From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:52 PM
To: Glenn Shapiro
Cc: rest; FBI; Po-Li
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}...Just a thought..get smart....{:}


Glenn – Earlier today I was on the line waiting to be put thru to Richard Robinson, Assistant United States Attorney in Los Angeles, I received a “bull” email from Devin Standard who u know is the executor of my estate, my taking the liberty of “cutting” a couple of folks including an assistant District Attorney copied on his “spur” communiqué and “pasting” them in to the blind copied section of this email, my email list, as u know, a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s literate population growing in leaps and bounds.


At around noon I got off the phone with a San Diego attorney who was at first taken aback by some wording he saw at the end of an email I sent out yesterday on behalf my Client Partner-Wife Marie Dion to the General Manager of the real estate company which I forwarded earlier to his downtown law practice thinking despite my sending him a second email explaining the mistake that the entire world would be aware of my take on professional folks such as him, accountants and doctors who as you know simply need to have a good memory to get the designation doctor, accountant and lawyer, although I didn’t spell out that dishonest people, requiring better memories than honest people eventually implode from the short-circuits they create in their own brains from going around in circles, ingenious wouldn’t u agree that in mathematics the most precise of languages there is no such thing as a perfect circle?


Today Jim Newcomb, General Manager of Stubbs Realty also copied on this communiqué has to be looking a whole lot worse “for wear” wondering not so much whether it is worth going “to war” with my CPW MD where his real estate firm will be decimated in front of a “jury of our peers” the damages as a result of his agent, Lori Goetz and her principals, the Warrens’ malicious misconduct without imputing treble damages in the punitive damages stages of the trial very possibly insignificant compared to the cost of the fashionable outfits they will have to invest in when going “toe to toe” with CPW MD, quite the fashion plate, with a smile to die for, whose eloquence “on the stand” in a criminal court proceeding back on October 24th 2002 was as Devin Standard can attest a “cite to behold” [sic], agree?


I doubt there are that many folks out there such as myself without much formal education to speak of who while battling with the English language, able tho to gauge patterns rather well which is not to suggest that CPW MD with her command of both mathematics and the English language, her second language, would be able to run circles around me, manages to get the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk to say in “black and white” how important a role I played in his firm getting “the decision which will be cited for many years” without mentioning, however, how had he and another scoundrel attorney by the name of Robert Kaplan of the east coast law firm of Kaplan Kilsheimer and Fox not filed the class action lawsuit against Ronald Perelman the “Capo Di Capi” of Revlon Corporation back on October 1st 1999 within a couple of hours of the statute of limitations running out I would have delivered both their heads to the masses of folks tuned in to a number of websites on The Internet none more important than that had this one cartoon depicting me disheveled behind a desk, phone off the hook, papers strewn all over the place, the Revlon Make Up Chart on the wall behind the desk, my extraordinary mother sitting in front of the desk knitting away concerned about the “Revlon Findings” on my computer screen finally blurting out,


“My son what will happen with my Love That Pink lipstick if Revlon goes down the tubes.”


The wording that had this one downtown San Diego attorney concerned, yet to meet either me




CPW MD can be seen below,


“have me thinking more about Gary’s point of view having consulted to “sum of the most” [sic] rapacious attorneys on the planet that the minute one engages an attorney to resolve a conflict it is just a matter of moments before “conflicts of interest” arise... the first conflict being the attorney’s pocket book that is negatively impacted by a quick resolution versus often times creating more of a problem by “going around in circles.”


In other words Gary’s “back and forth” approach seems to be working rather well, the number of hits his websites, some such as and geared toward resolving conflict without going the lawsuit route by embarrassing those who have an iota of a conscience and for those who don’t, very possibly the owners of my rental property as well as their agent I am left with no alternative but to litigate until the cows come home.


Gary has assisted me with this communication, my approach to be more direct as much as I prefer it that way, given his uncanny ability to ferret out the essence of what people say as well as what they fail to say leaves me to conclude unless someone were to convince me otherwise is the right way to go.


In the words of his mentor former United States Marine and Navy Officer, Amos P. Wright


‘In arbitration, do u fight




Give in.’”


I am feeling just a little rushed at this time, possibly repeating myself, such verbiage above edited out of the actual email this San Diego attorney received when Marie felt I was going “overboard” but instead of simply deleting the verbiage I hit the “cut” key and then inadvertently “pasted” it at bottom of the email that I ended up forwarding, this possibly very honest attorney probably soon after our delightful conversation rushing to look up in the encyclopedia the word “NextraTerresTrial” after I explained myself further, seemed convinced, at least to me.


I have yet to confer with Marie that he would make the homepage on his Internet browser most assuredly after I let him know that one option I have at this time rather than trying to solve all the problems of the world with just one “broad brush stroke”, each of us artists to “sum” [sic] degree is to buy myself the island of Madagascar, negotiate with the contractors building the 450 mile wall in Israel to rethink this ludicrous project that will only embitter folks on both sides, I am still more  concerned about a rogue “sumwhat” [sic] educated Israeli brother of ours tinkering in his backyard with a series of software programs simulating either a massive biological




nuclear attack on Israel who with assistance from my one programmer, Adam Tucker, could be uploaded into the backup computers of Israel’s not so secret nuclear weapons facilities to go online the instant there is a disruption in the power grid, point being that for a fraction of the cost I could while explaining to both Israeli and Palestinian workmen the extent to which they are all being “had”, I could have myself an entire super dome over Madagascar impervious to a rouge elements as far away as South Africa taking control of South Africa’s nuclear arsenal, agree?


The black masses waking up each and every moment of the day to the extent to which even the current ANC Black Government are stooges of the South African Oppenheimer family bearing in mind how enraged the black masses would become if Thabo Mbeki were to suggest that he has yet after a decade to replenish the nuclear weapons destroyed by the previous Apartheid Government under the watchful eye of the United States CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] in the “hand over” of power to Blacks somehow believing that South African Blacks were all incredibly dumb given how they had been so masterfully hoodwinked by Attorney General of the United States Robert F. Kennedy back in 1966 at the height of The Diamond Invention involving the Kennedys very close friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelhard who chose incredibly my uncle, David Gevisser, as the executor of the estate of the phenomenally wealthy Mr. Charles Engelhard who died in 1971, the problem of course which I always run into is convincing Marie to join me.


Then again for a decade now I have painstakingly been preparing her for such a radical move, not that many people I know willing to ride pillion on back of one of the fastest motorcycles in the world to mention in passing what she grabs on to when communicating she is ready to vomit, which I barely feel when moving at speeds closer to 200 mph than 100 mph, only though when taking corners that his past Sunday had both our helmets as close to scrapping the road as anything I have ever seen on television.


Now tomorrow when I appear in traffic court for being at the “unsafe speed” of 65 MPH do u think I should ask the judge to grant me Traffic School




like most people who get caught having got away playing it “fast and loose” without getting their short hairs caught in a knot I should when accepting the sentence ask to be placed in 10 foot padded cell so that I can complete my book Manager Minute One geared toward empowering kids from minute one to never, never, never allow an “evil” act to pass them by, not even once, agree?


The laws on the books that allow municipalities to ticket folks going thru red lights “an arm and a leg” impacting mostly the pocket books of those that can least afford it while the big rogues who build into their “cost of sales” the “cost of getting caught” do nothing short of laugh their heads off.


Does Marie Antoinette’s, “off with their heads” ring a bell?


Unless I c evidence to the contrary I will continue to like as well as love [trust and respect] u, more than a handful of folks believing your “drunken stupor” is much like the antics of Poli-Pollak geared toward helping me die the richest person in the grave, Po-Li a college pal of Devin who to the best of my knowledge has not reared his handsome head not even on the Fox Network where he was at one time, again to the best of my knowledge, quite the regular talking head.


I am back, just delivering a message to my one neighbor, Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion that I am still alive.


I will also take your word on what your paying audience currently expect you to provide, knowing full well that u r an excellent business person, realizing that my “risk assessment” expertise can not only be presented in an entertaining fashion but more importantly such a subject matter is exceedingly timely, i.e. no matter how successful their business practices without “proper and adequate” insurance in place, placed with a solvent insurance carrier who is more likely responsive to the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk so incredibly smart to have engaged me in the first place, they are essentially “dead in the water” does the website ring a bell?


By now u should be well versed in understanding the “method to my madness” however much u would prefer that I had the “goods” on the Republican Party that with each tick of the clock as Ms. JR and her colleagues ignore my entreaties to “assist” in helping our GREAT GREAT President George W. Bush get reelected in an effort to eliminate the exceedingly poor practice of communism so pervasive through the Democratic Party here in the United States so u must surely be rejoicing, agree?


Then again I would expect u to get no fricken comfort from the “thought” email communication I sent to China TU back on July 23rd which spelled out in rather simple English a rather good case of selective memory by the daughter in law of Larry Lawrence the former not yet disgraced enough Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton regime, such a communiqué coming on the second anniversary of my sending out a rather precise assessment of where the “smart money” resides, Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk assisting with the editing of that piece that drew quite a roar from all over the world.


Furthermore, my command of pretty much any other subject matter “those concerned about keeping up-to-date with very specific legislative requirements were to throw at me no matter how “off the wall” given my access to the “brightest and smartest” people currently occupying space on Mother Earth will have me in moments assuming Verizon my wireless internet service provider has the bandwidth responding in kind, agree?


Not to forget that Mrs. JRK is the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit filed by her husband Mr. JRK who like every single litigator in the country at this time with no more than a penny in their back pocket has to be walking on eggs shells should the likes of Mr. JRK and his partner former United States Attorney Howard Finkelstein along with their “arch rivals” Melvyn Weiss and Bill Lerach armed to the teeth with “bought and paid 4” [sic] journalists such as Michael Kinsman, Diana Henriques, Emile Lambert, Robert Wagner et al not succeed in convincing Assistant United States Attorney Mr. Richard Robinson to “turn a blind eye.”


In short order I will be following up with my cousin Mark Gevisser as well as Ms. Yasmine Martin, General Manager of Peru Rail, our universal water project I would think providing added weight to your skills in drawing the right crowd to mention it is possible that the email address I was given for Mark Gevisser was another cousin of mine going by the same name.


So what did u think of the last broadcasted email that I think went to my father’s brother’s son, Mark Gevisser?


As much as u might derive great satisfaction in your ability to obfuscate the issues I am raising that will no doubt affect your pocket book as the likes of my friend Augusto Benito Vargas in Peru get invigorated in watching the communists in this country squirm, the spotlight becoming ever more increasingly focused on you my pal to ensure the protection of the likes of me and my friends and family, wouldn’t u agree?


Take care




Ps – Perhaps worth repeating a paragraph contained in the document dealing with the state of the publishing industry that I provided Mr. and Mr. Randolph Hearst VI, who at the time, December 1993, was Chairman of Hearst Corporation, u providing terrific input,


“...Often top management “stir the pot” in an effort, not simply to look busy, but to hide non-stellar performance. This can be achieved through an acquisition where trend lines are broken and historical analysis is no longer accurate. A year or so after such a merger comparative analysis becomes very difficult. In this particular case, [Paramount acquiring Macmillan], the difficulty of comparative analysis is intensified because a number of different entities will be folded into one another. Where there is a lot of synergy, factors contributing to performance become amorphous...”





-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Shapiro []
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:24 AM
Mark Gevisser; Pelkind; Devin Standard
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}...Just a thought...{:}


I absolutely will continue to follow along -- while I am not reading every word -- I do not think I have missed the gist -- so to speak.


As to our conferences and seminars, our programs and conferences are all about detailed best practice and compliance challenges for those concerned about keeping up-to-date with very specific legislative requirements -- neither Clinton nor Gore nor Lieberman (who I like) nor Gevisser would be appropriate speakers for this business. 


As to you r conference call and latest plans, I will review any offers you send -- but when no-risk and richer beyond wildest dreams are used in the same sentence -- my immediate reaction falls somewhere between dubious and very     concerned.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:34 PM
To: Glenn Shapiro
Cc: rest;
Mark Gevisser;; Devin Standard
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...Just a thought...{:}


Perhaps your most meaningful critique.


I would now like you to seriously consider having me as one of your speakers and I will guarantee at least the same profit as u get from your very best speaker and I would assume u have former President Bill Clinton




Surely Al Gore




What about that disgustingly poor specimen Senator Joe Lieberman on your roster, assuming of course u allow me “sum” [sic] input in the marketing material...