From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:00 PM
Rod Smith

Cc: rest; Ron; Devin Standard; Derrick Beare;


Rod – I need a week to recharge my batteries, probably spending a good deal of time at our cabin in Pine valley, perhaps we can meet there?


Ron “Duffy” Bellows may c the benefit of joining us rather than wasting time with someone looking over his shoulder getting back to me on this email.


Both he and I know that if Spitzer asks just one or “tTOo” [sic] questions while ferreting out more whistleblowers it will be “lights out”, bearing in mind none of the reporters covering this epic story have got back to me, no surprise since they know I know the insurance industry is not capable of “hybernating” [sic] underwater, incapable of “trading their way out” given the weakness in every other leg of the 3 legged stool, the insurance, real estate and stock market so interwoven it is almost as big a joke as my extraordinary mother being tasked to come up with a list of people Robert F. Kennedy should NOT meet with when visiting Durban, South Africa in our summer of 1966, to mention little again and again of what incredible power our grass roots organizations have were they in fact to be in no mood to work things out feeling their oats, Wall Street simply not able to maintain their P/Es without an “exploding” worldwide population which even without folks in the 3rd world thinking straight, the rise in homosexuality probably doing more to cull our species than all the diseases including aids, is already starting to contract again all relatively speaking, but just the perception amongst the 3rd world’s masses would be enough if broadcasted loud and clear without distracting hyperlinks would be enough to cause the stock markets all around the world to implode in 24 hours or less.


Trust me I have done the math.


My long-windedness days r fast drawing to a close and given my big nose withdrawing into the hills will spare me from the rotting carcasses mounting up, my uncle’s “notice” response extremely telling, a matter I will get into only if u insist when we speak.


Time now to nail things down since we have the ultimate solution, perhaps the only solution to avoid Armageddon.


What about the 6 of us, u, me, Derrick, Devin, Ron and Roger Vaughan synchronizing a conference call?




Ps – I didn’t think u would mind me copying George W. et al.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Smith [mailto:]
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:20 PM




I agree...---...