From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 12:06 PM
To: Anonymous III



I assume since our paddle this weekend things are clearer as well as calmer for you.


You heard nothing more from me because in that e-mail [to Devin Standard] which you refer to I gave you a whole lot more insight into the t-shirt concept leaving it up to you to come up with a specific working plan of action. Again, never to spoon feed anyone tTOo much for it destroys not only their creative spirits but dampens their ability tTOo pull making them sometimes punch-drunk which reminds me of the need to follow up with my one attorney Mr. Ashworth who was supposed to have provided me with a draft of the complaint against Dr. Stewart et al no later than last Thursday.


2 heads are better than 1 and why the need at times for me 2head2 places like Minehead and Stonehenge II, things that for some reason Jeffrey Krinsk seems to understand better than anyone.


You had mentioned that I might be able to help you collect on a debt and then I heard nothing.


Months ago before this t-shirt concept was raised I told you that in a matter of months if you used your contacts, specifically your father’s pull amongst the intellectual elite you could be deriving income streams from places like south Africa where you wouldn’t have to put on much of a dog and pony show while helping the masses get their rightful share.


You have yet to encounter an instance where I have ever been but a few degrees off the mark and "baldness" is not all confined to my head.


As a kid I was given the name "baldy" and it never really bothered me for I knew that I had certain advantages over others and as long as I kept my nose clean I would always come out on top and of course with just about each rugby game my nose got ever more so cumbersome to manage and at one time I thought of cutting off my nose to spite my face, always though finding the wherewithal to maintain a sense of humor during the most trying times.


Just this very instant, 11:34 AM PST Dr. Stewart called the house asking for Marie and I could have sworn I heard him say “TEETH.” Fortunately or unfortunately it would be my word against his and rather then get into a debate with him which would lead to go nowhere I chose simply to hang up.


I fear nothing not because I have a "safety net" but because I know how to fly. In other words, anyone who has “gotten used to literally working without a net” and doesn’t know how to fly is either stupid or has let their formal education interfere with their learning.


Since you are part of my inner circle I believe I can suggest things to you without making you pay through the nose.


Begin by working on your father and don’t be shy to ask him for a decent size loan. It will please him that you have the courage to tell him that you are no longer a child trying to get “dad's attention” that he has the opportunity to get on board a chew chew train far better than a boat especially in rough seas that is headed toward the “promised land” with good investment returns to boot.


Explain to him clearly and precisely that you are abandoning all your other stuff that leads to nothing but you getting an audience and with the t-shirt et al business you will be reaching out to far more than a "privileged few" who don’t really care what the older generation have done and when they did it because our generation and those that came before had their opportunity and blew it and why I have a whole lot more respect for people who decide either not to have children or to wait at least until such time as they have figured out first and foremost what makes them tick and of course it is only natural that kids pick up on when their animals have ticks but the trick of course is to get them to pick up after themselves unless of course one’s strategy is to make them co-dependants.


Children have no choice but to listen to mothers and fathers but at some point those with over controlling parents hear nothing butt "Blah blah blah" [sic].


The world is made up of very few good individuals who can think rationally as well, i.e. how to stretch a buck or tTOo and of course how to avoid a crash. I can’t quite make out the name of that pilot who crashed his fighter bomber on I believe it was a takeoff but it wouldn’t surprise if his name was “Engelhard.”


Us Gevissers seem to have been rather fortunate people, being at the right place at the right time to make a difference and of course some of us have faired better than the rest.


Again, I believe we are all programmed right from the start but when we allow others to interfere with our sequencing then that is when things start to go “heywire” [sic]. How many times would it take the average 10 year old to read that last hyperlink to realize that I know a thing or two about the stuff I preach.


Again just go to footnote 6. Later this week perhaps going into the weekend I will be meeting with a senior player at AIG putting in motion the wheels I hope that will have Hank Greenberg once again listening to what I have to say and of course I will bring up the credit card program for kids and their dogs although AIG are probably not the best suited company right now.


The good folks are balanced out by over-controlling rapacious individuals like Dr. Stewart and Ronald “The finagle King” Perelman never however to forget the Wetherly Capital folks who now know that a full out war has been declared and that I will be taking no prisoners unless these they agree to pay up big time and of course they will be given their t-shirt ++++.


The handful of positives and their equal in number negatives are kept at bay by the overwhelming number of indifferent folk who are essentially brain dead. Certainly their brains are in the same state as “deep space” where matter and anti-matter cancel out to zero.


The battle lines have been drawn and of course it is going to get interesting to see who lines up squarely with or against me. Either way I will be able to deal with whatever comes my way because of my fortunate command of both mathematics and algebra but mostly it is my unswerving belief in God who guides me each step of the way.


It is time to get real, down dirty in order to do good business, i.e., i.e. the stain business and wipe the crap and the smile off rapacious folk everywhere.


I still haven’t quite worked out… Polie Pollak who is not just in my opinion a waste of time but a stealer of precious time unless of course he owes… a king's ransom and has the cash on hand and feel free to share this email with him or anyone else who is interested in to what I might be up to next.


Marie just a little earlier before I began this email got a call from a lady by the name of Dawn whose kid Robert is going with Dr. Stewart, Jonathan and Danielle to Australia in a few days wanting to let Marie know that her telephone number on the “tree” list is incorrect. Dawn you may recall is Dr. Stewart’s “live-in” and of course I assume since Marie sent Dr. Stewart the email about his place being a “pigsty” someone has now picked up the place.


Dr. Stewart’s going on 90 years old mother recently returned to town and so it is possible she had a hand to play in getting things in to ship shape condition although when accompanying Marie to drop off the kids the other day I was “introduced” to their 2 chiwawas that were bought just prior to our day in court back on October 24th where you stood so tall.


The best that could be said about those chiwawas were that they “stunk” having found perhaps a safe spot at the bottom of the garden where skunks deposit their feces not wanting to end up say in a darkened cluttered garage; i.e. perhaps they are simply planning their escape.


Apparently the folks involved in this cross continent trip for rich kids have worked out a system that in the event something were to go wrong instead of one person calling up each one of the parents they would have something akin to a chain letter in place, much like what I do with my email except that my emails come with a twist.


It is my contention that by having all my emails linked together by hyperlinks when the times comes for “discovery” and folks are cutting and pasting and choosing what e-mails of mine to include and what to exclude in order to serve their particular agenda I will be able to introduce everything I have written in to the record, wouldn’t you agree?


Of course all the interrogatories and depositions will take money and that is why I am for the very first time fixated right now on collecting what is owed to me. I would be at Newell Starks doorstep if I thought he had the cash stored in his closet although his waste tells everything I need to know about him as it does about each one of us. For example how much plastic wrappers of candy do you come across in your kid’s washing which is why it is a good thing for each member of the household to participate not only in the washing and drying of dishes but in the laundry to perhaps get at the root cause of the rot build up.


In short order you will get to understand how much of the world really operates and for some even those like you with quite a formal education and worldly experience to boot don’t have the foggiest notion about what leads to the corruption of the most rapacious and their offspring.


It is all be contained in the 15,000 word email that will hopefully begin to light up the skies in a positive direction and of course proving out that I have got it right that e=mc˛ is proof positive of both evolution and God who is in each of our DNA including the dogs and that he is all about love whereas man clearly needs to work out his shortcomings and Guidance tTOo is my stab at doing exactly that.


By now you should have figured out that I have other methods, means and whereabouts to put up quite a bout without having to lift more than a finger or two and why I am abhorred by folks who choose to go the bloody route of fighting wars unless the choices are slim and none.






From: Anonymous III
Friday, April 04, 2003 11:38 PM


Quoting "Gary S. Gevisser" <>:



FYI. Directness is Refreshing. Your refrain about 4 paychecks from the street

is my primary concern. As I have made some terrible investments, and compounded

the situation with some even poorer decisions, I am engaged in a literally

daily, weekly, monthly struggle for lights, water, insurance and food. Having

put myself in a stupid hole, I am working on digging myself out.


I know I am not behaving normally. Everything has always come very easily to

me, I never had to worry about anything. I am not ignoring you. I am

temporarily focused on immediate cash, selling my surfboards, motorcycles,

computers, collecting from people who owe me, and raising funds from folks for

marketing and sales jobs. It's embarrassing to have had so much come so easily,

and then to blow it; but; I can't cry over spilled milk. I know I get stoic and

tighlipped as i work my way through challenges… Then nothing... And, I'm not afraid.


Moreover, I have gotten used to literally working without a net… I can get an auction website built  in a flash.

Additionally, I can talk to the kids. In fact I just spoke to a bunch of 13-17

year olds yesterday. It was a nice moment in the day…


Also, if you want to go to SA... I am going next week...

