


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 11:30 AM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest; President@whitehouse.gov; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; United States Justice Department; Mossad; FBI; Jane Pollard Kelley; Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; artbell-coast; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Rush Limbaugh; JRK@class-action-law.com; SupremeInternetCourt@yahoogroups.com


EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM as well as to see whether you, the FBI, CIA, Mossad, super National Security Council spy Roger W. Robinson, United States Justice Department, the DAAC controlled United States Congress and the such can work your way through this email while answering why it is important that we don’t fall asleep thinking it is important that we have a spot like www.CompetingCorruption.com under the “command and control” of someone as credible as me who would encourage everyone even those as non-credible as The Sperm Donor to post their “corruption of the moment”.


Not to forget the young and defenseless not yet having their own Internet connection.


You getting “on the ball” would free me up to air other stuff like why when I am not sleeping with my out-of-this-world piece-of-art body wife who exercises justly her 51% control I can get by with well under 4 hours sleep 24/7 while still finding the time, bearing in mind neither of us waste sex time watching boring TV, when at our stone home deep in the Cleveland National Forest to do the 90 minute loop walk of Nobel Canyon 3 times a day that would probably have 99.99% of the people on my email list that includes above average in athleticism young teenagers who ordinarily have a lot to say, “shutting the ef up” [sic] if they hope to complete the not exactly easy course just once without falling, spraining an ankle and the such within 90 minutes.


Not to mention if feeling the need to educate me on how to reach a larger sex-starved target audience, repeating everything I have already previously covered time and again in other heavily broadcasted and READ communiqués that provides me-we one extraordinary “footprint” on the Internet without it costing me-we a single “penny” that has folks like the Board of Directors of Wikipedia now digging themselves the biggest fricken hole you can imagine, then 99.99% of the people I know would simply “give up” no more than halfway once around the 90 minute loop walk as my way of dealing with intellectual midget “small talk” is to pick up the pace of my “Chicken legs” to mention little of MDG informing me this morning that both her “tTOo” [sic] kids now know how to knit.


The highways throughout the world should continue functioning Monday even if there is less traffic especially in countries like the U.S. beginning to freeze bank accounts.


Not to mention American banks will be closed tomorrow to the public which won’t prevent private bankers catering to the “filthy rich” to use such an occasion to liquidate positions in anticipation of the domino affect from Friday’s not all that astonishing announcement for America’s poor to begin getting in shape to line up at soup kitchens should the Chinese choose not to be gracious having won World War II without “firing a single shot”.


IT IS principally western style governments, the primary beneficiaries of the atrocity of Bretton Woods, beginning in earnest with the formation of the United States Federal Reserve in 1913, one year before this DAAC controlled organization tasked only with “exercising good judgment” plunged the world in to World War I, who have the right, backed up only by our very oil dependant military to keep printing worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars to purchase everything under the sun including other less fictitious currencies.


Not to forget how we pay to feed the orphans and the limbless in places like Vietnam that of course smart people like the Chinese understand perfectly well there is no hope in hell of the United States Treasury being able to pay offs its debts let alone be contrite for the hell us so DAAC welfare recipients have wrecked in foreign lands without us continuing to print worthless-fictitious currencies that are used in addition for folks like the bomb making DuPonts to set up trust funds for their offspring to afford to become “practicing” Buddhists to also continue buying off crooked politicians as well as individuals genuinely hurt whether it be at the workplace or from toxins at designated Superfund sites such as former U.S. Army base, Camp Ord in Monterey Bay in northern California, that covered some 46 square miles that today houses multi-million fictitious-worthless DeBeers-Dollars estates.


There is in fact more going on in the world right this very moment apart from the U.S. military being the world’s biggest polluter and the supremely confident Chinese not in the least concerned about writing off the trillions of worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars invested in U.S. Treasury Bills and the such.


Not to mention your need for a quick little distraction to hear about former pilot Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy NOW, THIS INSTANT thinking about who else back in 1970 was on the private jet he chartered in Cape Cod to fly him and a girlfriend, to mention little of the young military pilot, a bomb maker for Abbie Hoffman[1] of the Chicago 7 crowd, given explicit orders from “ground control” that under no circumstances could “accident prone” Kennedy be allowed anywhere near the cockpit’s controls which didn’t stop the pilot who later became a “whistle blower” from using to light up one big fat joint the lit cigar of the not-so-good DAAC controlled Senator from Massachusetts and after sharing it with the so-self absorbed drunk, this “high flying” passenger with the stoneD pilot at the controls then began mouthing off as he paced the fuselage sharing with those on board his thoughts on what he needed to do in order to not end up on a plane going nose down in to the Brazilian rain forest.


Ted’s father, Joe Kennedy passed on to his children a whole lot more information in order that they would never forget who “buttered their bread” thinking that no matter how addicted they would inevitably get, most of all to hearing themselves talk nonsense, they would remember how much he did for the DAAC when appointed in 1933 as the DAAC’s first Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission which didn’t stoP this former bootlegger from continuing to advocate long enough for DAAC President FDR to follow a policy of appeasing Hitler, no different to Lord Chamberlain, thus providing DAAC stooge Hitler with sufficient time to build up Nazi Germany’s military machine, helped greatly by the DAAC’s DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.


Not to mention Ted’s elder brother, JFK when given the first opportunity to pay his respects publicly to his family’s fascist benefactors declared so confidently, “Ich bin ein Berliner” that of course didn’t shock drugged America but the same couldn’t be said for highly sensitized members of Israel’s most secretive and deadly Mossad.


The “talk of the town” for the folks pleading with me to keep my missives short with ONE SINGLE AGENDA so as not to create more independent thinkers when fusing together their brain neurons and thus upset the “status quo” continues to be the building of the 700 mile double wall on the U.S.-Mexican border that in the near future will prevent desperate Americans sitting with totally worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars from invading Mexico, illegally seeking work from the increasingly bilingual Mexicans who may decide to act just like the Parisians and refuse to speak even broken English when pointing where they want a trench dug.


As you would know from listening to so much radio and TV without finding the time to digest because you surely read ALL that I have to say, the repetition decreasing rather dramatically as I get increasingly bored with all the “small talk”, is the so self-righteous “small talk” of the poorly conditioned, incapable of holding a thought for more than 3 seconds, needing every 14 seconds for at least one good looking body to flash across the TV screen enough for the mad rush to the refrigerator, grab say a Bud Light or if you can hold the thought to be satisfied with just a Bud while eyeing the sugared water Coca Cola 1 Liter plastic bottle knowing that if you run out before the end of the commercial that is 12 seconds a way there is a liquor store increasingly less willing to accept worthless DeBeers-Dollars but will make home deliveries in exchange for gold, listening with one ear while of course humming away the catchy  tunes that makes you feel like you are part of the “in crowd” and why not fart along with the rest of the couch potatoes perfecting their team spirit vicariously through the TV while reminding yourself that you still have a brain given how you can also spell at least as well as that one Vice President who may not have been as dumb as he projected despite being married to an airhead lawyer.


So when you next hear a pundit on radio or TV declaring in an increasingly quieter voice, “What is illegal is illegal!” you will also notice besides for your own discomfort thinking back to when you declared so loudly that you have a “moral compass” how very quiet is Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy who on the issue of building what the Mexican government “smiling from ear to ear” also pontificate to be the most ridiculous use of worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars, is not only closely aligned with the position of our great and honorable President George W. Bush but your mind has now INSTANTLY wondered to how all this ties together so neatly with our extraordinarily bright President, for good reason uncomfortable in front of the cameras but increasingly less so, having been able now to print more worthless-fictitious monies than possibly all former 42 Presidents combined WITHOUT a single critic asking aloud WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND is accepting these worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars?


Not to forget that for more than 100 years the DAAC have been granted a worldwide exclusive right to engineer-manufacture-distribute their own unlimited supply of untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried diamond currency that combined with the DAAC’sMoney Power” control of Lords-Lloyds of London has who else besides the DAAC controlled British and American government very much in control of the pocket book of poor but not “al-to-get-her” [sic] sick Americans, especially the hard working increasingly waking up to how all this talk of “racial healing” is nothing more than to distract and for them to be happy to join the ranks of the poor fighting the poor on foreign lands increasingly more difficult to maneuver.


Now what little remains of your conscious mind races rapidly to the worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars being pumped in to the stock market to support the real estate bubble within moments of bursting as depositors watching the long wave extending from the border with Mexico begin to appreciate such hard workers with bank accounts in the United States forming long lines to withdraw their hard earned monies that support their families in Mexico and much further south, INCREASINGLY AWARE of the implications of Friday’s announcement by what is now a $2.7 billion Hedge Fund to freeze the bank accounts of depositors who lost $6.5 billion in less than a month, as the United States banking system prepares to shut down.


DAAC controlled Senators Ted Kennedy, Hilary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Feinstein and Co. along with any of our DAAC controlled tyrants UNDERSTAND PERFECLTY WELL their “second-in-command” could in fact “jump the gun” as MUCH MORE that one member of the Saudi Royal family questions even more her Secret Service detail while informing her “influential” uncle Israeli Special Forces commandos providing “real time” intelligence including “dirty pictures” on “second-in-commands” increasingly more likely to “jump the gunKNOWING first that their “dirty picturesARE NO WHERE NEAR AS DISGUSTING as the “deafening silence” of each and every member of the DAAC infiltrated United States Congress to distance themselves from the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, the mafia of mafia, special interest of special interest group responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and mass murder that continues to this day AND SECOND, Israel is in the process of the greatest “divide” in the history of the Jewish people, the prior time when the original 12 tribes “wiped out” the “lost tribe”.


Chinese authorities also understand all the “small talk” as they have now been briefed just as I have been by very trusted Israeli Commanding Officers who know that while I could never “be bought” I would never at the same time “sell out” anyone on any side who was telling the truth.


Rush Limbaugh is much worse than a traitor given how HE KNOWS that IT IS worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars that are being printed 24/7 to purchase the airwaves that allow him and his comrades such as Howard Stern and Co. to be so extraordinarily boring and so harmful to the increasingly brain dead American society.


Not to mention such worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars are also used to collapse Hedge Funds betting, as logic would dictate, on the price of commodities such as natural gas going up, these blood sucking, lying but only human fund managers having increasing trouble keeping track of their lies from day one, FORGETTING the DAAC U.S. Treasury along with the DAAC U.S. Federal Reserve have only to “exercise good judgment” in serving the best interests of the DAAC, such a $6.5 billion “windfall” taken out of the hands of the brain dead and naïve now back in the hands of DAAC accomplishing the exact same role as Sol “Gambling Czar” Kersner’s casinos.


Such an educational light journey I provided you in 109 odd words, free of charge, MORE THAN you have learned about the real world in the 27 odd years you have moseyed around aimlessly on this planet, at least this go around, going a long way in explaining why you are not alone in being able to now possibly appreciate how extraordinarily fortunate you “DUMB FU.KS” [sic] are to have someone like GWB in the White House able to pull off miracle after miracle in getting not a single one of his many adversaries including you to purchase the airtime to simply question why a “down and out” country like Zambia with “nothing to lose” doesn’t simply convene a meeting with the SINGLE AGENDA of announcing to the world that all those attending, even if it is only the Prime Minister of Zambia will no longer accept when being bought off to keep his big mouth shut and his family members alive, worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars.


Now your mind races to a country like Iran, rich in oil who does not need to build massive hydro electric plants like China to replace the so polluting burning of coal.


So what stops Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after explaining why Iran, “needs nuclear energy when we are a net exporter of oil?” from simply following in the footsteps of AIG senior Risk Management specialist, Ron Bellows, keeping quiet and refusing to accept worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars while knowing perfectly well that the increasingly beleaguered State of Israel with the most brutal Air Force combined with Special Forces Commandos ALREADY IN PLACE know a whole lot more about the terrain than when they took out on June 7th 1981 Saddam Hussein’s French built nuclear reactor?


I realize you are still on the floor collapsed in a heap of tears but you will be fine as you remember the fine gold you are continuing to collect but don’t now swallow if they have fallen through your navel cavity into your mouth, rather very slowly get up and make yourself some green tea made from the finest of China’s young tea leaves, then look out the window and notice that you have not returned as an ant and still possibly have time to impress our Superior Being keeping track of everything in “real time”, try now and answer this very important question that NO ONE in the west with a broadcasting license issued by the DAAC controlled Federal Communications Commission has DARED ask.


And yes lets hear what your wife Julia has to say for herself even if she has you translate her mumblings, about all the increasingly less “small talk” you hear on American radio and TV as TV knuckleheads and their more talkative clones such as Limbaugh, Hedgecock, Dr. Laura, Stern, Handle, John and Ken, John Ziegler, increasingly resemble the talk of Hitler’s Brown Shirts keeping their rhetoric VERY SHORT,




As I take a break to walk the dogs on their 2nd 90 minute loop walk of Noble Canyon please share with me your opinion on what are the economic forces driving Mexicans to the United States.


To be continued….


[Word count 2769]



Photos of our                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          day “fact finding mission” to China.


  1. Grandma looking hot
  2. Cruising in Hong Kong bay - South African-Aussie beautician specializing in anus bleaching observing the moving of freight soon after being informed of how much time Israeli Special Forces commandos increasingly providing protection on the “high seas” have to read my informative missives.
  3. Same boat. Relaxed Russian spy Alex on the left before being taken on an Educational light journey.
  4. 3 generations of Chinese farmers.
  5. Chinese butcher
  6. Peppers
  7. Healthy market
  8. Fresh look
  9. Beginning to get over having been extorted out of worthless-fictitious $600 DeBeers-Dollars to get a soft mattress and then “sum” [sic].
  10. The future for those currently getting more than their fair share of the graft-spoils of war beginning to rot in the hot sun.


[1] Cutting and pasting out of Wikipedia:


One of Hoffman's protests was on August 24, 1967; when he led a group opposed to capitalism (and other things, including the Vietnam War) in the gallery of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The protestors threw fistfuls of (mostly fake) dollar bills down to the traders below, some of whom booed, while others began to scramble frantically to grab the money as fast as they could. Hoffman claimed to be pointing out that, metaphorically, that's what NYSE traders "were already doing".[citation needed] The NYSE then installed barriers in the gallery, to prevent this kind of protest from interfering with trading again.[2]