From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:53 PM PT
To: Sargent Jensen - San Diego Police Harbor Department
Cc: rest;; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and
Chief Operating Officer ; Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle
Airlines;; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas
Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention;
Steve Terry - General Manager American Eagle - San Diego;
Oprah;;; Dr. John K. Pollard -; Dad; Mr. Gonzales -
Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Sherri Hendricks -
Rapaport Report;;
Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman;; Gregg
Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary;
Simon Constable -; Newell Starks -
Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation
fronting corporation; Roger W.
Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.;
Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of
Broadcasters; Roger Hedgecock; President
Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild;;;
Subject: THE
LION...---... SMILE... What happened....
Conventional Wisdom says,
Anything too long indicates the writer wants to get things off his
And this is to the detriment of the point of sending an E Mail.
The shorter, sweeter and to the point always works.
The brain has then nothing to filter.
The more loose tea in the tin, the more you need a strainer...if you
know what I mean?
Why throw a B52 full of bombs when you can drop
just one big one....sort of thing.
Not only is
Conventional Wisdom mostly wrong but there was a reason why the United States
did not drop just one even miniature neutron bomb on Vietnam instead the B52s
full of bombs did the job just perfect and our industrial-military-complex
moved on, bigger and bigger, but better men think of what women think bearing
the children who are the ones increasingly caught in the cross-fire.
Now sit back and relax.
Take a deep breath.
You will agree that so far the
beginning of my message is quite good, no strike that, rather excellent given
how it is both relatively concise and to the point. What follows below if you
are suffering like most from mental hardship is long and drawn out and you
would prefer to feel it is filled with anger and opinions
versus quite the opposite.
You would agree it is good to
present all points of view.
Bear in mind that I don’t have much
to deal with at the moment on a personal level.
I have a scheduled date with my
awesome wife this evening, 3 people so far coming over to our cliff house for
job interviews followed by a quick run along the beach with my dog and then out
for a couple of hours if not more on my wave ski, still needing though to find Pypeetoe
a dogsitter since he would need to be leashed and I am not willing to upset
anyone by testing out a long leash attached to the wave ski.
Are you available?
It would be okay to swim for a
little while but once he starts howling.
Don’t let me go on although you
would agree that sometimes people who claim they are your friend do everything
in their power to destroy your self esteem.
It is invigorating not sad when you
realize they were never your friend and it is time to never see them or talk to
them again, wouldn’t you agree?
You are not the
only person in the world who is having difficulty defining the mission in Iraq
and Afghanistan to the next generation who don’t need either me or you to help
them figure out it is worth taking their chances staying put and if need be
join one of our homegrown gangs where at least the colors are different.
But I think you
would agree that you are not yet equipped to explain to those still eager to
search for the truth; i.e. not yet corrupted, not yet in denial how the
business of “money” figures in to all of this utter nonsense.
Not to mention
you should know by now that the USS Liberty, the most “wired” floating vessel in the world at
the time it got blasted on June 8th 1967 to smithereens, first
Israeli fighter jets dropping on this defenseless U.S. spy ship napalm bombs
having initially disabled, again an “Ally’s”
super secret spy vessel hanging in the most brutal war zone of the Middle East,
with 50 mm machine gun bullets, all followed by the most brutal Israeli Navy’s
Special Marine Forces on fast moving rubber boats still feeling the need to
torpedo, again a clearly marked in English, a high flying American flag to
boot, ally WELL KNOWN
SPY ship that had NOT A SINGLE Protector-Defender within
500 miles, totally dead in the water; the Liberty crew geared more for looking
good at medal award ceremonies, incapable of doing much more than finally
firing off a few rounds in to the approaching Israeli torpedo boats while
mostly trying to drop lifeboats in to the burning oil, HAD JUST PRIOR to being placed in “harms way” by American-Israeli intelligence done a stint down in South Africa
which is where the orders to be placed in “harms way” originated.
And of course
who apart from Senator John McCain’s admiral father, the incompetent-culpable seaman, would ever think of placing
The Liberty along with the whole fricken American 6th Fleet sitting
in the sun some 500 miles away in the Mediterranean Sea over in Vietnam where
it was mostly a matter of feeding our “Poverty of Thought” young like Senator McCain to the fierce Vietnamese farmers just wanting
to be left alone to be successful entrepreneurs which they are today only
because they won and we the DAAC forces lost “handedly”.
So whose side
do you think God is on?
I would wager
my last worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollar that with all I have given you just
in the past 24 hours you could not only stand up to debate someone as poorly
bred as well as horribly educated as Dr. John K. Pollard and the
such which accounts for the overwhelming majority of nonsense talkers coming
out of all our universities worth talking but you would beat him and every one
of his buddies on my FOOLS
BTW I have not
placed Dr. JKP back on the FNFFIPP list since not one of his many scientist colleagues that he is so busy
with when failing to properly counsel his daughter how to properly “feed”
delinquents decide to send me the nonsense study they keep talking about that
says women are inferior to men in the sciences and the math.
I assume this
murder of a professional surfer by 4 younger friends of Dr. JKP’s
daughter, a mover and shaker in the Socialist big government Democratic Party
does not have you distracted from completing you long report for the District
Attorney inevitably leading to a class action lawsuit against American Airlines
that could conceivably if I am “spearheading” the project result in the
bankrupting of this major New York Exchange public corporation.
Don’t you feel
just marvelous finally realizing that your first reaction to hearing academics
speak was 100% accurate.
They are all a
bunch of wankers.
And those that
are possibly not, cant you just wait to see them join us?
Or are you
still mostly focused on checking with pawn shops to see if the American
Airlines officials and employees who stole my gold thought when exchanging the
gold for other gold they were going in to a confession
booth to boot?
If you know any
of those members of the USS Liberty especially those in the top secret below
deck intelligence gathering unit which was off limits even to the Captain who
later received in an unceremonious ceremony the Nation’s highest honor for “duty under friendly fire”, the
Congressional Medal of Honor, would you be inclined to put me in touch with
them and have them visit with me this afternoon at our cliff house in Del Mar
where I will be conducting job interviews starting at around 2:30?
There was this
eerie whirling noise much like how a warning siren starts up that I have never
heard before ever, all the noise made by the wind here at our Stone Home that
came out of nowhere, suddenly picked up, and now everything is silent apart
from the whirling noise made by my desktop computer, very much on its last

overwhelming majority of those schooled throughout the world including us in
South Africa, black and white, under the American-British
Crown Bell Shaped Curve educational system, all geared to destroying
independent thinking, had no idea of the deal first struck between John F. Kennedy and
American mafia of mafia boss Charles Englehard at Engelhard’s Chaleur Camp very
private retreat across our northern border in Quebec, Canada that was later “rubber stamped” when Mr. Engelhard, my uncle David
Gevisser’s major benefactor, “arranged” the meeting with President
elect JFK with Anglo South African Harry Oppenheimer,
Engelhard’s money laundering mafia partner at the Carlyle Hotel in New York
City with more than just the Secret Service looking on in utter amazement.
Just one
American fighter jet buzzing the South African Apartheid Regime’s Houses of Parliament back in mid-1964 when Engelhard commanded the
newly elected DAAC President Lyndon Johnson to send the nuclear aircraft carrier Enterprise
to Cape Town could have brought this most repressive regime the world has ever
known to its knees.
Not to mention,
I bet you were surprised to hear when first reading the website located via the
previous hyperlink that Socialist big government Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy
when he visited South Africa in 1985 was so embarrassingly heckled not by white
South Africans but by Black South Africans who remember just because they are
black doesn’t mean they are much more brilliant than Lilly White Wheaty Eaters
such as the Kennedys and Arnold to boot.
Instead of
doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, Lyndon
Johnson did what President
JFK was supposed to do for the DAAC having
buttered not just his bread but the entire Kennedy clan going back to when
Joseph Kennedy the patriarch of this mafia family was a two-bit drug dealer
specializing in alcohol.
Does it really
take much racking on anyone’s brain with just an iota of “common sense” to figure out what Israeli
intelligence with the most extraordinary very deep underground intelligence on
the ground in South Africa were doing in the 12 month “interval” between the Enterprise visiting
South Africa to pay the DAAC-British
Crown-3 Branches of the United States Government’s
respects to the DAAC kingpins “living it up” in the DAAC hatred filled South Africa where the “courseware” for Jewish kids was, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH
Who the hell is
Who the hell is
You surely not
mad at me just for asking simple but intelligent questions that you already
know the answer to but probably prefer that you didn’t with just 17 odd years
to go before starting to collect your soon to be worthless pension!
You didn’t need
your mommy or daddy or preacher or teacher or professor at college to tell you
that the problems of the world are all “made up”, that it has never ever been about race, color, sex or religion simply
poor religious parental teaching and greedy people.
Can you
appreciate how the Revlon
Make Up Cartoon on my first website, footsak meaning slang South African to give someone a “kick in the rear
end”, played a pivotal role in getting Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. of
Finkelstein & Krinsk and Mr. Robert Kaplan of Kaplan Kilsheimer & Fox
to do the right thing and file an epic class action lawsuit complaint against
Revlon Corporation, naming its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ronald “Capo Di Capi” Perelman as one of the
defendants on October 1st 1999 with less than a couple of hours to
go before the statute of limitations ran out?
Do you think
Mr. Perelman and Mr. Arpey, President and Chief Operating Officer of American
Airlines are talking to one another these days and whether the two of them have
taken counsel with Joe Grundfest, a former member of the SEC also quite
intimately familiar with my work product?
It was no
coincidence that the very first Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission in
1934 would be a Kennedy and why not its patriarch.
Whichever way
you slice things even if it means as my Hong Kong friend Neil
Gould pointed out last evening, cutting and sharpening your
finger to make a point which is not a good thing, everything boils down to one
very simple fact that has been around I would say longer than both you and me,
specifically how if you were in with the DAAC you could use their Diamond
Currency that they gift you to own a piece of Lloyds Insurance Of London and in the next
instant own whatever piece of the New York Stock Exchange that has MIT and
Cornell Alumnus Dr. John K. Pollard able to
pontificate that the economy of the United States is doing just fine, just so
long as you haven’t forgotten who exactly butters your bread because the DAAC are
excellent record keepers and this I would know not simply because my mommy told
me so.
Not to mention
my very mindful and over-the-top literate most gorgeous French-Canadian wife, Marie Dion Gevisser will, if it is meant to be, write The Lion, a children’s
book about the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel that will inform both the children and those that read it to them
about this most extraordinary corruption for which there is no equal so that by
the time the kids are teenagers they will in fact know everything versus today
when they think they know everything there is to know.
You first have
to read The Diamond Invention which means you have to “bite the bullet” and acknowledge you don’t know the first thing
about how the “real world” works before knowing how best to do your job.
There is
nothing I have written so far about how an Almighty
God might be looking down upon us, perhaps from the bottom up just the way
lightening strikes but lets just stick to supposing that there is no such thing
as our One Omnipotent Power just ponder what it all means when the crooks of
crooks are in charge of the “pulse-gauge” that to corrupt idiots like MIT and Cornell alumnus Dr. John K. Pollard suggest
the U.S. industrial-military-complex is doing just fine.
Bear in mind
that today Dr. JKP is not going to be communicating all that much with those he admires on
FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list since you would think he
has his hands full trying to get 4 young men, friends of his 40+ year old
daughter, who should have known better than to gang up and murder in cold blood
a professional surfer after following this surfer who I do not know to his home
after an earlier scuffle in filthy rich La Jolla, California, beat a “Murder One” rap.
My thoughts
right now are with Steve Biko and his awesomely courageous however few
supporters such as Professor Fatima Meer while never ever forgetting those not
much older than me who had their genitals cut off while still alive when Syrian
forces overrun Israeli positions on the Golan Heights in the first hours of the
Yom Kippur not all that surprising attack given how even back in 1973 Arab and
non-Arab including Iranian enemies of Israel were mimicking rather well Israeli
Special Forces.
Would you be
interested in my personal “assessment” of Hollywood blockbuster
Producer-Director Steven
SPIelberg’s classic 2005 movie-documentary-drama MUNIch, covering the murder of 11 “defenseless” Israeli athletes at the Munich summer Olympics?
First, you
should watch the movie along with SPIelberg’s 5 minute 100 mile
introduction and remember everything I have said previously beginning with the
above paragraph going back to what I sent my father on his 77th Birthday back on October 18th 2000 and then tell me if the
world hasn’t changed since then and don’t forget to email Dr. JKP with
your answer.
I am getting
close to rapping up this Part I of perhaps 3 part email and before I move on I
should have you when examining the “money
trail” look at the baseless criminal
complaint The IT filed against me but my wife being the “primary target” on the first anniversary of 911 when he and his co-conspirators
believed correctly that law enforcement officials would not only be distracted
but so wanting to believe a “godly” medical doctor that I was “misbehaving” with his 13 year old biological daughter without however of course
mentioning that he had just built for Danielle
a tiny bedroom in his BIG 3 story house in his closet leading in to his master
bedroom that isn’t really all that big.
3 days prior The IT had
tried to goad me out of my automobile and engage him in a fist fight and after
he stepped away from the front of my Mini Cooper S heading in the direction of
the front passenger side I could have very easily started up the car and been
on my way.
But by this
time he talking uncontrollably, the spit flying all over the place that had me
thinking of my dad in his Spitfire which helped keep my level head as you now
think about the nonsense of JFK Jr. becoming disoriented and not knowing what
was up or down when deciding to plunge his plane carrying also his wife and
sister-in-law into the cold Atlantic Ocean with a 100 mile clear visibility.

I knew from a
lifetime of experience that everything would eventually get in my favor so long
as I was just able to maintain my cool which was not at all easy given how I
was exerting a lot of energy ducking and diving just to avoid all the awful
contamination of his mouth, nothing quite like seeing sperm on the side of the
mouth of The Sperm Donor of Sperm Donors.
Then “out of nowhere” I heard the name “Roger” as in “our man Roger” as in DAAC Master spy Roger W. Robinson, the protégé of Chase Manhattan Bank chairman David
Rockefeller whose family has played a pivotal role in the Diamond Drilling Bit
Oil Wars, the first beginning in 1914, one year following the formation of the DAAC-British
Crown United States Federal Reserve.
I knew that
there was not a chance in hell that my former one American attorney of some 15
years Mr. King Golden Jr. Esq. a
graduate of Berkley and the University of Virginia Law School where etched in
stone on the one campus building are the words, “We Do Not Lie, Steal
or Cheat”, would have introduced The IT, his neighbor,
to RWR who along with Sec. James A. Baker were running President Ronald W. Reagan’s first
administration while our Being There President watched movies convincing himself that he was a pilot during
the second major Diamond Drilling Bit Oil War.
Robert F.
Kennedy also a graduate of the law school where they like every law school do
lie, steal and cheat, I thought at the time The IT made mention of “our man Roger” had to be turning over in his
Let me remind
you and law enforcement all around the world including those in the Peoples
Republic of Communist China who do not feel the need to carry guns to be used
on their own so polite, so non-aggressive but extraordinarily aware people who LIVE TO LEARN of who exactly is “our man Roger” that would have The
IT a total idiot but slimeball of slimeball DARE to
mention his name in the same breath as telling me, “Roger is
also afraid of you!”
Loose Lips Sink
It was just a
question of 3 days before the “next shoe would fall” and then following the baseless criminal complaint filed “under oath under penalty of perjury” by the
slimeball of slimeballs on September 11th, 2002, followed by
an initial hearing where The
IT’s X wife stood up so very brilliantly to all his
acts of intimidation designed to have us both go nuts, but instead we just smiled, The IT and Co. felt in order to now try “covering their tracks” on that very same day, to have both the FBI
and Detective Jeffrey Steele from your police department visit with me.
No doubt the
record will show how I was not in the least bit angry.
Truth is a very
powerful weapon.
You should try
it sometime on yourself.
God is Truth.
Truth, that
which does not change.
Roger W. Robinson, born on the same day as President R.W.R., February 6th,
but 40 years apart is currently the immediate past Chairman and Vice Chairman
of the very important U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission last
appointed by former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist on May 7, 2003.
I have known “our man Roger”, the bosom
buddy of my left of left wing American attorney King Golden Jr. Esquire, a long
time resident of heavily corrupt Del Mar, California, from when “our man Roger”
first joined as the “top dog” the National Security Council March 1982.
I was still 24 and Roger was 31 odd
years of age.
Moreover, given my closeness to his
buddy” I knew everything there was to know about RWR while all he knew is what King Golden
Jr. Esq. would have told him and I only told my attorney with
the “attorney-client privilege” only what he needed to know.
Both King and Roger do a lot of both
pot and alcohol and neither of them exercise.
Moreover, by 1984 I was in the best
physical and mental shape of my life having survived repeated liver poisoning
by DAAC forces that included both
physicians and nurses at Cape Town’s
famous Groote Schuur hospital where each time I went “under the knife” I got
BTW my maternal grandfather, Albert Badash-Ash was assassinated by the DAAC who also poisoned his liver
although all my Royal Mater ever mentioned on the subject was that “when
they opened him up and exposed his liver, he died the next day”. Al Ash was prior to being poisoned to death the
healthiest tea toddler on the planet.
When King
Golden Jr. Esq. and I would visit with RWR in Washington DC at the brownstone owned by Valerie Schulte
Esq., the “third leg in the stool”, bearing in mind Valerie’s prior claim to
fame was that for 15 years she spread her legs day in and day out for CNN
founder Ted Turner, I would be up at the crack of dawn getting in my exercise
so that when we would all congregate for breakfast in Valerie’s kitchen that
led out to her very cute garden in the back that I helped toil on many an
occasion, I could “clown around” without any of them “being the wiser.”
Anyone with an addictive personality
feels the need to talk more so.
Drug addicts are the DAAC’s first choice when the situation
calls for a “hit” and then to get rid of all the evidence part of the
compensation includes bad “smack”.
Parents that believe in smacking
their kids wouldn’t understand a word I am writing and I am not only talking
about those who enjoy being physically violent on their defenseless kids who
later they protest to be “close as thieves” while stealing
their children’s innocence and independent thinking and course enjoying their
grandchildren for thinking themselves so fricken smart not to have murdered
their children and at least stop this endless cycle of violence.
While Roger, King and Valerie with
me every so often throwing in my “two pennies worth” of entertainment including
how they could be assured of King becoming President of the United States with
me running his campaign with of course “our man Roger” ultimately once again
“running the White House” but us all agreeing that RWR’s pal Sec. James A. Baker who King would repeat ad-nausea, “The
Most Dangerous Person In The World” sidelined as our Ambassador to the
House of Saud which he has always been, I made the smart and only choice to go
deafeningly silent once I got Martin Rapaport of the Diamond Rappaport Report
to “confirm” that he was more than just a pawn of Codiam Inc. that his co-dependant
relationship also included his ability to “keep tabs” on Stephen Cohen and Alan Lipworth, the two DAAC principals of Codiam Inc. my employer back in 1980; Codiam
Inc. a diamond “sight holder” and the DAAC’s
principal marketing and money laundering arm in the United States responsible
for setting up for the DAAC
wholesale-retail diamond money laundering operations like E. Slotar Inc. of Chicago, Illinois who I first met on the plane
when arriving from South Africa, destination Chicago back on March 17th 1978 armed with
the “Letter
of Introduction” of “Letters of Introductions”.
Back to your timeline and flowchart
of the most important events in the history of the world following the Red
Army, not the United States liberating the death camp of Auschwitz on February
2nd 1945 that preceded by a couple of days the start of the
atrocious Yalta Conference that immediately had Sec. James A. Baker’s future
employer meeting with DAAC President
Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Not to mention my father’s prior
dive bombing mission on January 31st 1945, “D. B. Ammo dump s. of
Spilamberto” with two 500 lb bombs on each wing, his 1 hour and 30 minute 23rd mission beginning at 10:45
AM, his log reading:
Pigeon led 8’s. There was 10/10
cloud at 4000 our side of line! My bombs just overshooting hitting road, there
being many hits. Made 2 straffing runs one dump blew up others burning. Very
successful op!”
Bernie Gevisser’s next mission to
dive bomb the crap out of the DAAC Nazi bastards took place on President and
RWR’s birthday, February 6th 1945, his 24th mission to “D.B.
three guns south of Bologna” carrying again just two 500 pound bombs,
beginning at 15:20 and lasting 1hr and 40 minutes, recorded in his second
No. 3 to Syd [Cohen]. Saw a great
deal of AA ahead of us over target. Also
saw gun flashes on ground! Heavy A.A. around Mel & myself as we went down –
They also sent up some light A.A. as we were diving – so straffed! I never
observed my bombs as I was too busy getting out!
Your thoughts must again go to poor,
poor Dr. JKP the same age as my
amazing father. The two, to the best of my recollection, have not met.
Now lets return to “our man Roger” sitting there “calling
the shots” until September 1985 in the basement of the White House, he
and Sec. James A. Baker in doing the bidding of the DAAC were in fact fiddling with the next generation all around the
Now let’s not also forget that prior
to joining the NSC staff, Chairman and Vice Chairman Robinson was a Vice
President in the International Department of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City. As a
banker, he had responsibilities for Chase's loan portfolio in the USSR, Eastern and Central Europe, and Yugoslavia for
five years. He also served for some two and a half years as a staff assistant
to former Chase Chairman David
Rockefeller and earlier on assignment with the Chase branch in Tokyo.
Now take a look
at what my Royal Mater sent me for my 34th birthday.

A month
earlier, February 1991, “our man Roger”, now 40 years of age came to visit with
me for the first time in my 900 or so square foot 2 bedrooms, 2 bath apartment
with a small balcony allowing you in the wind direction was right to smell all
the sex going on the condominiums in front.
I knew Roger
would be stoned coming in to my apartment
#4 since he was with King.
My girlfriend
Annie George was present but she was not talking and nor was I.
Annie George is
an extraordinarily observant individual responsible for running a major
insurance marketing/publishing private corporation that required her and her
staff of the most brilliant journalists-editors to meet some 3300 publishing
deadlines a year, making me and the founder George Nordhaus whose job it was
mine to keep him out of the way, look extraordinarily good.
Annie George
had no knowledge of what exactly I was doing back on 47th-Wall
Street in 1980 but she did know that I had got deathly sick.
Annie George
had no knowledge of all our discussion in Washington DC-Georgetown because she
never accompanied me on any of the trips.
Annie George
knew, however, that Roger while stoned was still in a state of utter shock when
looking around my very humble abode that was very “wired” as are all my homes
including my apartment on 69th Street between Central Park West and
Columbus in New York City, but all “poorly educated” RWR could do was at first just keep his mouth wide open without saying a
word, not even King informing him that I owned the 6 unit apartment-condominium
building which had me just giggling couldn’t distract “our man Roger” from his first gut instinct
which was simply “honest amazement” that in a matter of moments had him feeling
“stone cold” even though I was continuing to smile as naturally as possible
under the circumstances knowing that I would need going forward to play my
cards extraordinarily smart and beyond belief “close to my chest”.
Just because I
never opened my mouth to anyone for some 24 years until reconnecting with the DAAC on
November 11th 2004 didn’t mean the DAAC had forgotten about me.
Let me come
back to the Fifth point I was making to David
Rockefeller’s personal assistant Ms. Mary Valder back on December 18th, 2005:
Back to the Diamond Invention’s Chapter 9,
Marshall Jan Smuts, second in command to Winston
Churchill during “dark days” getting smashed and David Ben Gurion, at the time, the head of the Haganah, the more “political wing” of Jewish Underground operating mainly in
Palestine-Israel and of course anyone with half a brain can today figure out
why sliding off the edge Edgy EJE failed to mention the Bretton Woods
Convention in 1944 that further empowered the DAAC while this DAAC disgusting
investigative journalist stooge managed to spit out,
Whatever were the specific tactics of DeBeers, the
justice Department investigators reached the conclusion that the singular
effect of these efforts was to artificially restrain the production of
diamonds. This, in turn, produced higher prices. A 1944 memorandum to the
attorney general concluded, "The United States is paying monopoly prices
for an essential material needed in wartime production." If DeBeers were
an American company, the memorandum continued, "There would be no question
as to [its] having violated the anti-trust laws." Since De Beers was a
South African corporation, the Justice Department had to demonstrate that it
had some jurisdiction over its activities before it could consider prosecuting
Sixth, the decision taken by the NSC
when “our man Roger”, the expert at the NSC on USSR
Economics, not to interfere with the wholesale diamond-money laundering
business of the DAAC and thus choke off the Soviet Evil Empire who had
little else but diamond currency to bargain with when purchasing armaments to
fend off “our man Roger” et al’s decision to bankrupt the Soviets
while at the same time head the United States itself into bankruptcy while
making absolutely certain the Diamond Invention, to use Edgy EJE’s last
words in Chapter 9, “survived intact”.
as you read the “evidence” above it may appear at, first blush,
to be “highly circumstantial”?
Even though
Roger, King and I would a short while after King lit up another joint head on
out for dessert at Spagos, remember Roger had other “commitments” on this trip
including celebrating with President RWR, Nancy and of course Sec. James A.
Baker as well as “our man Roger’s” other business partner Judge Clark, a key
member of President RWR Kitchen’s Cabinet, and I was able to make certain that
we got seated right next to the largest table at this rather fancy restaurant
occupied by one man with a 10 gallon hat and what both Roger and King believed
to be 10 Las Vegas dancers when in fact the guy as well as each of the girls
knew everything there was to know about “our man Roger” as well as King.
When the
guy left to go to the bathroom followed by just a handful of the most wired Mossad intelligence agents operating in the United States
at the time, the remaining girls did the most spectacular job of making “our
man Roger” forget all his “troubles”.
My Royal
Mater did not need to hear from me but from members of the deep underground
Jewish Underground who have been watching out for me from the moment my RM handed me the “letter of
introduction” when leaving South Africa on March
17th 1978 that I might do with a little “help from above”.
You should
try and get your hands on my RM’s, The Winking Cat.
My RM was
never impressed in the least with King Golden Jr.
Esq. despite his very good looks and academic credentials.
she knew from his relationship with “our man Roger” that he could not be
trusted with anything but disinformation knowing that it would be first shared
with “our man Roger”.
didn’t need to wait until I was 34 years of age to send me my father’s second
set of fighter-bomber-pilot wings.

you and I as well as the remaining 7 odd billion of us human beings
overwhelmingly generous because they are so very honest recognize you are part
of a chain of command and those above you now have a “preemptive look” at what
they may or may not have to do depending on how far this goes – what I do next,
in your court, in their court, in my court and “back and forth”, of
course my access is immediate. I use the Internet.
comparative purposes see me as a Jehovah Witness coming to your front door
making a “blanket statement” about why you should believe in this and
that and you asking me to show proof that what I am saying is true; that you,
your wife, your immediate family, colleagues blah blah can trust what I say.
When you
are comfortable you don’t want to rock the boat but what about all those people
not just in San Diego County but throughout the world not getting close to
their fair share of the graft, the easiest targets of “petty crimes”, don’t you
think they would be inclined to at least read a hardcopy of Hollywood
blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s INTERNET
ONLY most fascinating book, THE
DIAMOND INVENTION and within moments of reading just the first paragraph of
the Prologue find themselves glued.
How would you
like to join me and a handful of residents of San Diego County less comfortable
than either you or me and for us all to invest one day on a weekend when I am
not broadcasting at the top of my voice over The Internet and you are not “on the beat”, beating the pavements visiting
each and every prison that serves San Diego County to poll both all the guards
as well as inmates on their reaction to not knowing the first thing about the
Diamond Invention that is not exactly a fiction story, far from it, and in the
next breath to answer their so obvious follow up questions beginning with,
“Why don’t
we know about this most devious organization in the history of the world that
has because of their ‘Money Power’, able to manufacture the price of their
manufactured unlimited supply of untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried
diamond currency, managed for more than a century to bribe each and every one
of our elected and non-elected government officials who should have known
better given their fiduciary responsibility to serve all the people to the best
of their ability?”
You understand
perfectly well that those such as inmates at the bottom of the DAAC pyramid
when buying into “A Diamond is Forever-A Girl’s Best
Friend” are relied upon by the unimaginably
brilliant marketing DAAC to purchase at retail and if ever foolish enough to consider reselling
to be fully aware they will be selling back at wholesale where the spread is
greatest at the bottom of the pyramid versus those at the top who using a
variety of “vehicles” including diplomatic pouches can move their entire wealth in one part
of the world where the DAAC have created civil wars for a myriad of reasons which I will begin to
spell out in crystal clear English in a moment, and the moment they land in a “safe haven” like Zug, Switzerland can call
upon someone like Marc
“Trading with the enemy” Rich who received at the 11th hour and 59th minute of Bill “Cecil Rhodes-DeBeers Scholarship” Clinton’s 2nd term as Commander In Chief that also bears the title,
President, a Presidential Pardon, and while enjoying a cappuccino along with a
cheese and onion sandwich of course on white miracle bread instantly exchange
at 1:1; i.e. no spread between what they paid and what they can get back, those
worthless-fictitious DeBeers’ Diamond Currency into a myriad of investments
which I don’t think I need to spell out unless you insist.
To be continued…
[Word count
From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:25 PM
To: '''
Subject: As you suggested I called up Verizon Wireless to enquire about
getting you a hardcopy showing the reprisal- threatening phone call I got from
Steve Terry on May 1st, 2007, ...---... What happened....
originating at 8:56 AM PST
and last 2 minutes and 56 seconds, Terry’s telephone number 1-619-231-7202.
Verizon is having a problem
locating that call?
They tell me they keep a
record of every incoming call?
I still have that very
important call still registering on my cell phone , just as when I showed it to
you when we met.
Time is of the essence!
What do you suggest apart
from me coming over right now and if you are not in who do I suggest I have it
downloaded on to your system?
[Word count 124]
From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:33 PM
To: ''
Subject: What happened....
From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:11 PM
To: 'Brian Jensen'
Subject: RE: Brian - where do things stand? Gary
I am just online
right now and my cell phone 858-7356398 is very low on batteries. I will call
once I am offline – in about ten minutes.
From: Brian Jensen []
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: Brian - where do things stand? Gary
I can't find your phone
number in my notes. Please call my number, 619-686-6510, and if I don't
answer, leave your cell number and we can touch bases.
Brian Jensen
Sergeant Brian C. Jensen,
Administrative Unit Sergeant
Asst. Rangemaster
San Diego Harbor Police Department
3380 N. Harbor Dr.
San Diego, CA 92101
>>> "Gary S. Gevisser" <>
5/22/2007 9:18 AM >>>