From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:00 PM PT
To: Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group
Cc: rest; William H. Jackson Esq. - lawyer-liar for the Wetherly Capital Group
Subject: Internal Revenue Service...---...


Very shortly I will be filing my 2001 & 2002 Federal & State income tax returns.


Despite your lawyer, Mr. Jackson Esq.’s mindless declarations in this letter he sent me dated April 3rd 2002 that talks to “no consummated-signed agreement” between the Wetherly Capital Group and me, I as well as the IRS were informed by your accounting department that you did in fact file a 1099 income tax form that says I was correctly paid $23,125 [Twenty three thousand one hundred and twenty five dollars] that includes monies paid to me under our signed retainer agreement as well as I believe $700 initially paid for assisting your partner, Dan Weinstein deal with his “Indian Chief” crisis going back to the summer of 2001 shortly after you had me meet him at that very pleasant Italian restaurant in downtown San Diego, following his California Coastal Commission meeting.


What I don’t have because I have most of my paperwork in storage is the monies you paid me personally during 2001 both in terms of the 10% kickback of the monies paid to you by the WCG as well as what you paid me following your settlement with Stor America.


Please provide me within the next 24 hours with such details which you surely deducted on your tax returns so that I can be in full compliance with the authorities bearing in mind that the two checks you handed me on October 23rd 2001 were only deposited well into 2002.


[Word count 248]