The 2nd point covers another example of my prescient timing which although succinctly spelled out in my 316 word communiqué to Mr. Berlin is worth amplifying given how not every single literate person on the planet might appreciate the SIGNFICANCE of my contacts with the office of the Attorney General of New York State.


Being a partner of one of the last 3 odd remaining large auditing firms in the world tasked with “lending credibility” to the financial statements prepared by the overwhelming majority of crooked Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officers of the largest corporations in the world EVEN you might have difficulty COMPLICATING when you explain to your children as well the few “friends” choosing your company, most likely “brainne dead” [sic] what else would explain them wanting to hang with you unless looking for a handout or “tTOo” [sic], WHAT I will now spell out in very simple English that has Mr. Berlin, a gentleman with significant law enforcement powers including an innate ability to conjure up false charges to have me incarcerated, right this minute shaking in his boots.


There are not that many people in the world with my assets as well as credibility willing to broadcast as I did on November 29th of last year a conversation I was having with Mr. Berlin’s colleague, Mr. Whitman Knapp not having the least bit of a problem following all of my logical thought processing since when dealing one-on-one with any individual I can tailor my comments rather well, covering a rather large range of the intelligence spectrum not necessarily from the lowest end but certainly able to communicate with anyone with no more intelligence than my Super Italian Greyhound Pypeetoe at times even able to not bore my ingenious wife who possibly has as high if not higher IQ than Marilyn vos Savant considered the smartest person in the world.


Suffice to say Mr. Knapp did not whine like Pypeetoe nor did he exhibit a lower emotional IQ than many of the ants I have encountered on this planet in the past 48 years, on the contrary he was able to focus rather well on the task at hand which was to not wait for a leak to develop within the Attorney General of NY State’s office or those other law enforcement personnel tuned into my communications to drive the share price of AIG through the roof, 15% in 10 weeks, approximately 78% when “simply” annualized AND then to reap the windfalls as AIG’s share price plummeted 32% in 10 weeks, approximately 166% again when “simply” annualized, the profits taken during this precipitous “rise” and “fall” not “chicken feet” [sic].


Then again things today look a whole lot like the Roman X?


Bear in mind how much “good” I could have done with such “monetary gains” had I decided to “blacken my hands” to mention little of the how back in early 2002 I was as “certain” as any human being could be that on January 3rd 2002 the share price of Vivendi and its 63% owned subsidiary, Vivendi Environmental, would also experience a similar $63 odd billion market value collapse, V and VE taking however, 4 times as long to reach “rock bottom” and no one would have even dreamed of accusing me of “insider trading” had I in fact “capitalized” on my own “work product”.


In the end I am as certain as there is G-D watching each and every one of our moves and failed moves to do the right thing and the smart thing which is the right thing that the “dividends” I will eventually reap for “holding back” will “advance” my “credibility” with those who “count” in time with far more meaningful measurement tools than our current monetary system that were it not for our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush would have collapsed by now without our military in position to quell those such as my DAAC family whose business model is to ferment unrest amongst grass roots organizations who remain the backbone of support of GWB and his most competent administration.


The vast majority of my wealth today is in art that I first began collecting in the mid 1980s following the advice of my Royal Mater who knew I didn’t have the resources at the time to afford the masters that provide for a rather low return on investment compared to finding the very few skilled local artists in different regions of the world whose works have yet to be fully appreciated given how so extraordinarily few art critiques in the world know the very first thing about art despite spending years at university studying stuff like the History of Art.


So very few willing to invest the time in seeking the knowledge to appreciate the works of so very few like Sebastian Capella who have invested a lifetime in studying and teaching to mention little of the infinitesimal amount of people who could come close to being able to paint as well as his less than a handful of top students who in turn when not having sex with the greatest studs on this planet or at least dreaming about such a possibility imagine one day waking up being able to execute all the rather intricate information that Sebastian Capella is able to download in the most straightforward English.


Also bear in mind that while English is Sebastian’s 3rd language, like each of us mathematics-geometry is his first, by knowing his subject matter so well which when combined with his extraordinary command of Spanish less ripped apart like English is so entertaining to his students, again the best of whom not only consider him godly but are motivated to return time and again to his classes just on the off chance that one day they will wake up in the morning ready to challenge anyone who dares to usurp their limited authority.


And of course Jeffrey I wouldn’t be dumb enough to get into a phone conversation with the likes of you allowing you to do no more at this point than toy with yourself.


It all comes down to “He says-She says” something those more in tune with the heartbeat of the universe will put up with for not much longer.


You will notice more and more over the next several days how the conversations you have not only with those remaining in your inner circle gets more and more superficial but how boring it eventually gets talking to oneself in an effort convince oneself that you will not be returning as a dog hoping you find an owner like me and my wife Marie who will let you snuggle up close every so often so long as you don’t make it a habit of licking your wee-wee enjoying just in the morning to sleep between her most amazing athletic legs but of course above the out of this world soft sheets and the comforter.






Ps – I assume you were aware that Ivan and Raymond Oshry are closely related to my Royal Mater’s very close friend Rabbi Abner “SellOut” Weiss?


[Word count 3010]