From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:47 PM PT
To: Paul Harris - Jewish Telegraph
Cc: rest; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Merrick Wolman CA blah blah - nephew of Sol "Gambling Czar" Kersner; Peter Evans -Author of NEMESIS, c/o Harper Collins;; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Dr. Laura Family;; South China Morning Post; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Roger W. Robinson; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!;; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Mossad;


Mr. Harris,


Do your readers think it is important that the DAAC sponsored Woodstock apart from their drug crazed 60s generation hooked on the “im-me-diate” [sic] and now self-help books?


Every one of these non-confrontational people only live “in the present” which is what all the self-help books say is “good” without going in to explaining lying also has other “im-me-diate” [sic] consequences.


Talk as well as fast foods is mostly cheap and both take a heavy toll on the mind-body over time which then has the lazy, self-absorbed eventually using the excuse when not performing well in bed that “sex is boring” unless with a stranger or like my Oil World War II Allied fighter-bomber-pilot dad now pontificating,


I am sick. I am old. I just want to be allowed to die in peace. Leave me alone!


And it is not just the older generation with their fat stomachs and massive backsides needing everything quick for the simple reason they are both physically and mentally so very unfit even to engage in sex, the most awesome gift gifted to each of us at a young age by a most extraordinarily SMART but at the same time beyond belief vengeful G-d.


You would agree that kids growing up today feeling so helpless, able via the Internet to access so easily all the corruption and of course it only makes their state of mind that much worse when tracing it back to its source that began thousands of years after the Bible was written and consequently ill-equipped given their lack of access to “Money Power” to take on the “status quo” let alone figure out their purpose in life, choosing instead suicide were it not for the awesomeness of an organism with the right person no matter how very superficial, especially considering if they are part of society condemned to the “economic draft” where they will be risking life, limb and penis-vagina all to support those ugly, fat, non-confrontational bastards hell bent on the healthy next generation not being told the truth about first why it is that in war “money is no object” and second to never trust anyone out of shape unless they carry with them their entire medical history.


Bottom line, teenage sex saves lives!


It is my opinion that you have an obligation to inform your readers of the truth as best you know it and don’t forget to spill your guts explaining what exactly bothers you the most about your worthless-fictitious life!


Your publication has made a big deal, not to mention sold many newspapers exploiting my “im-me-diate” [sic] family’s “good name”, to mention little of my Royal Mater maintaining that the journalist who penned the article below the feature story, Extraordinary life of an Inspirational woman, got it all wrong beginning with the title, Movie moguls latch on to short story.


It is not right that people such as you feed off happy, happy, happy nonsense fiction-non-fiction stories but mostly controversy that is all not all that brilliantly engineered.


Anti-Semitism is the most pathetic since I truly don’t know of a single Jewish person who is not anti-Semitic apart from myself and my Roman Catholic born French-Canadian wife, beginning with the renowned and worldly but now deafeningly silent Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss.


Not to mention Marie Dion Gevisser got bored by age 8 making up nonsense stories like “I lied to my mother. I hit my sister” during confession so that she wouldn’t come across as sinless and gave up altogether on the church not long after when her father stopped attending church “al-to-get-her” [sic] most probably wising up to the priesthood beginning to look up her skirt covering the most awesome long muscled skier legs.


By telling only part of the story while failing miserably to follow the “money trail” now exposes you to my ever brightening spotlight.


Why pity anyone who fails to tell the truth for the simple reason that to do so brings in to question who really pays you selfish bastards to mess as much as possible with the minds of young and impressionable human beings so that they don’t stand a chance of becoming “independent thinkers”, another description which has so little meaning in this “im-me-diate” [sic] world of fast rotting bodies and minds to boot.


It is probable that my RMset you up”!


Feel free to follow up with her which of course I doubt you will do since you realize at this point it makes no difference in my goal to expose you personally as well as your publication for failing to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing.


Bringing Public International Attention to how the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel have been able now for more than a century to price their diamond currency that is untraceable and only inventoried by the DAAC is working extraordinarily well!


You also cannot deny in addition to the pitiful manner you went about “hedging your bets” simply asking me to “unsubscribe” that only has you and your supporters, all imbeciles, thinking that “sitting on the fence” will prevent you from toppling when the people get back their lands that were stolen using, not the “rule of law” but the “barrel of a gun” before then introducing laws that protected land barons who then kept their thugs on a short leash handing out only enough that the gang leader would keep towing the line with just enough left over that his “second in command” wouldn’t be able to build up a sufficiently large nest egg-war chest.


The more we know about each other the less likely the biggest crooks will continue to get away with having the poor of the world fight it out!


And why waste time going after anyone apart from the DAAC, the most systemically corrupt institution that has and will continue to corrupt each and every one of our institutions until such time as they and their supporters are FULLY EXPOSED!


Then “We, the people…” without taking anything away from all those with ill-gotten gains start changing the nonsense laws without having to break a single law.


The truth is almighty powerful even in a court of law presided over by corrupt judges and lawyers and their so ungodly clerics.


You may not have understood perfectly well why it made sense back in 1980 for the DAAC in preparing me to take over from uncle David Moshal-Gevisser Engelhard as the American head of the DAAC, NOT to “open their books” and why they got upset with me for insisting that I first spend time on 47th-Wall Street in Manhattan, the money laundering capital of the world.


Not to mention yet again the importance to the DAAC, again the mafia of mafia, money launderers of money launderers having the United States Congress, the FBI, CIA, Mossad, United States Justice Department and Secret Service tasked also with protecting the U.S. Dollar from other counterfeiters, WATCH as President elect John F. Kennedy officially took his “marching orders” from Harry Oppenheimer, the Anglo head of the DAAC at the Carlyle Hotel located on the upper east end of Manhattan.


To mention little of the DAAC’s expertise in the use of the drugs on assassins when tasked with making the bloodiest of messes which did the most marvelous job of sending the clearest of signals to President Lyndon Johnson that if he ever forget as did JFK who buttered his bread it is unlikely he would be in a position to accompany Senator Ted Kennedy and former Vice President Humphrey to Charles Englehard’s church funeral at St. Mary’s Abbey in Morris Town, New Jersey, some 87 odd months after JFK was assassinated in such an open public setting.


To mention in passing that of course the DAAC who “saw fit” to poison my liver by having access to the sandwiches that were delivered daily to Codiam Inc. never showed me a single set of books worth talking about since Codiam Inc. headquartered on 47th Street in New York City serves principally to set the world’s wholesale price of Diamond Currency which then gets published by my pal Hasidic-Black Hatter Martin Rappaport a frequent visitor to Codiam Inc. back in the late 1970s early 80s.


Just imagine yourself as Senator Ted Kennedy today and that you have all day tomorrow let alone one hundred years to price your own unlimited supply of untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried Diamond Currency at more than the cost of a barrel of oil.


By the time you go to bed tomorrow evening not only could you be a very significant member of DAAC controlled Lloyds of London but there wouldn’t be a financial institution incorporated since the United States Federal Reserve was formed in 1913 who wouldn’t extend to you unlimited credit to purchase for yourself not only a different high priced hooker each and every day for the remainder of your life no matter how fat your belly gets but you could have each one owning their own ocean view property in all the hot spots of the world that as the land appreciated you would have them borrow against the equity to buy you the best seats at tomorrow nights Equus Broadway production followed by the most delicious meal at La Cirque remembering to always when noticing Henry Kissinger to send over a bottle of Cristil champagne and when you woke in the morning with the biggest hard on imaginable whatever real estate remained in the world you could then syndicate so long as you remained alive and had influence over the world’s law passing organizations like the United States Congress to mortgage the next generations future through out of control real estate speculation that will continue ad-infinitum so long as the masses of ignorant continue to populate out of control and willing to accept worthless-fictitious monies before being once again drafted in to the “economic draft” to fight the rest of the world’s poor and downtrodden.


Let me know when you are ready to begin compensating me for sharing with you free of charge another one of my Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops.


Mr. Harris, not only did I not get off a ship yesterday I have been waiting a lifetime for a day like today.


The DAAC had every reason to believe they could trust me beginning with the fact that they knew I was not “filthy rich” at age 23 and would therefore be quick to take over from uncle while like him being paid nothing short of a King’s ransom.


Never did the DAAC think in a million years that I would be in the least bit interested in “rubbing shoulders” with their stinky ultra-orthodox Black Hatters who count on each and every anti-Semitic secular Jewish person to never point a finger at these also anything but Jewish Black Hatters whose principal business is to get the “dirt” on the “filthiest rich” secular Jews who then count on their non-ultra orthodox Jewish rabbis to keep the remainder of the Jewish plebes going to their synagogues not to pray but to mostly get handouts while having to play the so awful groveling game of business networking.


Moreover, I had never demonstrated while growing up in South Africa that I was someone who could do the “heavy lifting” and the DAAC counted on me lacking the intestinal fortitude to fight the damage that was being done on a daily basis to my liver.


From the youngest of age my RM began planting the seeds in my head of the Confucius saying, “The Tallest Trees Attract The Most Wind” causing me to painstakingly play down both my academic as well as athletic abilities, sticking mostly to team sports like rugby, cricket and soccer where only on occasion I would allow myself to excel but not to the point of ever being a “threat” to the “star players”, while knowing perfectly well given how well I skated on ice, a sport none of my peers chose to participate in, that if push came to shove I could always count on my fast twitching muscles in my chicken legs to get me out of trouble if I was so dumb as to open my mouth.


Not to mention despite being so fashion conscious my RM even when I reached my maximum height of 5 feet 8 and 1.5 inches always bought me clothes that were at least half a size too small.


The DAAC also believed they could most of all “trust” my RM to “guide” me not simply because she was always from when first arriving in South Africa in the late 1940s - the same time as the American Charles “Platinum King” Engelhard - a “good friend” of my father’s first cousin, DG who took over from Charles Engelhard following his murder at age 54 in March 1971 as the American head of the DAAC.


Worth also repeating yet again my RM’s nonsense story that Engelhard died from “an addiction to Coca Cola”, give me a break!


As glamorous was Zena Gevisser anyone ever honored with her very brilliant mind knew that beneath the veneer was one most extraordinary shrewd very fast moving brain that had a way of toying with other minds without that person feeling like an imbecile; on the contrary ZG had this most inspirational way of making you feel like you were the most person in the room.


Remember though, my RM led a double life and didn’t have like I do the power of the Internet and the training in how to defend myself from a very young age that brings with it both self-confidence as well as a level headedness to know that if someone wants you dead enough the only thing to do to protect oneself is to expose such people as I have now been painstakingly, methodically and so very patiently doing for the past 8 or so years.


Not to mention that while I am not the greatest athlete in the world at soon to be 50 I am a whole lot younger and in far better both physical and mental shape than my RM soon to be 78 now counting on my her first husband, my father, to “save her”.


To mention little of your journalist when interviewing my RM for that article came away feeling just so grand, hence the title.


My RM was in total control just as she was when standing in the room along with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis back on October 20th 1968 some 3 months after the DAAC called the hit on her one of many lovers Robert F. Kennedy, as this one of many DAAC prostitutes exchanged wedding vows with Aristotle Onassis who wanted to continue participating in spreading the “Kennedy Clap” when forced to marry Jackie O as much as he wanted a “hole in his head”.


You are fully aware why Peter Evans who has made a lifetime good living dishing out the “dirt” on the so PR nurtured Kennedy-Onassis saga, when authoring his latest book NEMESIS, chose very carefully not to dwell in to DAAC operative Maurice Templeton becoming Jackie O’s “chaperone” following the death of Onassis.


You don’t become a shipping magnate or a steel magnate or for that matter a gambling czar like my RM’s other “good friendSol “Minora Hotel” Kersner by pissing off the DAAC.


Since I don’t have my RM current email address I think you would agree that Dr. Laura makes a good substitute!


When I first visited Hong Kong in the spring of 1989 my RM only gave me the telephone number of a Lily White Wheaty Eater South African trader who had married one of her “models” who upon meeting me for the first time and of course making me feel very much at home, Eric Beare, a brother of Dr. Jonathan “Trouble Bubble” Beare, let me know that he thought my RM was the “shrewdest person in the world” which simply had me thinking I shouldn’t bother much with the rest of my RM’s Hong Kong Chinese contacts who if they weren’t dead had already been co-opted-corrupted by the DAAC and to make my own contacts on the mainland of China.


Today, as opposed to any other time as best you can recall, you know for an absolute fact that the Peoples Republic of Communist China is the least co-corrupted peoples of the world, now having won World War III without having had to fire a shot!


Not to mention my RM always made a point of keeping the conversations about her many contacts all over the world very short by insisting, “The only important people I know are long dead!


I also happened to bump into Trouble Beare during the couple of days I spent in HK who never knew that I had met with his brother and nor did I bother to inform Eric of my meeting with Trouble Bubble since I had been raised never to engage in “small talk” but to listen very carefully but not to the point of making the other person “uncomfortable”, inevitably resulting in them “clamming up”.


Today though is a whole new and very different world to 1968, 1972, 1980 and 1989.


Not to mention what do I have to gain by ingratiating myself with co-opted-corrupt imbeciles such as yourself apart from having you increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


My RM had also done an excellent job in opening up first and foremost my eyes to the awesomeness of the PROC that in order for successive DAAC generations to live the “good life” without having to do much more than “lift a finger” or “sweat bullets” the DAAC would need to have the same “command and control” of China’s military as they has they have had over the western alliance following outbreak of the Anglo-Boer-Farmer-War of 1899-1902.


So very important that so few westerners know that the U.S. led in 1900 an 8 Allied nations invasion of China that the very old cultured Chinese have not forgotten.


May I suggest you and your attorneys and of course your insurance brokers who should run all this up the pole making certain a highly competent risk management specialist like Ron Bellows of AIG guides you best on how to mitigate your exposure, now click on to this hyperlink that will take you to the email I began sending out yesterday to Richard Freed that I will continue following my 3rd 90 minute loop walk of Noble Canyon, here deep in the rain saturated Cleveland National Forest.


Gary S. Gevisser


[Word count 3122]


From: Paul Harris - Jewish Telegraph []
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:43 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Unsusbscribe



Paul Harris
Editor/Managing Director


Member of the British Guild of Travel Writers


Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers
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----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser


Cc: rest

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:10 AM

Subject: CHECK OUT....ROVER....air...ak...1421....get around...---...




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:06 PM PT
Cc: rest;;; John Pollard -; Leutenant William Kemery - San Diego Sheriffs Department Internal Affairs Unit;; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996;;; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; Adam Tucker; Devin Standard; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Dr. Laura Family;;; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; FREEDOM ROAD SOCIALIST ORGANIZATION; Gabriel Malagamba; Goldman Sachs; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Huell Howser; Oprah; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Rich Meislin - New York Times; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission;; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; South African Consulate General;
...CHECK OUT....ROVER....air...ak...1421....get around...---...