From: pacbell []
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 5:27 PM
To: Jodi Ruiz


Attention: Mr. Jim Ashworth Esq.


I would like you to provide me with the action steps needed in order for me counter sue Dr. Stewart et al for unspecified damages. Unless you deem it otherwise imprudent I would like this lawsuit to filed post haste, i.e. within the next 72 hours.


With that said, my exacerbation with you is in large measure the result of you raising in that one hour conversation on Friday, 3 X your point, “Gary you have to put the kids first, blah blah blah” [sic]. Never once have I said I plan to bring the children into this dispute involving their father and I to mention little of their mother. Why their father would CHOOSE to bring the children into his “compliant” against me shouldn’t be too difficult to understand even for most myopic unless of course they are deaf, dumb and blind in which case I will be the first to give them a handout.


With that said, Marie is disappointed to say the least that I would include in my subsequent email to Mr. Hurst any mention of her neighbors’ poor parental religious teaching. The fact that you did not articulate clearly to her in that “round and about” phone conversation earlier in the day of how the McFarlands and others subjected to the intimidation tactics of Dr. Stewart should be approached with “kid gloves,” goes hand in hand with the other monkey business going on right now.


With that said, I am not calling either Jim McFarland or his wife Nancy a bunch of monkeys. There is, however, a lot to be said for two professional people in one household, both schooled in the practice of law, one deciding to “kick back” and become an “element.ary school” teacher of Jonathan’s, who have a child in a class behind Jonathan, telling a joke about the importance of saving a bicycle at the expense of letting a Mexican get away without a stone embedded in his chest, to mention little of the fact that Mr. Jim Mcfarland Esq. happens to be the person who witnessed Marie’s will, part of her New Year’s resolution, a will that is as the French would say is nothing short of, “two hits one stone.” That will, Mr. Ashworth, make no mistake, falls into the category of “pretty smart” for a guy being depicted as a “knut”, worse yet some type of perverted fruit-tree, wouldn’t you agree? DNA remember now, I am a failed university chew-tTO-or.


With that said, Mr. Ashworth although Marie is upset that I broke my promise not to involve the neighbors further in this dispute the fact of the matter it is Dr. Stewart who first involved the neighbors, at least that is what I have been told and I have yet had my opportunity to respond in kind. I am simply in the process of doing my “Jew diligence” which is a smart thing, wouldn’t you agree? Apparently, it was Dr. Stewart who approached Mr. McFarland with the same bunch of nonsense that he hacked into the brain of Mr. “Here view” who made it abundantly clear to Marie that he had nightmares immediately thereafter about me coming into the house and blasting him away with a locked, as opposed to “cocked” gun that happens to be in the possession of Marie.


With that said, we are talking about an engineer who supposedly came top of his class out of 300 French Canadian students who apparently read Marie’s declaration before Marie placed her John Handcock on it, a declaration which your counterpart, Mr. Hurst, says he only has butt an unsigned copy. So where do you think Mr. Hurst would have got an unsigned copy from? Do you think he might have pulled it out of his bosom? In other words, who is Mr. Hurst’s PAL? In the end not all these points may turn out to material but I make it my business to pay attention to the detail, again all part of my “bottoms up” schooling.


With that said, it seems as the heat “mounts” up more and more folks are getting myopic and that is why I intend to stay above it all and to hire the “top gods” although it might take a while for me to be absolutely certain that I have the best. Those who have seen the bottom end of my “work product” know that under the right circumstances, in an impartial setting, I could very easily handle my own defense to mention little of the offense I shall now be bringing to bear on all those who have played it fast and loose with the truth giving no sense of appreciation to the thing I hold “deer”, not bothering to even look at all the good I have done to mention how neighborly I have been as they look away with their children speedING down a hill, brushing past truckloads of Mexicans working in their backyards, sweating day in and out believing in their self-righteousness that they are doing good while placing whiny little signs on their manicured lawns “Please slow down” and saluting their red white and blue flags “Oh god almighty we are such good pry-s-pert-arians” and then some. And make no mistake there are Jewish people on this street with the same perspective. Ugh.


With that said, the fact that they lack backbone is not all that surprising considering the games that are being played in the major leagues but it all begins though in the minor leagues which in turn pull from each of our backyards. Despite being born with a spine most folks seem to be acting more like dogs running around in sir-cles even though nature cut off our tales, all too telling to me in terms of what I now need to in order to short-circuit this process from becoming a “3 ringed circus” to mention little about all those who are simply clueless. I continue, however, to have faith that it is only 15 standard deviation points that separate the smartest of us from those most deprived.


With that said, I ran into another neighbor of Marie’s at a Jamba Juice shortly after I dropped off a camera for Marie to take snapshots on her trip. He’s a computer buff who works out at home, actually his house is closest to the speedy corner although to his credit he does a good job on occasion of directing traffic. I understand that the city came out and took a look at the spot, found no red spot and concluded in about a week that the intersection was “safe.” The head of the department had originally told me it would take 6 weeks. At the same time though I gave him my website address to check us out. Now of course there is nothing to stop one of the good neighbors from putting their own little markings on the tar. They could say something like, “I am so sorry Mr. Inspector, there was this car with white tracks that came skidding past one day and left its imprint”. It would be ordinarily a “white lie” in my book but if it came with a smile maybe it wont affect the conditioning of the kids.


With that said, this corner neighbor acted like I was about to make more than orange juice out of him as he banged into an outside table knocking his knees for a loop. He too happens to stands well over six feet tall. The bigger they are though the worse rugby players they make to mention little of never trusting an overzealous pilot. At the time I met Marie and her former husband they were both pretty far gone, in terms of their pilot training. By the way, I never pay attention to someone’s size other than the size and health of their brain and that includes women as well as men.


With that said, please prepare for war this coming week. From now on anything you want to say to me should be in the form of an email unless I direct otherwise. If necessary I will pay to have someone come to your offices to have you hooked up. Before the weekend is up, however, you should not only have my abbreviated CV but in receipt of my follow up email to Professors Kelly and Price.


With that said, I still have mouths to feed and bills to pay. By the way do you know of anyone who would be interested in two Mercedes, one is a 1985 380SL. Right now I cannot find the “pink slip.” Sammy Haim, my neighbor, knows more about this car than I do. Sammy is going to be someone we want to talk to although I would only approach him with subpoena. He approached me the other day and handed me a video. I made it pretty clear that I wasn’t in the mood to talk with him. I will, however, be communicating with him and our landlord via email in short order to take over the entire lease on the property we both rent here in Del Mar. The other Mercedes is a 1984 300D sedan. I had shown you the “pink slip” that was signed by Dr. Stewart 10 days after Marie had her will witnessed by Dr. Stewart’s friend, Mr. Jim Mcfarland.


With that said, I am also putting up for sale my Ccrest property in England which I have yet to visit since acquiring it. As I do most thing I paid cash. It may have even increased in value, again the number of hits at the NextraterresTrial website tell it all. When it is all said and done I might simply take out loans against my remaining properties, which I conservatively estimate to be at least $2 million in equity and that assumes a “fire sale” liquidation. By the way the worst real estate deal I ever did involved the purchase of my 6 unit apartment building some 15 + years ago which I didn’t buy for cash. Given


With that said, given the continuing cold push downward of the stock market soon to meet up with the Hot Water Wars brewing here in California things are going to get more than a little “iffy” certainly for a rather rapacious bunch of “wheaties” who like Warren “bail me out” Buffet rank up there with the biggest pigs at the trough I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. You have to though maintain somewhat of a sense of humor even at the worst of times. It is perhaps the only thing I know that “sum Jewish people, as a hole, do better than other mixed racists.”


With that said, I am still waiting to hear back from a Beverly Hills black attorney representing a rather sophisticated all white group who back in April sent me a myriad of documents with signature stickers suggesting that they were ready to settle one of my “scores” yet for some reason Mr. Jackson has yet to respond to my July 25th knuckleball. As this hyperlink demonstrates I was the one lax in getting back to him. I simply had other business to take care of including refinancing my one property with a mortgage and saving myself sum 3 basis points and then sum. Everything though is relative and the more general we make things the easier life is for us all. Make no mistake, however, this “knuckleball” business is very serious business and why I am very concerned as to whether Mr. Hurst et al have tapped into my database that I have believed is secured behind one of the very best firewalls.


With that said, my hope is that none of us gets eaten alive or buried under a ton of mud as we go about digging for water et al. At the same time we shouldn’t be doing anything to rush the process because mistakes happen when we rush, the same when it comes justice as in rush to judgment. While walking along the beach last night I gave Campbell soup, Jeffrey Krinsk’s wife a taste of things to come. And later for the umpteenth time she gave me Jeffrey’s cell phone. She didn’t, however, question me about much but then again she knows Jeffrey and I mostly play pong when we are not working very diligently. Jeffrey Krinsk flies out this coming Tuesday for some very important business in Boston and I know for certain he is no chicken. He also knows that I can always be counted on to tell the truth and when I decide to bat, watch out.


With that said, someone has to be prepared to stand up to all who are rapacious, small and tall since it is those of us in the middle who get the most chewed on then spat out. You once worked for a man I would describe as someone who “chewed on wire and spat out nails.” He was the first real businessman I met when I came out to California some 20 years ago with my Allison speakers. I don’t plan to be nailed to anything, nor do I go about spitting and lighting fires as did Dr. Stewart to mention little of his wolf cries in his attempts to subvert justice. This is not the time to bury one’s head in the sand. Sticks and stones break bones, but words kill.


With that said, those who know me might yet have to fetch a lob or tTOo thrown their way by 60 Minutes type folks in a hurry trying to play catch up with x days left before we all should decide to stay home from the polls this November 5th.


Finally, valuing real estate at the lower of cost or who has the rape-arian writes may be the most fiscally responsible thing to do, wouldn’t you agree? Make no mistake, however, if I am forced to sell just one of my paintings collected over the past quarter of a century then you will know that my blood pressure has risen. Even so don’t feel the need to call doctor simply take a deep breath yourself. Right now my pulse rate is a comfortable 63. and I haven’t exercised in a couple of weeks although I just completed 250 push-ups and I feel great. Jeffrey Krinsk I suspect is just getting back from his workout at the Rosencranz cemetery where my very good friend Anne L. Miller is smiling. It is unlikely though, I will want to joint venture a deal with the law firm who handled her estate, despite their standing in this rather poorly conditioned community, whose beginnings I am led to believe began when soybeans blossomed. Soon though things will brighten up as those of us in the center begin an inside out flip move that should take us on a bright new path. The truth sets us all free.



