From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:49 PM PT
To: Annette Milliner
Cc: rest; MDG;
Subject: Re: ...Do you believe or do you know G-d...


Dear friend,


You show great intellect beginning and ending with your words, "that is what you want and expect" but more importantly it is your Judaism to be found in your "courage" to engage me in possibly "public debate" that has me deciding to respond since I am quite certain you "know" versus "believe" what STILL drives "my audience" is "negative attention" BUT INCREASINGLY LESS SO, the "deafening silences" from the "intellectuals of intellectuals" beginning to take their toll in getting people such as yourself to "speak out".


Certainly you will agree with my entire "point of view" once you have spent no more than 30 minutes with me and/or wife and concluded that "we" have in fact "solved all the problems in the world", such problems again "we" "know" but choose to "ignore", not to mention Dr. Bella Schmahmann a "true hero" in my book, perhaps more so than all her children combined, not to mention all well above average in intelligence with a "moral compass" that at one time displayed much more than the fact that each and every one of them including Bella were extraordinarily "naive", to mention little once again of the GREAT IMPORTANCE of my uncle David Gevisser telling back in 1995 his "Professor", Zena Gevisser aka my Royal Mater that I was "naive" right after I have gathered "critical intelligence" of what exactly he had done to earn a $6 million "sign on bonus" to take over as the "figurehead" American head of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel back in March 1971, again such a "shot across the bow" you can only begin to understand once reading very carefully Hollywood blockbuster author, Edward Jay Epstein's, INTERNET ONLY most fascinating book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION.


It is rare that I choose to copy anyone including Devin Standard and my wife Marie Dion Gevisser on emails that have an "overall" tone of being "in my favor" since even those in "search of the truth" have to each and every day while again "knowing" versus "believing" that I have the "goods" to bring about world peace in 24 hours or less are not quite certain what will "appear next" especially those with kids whose conditioning has been greatly influenced by those poorly conditioned, not to mention how simple it is to go back just prior to the end of World War II to FULLY APPRECIATE WHY IT IS that a significant number of human beings including a great deal of so-called "highly intelligent" Jewish people have so much of their "being" including financial worth tied up in the "spoils of war".


The fact that so EXTRAORDINARILY few of those born following the Anglo Boer-Farmer War of 1899-1902 know anything about both the Bretton Woods "Conferance" [sic] of July 1944 and why IT IS that  "unknown" 4 Star American General Stilwell is a "National Hero" in the Peoples Republic of Communist China WHILE on the one hand extraordinarily disheartening is at the same time EXTRAORDINARILY UPLIFTING since both can serve as a "hook" to bring us all "to-get-her" [sic] without feeling "defensive" much the same as I intend to use art, specifically oil painting which so very few can understand let alone execute for the fact that there are so very few Professors of Art painting that know the first thing about judging what is or is not good art, so much so that once "armed' with such basic knowledge one can then "confront" one's elders in the most "non-aggressive" manner and while enlightening on the truth of this most important subject also send them a very clear signal, "DO NOT EVER THINK OF FUCKING WITH MY HEAD!"


Again I doubt very much you will critique my need to use the "f" word as I continue to explain what is not only happening in the "real world" of Wall Street as elder American's pension plans begin "blowing up" in "real time" but what is happening on the very important battlefields of the Middle East, not to mention just one more time, at least today, that my RM's "connections" to Israel "begining" [sic] with her paternal grandmother coming from the same tiny village as David Ben Gurion in "White Russia" and her "guides" in Israel "seeing fit" that she should be the first civilian to enter the conquered "terroritories" [sic], one guide in particular Yehuda Matov, I believe, the one responsible for letting very close aides to David Ben Gurion to "watch out" for me not only when I attended Ulpan back in the fall of 1972 when after meeting DBG on November 1st, 1972, sitting alongside other "spoiled brat" 15 year old South African Jewish kids, I felt the "urge" to demonstrate my "mental athleticism"; moreover, in my decision not to "sign up" for "duty" it allowed me as I began to get my "arms around" the DAAC an "unobstructed" view of how deeply rooted was the DAAC who interfere with the light.


Again, it would help you in "coming to terms" with the systemic rot never forgetting how easy it is to "fix" the problem once understanding the cause of the "cancer" to view Steven SPIelberg's movie, MUNIch as this very United States Treasury Bill rich blockbuster Hollywood producer-director makes such a big deal about the Dollars changing hands in exchange for intelligence and to suggest that SPIelberg wouldn’t know that Israel would never, never in a million years pay a nickel for intelligence goes to the heart of how DANGEROUS and very possibly extraordinarily evil is this big time Hollywood sellout who in my humble opinion if not "tried for treason" should be "mocked to high heaven".


Again, such strong language you and I can debate "until the cows come home" but again once you have spent no more than 30 minutes with me and understand more about the "money trail" that has Israel's "Defence" [sic] Forces having to place not even close to our "fittest and brightest" in "harms way" while taking on very well trained Hezbollah gorillas that look more and more like the Irgun than a bunch of "Arab terrorists" versus "sticking with" the best of the best of our Special Forces commandos whose Commanding Officers have learned a thing or "tTOo" [sic] from when the Irgun took on the British, not to mention the Irgun should be given a SIGNIFICANT amount of credit for getting the British to leave Palestine leaving our fighters with so few arms, the newly formed State of Israel relying on much quieter but equally deadly Jewish people to deliver both the weapons and skill needed to not only take on the Arab armies but the British fighter-bomber-pilots who the likes of Sid Cohen had to contend with in an effort to "give peace a better chance", to mention little of again how well above average Jewish South African fighter-bomber-pilots such as my father, Bernie Gevisser who served as "wingman" to uncle Sid on many of my father's 71 miraculous missions dive-bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards in the skies of North Italy were kept "in reserve" to serve not only as possible "second wave" but to lead the way for supporters of the State of Israel with SIGNIFICANT amounts of cash in their "back pockets" to go "undergound" [sic] .


Understanding exactly what is meant by "behind enemy lines" is something one can quite easily get one's arms around in raised in a country like South Africa during the Apartheid regime which you remember came into existence in 1948 the same year it was thought that Jews escaping the Holocaust would not have the stomach to put up much if any fight against those who make more than a "good living" out of war when "money is no object." 


With all that said, would please be so kind as to share with me just one issue that you "disagree strongly" with,,,, and please I beg of you don’t critique my command of English grammar.






[Word count 1329]

From: Annette Milliner
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 6:44 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: ...Do you believe or do you know G-d...


Mr. Gary Gevisser,


Why I receive your e-mails regularly heaven only knows, but the contents of some of them I enjoy very much and some are just way beyond my intellect.


I am an ex-Cape Townian living happily in Israel these past 29 years and have many friends and distant family members in Durban from where you hail.   In fact my very best friend was Dr. Bella Schmahmann from Durban who died a few years ago.

We both made Aliyah at the same time and studied together in Israel.


You target so many subjects from American politics, South African politics and the economy of the world at large and even religion-I smile when I read some of your comments and with some I strongly disagree, but that is my prerogative and that is what you want and expect.


Now I recall the member of your family I knew -she was Jenny Gevisser who was a great friend of the Kaplan family and the Lazarus family  of Durban-let us not continue with the Jewish geography.


Have a fulfilling week,




Annette Milliner

15 Greenberg St, Apt. 67,   Azorei Chen, T.A. 69379   ISRAEL 
Fax:   +972-3-7415138   Tel:   +972-3-7415138  Cell: 0524-566-057


----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser


Cc: Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General

Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:39 PM

Subject: FW: ...Do you believe or do you know G-d...



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:48 AM PT
To: Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss
Cc: rest;; Mossad; United States Justice Department;;; Professor Trevor Jones - Economics Dept - University of Natal, South Africa;
Subject: ...Do you believe or do you know G-d...


Dear Rabbi,


Have you given further thought to my question, “Do you believe or do you know G-d?


On this Holy Sabbath day conventional wisdom says I should appeal to your pocketbook since without beer in a man’s stomach he cannot think, rather than your high intellect.


Conventional wisdom such as, “Black hands can lay white eggs” is purposefully mostly wrong.


Our journeys have often “crossed paths” and only once did you ever get upset with me when during a talk you were giving in the school library at Carmel College, Durban, Natal, South Africa I thought nothing of “tuning off” and reading the daily newspaper, possibly thinking you would be okay with me reading an article or “tTOo” [sic] about your very best friend in the world, my Royal Mater, Zena Gevisser.


At this very moment you should try even if you haven’t recently been practicing, placing yourself in the shoes of G-d and knowing everything that I know, ask yourself what an extraordinarily SMART G-D would do with a rabbi such as yourself who not every Jew or for that matter Gentile in the world knows, that is at this very moment, but we are only talking about G-d knowing that you have lost your way, now seeking a way out of one most extraordinary dark hole that you began digging for yourself the instant you chose NOT to confront publicly from your pulpits all over the world the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, no different to every single cleric-academic in the world not just in South Africa whose bread you all believed was buttered by the DAAC who interfere with the light rather than G-D who empowers each of us from cradle till grave with Knowledge-Information-Light.


Remember you are now G-d who has many things on his plate to dish out to the masses with faith, thinking more about the decision by the DAAC to shut down the Memorial website of one of its principal founders, Harry Oppenheimer.


The day that my RM informed me of her take on the reasons why you decided to divorce Shifra was not a happy day but that is long past but of course not forgotten much like when the 3 of us last broke bread together on a Sabbath Day back at your and Shifra’s home in Beverly Hills when you were still the Rabbi of the very cash and land rich Beth Jacob synagogue, the community made up of “movers and shakers” the most prominent I seem to recall in the real estate development industry.


My RM was quite upset that I was not joining in the singing of grace after meals and I didn’t have the poor excuse of my poor dog Pypeetoe who my wife, Marie Dion Gevisser now says is showing his displeasure by totally ignoring me in the morning as the two of them go on and on and on playing “goo-goo face”.


Facing up to our pitiful excuses is of course part of the “game of life” one that I don’t recall you, now no  longer G-d, once preaching about as you would deliver the most spell bounding sermons but again NEVER, NOT once daring to raise the TRUTH about how the South African Apartheid Regime was able to get away for 40 years breeding not HATRED among the races but UTTER NONESENCE that the DAAC then used to continue distracting the land-grabbing-masses particularly the American drug-crazed-masses from ever even questioning their leadership that like the leadership of pretty much the entire western world including Israel was SO OBVIOUSLY under the “command and control” of the DAAC, the mafia of mafia responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and mass murder that continues to this very day.


And of course you didn’t need to “dive in” by simply suggesting, “So what? At least we know it isn’t the Devil in charge!” in just one sermon exposing this most extraordinary rot, all you needed to do was to be smart and point out their stooges who had the best seats in our over-the-top synagogue that someone like Jesus Christ would have had little difficulty getting his “arms around” but of course to take on the Lazarus clan of Durban North would have meant that instead of your phones being tapped of course you would have ended up not just dead but destitute without so much as a pot to pee in.


Although you weren’t with Shifra when she visited with me in my apartment less than half a block from Central Park in New York City on the upper west side, 69th Street back in 1980 when I had just joined Codiam Inc. on 47th Street, one of the most sought after streets even better if one wants to hear the birds sing than 72nd Street which houses the Dakotas where John Lennon used to live but you will have heard of Shifra’s run in with some small time dope dealers close to the corner of 69th Street and Columbus Avenue.


Shifra is naïve.


You would also know that my RM just months before had visited with me in Chicago soon after I had taken a day off from working at Bernstein & Bank to visit Charles Engelhard and David Gevisser’s very private lawyers-bankers on Bush Street in San Francisco.


Notice in addition to how proud my RM is of me a number of other noteworthy things in this photo of my RM and me standing in front of my beat up Fiat convertible in front of a Mobil Station which may have been in Skokie, a suburb of Chicago where I was living with a very good friend of mine, Sidney Abelski Esq. who to this day does not know the full story, not even close for the simple reason he sees “no good” coming from exposing all the world made up of a bunch of hypocrites, and besides who would replace the DAAC, surely not someone with that sort of hairdo?


Notice also as I prepare to leave heading back to Del Mar where I will be getting a long overdue haircut and shave before spending the next two days alone with MDG enjoying the oil paintings she has been working on since we last saw one another, first tidying up the stone cabin which is actually almost spotless, yet, however, to take our two dogs on their first 90 minute loop walk of Noble Canyon here in the Cleveland National Forest. that I will not be distracted from my mission to bring about the total unconditional surrender of the DAAC beginning with Senator Ted Kennedy in order “to give peace a better chance.”


To be continued….


[Word count 1111]