From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2005 3:34 PM PT
To: Teri Holden paralegal for Walter E. Pinkerton Esq.
Cc: rest; Walter E. Pinkerton, Jr. Esq.; Roy Doppelt Esq; FBI; United States Justice Department; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Roger W. Robinson; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist AIG;; Ernest Patrikis Esq. - General Counsel AIG David Berman - Berman Capital; Rush Limbaugh;
Subject: RE: Gevisser v. Beckham...HAND PICKED...---...




At 11:27 AM PT we ended a 5 minute and 54 second phone call you initiated that had you eventually at a loss for words as I took you on an educational light journey, finally conceding with, “I was just doing what I had been told to do”, a strong indicator that you had a good sense of why Pinkerton would set you up in such a fashion to mention little of you surely aware of what “impressedRon Bellows Senior, a senior risk management specialist for AIG well before the $63 odd billion market value collapse of, in his words, “fony crap megalopoly”?


No doubt if you were to find yourself in “hot waters”, i.e. fired, you would first look to Pinkerton and Doppelt’s Employees Liability insurance coverage and why not give RBS a call given how often he encourages people from all over the world to try and make him feel better about himself, his telephone number, assuming you are having trouble with my hyperlinks due to increased hits, is USA 1-201-404-5746.


It is a terrible feeling finally working out that while someone might speak in a mild manner, the Queen’s English mostly impressing the most easily impressed, their purpose to simply “use and abuse” eventually leaving you not just hung out to dry but old and weathered finding comfort in a cheap bottle of wine soaked up by a stocked refrigerator full of junk food?


Ever felt the need to empathize when opening your refrigerator door with your stomach required to function at times above room temperature while constantly fighting the effects of gravity which while allowing objects of different weights to fall at the same speed does little to relieve the pressure, you know what I mean jelly bean?


Please I beg of you DO NOT, I repeat, DON’T assume unless you can find the proof, bearing in mind that proof is function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof that it was Nancy all on her own telling my pal Roger W. Robinson what and what not to whisper in to the ear of Ronald W. Reagan so that it would interfere with the DAAC’s plans to bankrupt the USSR and the United States all at the same time?


You didn’t need me to tell you that I could not only be trusted to read each and every email you send without my blood pressure rising but respond accordingly and if necessary to sling at you one “knuckleball after the other in response to any fast ball the likes of Pinkerton might have you throw at or near my head.


When will he grow up and at least congratulate me who is not one of these gold buffs, not even close, not just one of the first to call the incredible rise of the gold price, although I left it to my wife Marie to make the public announcement back on December 31st 2002, “it seems that Mr. Gevisser might in fact be on to something”?


Gold, you would agree while it cannot be eaten, very much limited in supply, easily traceable, heavy, not only inventoried by relatively easily recycled, most of it still underground, the one commodity so sought after from the beginning of time in the hands of the commoner, particularly women in places like India, hated by the DAAC, IS ALSO to “its credit” the very best gauge of the level of distrust felt by the hard working person just trying to make ends meet who knows his government is lying through their teeth?


Moreover, what is currently silencing my adversaries more intimately familiar with my “risk assessment” services is how over the past decade I have named publicly less than 10 shares in public corporations in most if not all the major industries just moments before their share price was to rise or fall precipitously which of course has someone such as yourself possibly wondering why I would even bother with you all, unless of course you understand that I understand that a significant element of the puzzle of life is not simply “contributing good to the overall good” but to teach what it is that you contribute without being so foolish as to tell anyone not even your drop dead gorgeous over the top sexy partner what to do and how to do it but to guide very gently especially the young and defenseless and to pull out all stops, use “superior and overwhelming forces” to contain those sons of bitches who in allowing their fricken formal education to interfere with the learning DARE to usurp their limited authority.


In a nutshell I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail




Pitched fork.


It making, however, all the sense in the world if one is able to still logically thought process why Pinkerton would have you send me one minute prior to your call this email below saying the exact same thing bearing in mind the time it took Pinkerton just to inform you of what to say was probably 3 times as long as him using his own email, probably far less words than you used other than the fact that Pinkerton has a very good sense of what is coming down the pike and may in fact be looking to your liability insurance carrier to pick up on “sum” [sic] of the monetary damages that will inevitably be granted to me even if it means me making a “Federal Case” of it and then “sum” [sic]?


Nothing like creating, however, doubt in the mind of a judge-jury as in “He said-She said”?


You also informed me that contained in the package you sent to my PO box were the “substitution of attorney” documents which I countered by telling you that you were wrong that there were no such forms, that you have been known to not always follow through that well even when properly instructed, case in point when you filed with the court an original irrefutable “smoking gun proof” document of Greedy Beckham’s very poor state of mind without making a copy in your files that caused your Pinkerton to panic big time and of course one could argue given how he was sweating that day in court for reasons other than your big time mistake I should have fired him right then and there, instead I kept giving this “phatso” [sic] who thought he could milk me to the bitter end one chance after the next to show his “good side” instead what I got for my hard earned monies was one big kick up the backside.


Then again what goes around comes around but with a vengeance; for every action-reaction-overreaction there is an equal and opposite action-reaction-overreaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost?


The loss of Pinkerton’s mind possibly due to him inhaling Aspartame, more likely though a combination of factors including the fact that only liars need good memories which gets increasingly difficult to maintain the more one lies, steals and cheats to the point that the pursuit of money becomes a lifelong pursuit every so often comforted by immersing oneself in all the distractions including scripture that does little to really soothe the soul since money and all that things that it buys beginning with the fat in one’s big belly becomes the embodiment of who you are to mention little of Pinkerton’s deafening silence on Greedy Beckham’s lawyer-liar Kristin L. Connor in a signed declaration to the courts ending with,


It was the fraudulent conduct of Defendant [Gevisser] which led to this situation.


Again, I have in my possession irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of more than gross negligence by Pinkerton and Co. that includes his failure to introduce into evidence let alone cross examine Greedy “Drug Pusher-I have not had sex in over a year-played with myself” Beckham and Rat Face on the “back and forth” emails starting from day one that talked clearly to Beckham and I having a “meeting of the minds” concerning each and every issue he later presented to the courts suggesting I only complained about Rat Face once he had given me notice of his intentions to evict thinking that since I am a member of the “favored class” and could easily find other and far better accommodation I wouldn’t make a big fuss when compared to Rat Face who was so desperate and more importantly had the same “personal” stuff on him as I did, to mention little of Pinkerton’s emails and phone messages he later left on my voice answering machine.


The chronology of events, the deafening silences so very important to mention little of Pinkerton’s attempts to cover up his misdeeds all talking very loud and clear to the fact that it is no longer a question of whether he and Co are incompetent




culpable, Pinkerton & Doppelt et al’s culpability extraordinarily transparent.


Unless I hear otherwise I will do my best to appear in court on December 9th expecting first of all Pinkerton to be there along with a check for at a minimum $10,000 representing the return of my retainer monies to mention little of me currently weeding through a list of malpractice attorneys whose mettle I am testing by listening carefully to how they would file a complaint against Pinkerton & Doppelt et al with the California State Bar Association while of course relying mostly on spreading the “good word” over The Internet in an attempt to empower others young and old all over the world speaking every language under the sun, to not hesitate to use my “back and forths” as “templates”, helping resolve their conflicts without going the lawsuit route where one runs the distinct risk of getting in bed with a lawyer-liar.


Furthermore, DO NOT call me again, STICK TO EMAILS.


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – blind copied on this communiqué is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population who may find it interesting the connecting dots between my last communiqué to Pinkerton where I reference Mr. King Golden Esq. and yesterday’s “dialogue I opened up with a lady by the name of Mary who “moves in the same circles” as the most powerful banker in the world other than of course the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who I don’t suspect have anything to do with my cell phone number 1-858-SEL-NEXT appearing today 5 times on the cell phone of real estate lady up in Los Angeles whose telephone number is 1-909-210-9964 to mention little of the “tTOo” [sic] important questions of the moment:


One, what more can the west’s central banks like the Federal Reserve do, along with their “hand picked” currency traders, to suppress the inevitable continued rise of gold outside of creating an epic depression from which not a single human being will survive and;


Two, what bankers around the world are suggesting to Mary’s boss other than simply ignoring me at this time is going to do little to change the inevitable course of history not repeating itself, although you would know from clicking on to my hyperlinks one after the other, more so today than ever before that back on July 23rd 2002, I ended a 267 word email to Bill O Reilly of Fox News with:


The scars of 1907 remain on the masonry buildings housing the stock exchange of Wall Street. The fundamentals of the economy at that time were much worse than in 1929. One man J.P. Morgan saved the day, not so lucky for the victims of 1929. History has a way of repeating itself but today the "risk markets" are more fragile than at any time in history.


"Risk assessment" is my business.


Gary S. Gevisser



[Word count 1972]



From: Teri Holden
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:21 AM
Subject: Gevisser v. Beckham



This is to inform you that the Judge in the above entitled case has ordered you to appear on December 9, 2005, @ 9:00 am in Department 67. 

If you have any questions please contact me.

Teri S. Holden

Paralegal for Walter E. Pinkerton, Jr.