From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 5:34 PM
To: Cabin Owners.
Cc: rest; San Diego FBI
Next Symposium {:} …---…Material...---...Grand Jury bombs...---...away...---...Ducati St...---....Degenerative Disease…---…band…---…Hearst.…---{:}



Attention: Cabin Owners - Pine Creek, California, United States of America.


Dear Cabin Owners,


Late yesterday afternoon as the batteries on my laptop were running out, not feeling that comfortable in attaching a copper wire to my dog, Pypeetoe, tossing him over the power lines leading in to our cabins, clearly in violation of the spirit of the 10 Commandments, 4 the same token surely not the cheapest way to get “wired” and remain hooked up to The Internet although it would save $50 on average per week feeding this one-of-a-kind so very sweet dog, the environmental concerns of not lighting fires to enjoy barbequed dog meat, notwithstanding, I sent out an advance copy of “Bombs Away” to a “Trusted Fellow” I intended for all of you that I had yet to “proof read.”


I have yet to hear back from this individual who I have known since January 1997 when he was instructed as the most senior member of the “advance team” of a megalopoly insurance carrier to “kick the tires” of a medical device company I was “running” at the time, Trusted Fellow’s direct report being the head of Mergers and Acquisition, my though having “paved the way” by getting a rather intelligent personal assistant to this “one of a kind carrier” not to waste any time in putting my call through to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Maurice Hank Greenberg, the most intellectually honest “top dog” of the world’s most important financial institution, just my opinion.


As u may have already noticed I don’t subscribe to the English expression of “to win the war one must be prepared to walk away from the battlefield to fight another day” [sic],




To such lunacy that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” one simply has to apply good common sense in everything one does including taking the time out to wash one’s hands under warm water 4 at least 20 seconds after going to the bathroom.


Such pitiful rhetoric leading to all sorts of “man made” disasters that later get misinterpreted as “Acts of God” a phrase one comes across in most insurance policies to mention little of the news I picked up yesterday on The Internet version of the New York X while waiting for my Bombs Away communiqué to leave my Outlook outbox, Warren “BO” Buffett proudly announcing “That's behind us: Gen Re is fixed."


My more certain than ever that “we” can own the world insurance market in 7 days




Less, period.


The fact that there was no mention in this 350 odd word article about the massive taxpayer-financed insurance industry bail out that took place immediately following 911 which was by all accounts, i.e. those of us quite expert in this field, a “blessing in disguise”, is really not surprising, i.e. why assume that 73-year-old Warren “Body Odor” Buffett is intellectually honest, time 4 him to take a cruise? Hi Diana Henriques.


Because of Bombs Away’s length which could mess things up on your email system I have simply added this missive as a pdf file on the website directory.


In the “edited version” which u can access by clicking on “Bombs Away” there are 75 less words than what I originally sent out, along the way adding in a word-letter




Too for clarification purposes only, such additions earmarked in “green.”


Contained in this rather lengthy communiqué are a number of “eye openers”, Bombs Away not quite as long the 20,000 odd word communiqué I sent back on September 2nd 2002 to my pal Trevor Manuel, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, unaware at the time of an “amnesty pogrom” [sic] in the works that made as much sense, economically speaking, as Apartheid which was a series of laws introduced beginning in 1948 when the Nationalist Afrikaner Nazi Party came to power lasting sum 40 odds years, “my favorite”, The Immorality Act, tremendous backing coming, however, from many English, mostly those incapable of competing in a competitive environment, does the Durban North, South Africa, Lazarus clan ring a bell?


I have a number of opinions on a variety of subjects which sum if not all of u may disagree with which is something I relish, nothing worse in fine tuning one’s pinch than having a chorus equally out of tune?


As much as I have many things in common with my incredible mother including “common sense” something she would most certainly have agreed on, at least prior to showing signs of senility, unlike Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman I do not subscribe to the notion of


I only debate people who agree with me.


There is one other thing to bear in mind be4 making a decision to “separate from the pack of wolves” i.e. “jump in with all 4s” in support of what I am doing




Remain “indifferent”, the other option of course, equally offensive, again just my opinion, is to choose to “go to war” with me and that is the increasing number of people who seem to be not only reading these “dietribes” [sic] but making a point of forwarding them on to around 15 other individuals on their email list, on average that is, most it seems to folks in pretty good shape both mentally as well as physically, while making a point of going into the website at least 5 times per day, again on average, bearing in mind, again, each time someone clicks on to a hyperlink that would register as “one hit.” Hi Money Talks, hi Ms. Kathryn Murry et al.


Even though I could make a convincing argument assuming I am addressing not altogether “brainne dead” [sic] individuals supportive of what I have just written above including the fact that this one website coupled with approximately 100 other websites in various stages of construction from the “Bottom Up” is on track to be the number one website on the planet, I would prefer to simply let the evidence speak for itself.


At the end of “Bombs Away” and prior to the Post Scripts you will notice a communiqué sent to a Mr. Paul Jalbert of NCA-Collections, neither Mr. Jalbert




NCA-Collections mean diddly to me, i.e. I know diddly squat about their “real-ty”, check 4 yourself to c that Mr. Jalbert, however, knows sumthing about me having picked up an email




Too of mine that “popped up” on the Google search engine.


Mr. Jalbert as u might suspect is not the first person to c value in my missives, again proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof, the 1 million plus hits per day on average we have been getting at over the past 6 weeks odd making more and more sense I would think to even u folks who r only just in the past few days becoming aware of why the most rapacious businesspeople and their “bought and paid 4 politicians” have decided at least 4 the time being to go “under ground” although a better phrase might be “hunker down.”


In the course of the next 72 hours I will be sending out a handful more broadcasted communiqués, the rouse I sent out a week ago yesterday paying “mity dividends” all geared toward getting each and every one of us “rocking in tune” and u have both the right and privilege at any time to simply say,


“Enough, I will simply stick to my knitting, just a ‘hop-jump-and-a-scotch’ from where I am seated although a Mai Tai sounds mighty good” [sic].


And that will be just fine with me, each one of us entitled to “quiet enjoyment” as long as we are not negatively impacting our neighbor while paying our fair share of taxes, which is at the heart of my little mission, that the more we make “love” to one another, i.e. get to trust and respect avoiding gets if at all possible by first doing extensive “Jew diligence” [sic] on one’s partner, i.e. know everything there is to know about our neighbor the less likely we will enter into an internecine war which u would agree is the bloodiest?


No one please, please, please ask Marie how “Poor poor Gary” manages to get up, if at all, in the morning, to do his chores.


I will end with the beginning words from Symbolist White Walls a song written and sung by the Matthew Good Band, a Canadian Rock group


I am tired of blood and overpriced chewing gum, mom.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake


Ps – The name Rattlesnake was given to me by my partner-wife Marie Dion who tells people wanting to know “the truth” about me,


Gary can be your best friend or worst nightmare, take your p.ick, I need rest” [sic].


Hi Jeff Rabin, journalist 4 the Los Angeles X.


Ps II – Hang tight Mr. David McDermott, u’r up next.



[Word count 1492]