< Your request that I write a report that allows you to write a much longer report may in fact be geared to not a single person in the world reading either my report which follows or your report or the report the FBI only hopes surfaces under the Freedom o

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:45 PM PT
To: bjensen@portofsandiego.org
Cc: rest; Michael.lombardi2@ic.fbi.gov'; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and Chief Operating Officer ; Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines; Steve Terry - General Manager American Eagle - San Diego; Augusto Benito Vargis; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; Guy De Chazal - Partner Morgan Stanley; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; JRK@class-action-law.com; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Mossad; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Oprah; Roger W. Robinson; John Ziegler - KFI 640 AM "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Rush Limbaugh; artbell-coast; FREEDOM ROAD SOCIALIST ORGANIZATION; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: PY...computer problems...the hyper...


Your request that I write a report that allows you to write a much longer report may in fact be geared to not a single person in the world reading either my report which follows or your report or the report the FBI only hopes surfaces under the Freedom of Information Act some 50 years or less immediately before or right after the entire world blows up.


Not to mention you, the FBI and pretty much every single intelligence service in the world is now INTIMATELY familiar with the stiletto-like emails between myself and my former employer, Codiam Inc. located on 47th Street in Manhattan.


To mention little of Codiam being the most significant private fronting corporation for the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel the mafia of mafia who set the price of everything including the cost of the bullets as well as electricity that support the continuing threatening phone calls.


It only takes common sense to understand why Leon Cohen, son of Stephen Cohen, principal of Codiam Inc. headquartered on 47th Street, New York City, the money laundering capital of the world, decided to go “deafeningly silent” when I responded on November 24th, 2004 with:


Terrific – I am still waiting to hear back from the feds and then I will let u know my plans.


All the best,




to Leon’s email earlier in the day which read:


Hi Gary:


Stephen is in Florida and can not get his computer to download his emails apparently so, I will him help with that tomorrow and hopefully get you a reply. On second thought let us make the plans and I will see that Stephens schedule coordinates.


All the best




I understand better not only how the DAAC, the money launderers of money launderers got the overwhelming majority of the world’s literate population so easily distracted but why they continue to count first on those with the most “blackened hands” followed by the easily distracted which leaves only the illiterate, to keep reminding me that because the space between their ears increasingly reflects a perfect vacuum where no sound as we know it can travel, the result of short-circuits caused by leading a life of constantly having to keep track of their lives from day one, they don’t have either the time, energy or insight, notwithstanding the ingenious “light bulb” effect created by our so smart Superior Being or for that matter the energy to read my “so very long but sic communications” that I know and I know that you know are read not just by you “word for word” but each and every top official of the DAAC all the way down to their stooges protesting they don’t read a word I write, let alone all the interesting hyperlinks containing pictures of the most beautiful and sexy people the world has ever known.


Not to mention the DAAC and all their pitiful stooges don’t have the foggiest idea, the same with you, on how to stop people both getting more than their fair share of the graft-spoils of Diamond drilling bit oil wars as well as those not getting their fair share of everything including a full night’s sleep worrying what next I will be doing to bring even more Public International Attention to the important issues of the day.


Moreover, given how I didn’t get “off a boat” just yesterday PLUS the very important fact of how “good” I was in keeping my mouth shut for some 24 years while each and every day that went by I kept “lining up my ducks”, most of all gaining “credibility” in pretty much ever sector of the world’s economy, I know also rather well the process for winning a Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit, possibly but not necessarily, a whole lot better than I do getting a District Attorney to prosecute a “petty crime” albeit “using an aircraft in the commission of a felony crime” especially one such as what was perpetrated against me which in my humble but seasoned opinion is as close as it gets to, “black and white”.


Obviously I am having trouble in understanding how much more I can do both to help you tasked with maintaining “law and order” which includes protecting poorly educated but lawful citizens from retaliation when reporting unlawful acts and at the same time given the lack of protection afforded me by those entrusted to “protect and serve”, protect myself and those I care about from those responsible for this crime that each and every human being on the planet with just an iota of a conscience can get their arms around.


Not to mention how even a spoiled brat filthy rich kid hooked on either drugs, sex or rock and roll and why not all 3 as well as smoking, would find it totally incomprehensible that not only would baggage handlers go through each and every bag in the belly of the plane to determine if there were in fact any other “unzipped bags” to “return” monies that had supposedly fallen out of the only bag that was left by an “unfortunate” passenger unzipped but that their boss, the General Manager would write me, again someone who didn’t get off a ship just yesterday, in, “black and white” such utter nonsense before then choosing to go “deafeningly silent”, before then retaliating against me for having responded so very appropriately while using nothing more than common sense, Mr. Terry calling me on the telephone and threatening me with a Federal investigation.


When last did you encounter a District Attorney being presented with such excellent unimpeachable evidence of wrongdoing and not being totally outraged unless you were quite certain they were on the payroll of the DAAC?


You understand perfectly not only why I was trusted with the most intimate secrets of the DAAC whose only business once they were granted complete and total “command and control” of the entire world’s monetary system to then using not only the “long arm of the law” but their rarely if ever searched Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish-Black Hatters to “get the goods” on everyone before then using their own untraceable, lightweight and unlimited supply of never inventoried Diamond Currency to both bribe politicians who make the laws including the petty crime laws that only encourage more “petty crimes” that distract from the DAAC being the greatest and most flagrant violators of our sacrosanct Anti-Trust/Anti-Monopolies/Anti-Price Fixing laws that allow us in the U.S. to crow the loudest about we continue to have the “high moral ground” when espousing the virtues of the “FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM”, despite the fact that the DAAC have now laundered for more than a century most of their worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars on U.S. soil.


You would understand that in spite of the Department of Business Administration-Finance [University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa] not caring to have me tutor first year business-accounting students on how it makes no sense to even begin discussing economic principles like supply and demand when you have one organization backed up by the military mite of all the world’s superpowers fixing their currency always above the price of a barrel of oil, it didn’t prevent me from educating those not yet bought and paid for by the most repressive regime in the history of the world.


You are also not alone in understanding perfectly well how excellent a witness I would be if brought before the entire United States Congress, the House of Lords, the Israeli Knesset, the South African Parliament, all the well educated Peruvian guides numbering some 800, etc etc to explain in very simple English why it is that each and every one of our elected and non-elected government officials who do not speak out against the DAAC, again the cartel of cartel, mafia of mafia, are corrupt.


Interesting that the Jenna Jameson the porn star not only endorses Hilary Clinton for President but welcomes all the troops returning from wars without, however, explaining how without a U.S. “command and control” military presence throughout the world not just in the Persian Gulf, the United States Dollar backed almost exclusively by our industrial-military-complex and real estate speculation would be worthless.


Now come back to my follow up communiqué to Leon Cohen on December 15th, 2004:


Leon hi – I am getting closer to nailing down Attorney General Spitzer, it helping tho if I could get your feedback on at least chapter 18 of the Diamond Invention that Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator with the Oppenheimers in the Diamond Invention, “arranged for Oppenheimer to buy a controlling interest in his far-flung empire, since he had no male heirs to take over.” Have u met our mutual cousin David Gevisser?




Now look at the time on your computer clock.


Now compute how long it would have taken for the FBI to call Stephen Cohen anytime between December 15th 2004 and the moment after the next moment to ask if he would have a “problem” in being interviewed with me assisting the FBI agents who may have been “tuned in” to the meeting that took place between President elect John F. Kennedy and Anglo South African mafia of mafia head, Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle Hotel located on the upper east end of New York City.


Recognize that the speed of light travels in a perfect vacuum like Deep Space at 300,000 kilometers per second, SIGNFICANTly faster than my super fast Ducati ST4S at top speed even when my awesomely athletic American French-Canadian wife is not riding pillion where she is the most perfect shadow.


I have taken the liberty of going well beyond District Attorneys, to the mostly good and hard working people of the world who understand perfectly exactly what happened and what is now occurring beginning with American Eagles’ top officials going, “deafening silent” and you and the FBI yet to make a determination to prosecute these scoundrels to the fullest extent of the law.


SCALs can be extraordinarily complicated given how the “testsSCAL litigators such as Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. have to “pass” which include verbiage such as “materiality” which is not only vague but when you consider how easy it is for a Chief Executive Officer to get their Chief Financial Officer to make a 1 cent “error” to the bottom line results of just one quarter, enough for bought and paid for analysts to “talk up” or “trash” the share price which in turn affects the pubic corporation’s bond rating and a host of other interrelated items including the cost of insurance which is established by the DAAC’s Lloyds of London all of which not only then impacts the share price of that one public corporation but each and every public corporation as well as private corporation all the way down to the DAAC panhandler who has marked his territory right across from the New York Stock Exchange in downtown Manhattan but how well the CEO looks in front of the TV cameras which has you thinking about the makeup artist’s role and all those co-dependant on the CEOlooking good”.


Notice that you are no longer thinking all that much about something so non-sexy and boring as the so often used and misused word “materiality” but very possibly Pypeetoe, my co-dependant Italian Greyhound.


While Mr. Terry, General Manager American Eagle San Diego, may find less humor in all this, the same with his bosses, Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines, and Gerard Arpey, the President and Chief Operating Officer of American Airlines, again a major New York Stock Exchange public corporation whose share price all the way down to what American Airlines pays for its low quality toilet paper could inevitably be impacted by the outcome of how well you do your job, I can only do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and continue to bring Public International Attention to this “black and white” felony crime.


You have already the entire chronology from when I checked in at the check-in desk at American Eagle over at the San Diego commuter terminal on April 3rd at around 5:20 PM PST when despite all the nonsense talk by the American Eagle official making certain our passports were in order that took up about 5 minutes despite letting her know by simply looking at both our passports that we are quite frequent international travelers bearing also in mind we had no check in luggage, there was not a single mention that our carry on luggage would be taken from us as we arrived at the steps of the small commuter aircraft, flight 3086 carrying no more than 20 passengers, as best I recall.


So we go from the check-in desk where the person in charge has us frustrated, not to mention distracted, now mostly focused on our passport identity documents, to then going through security where we are made to feel like criminals by personnel in official looking clothing we know nothing about but who get a very good look at what is in our most personal belongings but then we are feeling “comforted” by the cameras and other people who we also don’t know anything about watching those watching us as well as us and then you have to think as the comfort level drops exponentially about who is watching the watchers manning the TV monitors in a remote location possibly in Bombay, India, possibly distracted looking for the next Mother Teresa to shed a tear for all of India’s so beaten down poor, some if not all the watchers could of course be involved in this so very easy to figure out scam given how it is reasonable to assume that it is not only American Eagle personnel including their baggage handlers as well as TSA officials who know that the hand luggage will soon be taken out of our possession and placed in to the belly of the aircraft which one or more baggage handlers can sit at the very top of the aircraft’s conveyor belt and in the peace and quiet of the shade pick and choose which hand luggage to pillage.


So very official as the onus is on the passenger to prove they are not committing a crime, the handing to each of us when boarding the small propeller driven aircraft where again American Airlines officials while having their stewards wear earplugs don’t bother to hand out the same “care” to the passengers who are well on their way, at least they hope, to being deaf, dumb and blind, the smaller end of the red ticket while the bigger end is attached to the hand luggage giving the passengers a sense of additional security albeit a totally false sense of security which is not even checked when retrieving the hand luggage at the next destination.


Would you know who was the first, apart from Dr. Jonathan “Trouble Bubble” Beare to come up with the expression, “Heads we win, tails you lose!”?


Not to mention the banner American Eagle have on the building when we landed in Los Angeles which said words to the effect,


Your personal safety is our main priority


So now all you have to do is go thought the emails “back and forth” between myself and Mr. Terry, no different to all those around the world who have viewed them time and again and who can also completely understand why in the end this General Manager of yet again, a major New York Stock Exchange public corporation, would call me up, break the email communications that are so very telling of American Eagles culpability and threaten me for having caught him being either extraordinarily incompetent, culpable or both, take your pick!.


The only thing of substance Mr. Terry told me in that 2 minute and 56 second phone call he put through to me from his personal line on Tuesday May 1st, beginning at 8:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, was that he was gong to “fix me” by getting a Federal Agency such as the TSA [Transportation Security Agency] which he knows has no jurisdiction to investigate me for in his words,


Why it is that you are traveling outside of the country with so much money.”


Yes it is a matter of proof; proof a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof


And yes it may possibly be my word against Mr. Terry and each and every one of his staff all the way up to the Chairman of the Board of American Airlines but not only do I have “credibility” and no reason to lie, more than willing to take an FBI polygraph examination, the circumstantial evidence of wrongdoing by American Eagle, going higher and higher to the very top, is nothing short of overwhelming.


Need I remind you that “desperate people act desperately” and what we have here with the most senior American Airlines officials going “deafening silent” is the type of situation that allows even the most pitifully distracted to understand perfectly well why it is that THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD DOWN!


BTW even the most poorly educated at universities like Cambridge, Oxford, London School of Economics and our Ivy League Universities where the DAAC get the “pick of the litter” and who end up inevitably believing all the nonsense they are taught which they in turn indoctrinate to the next generation of “Sly English” are increasingly able to follow my rather precise logical thought processing.


Please let me know what more I can do to help bearing in mind that I have a little more time on my hands today given how my wife and I will not be doing a late lunch with Sebastian Capella at the Cove in La Jolla, instead Dr. John K. Pollard, an alumni of MIT and Cornell University, and former member of my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list will be our guest at our studio home in heavily corrupt Del Mar.


Not to mention we have yet to hear what “topic of conversation” Dr. JKP would like to discuss while my wife emailed him earlier today with me of course doing the typing:


See you around 5:30 PM - i think we are going to do Chinese cuisine along with a great bottle of Chilean wine.

I came up with one subject - diplomat versus politician - do you have to be a good politician to be a diplomat or a good diplomat to be a politician?


To mention little of Dr. JKP responding to Marie Dion Gevisser’s invitation just prior to midnight last evening:


Tomorrow it is if it is at the Cliff House Studio.  My Italian class is over except for the final so I no longer need to study every night.


I only eat meat about once a month.  Integral to my diet success.   I can bring Rainbow Salad  (All non-leafy vegetables, nuts, raisins in a Kosher  fat-free dressing) and the Stilton Spread.  You will need crackers.  My cookie days are over.  Too much butter.


The military helicopters were patrolling the beach at view level altitude all afternoon.   Four of them seemed overkill for one little innocent troublemaker.  I am sure you heard them go by.


To mention in passing the invitation MDG sent out earlier in the evening, at precisely 8:43 PM as we were finishing a pretty excellent vegetable but mostly mushroom fettuccine pasta and salad where I took the lead role, bought the excellent Chilean red wine, boiled the water, overcooked the pasta but remembered to add a sparkle of salt as MDG’s awesome sautéed vegetables got cold which when eventually mixed with the pasta and cold heavy cream got even colder that led to us both eventually lying on the carpet listening to awesome music, first Dave Matthews SOME DEVIL followed just prior to midnight with Wynton Marsalis’ The Midnight Blues:


Subject: John K. Pollard Symposium.


I miss you - fusie fusing around the subject.


What is your subject of your interest for the next dinner party?


we are available tomorrow night?


Are you?


Since we haven’t seen each for so long, lots of in and out tides are there any specific seawits you'd be interested in discussing?


We know you have been losing weights at an exponerntial rate. There will be seafare for your new diet.


I dont know what i will be bringing for dinner. Bring “apetiser” [sic]. We are vegetarian but still eat “stiltin” [sic] cheese.


Love Marie.


Ps - Available for comments after two pm tomorrow because i am in the la Jolla gallery.


Ps – You must not forget how well I know where the “Money Trail” begins and ends.


Not to mention how one cannot even trust a Hollywood make-up artist not to be the one “calling the shots” that would make a stooge CEO of a public corporation nothing more than a puppet on a string which of course I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt is in fact what each and every CEO is, given again my knowledge of the awesome “money power” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who in interfering with the light, inevitably caught in their own “cross hairs” as Knowledge-Information-Light travels at Light-G-D-speed, now allows someone such as myself the ability to shine the most powerful of spotlights on all those who in shunning their responsibilities, usurp their limited authority, are so very quick, while turning the other cheek, to place someone such as myself out to expose corruption wherever I see it, on the defensive.


And at the same time we have to be very careful not to “paint with a broad brush” and assume that because someone lives in a big house they are any more or less corrupt than a very senior DAAC operative who knows better than to live in a big house surrounded by a white picket fence.


Not to mention your “toying” question, “Did you tape recorder the conversation with Mr. Terry on May 1st? which had I answered “Yes!” would have given you the right to then very possibly handcuff me immediately while of course reading me my Miranda Rights given how you would know it is a crime to record phone conversations without the consent of the other party, instead my answer, “Wouldn’t I have been committing a crime?” had you answering ‘Yes!” which then begs the question of what else were you attempting to do apart from “setting me up?” so that you could be left alone to shuffle my complaint to the bottom of your pile and which would only surface once life blood is removed from my body?


By clicking on this hyperlink you will eventually see any edits, all in the color green, as well as additional hyperlinks taking you to yet unseen most awesome photos of our not only our one of a kind trip to Spain and France but to the most recent photos taken last evening with photos of Pypeetoe who has just risen from his early afternoon nap, eager for a run on the beach.


[Word count 3842]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:33 PM
To: Brian Jensen
Subject: COMPUTER PROBLEMS... The hyperlink below takes you to what I sent Agent Lombardi -Inplacing it up on the Internet I


I am going to need another day and given the elapsed time it shouldn’t make much if any difference apart from being able to catch more officials of American Airlines in the “cover up”.


I have computer problems and need to leave shortly for Del Mar.


You can click on to this hyperlink that will take you, once the computer problems have been sorted out, to the communiqué I was working on when you first emailed today but which has yet to leave my outbox, again because of computer problems.


Suffice to say you will come across a “fair” amount of repetition in my writings and certain “jarring” words all designed to keep peoples attention on what I think are the most important issues of the day which by the way a lot of people around the world agree with but I mostly focus on sharing with the world those who have different opinions than mine.


Moreover, I make it my business to learn to from all “interactions” whether “good” or “bad” beginning with how my very quiet, extraordinarily humble fighter-bomber-pilot dad would describe how the person teaching him to fly prior to becoming a well above average fighter-bomber-pilot with some 71 odd miraculous missions dive-bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards, would call my dad who was Jewish the most awful anti-Semitic names which he forced my Dad to repeat whenever he screwed up until all my dad could of was focusing on flying right.


Not to mention such training served him well on a number of missions and none more harrowing then his 60th operation which you can read about by clicking on this hyperlink.



From: Brian Jensen [mailto:bjensen@portofsandiego.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:17 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: The hyperlink below takes you to what I sent Agent Lombardi -Inplacing it up on the Internet I



No problem...still looking into issues here.


Sergeant Brian C. Jensen,
Administrative Unit Sergeant
Asst. Rangemaster
San Diego Harbor Police Department
3380 N. Harbor Dr.


San Diego, CA 92101




>>> "Gary S. Gevisser" <gevisser@sbcglobal.net> 5/15/2007 8:14 AM >>>

Thank you.

I’m just finishing off a quickly pulled-together email to the personal assistant of South Africa’s Minister of Finance and once I broadcast it I first need to take my dogs on a walk before then providing you with more info.

From: Brian Jensen [mailto:bjensen@portofsandiego.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:07 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: The hyperlink below takes you to what I sent Agent Lombardi -In placing it up on the Internet I hav


Mr. Gevisser,


Your report number is 07-3289.


Sergeant Brian C. Jensen,
Administrative Unit Sergeant
Asst. Rangemaster
San Diego Harbor Police Department
3380 N. Harbor Dr.


San Diego, CA 92101



>>> "Gary S. Gevisser" <gevisser@sbcglobal.net> 5/14/2007 6:49 PM >>>


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser [mailto:gevisser@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 1:50 PM
To: 'Brian Jensen'
Subject: TIME...: FOLLOW UP...: Gevisser - American Eagle - loss ofvaluables

No problem.

I am just about to follow up with FBI agent Lombardi after sending out a
little earlier the following follow up communique to Peter Bowler of
American Eagle.

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 12:24 PM PT
To: Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines
rest; JRK@class-action-law.com; kbh@hulettharper.com; William S. Lerach
Esq. - Chairman of the Firm; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United
States Justice Department; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and
Chief Operating Officer ; 'Eichorst, Karaleen'; 60m@cbsnews.com; Dr. Laura
Family; drudge@drudgereport.com; Rush Limbaugh; ddbarr@mac.com; Jay
McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Sidney Abelski Esq.;
Lester.houtz@bartlit-beck.com; Roger Hedgecock; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE... PROTOCOL... RE: American Eagle Dear Mr.

What's the "hold up"?

How much more time do you need to complete your "investigation"?

Are you not concerned with "key witnesses" such as myself suddenly
"disappearing" as "time marches on"?

While there should be no "rush to judgment" why not simply call in the Feds
while asking permission from Trade Union leaders if they would have a
problem encouraging all your employees in San Diego as well as elsewhere to
subject themselves to an FBI polygraph examination if for no reason other
than to make all travelers including foreigners traveling to the United
States aware of the very significant lapses in protocol and what so simple
steps you could take to remedy them and at the same time taking the "edge"
off passengers made to feel "guilty" as they are put through so very
demeaning security procedures which wouldn't catch a mean spirited Special
Forces trained commando expert in martial arts let alone a less equipped but
equally deranged human being getting the untraceable, lightweight and
relatively hard diamond currency cut more angularly while of course messing
up the 58 faceted mathematically brilliant brilliant cut diamond to be used
with far more deadly precision than a pair of box cutters?

It is my experience that a well informed customer is good for business.

It should not take you long to get your arms around Mr. Terry's nonsense,
but threatening phone call to me on May 1st after he had plenty of time to
think about how best to intimidate following my non-threatening follow up
communiqué to his utter nonsense.

Not to mention the anonymous threatening phone calls I subsequently received
as well as hang-ups which of course may not be related to what I believe was
the "use of an aircraft in the commission of a felony crime"!

Proof, a function of evidence; the better the evidence the better the proof!

To mention little of the "cover up"!

To mention in passing yet again such nonsense of Mr. Terry, a General
Manager of a major New York Stock Exchange corporation, suggesting in no
uncertain terms his ability to get the Transportation Security Agency [TSA]
that has no jurisdiction to investigate me for monetary matters, "why it is
that you are traveling outside of the country with so much money?", is very
much "par for the course" with his "black and white", beyond belief of the
"reasonable person test", declaration,

"The money was found immediately and returned to the only bag that was
unzipped, but unfortunately the gold was not seen until the aircraft was
closed and ready for departure."

Then again Mr. Terry couldn't even remember emailing me on the Saterday
evening, April 28th, lecturing me on the following Monday like I was brain

"With all due respect I talked to you on Friday April 27 consequently I am
off on weekends and returned today Monday April 30th.  As you probably know
when you take off for two day's there is two day's of work piled up waiting
to be completed!" 

How fortunate for me and all those victims of "petty crimes" all around the
world that Mr. Terry would then perpetuate his defensiveness,

"It is very unfortunate that someone had left a pocket unzipped and their
money and this gold fell out."

Bear again in mind that we are talking about my hand luggage that along with
the other passengers on American Eagle commuter airline flight 3086 which
included my wife, was taken out of our possession by baggage handlers just
as we were about to climb the steps of the small propeller driven plane
without any advance notice by American Eagle personnel at the check-in desk.

To repeat, yet again, Mr. Terry's next most telling 30 words in his email of
April 30th which resulted in me asking straightforward, logical questions
which Mr. Terry would agree were reasonable were he not having difficulty
keeping track of his lies.

"The money was found immediately and returned to the only bag that was
unzipped, but unfortunately the gold was not seen until the aircraft was
closed and ready for departure."

I am rather expert at following the "money trail" having been born and
raised in Apartheid South Africa controlled as it is today by the world's
expert money laundering operation, DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel.

Given how I know you would be very much "up to speed" on how exactly the
world's capital and financial markets operate without the unsophisticated
investor having the first clue about the DAAC's awesome "Money Power"
control, I would expect no less competency from the resources available to
American Airlines!

Time is of the essence!

Gary S. Gevisser

[Word count 776]

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Jensen [mailto:bjensen@portofsandiego.org]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 1:46 PM
To: gevisser@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: FOLLOW UP...: Gevisser - American Eagle - loss ofvaluables

I am actually off duty today, but checking remotely from home.  Yes I
received it, but am unable to get in to it with any depth until tomorrow
when I return.

Sergeant Brian C. Jensen,
Administrative Unit Sergeant
Asst. Rangemaster
San Diego Harbor Police Department
3380 N. Harbor Dr.

San Diego, CA 92101




>>> "Gary S. Gevisser" <gevisser@sbcglobal.net> 05/14/07 12:40 PM >>>
Did you recveive this email I sent you on Friday from another computer?


From: Gary Gevisser [mailto:gevisser@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 11:01 AM
To: bjensen@portofsandiego.org
Subject: Gevisser - American Eagle - loss of valuables

Brian - could you please provide me with the "incident report" number.

I will provide you with more details of the loss that occurred back on April
3rd no later than the close of business on Monday.


Gary S. Gevisser