From: GsG
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:40 PM PT
To: Laura Coyne - Ben Bridge Jeweler
Cc: rest;; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State;;
David Berman - Berman Capital; Diane Bell - Union Tribune; Catherine Garcia - NBC anchor; Richard Cooper; Peter Evans -Author of NEMESIS, c/o Harper Collins; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq;;; Dr. Jonathan Beare; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General;  Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation;
Subject: RE: Where do you buy your for further thought...


Laura - and thank you for responding yet again, it possibly taking you a little longer than others more familiar with my writing style to get your arms around such matters of importance, but can the same be said for Ben Bridge Jeweler’s lawyer-liars watching matters unfold on message boards like Berkshire Hathaway’s Yahoo message board, not everyone in the world perhaps not even you even at this late stage in the game, the game is up, knowing why exactly Warren BO Buffett the owner of your company, a fact not known to the entire world yet, cannot unless he was willing to face the wrath of my DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] family answer the very straightforward question, again and again and again,


Are Certificates of Insurance and/or diamond trades included in the Money Supply numbers and if not why not and if so how does Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan keep a straight face?


And again we come back to diamond dealer Maurice Templeton who most people assume had this wild sexual affair with Jackie O following her miniscule severance package from my Royal Mater’s one not all that “filthy rich” client, Ari Onassis and his family “tho-ugh” [sic] could have settled with the former First Lady of United States for far less than $25 million despite the incredible good job this anything but rich high class prostitute did in keeping the Feds off the back of a small time pimp like Ari who like any egomaniac sought out by Mark Gevisser’s DAAC family got quite a kick out of this again not all that high priced Former First Lady tramp of the United States spreading the Kennedy clap, jumping in and out of bed with a whole lot more men than simply the President of the United States of America and his sell out brother Robert F. Kennedy, the Attorney General of the United States, agree?


Ask my extraordinary Royal Mater if she thinks for a millisecond that Templeton would have been so foolish to go beyond the “call of duty” in “gifting” Jackie O a not “al-to-get-her” [sic] fortune given Jackie O’s rather big mouth that first surfaced when she threatened to spill the beans on Onassis’ complicity in the murder of RFK, within say the next 72 hours I suspect more than 10 million individuals representing a statistically valid sampling of the world’s population will know this pretty well guarded secret to mention little of my expecting that the number of people being forwarded this communiqué will average more than 10?


Now remember this grief stricken prostitute has her one lover murdered by her other lover and with all the many things my very busy mother has on her plate to attend to, raising 4 children with the help of black slaves still her priority, dropping all her other not simply equally important clients but I can guarantee you much higher paying clients than Mr. Cheapo Onassis just so that she can enjoy the wedding celebrations that included a ride in an American Cadillac chomping on leg of lamb with vino to wash it down to mention little of Zena Gevisser surely just as grief stricken as Jackie O given how RFK was another of my extraordinary and inspiring mother’s clients, give me another break!


So here we have RFK murdered on June 6th 1968, 3 years to the day after giving a crowd raising speech at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and 136 days later the “love of his life” not his fricken wife trying to raise a bunch of kids to avoid at least spreading the Kennedy clap marries RFK’s “arch enemy” Onassis, give me another break!


Now remember this business marriage of business marriages that had Zena Gevisser hightailing it from South Africa to the island of Skorpios tasked by her one boss Ari to “protect” Jackie O but never to let on how extraordinarily bought off were other folks in their one intimate encounter where not a “single word” was spoken between Zena Gevisser and Jackie O including Aristotle Socrates Onassis took place just 10 months after my Royal Mater back in Dec 1967 when I was all of age 10 downloaded the “crown jewels” to me her youngest who could be counted on to use my “common sense” to also keep my big mouth shut.


Wouldn’t it be neat if in addition to charging people by weight for hauling away their garbage we also had monitors on every toilet that would allow us without infringing on anyone’s privacy to provide very specific information which areas of the world flushed the most especially at times like right this very instant, and of course if I were Governor of California this would not necessarily be the first item on my agenda, then again I would let all the inhabitants of the world vote which of course would nullify the need for there to be a Governor anywhere who could possibly fall victim to the “dirty rich”, agree?


Zena’s number in the United Kingdom, direct dialing from the U.S. 011-44-98-46-24-88 and if the answering machine picks up after leaving a message then call Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk, home telephone 1-619-222-88-42 or office 1-619-238-1333 ext. 24 not forgetting to get both of their thoughts most of all on why your boss Warren BO Buffett knows as well as his lawyer-liars the game is up.


BTW, Maggie our chocolate Labrador had her hair shaved yesterday and she looks very similar to when she was a puppy, must remember to thank the shop here in Del Mar that did such an excellent job, my Italian Greyhound Pypeetoe seems, however, more jealous than ever which is if you had met Pypeetoe almost impossible to imagine, bearing in mind again another of Einstein’s great quotes, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”


The world a earlier today breathing a sigh of relief that a passenger plane with faulty landing lights had not only landed safely in Israel but more importantly in this “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world customs officials at David Ben Gurion International Airport yet to implement my updated customs agent training manual, all so easily distracted eyes not tuned into my missives now naturally focusing in on who will become the next United States Supreme Court Judge while a good number of those in tune with the heartbeat of the universe from staying tuned into our network have already figured out why I still have not heard from David Berman of Berman Capital who may have sought not only input from his Harvard Business School mates but very possibly Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss since he couldn’t figure out on his own why our “back and forth” missives not only appear all over The Internet but why I don’t need to have a counter on any of my websites to know for a fact that our websites in various stages of construction from the bottom up remain very much on track to be the number one network on planet Mother Earth, agree?


Attached is an accumulation of emails covering the broad subject “balance” there has perhaps never been a more balanced object created by man than the brilliant cut diamond that was achieved in 1919 by a 21 year old applying mathematics the most precise language despite it’s inherent flaws which once you attend our 3 course 30 minute each tutorial the only requirement that you can read and write very simple English you will come away not only invigorated by realizing how incredibly smart your are, no one ever again able to bully you by thinking they are smarter than you but in addition you will by appreciating the virtues of Quantum Mechanics what goes forward must also work “in reverse” understand everything you need to know about Science, Math, Art, Religion and Technology and how they all come “to-get-her” [sic] beginning with how the number system may have possibly first been invented to what we can all agree on is the most balanced equation known to man, E=mc², everything not only tying together but adding up, G-D forbid you have to be told what to do and how to do it when making love, so incredibly tough staying married to a French Canadian athlete of athletes, 1/32nd Huron Indian, my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] really the most incredible teacher-mother who most sadly has won over the heart and mind of what I thought was only my so carefully nurtured co-dependant dog Pypeetoe.


So important the connecting dots between Pythagoras the very first mathematician-philosopher who with his Right Angle Triangle theorem took mysticism and superstition out of the equation, Newton with his “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost” and Einstein’s Special-General Relativity which blew away in an instant Newton’s 400 year old mass always remaining “constant”, Quantum Gravity-Physics-Mechanics the link between these 3 most amazing geniuses and seemingly very humble human beings who just happened to come around at rather important times in the history of mankind, so incredibly unkind to G-D-NAture it no surprise mankind the oxymoron of all times is so unkind to mankind, agree?


In RAT most would agree the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides whereas in S-G Relativity a good number of us would agree thatthe square of the hypotenuse is equal to the difference of the squares of the sides rather than the sum” which leads me just very briefly back to the genius of mathematics that prevents there ever being such a thing as a perfect circle, “Pi not round Pi r²” despite it quite obvious we can in fact make a perfect circle as well when we multiply the number one by itself no matter how many times it will always remain one, agree?


Not to forget that 2 c mE in reverse the most precise as well as balanced equation known to man that has been proven repeatedly in one direct experiment after the next, the same cannot, however, be said about eloquent but bs stuff like String Theory whose study at least prevents there being more physicists and mathematicians out on the loose to be hired by Saddam Hussein to build say a “dirty bomb”?


Amazing how we just cant get enough of reading and hearing the “dirt” on other people, G-D forbid you wake up one day like David Berman son-in-law of a multi-billionaire crook to find your communications with me all over The Internet putting quite a damper on your planned obituary to mention little of how quickly we forget it was but for the grace of G-D we had a godly inspired man in “command and control” of our Armed Forces, George W. Bush continuing to show courage in doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, agree?


Mankind coming increasingly “to-get-her” [sic] as the past and the future all come “to-get-her” [sic] in the present, agree?


Just a matter of finding “common ground” to get the next generation with help from a few of us older but not so consumption oriented to be very gentle and kind guides, each of us knowing in our hearts right from wrong but when burdened with the baggage of sellout parents and friends who to save their own skin wouldn’t hesitate to use their offspring as both a “shield” and “a spear”, each and every one of us on this planet more than likely can find at least one person within our immediate circle possibly the vast majority who fits such a description to the T, quick to tell you what to do and how to do it while putting the fear of hell in you should you ever be disloyal, enough to make you vomit, agree?


Now imagine what Derrick Beare of Investec is going “thro-ugh” [sic] right now as each member of his immediate family as well as friends scattered all over the world get to read the case of “material wrongdoing” I have built against his disgusting uncle Dr. Jonathan “White Don of Africa-Trouble Bubble” Beare the evidence so overwhelming of Dr. Beare’s violations against man, just wait until I have an opportunity to share my thoughts with G-D how best to return this “n-incom-poop” [sic], forget but for the moment what he has done to me and my partners in our Clean Water Fund project that his nephew Derrick a very sophisticated private banker thought so highly of, providing clean drinking water to every human being on this planet, water the most basic and precious human right, anyone with a morsel of intelligence given how the CWF was the work product of a handful of people who I consider, in my humble opinion, to rank in the top 1 percentile of the most intelligent people currently walking the face of the earth who were despite my “best efforts” to distract produced a remarkable document that in time I am quite confident will not only be implemented but most assuredly will become the standard of all future business models, agre?


Now put yourself in the shoes of 25 year old black South African Tefo Mohapi who went silent a week ago after sending me the following email:


my dad finally read the e-mails.


His comment, u had them (safmarine) but your only mistake being that you shouldnt have sent Maseko that e-mail with racial connotations (sly English) and you shouldn't have allowed Gary to send that e-mail.


On 5/13/05, Tefo Mohapi <> wrote:

they are clutching at straws. I have a pretty good memory…---…


So what has become of Tefo?


A)    Killed? Unlikely since I assume we would have been told?

B)    Bought off? Unlikely since if money were his goal he knew when first contacting me, coming across my name on The Internet linked with one of the most generous multi-billionaires alive and as best I know still kicking today, that given Tefo’s smarts he would have Solly Krok of Twins Pharmaceuticals South Africa continuing to dance in circles happy as a lark to be afforded the opportunity to finally have more color in his Lilly White Wheaty Eating family, G-D forbid I were to suggest that any of his unmarried and/or unhappily married daughters were to be captivated by both Tefo’s good looks and brains not to forget his athleticism.

C)    Torn apart not so much by his sellout friends having created for themselves quite the alibi should it look like he had simply decided to take his own life but in coming to terms that his parents probably in the top 1 percentile of good, hardworking as well as being smart to educate their gifted son about the “sly English” were like most black as well as white South Africans as well as the whole fricken world or so it seems so extraordinarily fooled by the “sly English” thinking that this shame can remain hidden at least until such time as they-we all die of natural causes?


So easy to second guess when one thinks one has not only “all the time in the world” thinking that reality of “Time standing still” is fiction yet an integral part of the most balanced equation known to man, this world all about “me me me”, each generation thinking that they can get away with constantly mortgaging the next generation’s future, agree?


ST requiring, however, only someone with a mind like Einstein with the credibility to get away with declaring proudly that E=mc² represents “The Mind of G-D” capable of keeping track of a number of things, number the essence of things, good or evil, developing the direct experiments in the first place and none of us surely expecting Einstein to suddenly reappear “altho-ugh” [sic] I maintain that many elements of Einstein can be found in my one of a kind Super Italian Greyhound Pypeetoe as well as my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser], agree?


E=mc² has at its “constant” the speed of light operating in a perfect vacuum much like many of our minds covering 10.8 billion meters in a second compared to the maximum speed of 71.11 recurring meters per second [256 kilometers an hour] I have traveled on my Ducati ST4S with my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] on the back bearing in mind as well that at 10.8 billion meters per second which I feel I should let you know cannot be achieved by my simply tossing me aside and getting every good looking athletic male that has ever walked this planet to pull “to-get-her” [sic] all the horsepower that has ever been expended and that includes calories lost both while farting as well as making love to achieve such an incomprehensible but very precise speed at which we know for an absolute fact time not only “stands stillbut again everything becomes mathematical, agree?


Forget of course that none of us would survive such a catastrophic event much as many of us suspect took place at the moment of the last Big Bang when m, Mass would have equaled E, Energy, there not a single human being with a neuron firing within the non-vacuum of space remaining between their ears who wouldn’t agree with either there no such thing as a coincidence which automatically means that there is design everywhere which automatically means that there is a designer, none quite like G-D-NAture truth, that which does not change




There is “shared energy” in the universe?


Furthermore remember this is just a teaser for you to attend the 3 courses which could be completed in a morning leaving you with the rest of the day to make love to your equally well balanced partner




To hang with us at any of our 3 residences here in San Diego County with surely enough time remaining to hand out our shocking pink INFORMERS WANTED ads.


All the best,




[Word count 3006]



-----Original Message-----
Laura - Ben Bridge

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: Where do you buy your diamonds


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.



Ben Bridge


From: GsG
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 7:36 AM
Info - Web Dept
Cc: rest;
Brian Shirken;; KRugman - New York Times
Subject: RE: Where do you buy your diamonds


Dear Laura,


Thank you for your prompt response.


This "conflict free" caught my attention.


Could it be that DeBeers who most would agree have a pretty strong grip on the distribution of diamonds through its Central Selling Organization based in London, in clear breach of our sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws, have in fact played a role in creating "conflict" by how they have so brilliantly not only bought off every government in the past including our own [see The Diamond Invention Chapter 18 - The American Conspiracy] but with the help of Madison Ave, "A diamond is forever-a girl's best friend" got control of our minds mostly young men and women not necessarily all that well equipped in the first place to manage their raging hormones?


Now add to the mix those folks at the bottom of the pyramid being left once us colonists have departed to fend for themselves, their countries' treasury including ownership of its remaining most valuable natural resources, whoever controls the water, grabs the land owns the bank, now under the "command and control" of the DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] the diamonds whether dug out of the ground or manufactured by machines essentially worthless?


Now stir the fact that since diamonds are currency such so easily laundered monies all coming about when the United States back in 1933, the same year Hitler came to power, made it illegal for its citizens to own gold, the DAAC who have never once provided a public accounting of their inventory using their unlimited in supply currency to buy up pretty much everything of value utilizing not all that familiar to you I am sure offshore vehicles like Dutch Sandwiches to hide their true ownership?


Now factor in that not only would most people consider me a member of the DAAC, my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser, the “male heir”, again read Chapter 18 of The Diamond Invention at least 20 times, the same amount of time they say it takes to really get a flavor for my missives all geared toward keeping our youth who are all our futures smart from minute one, hence my one of a kind book, Manager Minute One, to empower the kids to parent the parents who need the most help, but I was afforded quite a view when working for Codiam Inc. located on 47th street in the heart of world’s wholesale diamond district in New York City, Codiam as you would expect one of the select “sight holders” who venture forth to London, its principals shaking hands with not only Royalty such as my Royal Mater but the most sophisticated financial engineers on the planet including people like Dr. Jonathan Beare and me?


Isnt it “invetible” [sic] that fighting amongst the very poor gets increasingly bloody as life gets cheaper and cheaper?


Man waivers constantly between taking the easy route and the hard – truth and hardship?


The question the next generation must now ask is:


What do I have to gain but freedom and truth versus what do I have to lose?


The answer is the same!


Please give serious consideration to forwarding our "back and forth" to Buffett.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – Copied on this relatively brief missive is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population






-----Original Message-----
Info - Web Dept []
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: Where do you buy your diamonds


Thank you for your email. Ben Bridge Jeweler is not a "sight holder".

Our current information shows there are actually less than 50 "sight

holders" for DeBeers-all of which are not Retail Jewelers-they would be

manufacturers with diamond cutting centers. The list of sight holders is

not a heavily publicized list.


Ben Bridge has unlimited options for purchasing diamonds as we are a

very financially stable company with exceptionally strong buying power

to deal directly with sight holders or directly with the diamond mines

such as in Canada* where we source our "Ikuma" Diamonds. We deal with

both manufacturers directly and with companies that deal with sight

holders directly. Ben Bridge buys diamonds where we find the best blend

of value for our customers and diamonds that meet our stringent quality



(*about 50% of diamonds come through DeBeers and the other half come

from other sources such as Canada and Russia among other countries.)


Many countries have adopted a system to control the import and export of

rough diamonds. This Kimberly Process Certification requires that each

shipment of rough diamonds be in a tamper resistant container

accompanied by a Government validated Certificate. With this new system,

confirmation is in place that the diamonds are from a reputable source

and are conflict free. Ben Bridge will only deal in diamonds that have

these rigorous protections and policies in place.


As long standing members of the American Gem Society,

an organization of jewelers pledging to practice the highest standards

of business ethics, Ben Bridge is committed to providing our customers

with honest information and reliable service.



I hope this information has been helpful to you-please let me know if I

can assist you further.



Laura Coyne

Online Customer Service and Sales

Ben Bridge Jeweler



-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:26 PM

To: Info - Web Dept

Subject: Where do you buy your diamonds

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2005.


Are you what is referred to as "sight holders" with DeBeers?