From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, January 10, 2004 4:38 PM
To: Arthur A. – moderator on the Intersextions lounge of
Cc: rest including San Diego Police Department + FBI

Subject: Next Symposium (:)?


Arthur A. - It is not my custom tu work on the Sabbath but these r unusual times my commitment tu my wife, Marie Dion, not tu work at all on weekends may not in fact be a further "violation" given my take that taking on the likes of you folks is pure fun, well aware of the expression, Mefi toi de leau qui dort, my having got back a little earlier from the beach here on 27th Street in Del Mar where there were no warning signs along the lines:




More than a handful of folks copied on my email last evening to Dr. Sperm Donor JBS’s attorney, Mr. Money Talks Hurst Esq. quite taken by how our 14-year-old took charge stopping her biological father “dead in his tracks”, the Sperm Donor having tu now rethink very very very carefully his next move, when last have u heard such G-dly inspired words,


 “What the hell do you want me to do, miniaturize the phone and then stuff it in her [my incredible mother’s] ear, blah blah” [sic]?


Given your bio on the website, "ply his trade in ... risk management...working mostly in the insurance industry" I would assume u would be both pretty good at math, an outstanding chess player knowing full well that the game of chess is like the game of life, getting your opponent tu play tu your advantage, most familiar with the insurance term "usual & customary" having "learned early that actuarial science was not” 4 U, survival of the fittest not boding well 4 the timid?


Currently I am plying forth, assisting folks wanting tu avoid getting caught in rip currents, "gets" i.e. divorce court, tu avoid, revisiting age-old expressions like THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH, RIPs as in Rest In Peace not altogether different tu RIFs [Reductions In Force] a term used by folks not necessarily as highly skilled and experienced in the insurance world such as yourself, looking at "SCALs" [sic] seeing that along with bone fragments the teeth sumhow remain until the bitter end, assuming u don't allow out of control characters from “kicking u in the teeth” nothing worse, however, than "spoon feeding" kids making them nothing short of co-dependants, silver spoons to boot, agree?


My expression, The Meek WITH TEETH Shall Inherit The Earth which has a number of folks a little "up-set" perhaps even TV and Radio Talk Show Host, Dennis Prager, regarded by many, particularly Jewish people as quite the philosopher, feeling sumwhat “set-up” not quite able tu respond to what was nothing more than the mildest of softballs I threw his way when his wife, Fran Prager, asked me tu dig deep into my pocket and make a contribution tu one of her husband’s causes, Dennis, an ordained rabbi, it seems prior tu my intervention destined tu be appointed nothing short of King Dennis, agree?


I would very much like tu hear your take on the pending insurance crisis since u have apparently "survived and sometimes prospered as a management consultant at three of the Big Five firms" your "varied experiences" having left u "with an abiding interest in the world of professional services and moderate skills related to the financial services industry, where he continues" my very eager tu gather empirical evidence of whether your "formative years at a major Midwestern university where he somehow managed to leave with his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics" have not interfered with your learning, agree?


Suffice tu say I don’t believe there is a fricken literate human being on this planet that would sumhow feel that by you revealing your full name as well as the "Big Five... current employer" your objectivity would sumhow be diminished nor 4 that matter would anyone half way competent construe such revelations as enhancing the reputation of such a "Big Five" which I assume is an "accounting-audirting" [sic] firm, agree?


Moreover, within the next 72 hours I will be communicating with u et al once again first by sending u a personalized email by way of unless u were tu provide me with an alternate email address.


1.         Cliff “Give me a hand” Benn.

2.         David “1969Woolf.

3.         Mr. George Money Talks Hurst Esq – Subject: a) “Cut & Paste” mistakes, b) How tu improve your English, move over rover ; c) Jean Dion RCMP the next French Canadian Pope?

4.         Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Subject: (I) Tu bury or tu crown Caesar, tis the question? (II) Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit [SCAL]:

Marie Dion dnA Gary S. Gevisser et masses


Sterling Holding Company, Citicorp Ventures Corporation, aka, Citicorp. .

5.         Mr. Matthew Margo Esq., 60 Minutes attorney – Subject: “Arse-son” [sic].

6.         Mr. KC, Howard Stern Radio Show – Subject: Kiss the asses of Jean Dion + Pierre + JRK+Devin

 Standard+Kenneth Standard Esq. who can be counted on tu call in the cavalry if need be.

7.         Mr. Poli-Pollak, Democratic Party New Poster Boy – Subject: “Devin [Standard], I have never once asked u tu do me a favor; please I beg of u, I’m willing tu become your maid, clean up after your 3 diks, Queen Victoria, King Arthur as well as Alexander The Great, just if u were tu ask The Rattlesnake tu give me a break, at least let me finish my winter skiing here in Aspen, Colorado, where there are all these fricken South Africans, in one peace” [sic].

8.         David Berman, son-in-law of Michael SteinhardtSubject: On 2nd thoughts…

9.         Mark Weinstein, mini-real estate mogul – Subject: Vomit

10.     Ms. Vicky “Sticky” Schiff – Subject: Time running out 4 the wicked.


Good Day,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake.


Ps – Right now off 4 a quick trot on the beach and then onto our 14-year-olds first “formal”, our Danielle being given a commitment by The Sperm Donor that he will “behave himself.”


Cc: rest including San Diego Police Department + FBI