< I got back a little earlier from a rather long walk with our “tTOo” [sic] dogs so please forgive me if I come across thinking “sumwhat” [sic] logically

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:14 PM PT
To: Cliffatmyrtle@aol.com
Cc: rest;60m@cbsnews.com; United States Justice Department; Nigel Hanbury - Chief Executive - Lloyds of London - Agent; Mossad; FBI; President@whitehouse.gov


I got back a little earlier from a rather long walk with our “tTOo” [sic] dogs so please forgive me if I come across thinking “sumwhat” [sic] logically.


How about the following since it seems that not only are you into “Mickey Mouse” deals but you have so much time on your hands to have “off the record chat”s with officers of the law who I am sure would enjoy as much as the rest of the folks tuned in to our “back and forths” the fact that “out of nowhere” you have taken over from your husband Cliff who started out not only so chatty but made the point of letting me know how much he “loves email” plus knocking back a beer or “tTOo” [sic]:


  1. Provide me with David Roach’s email address and/or telephone number.
  2. Should you at any time wish to respond to anything I have had to say to either you and/or Cliff and/or anyone including The Sperm Donor or should you simply wish to retract anything that you and/or Cliff have had to say please don’t hesitate to let me know and I will, at a minimum, update our terrific Next Symposium.


If possible, let me know what else besides for the toilets would assist you in being a little clearer as to why you never responded to my very “tangible offer” of July 25th to do “a deal with you under the following conditions:

            1)    Base rent of 650 a month.

2)    Plus 5% of sales.

3)    Rental period one year with no option to purchase.

4)    You would be responsible for all taxes, repairs and maintenance.


With all that said, is it not possible that all your passive aggressiveness is as a result of reading “sum” [sic] of the dialogue I have with other interested parties such as Rebecca who didn’t seem to be in the least put off with the 2636 word email I sent her last evening just prior to sending this email to a teacher interested in having me talk to “juniors/seniors” high school students, not to mention this email to another cabin owner here deep in the Cleveland National Forest who had her husband respond letting me know that, “Don was on his own”.


BTW have you ever given thought to how much safer the world would be today if President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair understood more about the role of “middling men” and were it not for Bill Clinton granting Marc Rich a Presidential Pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute of his illegitimate Presidency could have “struck a deal” with our Arab oil despots, impressing upon them that it was in their “best interests” to “come clean” with their masses beginning by explaining that they have finally over the recent past “got with the program” and insisted in being paid as much as they can in gold bullion as opposed to worthless DeBeers-Dollars without getting their heads blown off by the Western Alliance?


For example what if Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich had managed to get intelligence about our Arab as well as non-Arab despots which of course includes President Putin as well as those tasked with protecting them, i.e. the DAAC Western Alliance, NOT comfortable being awash in worthless DeBeers-Dollars and were now wanting to be paid in gold not because it would afford our despots a grander lifestyle but because “informers” all around the world were beginning to feed the savagely indoctrinated which of course goes beyond the Arab masses with truth that generally comes with a good dose of logic.


In other words what if Mr. Rich who was a convicted fugitive from justice living well in Zug, Switzerland along with Roy Essakow, my school hood buddy from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, had not managed to build in to his “cost of goods” the “cost of getting caught” couldn’t Israel today be in a better position to negotiate with both Hezbollah, Hamas and any other heavily armed group to just get smart and stop demanding, as they are INCREASINGLY NOT, to be paid in totally fictitious and worthless DeBeers-Dollars?


All it would have meant is that people Rich knew like Wall Street banker Barak, a former Prime Minister of Israel as well as the wife of former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland not to forget Mr. Rich’s wife would NOT have had the clap, no strike that, would not have had the clout to walk in to the Oval Office and while Monica Lewinsky was acting like she was cleaning Bill’s sperm off her blue dress to have casually after sticking their tongue in the President’s ear simply whispered everything they knew about how the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel went about recruiting primarily men with weak libidos beginning with those attending universities like Oxford and Cambridge followed by Rhodes Scholars, Yale, Stanford, Harvard and the such and before Mr. Clinton were to have lost what I understand to be an excruciatingly embarrassing small erection he would have reflected back first on his high school history books that talk about this Brit by the name of Cecil Rhodes, founder of DeBeers, the mafia of mafia who make the small time mafia kingdoms responsible for doing their dirty work look like saints.


Now let me have you look at the response of Mair’s husband to my 911 odd word email simply suggesting that a gentleman who none of us know very well, the same pretty much applies to each of us including our elected and non-elected government officials, be entitled to a public hearing following what Don says was an officer of the law with the right to carry a gun, not talking about him breaking any law but simply saying to him, “What do I need to do to run you out of town?


[Word count 976]


From: Cliffatmyrtle@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 5:02 AM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: Sea Crest


Hello Gary


Val rang today to see if we were still interested, but after the last email we assumed that you were not serious about transferring it's potential. We have other interests developing and Sea Crest would be a return to former successes, but an extra issue piggy backing on the other interests.

  • Sea Crest has potential but that is all on the assets column. On the liability side it is closed and not paying any of it's costs. We are now looking at a non profitable winter and you appear to be intent on drawing the negotiations out until the advent of winter.
  • I have had an off the record chat with an environmental officer regarding the toilets and there are issues there that are going to need attention.
  • The Health and Safety legislation has moved on in this country recently and there are further issues that need attention before the cafe can be reopened.
  • If we were going to take on the operation we would be looking to invest a substantial sum to bring the Sea Crest up to acceptable standards, thus we are not interested in Mickey Mouse deals. If you wish to proceed you could give me your solicitor/agent in the UK and I will pass the information on to our solicitor David Roach.

We assumed that you had a more favoured interest and we were being kept on the back burner - just in case. If you want to move things along let's have a tangible offer that we can either accept or decline. It's up to you, do you want someone local to run the cafe? If so let's move forward but if you have other options then best of luck.t If, however you need someone to run it in the future please give us first refusal.


All the best and good luck,
