From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 10:36 AM PT
To: Debbie Schlussel -Bosom Buddy of Howard Stern
Cc: rest;
MY DAY!!!!!
Hey Howard Stern Bosom Buddy,
I take your threats
“sumwhat” [sic] seriously and so should Howard Stern who according to Adam Tucker apparently lends you quite
the ear and then “sum” [sic] while the 2 of
you, from what I understand, continue to lie through your teeth to the next
generation wising up, however, to how little they can trust even out of the
mouths of those who resort to foul language thinking their audience will
continue to be so extraordinarily self-absorbed?
Increasing difficult to maintain the status
quo of the rich trickling down the cost of staying rich on to the poor as the
power of the Internet bypasses the blocks and facilitates the flow of
Not everyone so dumb that
they need explained the drawbacks of “sucking
the hind tit”, idiotic to think that
their right to hear 4 lettered words and instead of finding themselves the most
gorgeous out-of-this-world sexy wife to turn on the radio and imagine what it
would be like to be in my shoes, better yet allowed to hide under Marie Dion
skirts and dresses, so much more important to get their “kicks” imaging “ass and tits”
than bother for a moment about the rights of the next generation to be entitled
to clean drinking water the most precious and basic human
rights that “to-get-her” [sic] with healthy home
cooked meals followed by being told the truth about who exactly butters each of
our bread?
I don’t think I was alone
in getting bored listening to Howard whine about George W. Bush and the current
composition of the Federal Communications Commission who for “sum” [sic] reason
bought into Howard’s genius PR?
Just because someone may
be a genius doesn’t mean that they are a good person?
Go on, make my day, why
not get both smart as well as possibly filthy rich without blackening your hands even more, engage
me in a debate on any subject of your choice from sex to “G-D does NOT exist”
Would you prefer right now
to stick to your guns thinking the “rule of law” like the awesome 10
Commandments are cast in stone?
Ps – I am now going
for my second morning walk with the dogs and I suggest you think after of
course consulting with Howard and his bank,,,
of lawyers-liars your next move after contacting SBC bearing in mind each and
every license granted by the state including the licenses to broadcast as well
as to kill so-called “spam” fall under the “jurisdiction” of the DAAC and idiots such as you still
thinking yourself so smart because you can chew gum and talk “sh1t” [sic] all the time.
[Word count 448]