wetherly Capital “space renter”, just a few months after you engaged Wetherly Capital whose principals are the political hacks that helped get you and folks like mayor Hahn of Los Angeles elected, never got back to Mr. Smith who was so kind and generous to provide the Governor with a White Paper that spelled out the impending crisis?


Don’t depend on anyone but your friends to bail you out Mr. “Pee shooter” despite you having come from “behind” to win the Republican primaries making you one step ahead of your daddy who no doubt is watching from high above wondering whether you were simply doing too many drugs or out to defy the odds that everyone including Gary Gevisser was asleep at the wheel, making wrong turn after wrong turn, wouldn’t you agree?”


 Sincerely yours,


Gary S. Gevisser



Ps. I have now close to 10,000 emails which I have yet to respond to which in large measure are the result of my website getting more and more attention although don’t let the counter at the bottom of the home page fool you. A close colleague of mine sent me an email earlier that said words to the effect, “Make sure you don't suggest any type of resolution initially… Let them come back to you asking, "What next?"


He mentioned that the preface to one of Dean Koontz’s novels made mention of a true story of a device used back in the early 30's or 40's in a movie house to test the power of the subconscious. The device projected phrases on the movie screen at 50+ frames/second during the film so that the audience couldn't see it even if they tried, but slow enough for the subconscious. The inventors originally projected phrases telling the viewers to go get a drink from the concession stand. This had minimal effects on the audience and the movie house didn't really see much of an increase in concession traffic. The next stage of the experiment instead of telling the people what do to used suggestions like "Thirsty, why not get something to drink?" By the end of the showing something like 60% of the audience went and purchased a drink. In other words Mr. Butler, people on a conscious and/or subconscious level don't want to be told what to do they want to think that they came up with the idea themselves. If you orchestrate your response to me properly who knows what effect you might have on your audience without them even knowing it.


[1] One should be very careful about playing pong with someone especially if they are 22% bald and over 40 with the courage to wear highlights in their hair while wanting to protect their shorts. Careful 2 not misjudge the young who understand the attraction of guys like Eminem who play good music too.


Pong with a “risk assessment” specialist is a far cry from playing golf to mention little of why the Bush Administration were left with little choice than to provide the credit facilities to bail out Argentina from going down the tubes while the French play both sides of the fence.


The French like the English have a way of meddling in other people’s business and no wonder why they hate each other so much, i.e. while Churchill had his “dog days” the French were perfecting their French fries. Fortunately though the England of old is changing rather dramatically especially with Scottish folk finding like me their final resting spot in the southwest countryside of England in a place called Minehead in Somerset where the locals can be counted on to protect that which is sacred.


A person’s home should be their castle but once they are gone those that inherit should be required to do the right thing in taking good care of the property meeting all the litmus tests of the locals without much government fanfare and once those who inherit pass on then the property should revert to the state to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. WWW.WILLNEXT.COM will address these matters in more detail while providing guidance to people like Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman et al.


Just because a person has managed to get away time and again with lying stealing and cheating and every so often gets caught and has his insurance company foot the bill who then sock it to small business owners and homeowner et al while the big crooks simply keep moving on to higher ground, doesn’t mean that it has to be that way forever just like Scotland is not required to remain a wholly owned English subsidiary.


Now is the time to start mending fences but nothing is served by having rotten politicians and executives at the top calling the shots dividing up the pie amongst themselves, filling up their heads that they are Kings of the Universe ultimately losing grip not before however co-opting honest people to shoot their poison tipped arrows, i.e. if you have a dirty job to do find someone who is clean and hardworking.


I understand that the acronym GOLF stands for “Gents Only Ladies Forbidden” although one spiritual hairdresser replaced the “Ladies” with “Lesbians” and her male heterosexual colleague added his two pennies worth, “The Lesbian said about that the better” [sic].


What attracts women to men can probably best be learned while going to a hair salon that caters to both men and women. I am convinced that God left me with just enough hair so that I could experience some of the incredible interaction that goes on at hair salons to mention little of the pink bottle of goo I just got for my “travel companion” that I was compelled to first try on myself.


What is right for the goose has many women attracted to guys with wealth who are often all uptight covering up their ill-gotten gains from emptying out and the same women are also attracted to less successful men who are more open, vulnerable to suggestion which can be good or bad. There are a number of things here worth exploring including how one goes about playing the game and why women should be in charge given their multi-faceted problem solving techniques but with men behind who can provide the laser focus when necessary.


No doubt there are books out there that get into what women find attractive in men and vice versa but at some point we have to consider what mechanisms are in play that trigger the same women who are attracted to people like Ronald “O Ring” Perelman and “5ft + serfers” like me although I can barely surf, wave-skiing the best of all worlds.


The same women who are attracted to such lowlifes as Perelman who have very little self esteem that with just one prick would have what remains of an already tattered ego collapsing much like his alter ego defense would have had he recently chosen not to settle a Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit [SCAL] that I had helped get kick-started, and just given half a chance would pick up on someone they know nothing about who sports tattered hair and tattoos to boot who may simply be walking down a street is not all that unusual. Case studies abound over at the Del Mar Plaza in downtown Del Mar.


I subscribe to things like fonts and covering up when out and about whereas someone like Perelman goes for putting up fronts perhaps thinking that because he owns the vast majority of stock in an international brand like Revlon and uses insidious methods to rip the lifeblood out of unsuspecting investors that those properly grounded wouldn’t see him coming from a mile away.


I have no idea if Ronald “Pussy” Perelman wears masquera while parading in his “pygmy shorts” [sic], god forbid he runs around in front of his wives let alone his children in the nude, is outside of my realm especially when they now know that folks like me are on to this shell game that goes on in public companies that allows bank loads of lawyers and accountants to consort together to do nothing more than rip off the public!


And yet the same intelligent women are often attracted to weak and vulnerable men who are the chosen candidates of rapacious folks like Perelman and crooked politicians who are put in place to manage the store so non-confrontational that they might as well leave the front door open and let whoever passes by simple pick and choose what they want and every so often hit them up with some piddly fine.


What then has these women moving from one thing to the next scanning the horizon looking for “bogies” while both sets of guys with their laser focus drift in and out ever so stealthily and those particularly with zeal in their eyes can make off not just with the woman’s stocking’s butt steal her pocketbook leaving her short pocketed, panties ripped, withdrawn ego, the whites of egg deposited evenly on face, high heels left dangling on the ceiling and their good looks tossed alongside the roadside, i.e. road kills!


So what can it be that these men possibly have in common that I find so uncommonly boring? So far the only thing I can think of is that the most rapacious, the most greedy have in common with the wimps who often times exceed with great satisfaction the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come with a pointed tail or pitched fork, is that both groups of men have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning.


Speed kills and so does coffee but that doesn’t mean we should get rid of motorcycles or cars let alone what we would use to replace coffee and of course we should get rid of aspar-tame and enjoy a little bit of sugar with our tea never forgetting our Ccrest bed and breakfast Café where we serve the very best scones and Somerset crème.


My hope is that by the time I next visit Minehead not only will my French have improved but I will have along with me my French Canadian “travel companion” who will bring the same flair to this amazing spot as she had done in every home she has touched and then some.


We have to examine very carefully this battle between the sexes that is now totally out of control and one cannot have discussions with people who are intoxicated by drugs or their own self-importance let alone individuals who have perfected the art of mental masturbation as people like Ronald “shoe string” Perelman and my one neighbor who goes by the name of Sammy who thinks that because he brought me some biscuits from his travels to Asia Minor where minors abound that all is forgiven.


Not all drugs are bad especially those found in their natural form but one needs to know what one is doing and I for one don’t even know enough about animals let alone plants to be even considered dangerous. I tend to mix things up at times but once focused I am able to cut out all the fluff and then it is a question of time before I sum it all up.


It is all about understanding what lies beyond the radar screen much in the same way that to pay attention to things like Bell Shaped Curves only produces more of the same with no safety net for those who get trampled by the Kings and Queens who ultimately crumble under their own misguided policies and weight to boot.


Once caught up in things like strobe lights that are engineered to have the masses essentially wearing blinkers it is remains to be seen whether man can escape the pull of cebebrities who represent the worst of the worst with put on smiles to boot whose fixation with being overly thin is simply reflective of a society that has gone completely overboard.


It my contention that it is the lack of confrontation between the sexes and how we all seem to be morphing into one gender that is a big part of the discourse where it is hard to tell a goose from a gander that now has me ready to take center stage although if someone else wants to take my spot I would be all ears as long as they don’t give me the same sort of bull I kept hearing from you.


After asking just a handful of questions it doesn’t take me all that long to suss someone out the result of having been fortunate enough to have paid attention to some of the masters who have guided me every step of the way none more so than my belief in a divine spirit that constantly keeps me grounded realizing the importance of always checking my ego at the door and if only I could find a way to simply hang up my car keys and place my wallet in just one single spot my life would be complete and I probably wouldn’t be single but I do have peace of mind and goodies stashed away, remembering that there is nothing like a good cup of coffee to start off the day and then to drink lots of tea especially if you see it has the Ccrest logo.


I am very much into business knowing that it is good business that makes the world go around and that we cannot afford to buy in to the nonsense of separating so-called “personal” stuff from “business” when we all know that the personal stuff all goes out the window if you haven’t taken care of business.


The idea that we can protect ourselves by creating artificial barriers like corporations is simply preposterous and wouldn’t even belong in the dark ages where animals truly ran wild. Why it hasn’t occurred to anyone that we have ever so vulnerable skins as opposed to say a rhinoceros in order that we enjoy the touch of each other is not all that surprising considering how much I personally hate being in confined spaces with other people who don’t always wash nor do I think it makes sense that we run around without any clothes on although no doubt some of our neighbors would like to see more of my “travel companion” which is probably part of the reason why she has chosen to move.


As the kids get older they know exactly what each one of us are all about and once they discover the hypocrisy that is when the brooding kicks in and the rest becomes history.


Cocaine is now America’s number one cup of coffee but we cannot forget that the most dangerous people in the world are men with low self esteem, good looks and who worst of all have become intoxicated with their intelligence.


No one can be an island unto him or herself but we land ourselves in trouble when we start playing the “is is” game as perfected by the most dangerous people on this planet, those highly intelligent people who clearly let their education interfere with their learning and no one has perfected this art of chicanery like Bill Clinton. One can only imagine how much damage he could have done had he gone to business school.


Whatever will become of Hilary Clinton is anyone’s guess but we should all pay very careful attention to her lips as well as people like Joseph Lieberman when asked to respond to the proof I have of malfeasance at the highest levels of the Democratic Party that is already beginning to resonate in the Capital’s hallways and of course it is just a matter time before City Halls around the world will wake up that it is no longer business as usual.


Once the common folk are alerted and see that just one person has essentially checkmated the most rapacious over controlling politicians and a handful of business people allied with a vestige of French bureaucracy who pretty much have a lock on “Water World” to mention little of Vivendi’s ownership of Universal then they will begin to feel empowered and move about very differently knowing that it is within their grasp to help bring these people to justice and for everyone to begin standing tall and to only duck and dive when playing sports. 


Betting on our politicians being honest is really a mugs game and that is why the politicians and the main stream media will do their utmost to keep me quiet and of course we should all bet on sports events better yet to participate ourselves than allow our pot bellies to go further to waste which deflates not just one’s ego but the size of one shortcomings that already have gravities pull constantly knocking on the shoulder.


A good set of shoulder blades help in the game of golf but provide more surface area when playing sports like American football, rugby, boxing and ice-hockey which when combined make Lacrosse. Only very recently did I see this game being played by a bunch of kids and now for the very first time in my life I wished I had the opportunity to play this sport when I was young which would mean I would have had to have chosen different parents and of course that is the only thing where the choice was not mine.


We don’t choose our parents but we can choose our friends and have ever right to reprimand our parents when they don’t get it right, when hypocrisy and the mincing of words interfere with God’s light force. Those who ignite fires are often the first ones on the scene to provide a hand who are then quick to point investigators in another direction forgetting that some folk have learned a thing or two over the centuries including that when we point there are 4 fingers pointed back at the culprit.


As we slowly but methodically prick away at doctrines that only serve to maintain the status quo of a small group of elitists we provide the building blocks for New Beginnings.


The road ahead will have some raising their ugly heads, heads garnered with religious ornaments which have further strayed the minds of the ruling elite so wimsickly supported by chicken necks pumped dry as rot hardens the arteries, warning signs that should serve as “Has-ids” [sic] to anyone with even the least amount of common sense, a heart and soul a terrible thing to lose.


The more we accumulate the more the layers of sensitive skin become desensitized to the pleas of helpless victims who are not part of the gravy train ride up, the pulpit that is anything butt richly endowed. While folks like DeBeers promote the wearing of diamond necklaces pulled from foreign soils, corporations domiciled offshore with their off balance accounting to boot, not only rip out the roots of the indigenous peoples they alone are responsible for the reactions like those of the South African black masses who embrace the “necklacing” of co-conspirators, justice a matter not simply of perspective but rather the caliber size of the rifle.


The media are interested in presenting sides that will engender ratings knowing full well that the market size is not expanding and with the advent of the Internet the stranglehold particularly of the broadcasters is starting to lose its muscle, collapsing under their own weight, rifle shots to boot. And what we see from the offices of the media executives is nothing but a scramble to keeping other peoples’ websites in check, wouldn’t you agree Mr. JW?


As the TV networks spiral out of control they look very much like chickens with their heads cut off vibrating and shaking as they approach ground zero. Nothing like watching the networks crash and burn wouldn’t you agree Ms. Valerie?


Folks like the National Association of Broadcasters the so-called NAB with their liberal bias are now hell bent on curtailing individual rights imposing their set of values on the masses who are sick to their stomachs with the utter garbage put out by the Networks who see the benefits of the dumbing up of Americans much like what we see in places like North Korea.


It all comes down to character. It is not just a matter of knowing right from wrong but having the courage to listen to those more evolved.


Our parents may not individually be responsible for the world being in the mess it is in today but collectively they could have banded together to make a better stab at it than their parents and those before them. Of course they didn’t have the Digital Age and of course they have no excuse right now but to join in and be part of the solution.


The odds of betting against me and winning are about the same odds of winning the lottery which are as good as Scotland taking over England.


[2] I was in a hurry myself when I first wrote this email and for some reason threw in the “be” which may have reduced the sting of the text, a warning perhaps that we cannot afford to leave anyone behind. The tighter we all band together, the greater the frequency, the more bandwidth, never though to forget the importance of “heat sinks” and the need to be “polished” never though, allow others to play mental gymnastics with your brain unless of course you are already brain dead.


People don’t make doormats out of you you make a doormat out of yourself by getting others to do your bidding, much the same way folks go about using lobbyists to “phatten” up their bellies which ultimately leads to the rotting of the brain.


[3] Double negatives keep creeping in to mention little of not yet hearing back from Edy


[4] I believe that our DNA starts to go haywire when we start accumulating things, particularly land, handing over what are often ill-gotten gains to offspring who think it is their God-given right to inherit. Perhaps a better way to handle things so that we don’t destroy the creative spirit from within is for us to “lease” our property to our heirs at a “discounted rate” proportional to their “needs” rather than their “wants” and at some point in the future it is inevitable that the property will revert to the State to do with it in a manner that is appropriate.


Naturally most would agree given our precarious state of the union with a war upfront and the union on a backburner it is clearly us humans rather than dogs who should be leashed. Once we begin clearing out, however, all the state houses of their garbage then we can all get down to business and have one big smashing party bringing in the Greeks, the Lebanese and all the teachings of the prior masters such as Cato and Plato who may not have got everything perfectly right but did their darndest to keep politicians from ripping Latin apart, farts nothing more than small particles of crap to avoid at any cost.


Nothing though like sticking to one’s knitting in bringing home the bacon for the dogs to chew on while cultivating more soy which will add light years to the United States continued existence and get folks to slim down at the waist and bring to an end all the corruption and waste that begins in each one of our households when kids are not allowed to challenge the hypocrisy of their parents and those that came before them bearing in mind that the bearing straits once united us all and in death we will have all the time in the world to sit around fart to our hearts content preparing to the downward journey that will have many of us at home with the hogs.


Should I get the go ahead from my lawyers I will be making a public list of folks who wish to be off my email list as well as emails that get returned due to bad email addresses.


[5] Another mistake due to being rushed. Mr. Nicholas Johnson was the chairman of the FCC [Federal Trade Commission] during the Johnson Administration when folks like Martin Luther King were bugged to death.