From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006
2:57 PM
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE:
Good man, but no
I am now sitting back
on the very comfortable couch here at the Stone Home, sipping as I have been
doing most of the day after our long walk this morning, the very best of green
tea that we purchased this summer from
Now giving thought
to responding to both Michele Kube and Leah Brandon of KFI 640 AM before heading out for
the rest of the day to enjoy the glorious sunshine, knowing that while the
masses around the world are being tripped
up constantly by the enforcement of petty offences, how very closely are
Israeli Special Forces, in particular, monitoring the currency markets and
hopefully with hunting season just now beginning I will manage to avoid those
very trigger happy while doing my utmost to scare off the deer who are nothing
short of sitting ducks, not to mention what triggered much of this thought process was Marie just
calling me about a collection letter she received in the mail regarding a
parking ticket I got in her car up in Santa Monica back on January 13th
2005 that I had paid, but possibly a couple of days late, that I followed up
with a letter, the fine now doubled to all of $62 [sixty two ficititous-worthless
Now, rather than
when you call tomorrow although I think YOU rather than ME would be MUCH BETTER
OFF getting on a plane and I will spare
the time as well as go to expense of picking you up the airport, GIVE thought to the
EXACT wording you would suggest YOU use when explaining to your former German
bosses how EXTRAORDINARILY REMISS Deborah Now in Hiding Sturman Esq. was
when thinking I would let her get away when exhorting some $4 billion out of
the Nazi German Military Machine, to not give
thks [sic] to those of us who had paved the way for her and criminal
partner Melvyn Weiss Esq., by doing the right thing and the smart thing which
is also the right thing and following up INSTANTLY with the DAAC who not only
gave the German bankers-government the green
light but like Deborah and Co. also thought those of us who had paved the way would forget.
History only has a
way of repeating itself so long as there are brain dead people buying in to
such utter nonsense.
Moreover, not every
American is aware that the primary function of the Executive Branch of government,
headed by the President, is threefold:
First, print money.
Second, declare war
on our enemies.
Third, I forget.
Not to mention this hyperlink that takes you to sum [sic]
quick signed sketches
Ps Need I remind you that all my teachings are now
being EXTRAORDINARILY carefully monitored to mention little of avoiding
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 1:31 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: ...CHEST...---...lic....
FYI, I resigned from the company.
I negotiated a decent severance package so I don't have to
worry about anything, financially, for at least 1 year. (especially since
I have several SD boxes, filled with eagles, liberties, saints and soveriegns,
ensconced away!)
I couldn't tolerate daily micromanagement anymore.
I was I Manhattan this past Thursday & Friday. It
was wonderful.
Let's catch up on the phone tomorrow.