Professor Klein – I’m up rather early this morning gauging the volatility of the markets seeing the extent to which 2 missives I sent out yesterday, one to Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report and Michael Kinsman of the San Diego Union-Tribune had an impact, Mr. Drudge u would surely know is the journalist who broke the Monica Lewinsky story and be4 I suggest how a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s literate population reacted, I assume u hear the “ching ching” that accompanied the graphic in the bottom right corner let me be clear in the purpose of this very brief communiqué which is to find out whether u have finished excavating and second r u willing, putting aside your Jewish heritage to acknowledge that there could in fact be a missing link in your breeding that has u so dismissive of the Star of David contained in the Bombos Rock
Would u consider there is a distinct possibility that both u as well as the editor of the Los Angeles Times so superficial in the article published on January 11th 2002 allowed your formal education to interfere with your learning?
I assume u know, unless u have remained buried all this time, that the magnetic field which surrounds and protects us earthlings changes course every 780,000 years but this is the very first time I have seen in print a communist inspired newspaper like the New York Times making fun of our TOEs, and u remember how many of us delighted ourselves when a Republican vice-president with a law degree failed to spell potato correctly?
On the other hand the reference to “... where Europeans have recently come from behind... dismaying sum American experts” [sic] may be the result of my broadcasting to the masses how the superrich think all we r interested in is “tits and asses”, no different to them, which leads me to ask u what odds would u give me in bringing to a “quick” end the “pain and suffering” currently affecting the Richard and Joanne Levy household?
And should u wish to “cast in stone” your statement why not pull out one of your stone tools and show us how artful as well as playful u can be when push comes to shove, agree?.
Take care,
Gary S. Gevisser