From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 2:25 PM
To: Danna Taylor
Cc: rest; Bryan Taylor; Rob McLusky Esq.; Tefo Mohapi
Subject: Ccrest=Seacrest Bed and Breakfast Cafe, Minehead, England


Danna – I am “sumwhat” [sic] disappointed that once again u go deafeningly silent when the “sh1t hits the fan”, then coming later back in the picture when thinking either I will get distracted on “sumthing” [sic] else or will “sumhow” [sic] forget or better yet end up dead, G-D forbid decapitated, nothing as shocking as seeing a chicken with its head cut off, u yet to figure out how I think very much like a woman, able to multi-task, i.e. problem solve rather well, then again so hard to tell men from women these days us all becoming such “phatsos” [sic], agree?


The fact that u never asked permission to have someone other than u or your brother Bryan stay at our property in Minehead is really the tip of the iceberg in terms of your total lack of good judgment to mention little of how u have this rather poor habit of repeating the same mistakes time and again of running into people who it seems look for someone such as yourself who plays victim ever so well, agree?


Then again u simply figuring u have little to lose since the downside of damage to my property is something u wont share, the wear and tear all mine while the upside is that u may find someone who reciprocates “in kind” nothing wrong to share one’s bed as long as u check to make sure the “bitch” [sic] has been properly and adequately fumigated, agree?


Then again it comes down to “Heads I win, tails Gary loses”, agree?


The fact that u leave a note for this guy by the name of Ed, reading him the “riot act” for leaving the place in a mess should really come as no surprise, i.e. why in G-D’s name would anyone respect u when u don’t respect someone as gracious as me who in all likelihood would have allowed if it were a real friend to spend a night or “tTOo” [sic] once of course given your track record of picking up stragglers to have a seasoned pro like Mr. McLusky Esq. do the “once over” u know what I mean?


U must now do the following:


Provide my attorney Mr. McLusky Esq an accounting of how many people, no need for names, stayed at our Ccrest=Seacrest Bed and Breakfast Café from the time u and Bryan began operating the café, making note of how many days such persons stayed at our establishment and to then write a check to Mr. McLusky for an amount equal to £25 per person multiplied by the number of day including this guy “Ed”.


Second, drop off the keys with Mr. McLusky.


Third, make out a separate check for £59.33 the amount owing on the gas bill.


Fourth, give “sum” [sic] thought to how I told u and your brother never to “fcuk” [sic] with me that in the end I tend to make out even better when the “negatives” out there think they can outsmart me, Number the essence of all things, good or evil, agree?


Fifth, when u have pulled yourself together, I realize how difficult it must be thinking u had got away “scott free”, find a way to compensate me further for all the lost time I have consumed in getting u to be the best u can be.


Good day,


Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There