From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:50 PM
To: Del Mar Times - Editor - Letters to the Editor [Del Mar Times]

Cc: rest; HPrice; ddruker; rearnest; ccrawford; FBI; GHurst; Detective Jeffrey W. Steele;
Subject: Truth, that which does not change


Hershel Price in last week’s From the (political) sidelines while looking perhaps to some that he is capable of conducting “risk assessment”, in his words, “I constructed a revenue stream” failed horribly, in my opinion, in a number of areas beginning with explaining how as our new representative at the San Diego County Water Authority will he preserve “our way of life”, our position at the negotiating table quite “junior” when compared to the Metropolitan Water District and the Imperial Irrigation District [IID] who have “appropriation” rights, far stronger than “riparian” which one finds commonplace back east where anyone “hooking in” to the water supply no matter how late in the game get an “equal say” in the distribution stream, similar in many ways to a bankruptcy proceeding, agree?


It is no longer much of a secret California is technically “bankrupt” after years of abuse by special interest groups having bought off our legislature, the game of life like the game of chess getting one’s opponent to play to your advantage, agree?


Folks like the IID who are Constitutionally protected to receiving some 3.1 million acre feet per year coming off the Colorado River representing some 90% odd of the 4.4 million acre feet that us thirsty real estate dependant Californians bargained for at the turn of the last century don’t really have the time or the inclination, I assume, to get all caught up in silly stuff like trying to make hay out of our “Red Light District” [sic] which has “sum” [sic] of us co-dependant city dwellers drawing down an additional 800,000 acre feet per year off the Colorado River, enough to have some 1.6 million southern California households dying of thirst had the Federal Government not been so generous in making available such water which actually belongs to the other lower basin states, but for just the year 2004, bringing the total we currently inhale off the Colorado River to some 5.2 million odd acre feet of water per year, agree?


There is no guarantee that come 2005, Herhell’s appointment set to expire in April 2005, that the Federal Government in their infinite wisdom will grant a further reprieve which will mean exactly what for real estate prices here in Del Mar to mention little of the impact of the proposed real estate transfer tax, so far down on the totem pole are us Del Martians in terms of “equal say” it is no longer funny with the lower basin states “crying foul”, the 100 ft drop in the water level in places like Lake Powell not exactly lost on all us “phatso” [sic] level headed Americans, agree?


On point being how with so much responsibility on Mr. Price’s so broad shoulders does he find time to play “risk assessment” specialist with the pitiful dollars that will decline over time as folks wake up to the red light cameras being in the words of a but for city officials to give themselves a pay raise! Thanks again for ripping off the pub...” contributing in no small measure, in my humble opinion, to the ongoing distraction techniques of our so stellar City Council members who refused back on Monday August 16th to allow me the opportunity to throw just a couple of softballs at Hershell just prior to them voting unanimously to elect Hershell whose credentials for this very, very, very important job, I for one, have yet to see, agree?


Hershell’s resume may demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is in fact the best suited Nextraterrestrial for the job although the only thing so far I have witnessed for my own eyes is how incredibly well tanned this so good looking very senior citizen is when walking hand in hand along Del Mar’s beaches with his new wife, a county superintendent, my having no choice given the communist city councilmember setting but to embrace the Digital Age, A G-D-Send and email Hershell after he rushed out with his tail between his legs as if late for the 100 meter dash, G-D forbid the Olympics were to have started without the Prices arriving with their new title in hand, to mention just in passing my letting all the City councilmembers know ahead of the vote that I was willing to “throw my hat in the ring” to be considered for what could be not simply a “thankless job” but one that could propel anyone with half a brain, i.e. 50% of the space between the ears a perfect vacuum, seeking higher office into the pound seats, agree?


Not to forget how “unforgiving” Hershell was when a neighbor, Bud Emerson, simply told the truth, that which does not change.


It’s not class warfare that I am encouraging, its class welfare I am questioning. And I am a member of the favored class


Again, contained in my email to Mr. Price sent on August 16th at 9:07 PM PT


1)    How do u sustain the rate of growth specifically as it applies to real estate development?

2)    Have we in fact overbuilt?


“Risk Assessment” is my business.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake



Ps – Should the Editor of the Del Mar Times choose not to publish this letter come Friday if not be4 unless someone has been totally successful in chopping off both of my legs below the knees not bothering to apply bandages then u can count on me even if it means walking on my stubs to be positioned with as good a smile as I can muster on the corner of 15th Street and Highway 101 in downtown Del Mar, California which I believe is still the 6th largest economy in the world handing out copies of this communiqué with perhaps assistance from other panhandlers I am very capable of bribing.