< Do you sleep

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 9:15 PM PT
To: lhoody
Cc: rest; 60m@cbsnews.com; Jerusalem Post; South China Morning Post
Subject: RE: Wake-up call


You will sleep better when you stop and think.


You have yet to explain to me ONE REASON why apart from you SO OBVIOUSLY AFRAID OF THE TRUTH spreading at LIGHT-G-D-SPEED do you “feel defeated, angry, sad and still needing to process the information.  Continuously wondering…


About what else other than your pension has you so “sleep deprived”?


What else can explain your nonsense.


On my trip to China did you think that because you received no emails from me that all I did was be satisfied being my wife’s “sex object”?


Do you have any idea how well your procrastinations would play in ChongQing a population of 30 million that houses the Stilwell Museum or what about say Jerusalem waiting for the big bomb to explode?


What planet do you think we should start right this very minute attaching ourselves “tTOo” [sic] in order to escape the “fallout” of Haifa, a city of 300,000, the 3rd largest city in Israel having become a “ghost town” all because you and some 300 million Americans including me have a busy sex life.


Of course I don’t buy a single one of your pitiful excuses other than of course the truth interfering with your sex life.


What will it take apart from a Hezbollah rocket falling on Pinevalley have you realizing how “galvanized” are the so poorly conditioned Arab masses by such an extraordinary quick evacuation?


And of course you are not surprised to hear reports that Israeli Special Forces went deep in to Lebanon seizing members of Hezbollah who may have been “laughing their heads off” just moments before but I wasn’t there so I don’t know for sure.


What will you think when Hezbollah members under “interrogation” ask that when they get returned to their fighting units to be “compensated” in gold bullion rather than DeBeers-Dollars when letting Israel know when would be a good time to unleash her nuclear arsenal which would not help Israel get the gasoline it needs to fuel its forces moving where exactly other than to the Peoples Republic of Communist China in order to stay as far away as possible from any fallout following the massive devaluation of the DeBeers-Dollar and the much anticipated civil war that will make the American Civil War of the mid 19th Century look like a day in the water park?


I am rather tired but mostly disgusted thinking about President Bill Clinton when speaking at CALTEC during the height of the Bosnian civil war commenting, “The United States is ripe for a Bosnian style civil war”.


[Word count 428]


From: lhoody
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Wake-up call


Hi Gary -- I've spent hours reading your many, lengthy, somewhat daunting e-mails without reply.  Perhaps I'm not sure what the "appropriate" response is.  Sure has caused me to think, feel defeated, angry, sad and still needing to process the information.  Continuously wondering, do you sleep?


Upon my return from Wyoming, we had an exchange student from France with us for 2+ weeks.  Professional development time for the new school year has begun and I am back at work, although also preparing for a week-long family vacation to Lake Shasta in mid-August.


Connie and I have discussed how best to involve you with our students.  I think she still wants to have you meet with a group of juniors/seniors.  She wasn't sure how best to structure it.  I'll ask her again when I see her tomorrow how we can work to arrange it.  The kids return the 28th.


Until then, Linda