From: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: Stanford
Elizabeth - The deal at this time is still a go, monies tho, yet to hit my bank account very possibly not be4 the world’s monetary system collapses, i.e. I will continue to count my blessings while willing to give u the opportunity to reconsider your “sweeter deal” should the bottom drop out of the both the stock and real estate markets.
Thank u sincerely for your most kind words, not to forget that we r all born pretty intelligent, women tho, r the superior “species” especially when it comes to problem solving so long as u don’t let your penises get in the way.
With that said, I am up in “Lost Angeles” [sic] having just met with a one of kind attorney-real estate-entrepreneur who in my humble opinion has no equal anywhere in the world which is not to say that Don will beat me to “die the richest person in the grave”.
u wish to meet for a drink and/or a quick bite to eat let me know –
waiting around a little while longer to hear from another buddy of mine working
on a Hollywood set protecting some actor whose skillsets may be nothing more
than being born pretty with an ability to read lines...---..., also copying Ms.
Vicky Schiff of the Wetherly Capital Group, an alumni of the Arthur Anderson
School of “tap dance” who just “loves email”
to possibly join us, Vicky might even know if
And please don’t misinterpret my trying to be funny at this late hour with arrogance mostly thinking about which restaurant will allow me to bring my dog, Pypeetoe, who is deserving of the very best Porterhouse steak perhaps enough to spark him up so that if we get invited on to this Hollywood set he will not only behave himself but distract using his charm his mud splattered belly while landing himself the top dog spot.
that we haven’t heard a peep out of
knowledge of this “shell game” no doubt
weighing significantly in the decision by Attorney General of New York not to
haul in RBS, so upsetting Mr.
Spitzer’s plans to be the next Democratic Governor of New York, perhaps u
might do me a favor and call
G-D again and again for both our ingenious United States Constitution that was
an incredible step in the right direction, separating church and state from the
unholy alliance, without the church there would be no poor and without the poor
dependant on the state there would be no church as well as the
Ps –
Marie is my Artist-Client-Partner-Wife and Devin Standard is the executor of my estate who
can be counted on to proceed with u should our
[Word count 771]
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Stanford
Hi Gary-Wondering how "THE STANFORD" deal is going...I am here & waiting if anything should go wrong.
went on your are a fascinating and intelligent man, I
could of looked for hours. No matter what
will happen with Stanford, I will always remember your words which really
touched & inspired me...I am sincere