From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Sebastian Capella (
Cc: rest
Subject: The Easel



Dear Sebastian, 20 odd minutes ago I sent your son Rick this E-mail. It was in response to 3 emails which he sent me yesterday.


If you feel the need for a market study you should have it done. It will, if nothing else, provide you with a way to explain to the world why you are not coming forth with “your” revolutionary easel.


As the professor of professors you know perfectly well that the market study will show whatever it is you want to see.


Knowing that your easel is different enough and remarkably functional meeting a need that currently does not exist is all the feedback you need otherwise you would have dropped this a long time ago, at least that is my opinion.


The hurdle is not the market study or perfecting this easel to make it cost-effective to get +-100% market share, the problem is Rick and your relationship because if he was not your son he would by now be fired, joined the Spanish Revolutionaries and there would be not a single issue preventing you from having a bloc-buster success.


I could, if need be, deal with Mr. Spelman as effectively as I have dealt with others of his kind.


The market study will only be as positive as Rick is, and wants it to be. So there is your answer and you don’t have to wait for the results to make your decision unless you feel the need to fill up negative space on your dining room walls which of course you could get Rick to autograph to mention little of the time you could have spent over the past 20 odd years producing & selling masterpiece paintings leaving your heirs with more of a fortune to assist them in failing to be the best they can be.


In other words, you won’t be the first person on this planet to be enslaved. Raising children is a somewhat painful experience with its rewards and disappointments.


Love you,

