From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 7:08 PM
To: 'Rick Rick'
Cc: rest
Subject: RE: Easel project - The meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth



Rick, I am all butt certain u will be happy tu hear that things have cooled down considerably here by the coast, my comfort zone continuing tu expand as the masses embrace "my breath of fresh air."


I have yet tu hear back from your father; suffice tu say thou, your “Declaration of Co-Dependency” [sic] different and apart from a true Declaration of Independence, more like a case of APD [Absent Parent Disease] versus Attention Deficit Disorder that has kids “mummified”, seems so awfully similar tu the agreement between Mr. Spelman and your father, interesting that your name not only never appeared on that convoluted document but more importantly your deafening silence over the past decade or so as Mr. Spelman, in my opinion, “ducked & dived” now all but “crashed”, his smile very much wiped off his face.


I am still trying tu figure out whether the person seated in the middle of the photo in the “ash” hyperlink is “Uncle David” with my mother Zena-Ash-Gevisser-Zulman tu his left and my late aunt Daphne-Gevisser-Molk tu his right, the Molks always a little more left of the Ashes altho my mother was at one time as “left of left” as it got without getting on the Nationalist Nazi Party’s “banned list”


David Gevisser u would possibly know by now was my father’s first cousin who I hope has kept the “letter of introduction” he provided me with back in early 1978 be4 I immigrated tu the United States of America.


David not only helped Charles Engelhard get more than a foothold on the African continent, at one time controlling the world supply of platinum but more importantly has yet tu address my question about what happened tu the “audirtors” [sic] and investment advisors of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that allowed this “diamond in the rough” tu be gobbled up, i.e. bought 4 a song, liquidated 4 a fortune, under his “watchful i” [sic].


So buster don’t give me any more bull about you and I not seeing “an eye 4 an eye” [sic] my emails getting shorter and crispier as others such as yourself become “timber.”


There are lots of warning signs out there and of course having a sore neck right now as good a sign as any “tu slow down”, perhaps pushing things a little to far achieving “slipstream” on the Ducati which would make “ducking” totally out of the question assuming I were tu c my assailant-s coming up from behind.


Moreover, the overriding “heads up ” display says things like,


Right on… Give it full throttle… No need tu take prisoners everyone will eventually be clamoring tu get on tu the bandwagon.”


At about this time the white folks in Africa especially those living out “in the plains” would be enjoying a sundowner and no need tu agree or disagree because I have every confidence in the end your father will make the wise choice, come tu realize that trusting u is nothing short of a “Hail Marie” [sic].


Right now, I am, just like most folks on my email list which remains a statistically valid sample of the world’s population, rather busy, preparing in no small measure 4 my upcoming trip tu New York City meeting with the likes of…---… altho Dr. Ruth and my folks are not currently on the “short list” giving sum serious thought tu calling Howard Stern and so if u have a direct number 4 the “Shock Jock” please be so kind as tu forward it tu me.


U have tu love tho the lettering on the poster in the background of the photo contained in the previous hyperlink that reads “Resident Alien” and of course time is running out 4 me tu provide sufficient documentation that I am a “Naturalized Citizen of the United States” be4 the passport office will issue me a replacement American Passport.


In my next email tu Ms. Vicky Schiff of Wetherly Capital I will be asking her when she cleared out our joint safety deposit box at Union Bank in downtown Del Mar, box number 280, whether she came across any documents including my passport that would be of tremendous help at this time and of course I would love tu hear what u thought of my pleading that had my speeding ticket “dismissed” despite pleading “guilty”, quite “pitiful” my plea 4 help.

As part of my “charity drive” I may, with approval of course from the parties including your father, make posters of Mr. Devin Standard, my business partner and executor of my estate much like posters were made of the Roman Coliseum one sees in the background of the photo contained in the previous hyperlink and of course if time permits it would be great tu meet up once again with Devin’s father, Kenneth Standard who is the President of the New York Bar Association, not tu forget Devin Standard’s and my tentative trip tu South Africa in the 4th Quarter of the year.


As u r aware the posters that were made of the “sister” painting which I assume is with u in Valencia, altho not quite artistic as my masterpiece, resulted in the Supreme Court of Spain a few years back making a “landmark” decision, renouncing the former socialist government who like the liberal leaning left are mostly fixated on leaving statues more than their footprints for future generations tu see how misguided they were in thinking that because of their fukukta education they knew best, quite different tu the signs we see over here at Crest Canyon in Del Mar where the “dogs” are requested tu simply leave their “leashed” handlers’ “paw prints.”