From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 4:02 PM
To: Jodi Ruiz – assistant to James C. Ashworth Esq.
Cc: rest
Subject: RE: "Bridal sweat" [sic]



Attention: Mr. James Ashworth Esq.



Jodi, good afternoon. I just got back from lunch with my new bride, Marie Dion Gevisser, the former Mrs. John Ben Stewart aka Mds aka “my significant other” as well as “my travel companion” having informed her that I had received this email below but wasn’t quite sure how to respond.


I would have thought that the “Kathryn Murray” email which later resulted in me doing the prudent thing which was to contact the FBI would have made Mr. James Ashworth Esq.’s head start to boil although undoubtedly such waste of government resources adds more “eyeballs”  to our ever growing number of websites, assuming it would give James the necessary boost to get with the program for if it turns out that any of the “3 crybabies” were once again behind usurping their limited authority, then there surely is no time to be lost in playing “rounders” with folks hell bent in preventing me from doing what I do best which is to give lots of hugs and kisses to those who deserve as well as the necessary resources to do further good and to have those who play it “fast & loose” to kick their butts.


As you may have read, “rounders” is the “girlie” form of baseball played in “brain-dead” [sic] hot spots like South Africa.


Although in sending Mr. Ashworth all the necessary funds to prosecute a civil action against Dr. John Ben Stewart [JBS] et al to mention in passing why anyone would think I would have difficulty in getting a District Attorney to bring about a criminal complaint against JBS et al for making false and misleading statements signed “under penalty of perjury” I did not suggest in any way, shape or form that James would participate in any upside relating to my Intellectual Property rights and business matters that were in no small measure “tortuously interfered” with by JBS et al when “they” decided to go “to bat” against me.


Risk Assessment is very much my business, all “part & parcel” of the business strategies we have already begun executing at websites such as and to mention little of GrubbyGrub and ++++ which are catching on like wildfire although none of the websites have yet to be formally launched.


It is very much against the law in most countries to shout “fire” in a crowded theater and normally one should only turn up the thermostat if one gets consensus from all present. But of course as we know not everyone’s vote counts even in places like the United States of America but another thing history has taught us is that it pays handsomely to stand up to bullies.


Once again I am just down the street from Bullys in Del Mar about to take Pypeetoe for his Iron Man exercising routine and as you know one of the things I pride myself on is that fact that since I am so ugly to begin with if anyone were to decide to take a bat to either the front or back of my head it would make little or no difference to my looks but without question it could affect my sex life.


But of course I happen to believe very strongly that only God gives life and is equally careful when deciding to take life although I doubt he puts up with any excuses for being “in a hurry” especially when making love. 


Nothing, however, would surprise me if one of these days I am stopped by the Animal Welfare Rights folks who may decide to see if my dog is in on steroids.


With all that said, before leaving this spot I will be communicating with Mr. Kenneth Standard, the President of the New York Bar Association assuming there is any juice left in the computer’s battery. I chose Mr. Standard out of a whole host of individuals who I thought might soon get an invite to the White House; not because Mr. Standard is an African American, nor for his stellar Harvard Law School credentials but for the fact that he knows a thing or two while general counsel at Bristol Meyer Squid about Shareholder Class Action Lawsuits and how difficult it is for plaintiff attorneys like Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk to bring about convictions.


Proving “Scienter” as in culpable state of mind is one of the most difficult standards to “overcome” and over the years this “bar” has been raised and then some. I am in fact waiting to receive a 204 odd email from Mr. Krinsk that he assured me yesterday while watching the tide come in will captivate my interest and of course when Mr. Krinsk sends me something you can bet your bottom dollar that I will start the billing clock ticking.


Which leads me to ask, “what’s up Doc?”


Now don’t give me any bull about not knowing Mr. Ashworth’s new telephone [#] and address unless of course he has decided to give up the practice of law in which case just ask him to kindly return all my monies, post haste.


Thank you,


Gary S. Gevisser  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jodi Ruiz []
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:42 AM
To: ''


Gary: Mr. Ashworth has relocated his office.  I am no longer working for him.  Therefore, it is not necessary to email me.  Mr. Ashworth is not receiving the emails.  Thank you.
