From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 8:00 PM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest; Ed Bertolas; George Hurst Esq. - Lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart aka Sperm Donor; Gregory S. Henderson, MD, PhD; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Guy Friedman;; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Linda Hoody - Charter School teacher-consultant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State;; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Leah Brandon - KFI 640 AM; Dr. Laura Family; Roger W. Robinson; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Tefo; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Dr. Rod Smith -; Augusto Benito Vargis; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild;; artbell-coast;; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.;;;; Goldman Sachs; George Norhaus - President of Insurance Management Marketing Services Inc.; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Professor Joe Grundfest - Stanford University - former member of the SEC; Seymour M. Hersh c/o The New Yorker;;;




Congrats although I am not yet convinced you are “rili” [sic] the VP of gun running Smith & Wesson but given how you didn’t show up as promised, now for the second time, I may have to accept the “inevitable”.


Were you aware – just thinking about all the incredibly athletic people I just ran into while jogging with Pypeetoe along the cliffs of Del Mar – that there was this so unmistakably athletic albeit ugly so non-Aryan looking Little Corporal during World War I who had the whole world a few years later when he got rid of his bulging Austrian muscles so very confused including the very deep underground Jewish Underground who incredible as it may be to believe failed miserably when first editing Edward Jay Epstein’s Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER to notice how awful was the smell of burning flesh that just kept sticking to even precision engineered parts found in the ovens of death camps like Treblinka and Auschwitz.


Of course you are very busy right this minute and besides you have instructed your hair brain to forget you ever heard of anyone foolish enough to have been offered the top spot of the DAAC deciding to get “down and dirty” and expose this conspiracy of conspiracy that those of us getting more than our fair share of the graft-spoils of diamond-oil wars would prefer just simply vanished in to thin air just like those so idiot Jewish people who didn’t move out in time to Timbuktu where I could be wrong but to the best of my knowledge they also weren’t accepting worthless currency.


Remember we have expressions like “art imitating life” that serve as good a distraction as suggesting I go and see this movie and read that book and then look up the dress of that cross-dresser, anything but remind you that G-d misses nothing, all your fates now in the process of being sealed forever.


I have a sense when a good number of the very few but enough to have us all thinking straight, very deep underground Jewish Underground all met just minutes ago, on the Internet that is, I had a sense they kept murmuring aloud,


“Hey Holy Moses, why is it that us Jewish people, the clowns of the world, cannot figure out not only why it is that so many genius 300 million Americans, approximately only 4.6% of the world’s mostly very poor population own so many worthless-fictitious so blood stained diamonds but yet none of us rili hear that much talk about DeBeers let alone this nonsense acronym DAAC as in DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who did such a fine job in making us so very few human beings with any balls get the message loud and clear that if we took out their big nonsense talker Hitler there would be a dime a dozen just like him replacements in place saying the same old but genius Hollywood-Madison Avenue brainwashing stuff, ‘Germany is Great. Germany is Great. Germany is Great. The Great masses will more likely fall victim to a big lie than a small lie’ but only if able to get rid of independent thinking Jews, Blacks, Gipsies, Gipsy Tea & Coffee, the Portuguese, the Greek, the Geese, the Ganders and of course all the troublemaker bankers quicker than of any of us very deep underground Jewish Underground could escape to nowhere given not only the fact that we had worthless currency thanks to the DAAC getting rid of all non-DAAC bankers BUT just as importantly how, LONG BEFORE the one minute wimpy hand waving and the next fist clenching Hitler got chosen for the job of getting rid of mainly us very very very few ‘smart money’ Jews, Christians, Muslims, the DAAC leaving it up to the DAAC controlled Japanese suffering from ‘island fever’ to screw the Koreans and Chinese, the Jews of the Orient, the DAAC had PLENTY OF TIME to prepare for war when ‘money is no object’” [sic]?


Where is your shame?


But you are of course not thinking of anything else at this time but what I have said repeatedly,


Don’t mess with those Jews such as me who don’t scare easily beginning with those of us who didn’t get off a boat just yesterday!


Where is the shame of anyone reading this email who fail to “stand tall” including those who DARE say they don’t read my so interesting and allow me please to add the word “truthful” and how about “bone chilling” communiqués as I begin to instruct my “true” non-fair “wether” [sic] friends all around the world to look and see if “sumhow” [sic] I have their name wrong on this one list of names.  




A stormy sea but most awesome day we had here, those of us so very fortunate to live on the fresh ocean air swept cliffs of heavily corrupt Del Mar, now beginning to rain.


Not to mention it looks like the rat we thought is up in the attic of the Stone Home is most likely not a mountain lion but possibly a hedgehog if not a squirrel.


To mention little of I still would very much like to get back my Avenger Pitching Wedge you see in this hyperlink, this hyperlink and this hyperlink from the socialist talk show host Roger Hedgecock a close buddy of King Golden Jr. Esq. who as you know remains bosom buddies with master spy of master spies Roger W. Robinson.


Suffice to say since you didn’t show up, no email, no voice message saying words to the effect, “Sorry” -  not that I was expecting you to bring along your email list which you could have simply emailed me - I am taking the liberty of blind copying these two other friends of yours given how both Eric and Erik may when typing my name into Google “assume” certain things.


I.e. that you and I are in “total agreement” on the most important issues of the day which couldn’t be further from the truth, beginning with the fact that as I pointed out in this “ooops,not now ! communiqué this Lily White Wheaty Eating Jewish South African with his head up his butt now living in Israel, you as well as your father have also absolutely no interest in teaching the truth especially to the next generation of kids who unlike any generation prior are today equipped to do something about the truth of it being mostly the poor kids of the world idiotically fighting it out on foreign soil to uphold the fictitious-worthless DeBeers-Dollar in exchange for oil, a rather heavily polluting fossil fuel consumed and expelled in to the world’s atmosphere by the least productive peoples in the world who BUT ONLY to most poorly educated under the Bell Shaped curve educational system where it is the “most average” like your Harvard lawyer trained father who rise to the top; in other words, it is us “feel good” Americans raised with “mediocrity” written all over our BS educational system, one man’s system another man’s corruption, now for some 3 generations who IDIOTICALLY still BELIEVE that our “most average” of the poorly fed and poorly educated who STILL have “superior and overwhelming” military force which as logic would dictate couldn’t be further from the truth.


Today and tomorrow our JoNathan who recently came first in a surfing competition against fierce LWWE competitors, NOT A SINGLE beautifully rich colored athletic looking person “insight” [sic], is competing in another $40 entrance fee competition extending which after I described last evening this hectic schedule for the mostly so out-of-shape mentally-physically biological parents to a very in-shape early twenties Korean-American barely able to “make ends meet”, had me feeling so nauseated I almost brought myself to telling him how if he took 60 seconds of my advice he could work his way “around” that most awesome “scrubbing” Internet business model that has more than just you STILL THINKING mostly about, now well over thinking about your amoral behavior or what alliances China is forging with the Jews of the Middle East, and by the time the New York Stock Exchange opens on Monday morning he could not only be “financially independent” the rest of his life but a couple of million dollars richer all invested in gold with enough left over to buy himself a brand-spanking new Ferrari and have a leased Lear Jet fully fueled ready to take off to a spot like Maputo, Mozambique at a moments notice.


Instead, while keeping the “confidence” of the husband of the wife who came up with the multi-million dollar idea that she proved out manually when collecting a $65,000 check from one customer, I simply informed this gentleman that if he could prove to me via an email that I should invest 45 odd minutes of my time, I could have him “financially independent” in “less than 60 days” without him having to give up either his waiter job or his nonsense universities studies.


Not to mention yet again, while this “scrubbing” idea in the hands of this incredibly bright-athletic couple should easily make for them well within a year a minimum of $10 million so long as they don’t “fall victim” to a “friend’ opening their “big mouth”, in “my hands” the financial rewards would be SIGNIFICANTLY more; more importantly in a much shorter timeframe.


But “getting in bed with me” does in fact have its “drawbacks” in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world that the husband who I get along with “just great”, both of us while knowing our athletic limitations like to ride very fast motorcycles very fast, “Cor” [sic] knowing perfectly well, however, that I would “broadcast” every “important” aspect of the deal including any and all “under the table” deals which of course I wouldn’t allow to be “part of the deal” but just mentioning what it is that is done 24/7 on Wall Street would more likely than not violate the Confidentiality provisions, to mention little of this couple today not even needing the $10 million which like the rest of their estate is going to be going to “friends and relatives”.


No question the husband, possibly younger than me, no kids, a very down-to-earth computer-marketing genius knows exactly what to do with genius ideas-inventions simply “looking for the home”, the garbage cans of Wall Street full to the brim beginning even prior to when the socialist bootlegger Joe Kennedy got DAAC controlled President Franklin D. Roosevelt to appoint him in 1933 the very first Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission.


In mid-afternoon stylish-Dion JoNathan visited me along with an equally athletic buddy whose now divorced father is also very athletic, a very regular surfer and squash player who would understand being one of the  few, relatively speaking, in excellent shape American parents, the 36 words found in the middle of this 8241 odd word communiqué I sent out yesterday that reads:


It [coming of age] takes place anytime between the start and finish of the very first team event we participate in where we get to see how extraordinarily unfit and so incredibly non-athletic are first and foremost our parents.


With that said and you would know just mentioning the 4 digits 1421 when added or multiplied = 8 results in getting kids’ attention, I still say “Thank G-d for the 2nd Amendment “ that gives American Citizens the “right to bear arms” even when considering most honest Americans cannot afford the bullets let alone the government sponsored-subsidized semi-automatic Soviet AK 47s versus the less robust but just so very cool, since it is all about getting the chicks, Israeli Uzi?


Moving right along click on this hyperlink for the continuation bearing in mind edits and hyperlinks continue until such time as I take my last breath.


Why not have your new marketing-sales team “play their role” in all the bs talk since IT IS no longer just you and me and the very deep underground Jewish Underground who know the pricing of everything under the sun including wars when again “money is no object” is dictated to by the DAAC, the mafia of mafia, special interest of special interest groups responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and mass murder that continues on to this day.


How about having them work on the following press release while you think about the excellent relationship between bartering and gold while reading again what Alan Greenspan had to say in 1966, GOLD AND ECONOMIC FREEDOM, prior to becoming Chairman of the DAAC controlled United States Federal Reserve:


“Well, the gun lobby doesn’t support home invasions and to prove this we are opposed to even those unofficial gang members illegally deciding to use semi-automatic weapons which by the way, and to the best of our knowledge - such verbiage helping in suggesting that we are so careful in distinguishing fact from fiction when it comes time for jury selection in both the compensatory as well as punitive damages trials - letting you all know that we again as far as we know and we don’t deny Gary S. Gevisser could be a figment of all our imaginations, that as yet M1 tanks for home use don’t, let us repeat, to the best of our knowledge, don’t have Oprah’s seal of approval which it is not our business to argue for or against even though it is our personal opinion that if her approval ratings drop and she is forced to live off Stedman’s book sales, why in the world shouldn’t we be part of the distraction game and strongly suggest that she too can bought just like the VP of Smith & Wesson and his wife and 3 kids” [sic]!


Yes, the average American barely has time to think let alone consider reading one of my highly informative missives that explains why it is that they are “battling to make ends meet” like never before, certainly since the war of The South Versus The North.


BUT STILL able to afford the basic junk food, fresh water and fuel to drive their gas guzzling vehicles, able to be, on occasion, but increasingly less so, “quick witted” with their “gift of the gab”, the little they have left both in terms of time and spare change to clothe, feed and provide shelter for their loved ones, by commenting, “WELL WE STILL HAVE OUR WARS,,, SO WHAT’S NEW?” after expressing their miserable lives lacking any purpose and before “throwing in the towel” as they eat and drink themselves to death find comfort in declaring out loud:


Well, despite all our complaints, out-of-control health insurance premiums, more of a battle getting reimbursed than fighting all the big government diseases the worst of them ‘Poverty of Thought’.


Not to forget, however, as we develop to the fullest our big butts that we can barely fit into any regular seat whether a car or motorcycle seat, G-d forbid the airlines take up my idea of charging airline passengers based on their weight just like luggage.


Yes all the great conveniences of modern day living that serve as the necessary quick distractions like cappuccino machines, refrigerators, making us once again “feel good” about our pitiful DAAC filled lives, a whole lot better, so pitifully arguing, than living in the Middle Ages with the bubonic plague.


But as you know honest, law abiding American citizens, the very few that there are who owns guns are EXTRAORDINARILY ILL-EQUIPPED to handle their weapons were they in fact to use them against what WE ALL KNOW are “petty crime criminals” who of course not only have the DAAC Smith & Wesson supplied guns and increasingly less frightened to use them but such “gangsters” may in fact be the most reliable of Americans to defend against say an invasion?


At your first board meeting of Smith & Wesson you would be by insisting IT IS an EXTRAORDINARILY BIG MISTAKE to make China the new “EVIL EMPIRE” given China’s extraordinary both historical and current day “alliances” with the State of Israel very much in the greatest “divide” since the surviving tribes decimated the so-called Lost Tribe of Israel, result in Smith & Wesson redoubling its efforts to supply weapons to “scared sh*tless” [sic] families in places like Baghdad “benefiting” the most from our so dark DAAC’s continuous civil wars in the world’s mineral rich regions and at the same time being “politically correct” here in DAAC controlled United States where for more than a century we have been the world’s largest wholesale diamond-money laundering market promoted 24/7 by the likes of John Ziegler so energetic with his infomercials!


And then of course Dr. Laura, “I am the proud mother of an American soldier…Now go out and do the right thing…


Now, if you are not on the board then please feel free to share this communiqué with the Chairman of the Board who upon reading it will no doubt be smart enough to place you on the board possibly even willing immediately to give you his seat!


Sickening, but at the same time if you are back on the side of light, NOW FEELING INVIGORATED by all this KIL being spread at Light-G-D-speed so that the vast majority of world’s going on 7 odd billion population, suffering horribly from all such TRANSPARENT deviousness of epic proportions, FOR THE FIRST TIME in the history of our species KNOW we have the NUMBERS on our side, so many of us UNDERSTANDING PERFECTLY WELL just like you that all this HYPOCRISY lasts on so long as Knowledge-Information-Light is prevented from reaching your primary markets which again is SO POLITICALLY CORRECT, avoiding “at all cost” selling defensive-offensive guns to all our gang leaders who in the past find all sorts of creative ways - I will be happy to explain to the Board of Directors of Smith & Wesson, just give me 24 hours notice - to kick back to Smith & Wesson’s sales force a percentage of the take from home invasions the so few that there are but promoted so handsomely by the DAAC controlled media.


Benefiting the most of course from this bullet-proof strategic marketing campaign which I assume is the reason you keep reminding me that you have lost your mind along with your soul in joining such a DAAC controlled so bloody organization, is the next generation of “independent thinking” children relying more and more on their peers, NOT THE CONSTANTrole reversing-model” parents, one minute friend, the next nonsense talking parent, such empowered kids not going to suffer as much from “Poverty of Thought” as the overwhelming majority of children of folks on my email list that as you know represents a statistically valid sampling of the worlds literate and crooked population.


Please spare me any response and use the time to simply load this up on to Smith & Wesson’s Yahoo message board which doesn’t exist so just place it on Starbucks message board by clicking on this hyperlink.


BTW I just noticed as I was going through my one email account inbox that another group of folks from The New Yorker magazine emailed me back on December 11th, giving me another email address to use in order to reach the “bloody liar” investigative journalist Seymour Hersh.


In my response I will reference a question put to me last evening by a very good looking, tall, lean, athletic looking Korean-American waiter-student at UCSD studying economics, perhaps the very best question anyone has asked me ever since I began opening my “big mouth” some 7 odd years ago with this heavily broadcasted communiqué that resulted for the first time in a quarter of century with the very deep underground Jewish Underground contacting me, apart from of course my Royal Mater and her most “guarded friends”, all taking place at our favorite sushi restaurant here in again heavily corrupt Del Mar.


In due course after I have finished a fresh cup of young green leaf tea from China which I am fast running out of followed by a Ilfornio pizza and salad you can click on this hyperlink to access my reply to this very helpful person at The New Yorker.


While I think of it, it’s possible that you didn’t get a copy of the now 8241 word communiqué which was in response to a 38 word email from a local architect that also contained a proposal for architectural services.


Contained within are references to a fairly known female South African journalist by the name of Aida Parker who was the first wife of my RM’s “middle of the road” political half-brother Joe Ash.


While Aida, who you can see on the far right in this intimate family gathering, looked uncannily alike to Hitler’s girlfriend Eva Braun my uncle Joe Ash was a member of the South African United Party that was led by the greatest ally of “independent thinkers” the world has ever known, certainly in the past 100 years, Field Marshall Afrikaner Jan Smuts like all “independent thinkers” had to live a “double life” although “sum” [sic] I know well led triple and more lives, the lies eventually, however, taken their toll no matter how good an argument one could make when debating the “wrong” approach, “The end justifies the means”.


Not to mention Aida was the most brilliantly articulate “defender” of the South African Apartheid Regime’s “Separate Development” that had Nazi government bureaucrats checking the crinkle in peoples’ hair to decide who was white, colored and whathaveyou which was no joke especially once you KNOW that it was the DAAC controlled 3 Branches of the United States Government “calling the shots” in mineral rich South Africa for more than 4 decades.


And as you know not much if anything has changed,


Not to mention yet again why you should at least think about weaning your children off all the nonsense you have taught them by having them read very carefully Nelson Mandela’s 11,700 word “I am NOT Prepared to Die” [sic] speech that was, at best, a plea for a “slave wage” increase, all from the dock of the Supreme Court in Pretoria back on April 20th 1964 just prior to DAAC stooge President Lyndon Johnson no different to each American President following the formation of the DAAC controlled Federal Reserve in 1913, instructing the captain of the nuclear powered aircraft carrier Enterprise to venture to South Africa to “pay respect” their ACTUAL Commander In Chief, American Charles Engelhard and his Anglo partner Harry Oppenheimer.


Then after they have vomited from the so sickening words of Mandela, first have your children, followed by your Danish “pig farm-raised” wife, followed by all their teachers and clerics, click on this hyperlink that goes to, “A Tribute to Soweto Youth, 1976-1986and for them all to read first,


AZAPO received international recognition when it led opposition to the January, 1985, visit to South Africa by U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy. Its aim in these actions was to expose the liberal capitalist essence of Kennedy and his opposition to real Black political power in South Africa.


Then to scroll down the page, read very carefully the section titled, Imperialist Relations with South Africa that reads:


The liberals and reformists, in calling for divestment, act as if the U.S. corporations that invest in South Africa were merely getting their hands dirty by investing in apartheid. But the real relations between the multinational corporations and South Africa are much deeper than that. These corporations are joint partners with the South African monopolies and government in the exploitation of the natural and human resources of the Azanian people.


The development of South Africa as a modern settler colonial state coincides with the transition to imperialism, i.e. monopoly capitalism, by the major European powers and the U.S. One of the features of imperialism is the export of capital in search of maximum profits. These profits are gained through cheap labor, raw materials and markets for the goods produced. South Africa provided all of these. In South Africa we also see other features of imperialism, such as the division of the world among monopoly capitalist corporations, and the division of the world among competing imperialist powers.


After Britain defeated the Boers around the turn of the century, South Africa became a dominion of the British Empire. The main monopoly corporations involved in South Africa were British, and this is still true today. However, U.S. corporations have been rapidly increasing their investment in South Africa, especially since World War II. This follows a pattern seen all over the world. The U.S., the dominant imperialist country after the war, edged out Britain, France and the other colonial powers from their former colonies, bringing these areas into its sphere of influence. All the major Western imperialist powers, Britain, the U.S., West Germany, Japan, France and others, shared in the super-profits to be made off of Black labor in South Africa. By 1976, investment by all the imperialist powers amounted to almost 1/4 of all investment in South Africa.


Then continue to the very next section titled, Mining and when they have got done reading UMPTEEN TIMES the ENTIRE SECTION that ends:


What is now the largest gold mining monopoly in South Africa, the Anglo-American Corporation, was formed after World War I by a South Africa diamond monopolist, Ernest Oppenheimer, in partnership with the U.S. Morgan Guaranty Bank and other U.S. and British capital. Anglo-American and its affiliated companies now have investments in mining throughout southern Africa (including Zambia's huge copper mines), as well as in manufacturing, trade, finance and real estate. The Anglo-American Group is the largest monopoly capitalist company in South Africa, with over $10 billion in assets. One U.S. multinational closely linked to Anglo-American is Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals. Its founder, Charles Engelhard, was an open supporter of the South African regime. He was also a large contributor to the Democratic Party and a good friend of former presidents Kennedy and Johnson.


Have them ask you what exactly, no strike that, what precisely does it mean when we Americans when lecturing anyone including the Iranians say, “WE ARE A NATIONS OF LAWS?


Finally, after “falling on the sword” and declaring out LOUD that YOU HAVE NOvalue system” worth talking about while at the same time sending me your entire email list, have everyone you are now communicating with including I assume G-d, remind you to go back and read EXACTLY what Nelson Mandela had to say as this LAWYER-LIAR just like your HARVARD TRAINED father who you HAVE YET to distance yourself from, HAD THIS TO SAY FOR HIMSELF from the dock of the South African Supreme Court just months before the whole CORRUPT world saw American Foreign Policy at “its best” showing off its GUNBOAT-REGIME CHANGE-BARREL OF A GUN-ALMIGHTY DEBEERS-DOLLAR.


Not to mention DAAC corrupted Mandela joining the ANC in 1944 the year of the Bretton Woods Conference that “fixed” the Almighty Dollar following, however, way behind Diamond Currency that had been used as the PRIMARY “TOOLS” to ignite-fire up OIL World War I and II and every conflict in the world that has followed.


To repeat those so shameful words of Nelson Mandela:


I have great respect for British political institutions, and for the country's system of justice. I regard the British Parliament as the most democratic institution in the world, and the independence and impartiality of its judiciary never fail to arouse my admiration.


The American Congress, that country's doctrine of separation of powers, as well as the independence of its judiciary, arouses in me similar sentiments.


I have been influenced in my thinking by both West and East. All this has led me to feel that in my search for a political formula, I should be absolutely impartial and objective. I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism. I must leave myself free to borrow the best from the West and from the East . . .

There are certain Exhibits which suggest that we received financial support from abroad, and I wish to deal with this question.


Our political struggle has always been financed from internal sources - from funds raised by our own people and by our own supporters. Whenever we had a special campaign or an important political case - for example, the Treason Trial - we received financial assistance from sympathetic individuals and organizations in the Western countries. We had never felt it necessary to go beyond these sources.


But when in 1961…


This is only an “upside down” world to the “unintelligent” who as logic would dictate are hypocrites!


[Word count 4786]




From: Devin Standard []
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:12 AM
To: gary; Eric Einbinder; Erik Forman
Subject: Happy Channukah


Hi Guys:
Happy Hannukah.
I just switched jobs.
VP w/ Smith & Wesson.