From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 7:38 PM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest;
Subject: ...JFK...BORING...DIC...---...
Devin, I think I got your email address wrong when using Marie's laptop
yesterday to send an email to a thoughtful woman who chose one of the few good
but naïve Durban, South African Jewish mothers as her “friend” in Israel, not
to mention that I am continuing to edit it as I zero on THE BOOK not to mention this 3313 odd word email I sent out
earlier, edits in green, that may still better answer your rhetorical question
put to me a few years back, “How can a Jewish person in good
conscience vote for the United States Democratic Party”
[sic]?, taking “poetic license” when throwing in the words, “in
good conscience”.
Following my 3rd 90 minute loop walk of Noble Canyon but
only with Pypeetoe, Maggie now on the “injured list” until she gets her “second
wind” which may have to wait her death-rebirth, walking mostly on her own
around the stone cabin, just earlier finding her “secret spot” down by the now dried out stream where she hung the
other day for some 6 ½ hours as our friend Brad
searched frantically, I will begin Part II of, “Do you believe or do you know G-d...”
to Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss “picking
up” on a number of interesting things Ms. Milliner had to say including how
she along with Dr.
Bella Schmahmann made “
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if one of the things Ms. Milliner
has “strong
disagreement” with me over is my position of Israel having lost the “high
moral ground” when making the decision to allow crooked Jewish people
who have “stolen blind” in other parts of the
world to “make
“Can we help you liquidate your
diamond holdings and then set up a bank account in any country of your
No longer is it whether or not Israel continues to “turn
a blind eye” to such hypocrisy but how it all came about given how the DAAC have long since succeeded in
completing their allocation of the world’s scarce and limited resources amongst
its now ‘deafeningly quiet” constituents.
You can bet your bottom last DeBeers-Dollar
which I don’t think you are foolish enough to be holding on to but the absolute
bare minimum while holding back like never before in paying all your bs
insurance premiums, that until such time as Ms. Milliner reveals exactly what
is her “hang-up” with what I have to
say, she along with the likes of VERY
DANGEROUS Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss will remain “deafeningly silent” on
this most important issue of the past 100 years if not going back to the time
when all debate stopped amongst the Jewish people when the orthodox Jewish no
doubt Godly inspired, Jesus Christ took issue with the hypocrisy of the Jewish
priesthood who are today no less corrupt than those exact same priests bought
off by “special interest” groups prior to the destruction of the 2nd
Jewish Temple in 79 AD.
Every one of those quiet right now deserve to be called “VERY DANGEROUS” which is different to
evil, in my opinion, reserved for those such as The Sperm Donor who “know” exactly
what they are doing but all of them I am quite comfortable belong on one of my
4 “hit” lists given how I believe they
know at least two things.
absolution comes for just one person once a year and only if Marie Dion Gevisser
feels in the mood.
each and every time such insensitive human beings rise in the morning and every
time they place their head on a pillow before trying to go to sleep they have
to wonder who else besides for G-d knows their inner most thoughts on their DISGUSTING FAILURE to NOW still FAIL TO SPEAK OUT.
It is one thing to say that back in 1948 when the State of Israel was
founded they had no knowledge of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel being
the “special
interest of special interest groups”, this mafia of mafia having
engineered a number of naughty things
including the rise from the ashes of the Versailles Treaty the precision
engineered Nazi German industrial military machine under the “command
and control” of their stooge, “Little Corporal”, Hitler “rili”
[sic] not fooling a single human being on the planet!
And if he did then only those “comfortable” knowing perfectly well they
were getting more than their “fair share of the spoils of victory”
following World War I that came about one year following the formation of the DAAC’s
I would be most interested to see your timeline that you have prepared
for your 3 kids not forgetting to make a big square box around the year 1948,
the same time if not before that people like, none quite like, American
It is much more important today to us Americans so un-neighborly but
good at flag waving the fact that CE also openly flaunted the fact that he was the MOST SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL BACKER of
the United States Democratic Party, able to “set up” John F. Kennedy as well
as his wife Jacquie
O visiting with him prior to the rigged
1960s Presidential election at his Camp Chaleur compound across the border in
Quebec, C20th
1961 as the 43rd and youngest ever “elected” president of the United
States to meet with CE’s mafia of mafia Anglo South African partner Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle
Hotel to do “WHAT THE FUCK?”
Can you imagine HO asking JFK to place a tape measure alongside his penis as
dumped on the next Commander In Chief of all United States Armed Forces girlie
magazines or do you think most Americans would simply prefer to have the image
of JFK
groveling, muttering sweet nothings in his Bostonian accent while seated on a
very comfortable “coach” [sic] knowing that
this was as orchestrated a scene as the burial of CE a decade later in March 1971 at St. Mary’s Church in
Morris Town, New Jersey when Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy, former Democrat President
Lyndon Johnson and Democrat Vice Humphrey, similarly “shook
in their boots”?
Don’t bother placing yourself in the “shoes of G-d”.
Don’t bother placing yourself in the shoes of each and every current
and former member of the United States Congress.
Don’t bother placing yourself in the shoes of each and every
Don’t bother placing yourself in the shoes of each and every
American-Israeli spy-imbecile such as Dr. Jonathan Pollard so “set up” you have
to be of course laughing your head off.
This remember is no longer the “real world”.
This fucking world is one fucken joke that I for one find so FUCKING BORING.
Moreover, the people on this planet, each and every one of us literate
deserves to die.
Right this minute you are reminded this is all one big fucken game of
“chicken” and everyone is more than just right now running around with their
heads chopped off.
But of course there is our extraordinarily SMART G-d who does not “play dice” leaving that to
intellectually dishonest types like pitiful Stephen Hawkings who get the
sympathy vote while getting away with poking fun at a so honorable mind like
G-d would surely give us much more than a second chance but then you
also hear in the back of your head, “WHAT
THE FUCK!” followed by what goes around comes around with a vengeance, no
Don’t also bother placing yourself in the shoes of each and every
disgusting lawyer in the
Just place yourself in the shoes of each and every American service
person KNOWING that unless Israel’s
over-the-top elite “killing machine” Special Forces of Special Forces commandos
don’t in the next few weeks and months decimate and I mean DO AS THEY ALWAYS DO AND KILL, not take any prisoners not even to
exchange Israeli hostages and the body parts of dead and captured alive
Israelis, each and every Hezbollah and Hamas member of any cell even if the
total of any cell numbers no more than one, as far away as Costa Rica who just
very recently decided to move its Israeli embassy from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv, THE WILL BE FACED in no time at all
confronting overwhelming and superior forces coming from those cells who are
going to be not only better equipped and trained but extraordinarily
invigorated by ALL ALLIED service
people increasingly showing “little heart”, not to mention that Israel’s most
awesomely brutal Air Force is made up just like Israel’s best of the best
Special Forces commandos of human beings WHO
CAN READ and who are far from being “filthy rich”.
And while no one with half a fricken brain really needs to read Edward
given how obvious it is that the DAAC
have in fact been now for more than 100 years in “command and control” of
the world’s monetary system, “aided and abetted” by every legislature
willing to sell out its constituents, forget the Constitution of the United
States, there is of course NOTHING
to stop everyone in the world able to put “two and two together to get 4” and
therefore “know better” to stop FUCKING
AROUND enjoy the non-existent great sex they are having and read ever so
patiently, taking as much time as they want, such a very fascinating book and
then emailing me with any specific questions that I will gladly answer the so
very few righteous and literate human beings that exist at this very hour.
But of course that could all change without or without an “Act
of G-d” given again the NEED
Ps – Let me know your best guess
prediction for when the United States will MASSIVELY
DEVALUE the totally worthless and fictitious DeBeers-Dollar.
[Word count
From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:49 PM PT
To: Annette Milliner
Cc: rest; MDG;
Subject: Re: ...Do you believe or do you know G-d...
You show great intellect …