From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, December 02, 2004 10:58 AM
Derrick Beare
Cc: rest;
Dad; Roy Essakow; Ron Bellows
Subject: RE: Good Morning


Jb's email address is not visible on any of my hyperlinks nor am I just blind copying anyone when I email him.


I agree 100% that to cc him on "all" my emails is a mistake in that it will simply mean he has to employ more people like Moira to keep track of all the chess games going on taking away from his ability to write me a check for a paltry sum of $5 million [remember we are talking about essentially worthless United States dollars], such a number I don’t think I have yet to mention to him, agree?


Perhaps if I had simply been smart enough to write JB an email without any attachments like our one of a kind, bulletproof, watertight Clean Water Fund project saying something along the following lines it wouldn’t have him and I now “going to war” over a relatively short time frame like waiting 6 weeks to continue one incredible dialogue that began some 15 years ago around the time that I first shared with him my thoughts why the financial markets were within moments of imploding to mention little of JB still, in my humble opinion, the cash richest person on the planet:


Jonathan – Please arrange for Sam Hackner, my former neighbor from Durban, the son of my extraordinary mother’s one of a kind accountant to wire transfer to me some $5 million for me to do as I see fit, i.e. there will be no receipts – I am not even willing to pick up the meal tab when we get together in LA six weeks from now.


And if Sam has a problem in terms of whose credit line to tap into given the fact that even the head of private banking of Investec with some $5 billion in equity has to look like he is doing more than keeping a seat warm, have him call me on my partner-wife’s cell phone USA 1-858-WIL-NEXT, and yes just like my cell number 1-858-SEL-NEXT we own both and and while negotiating a preferred non-voting stock deal with Investec I will provide my good friend Sam with the courtesy of why this will is a critical element in getting all the peoples of the world to begin thinking using their G-D gifted common sense, agree?


Such thinking first began taking shape back in late 1977 when our mutual Professor from the 3rd world crappy University of Natal, South Africa in not being able to read my handwriting on the final exam of Deceased and Insolvent Estates allowed me to share with him a solution that would dispense with all estate lawyers-liars, protect both physically and financially the spouse and kids from an over controlling parent and in the process make Sam just like I am making right this moment Larry Nielson who emailed me earlier at 10:07 AM PT providing me a cell phone to use should I feel fit have Larry cut short his visit to Chicago, an offer to join me on the seminar circuit that neither of them can refuse, Larry a former executive of Insurance Marketing Services, now a very seasoned pro in the insurance industry in the United States to mention little of there not a single solvent Independent Insurance broker in the entire world, not just those here in the United States who would suffer irreparable damage if Mr. Spitzer, the Attorney General of New York enters into a settlement with the $280 billion criminal megalopoly of AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd for anything less than their entire Enterprise Value, certainly in my rather credible “risk assessment” opinion it would raise many questions about the true value of the Certificates of Insurance such brokers promote when shopping around for “proper and adequate” insurance coverages for their customers, the decimation of insurance carriers over the past 12 to 18 months all around the world r facts Mr. Spitzer cannot ignore when coming to grips with why the Greenbergs, the First Family of Insurance, while gobbling up other carriers books of business, left, right and center, still saw the need to “collude” in order to “beef up” their bottom line to mention in passing once again of perhaps there being no one more sensitive on this planet to what public United States Congressional hearings would have on the American dollar and why not a minute should be lost in hauling in Mr. Ron Bellows Senior, a senior Risk Management specialist at the criminal megalopoly who to repeat back on July 27th commended me with the following:


indeed i am impressed - you took a very little and made into a very well said statement about the true nature - well done - glad I could help - rock on


Jonathan, I don’t have the wire transfer instructions handy but feel free to inquire from your nephew Derrick who assures me that each and every one of my emails are being saved on Investec’s mainframe computer, there every reason to believe that the reason we are getting the most incredible number of hits at our websites has everything to do with others within Investec sharing my communiqués with all their private banking clients and/or possibly Sam’s mother still not forgiving my incredible mother allowing her most beautiful models to sun bath in the nude in full view of Sam, his younger brother Mark and their sister Susan not even needing to use the powerful binoculars that I would on occasion lend while regurgitating lectures from my Royal Mater’s Charm School teachings.


Looking forward to continuing our ongoing dialogue that began in earnest in early 1989 when we both coincidentally were staying at that terrific hotel in Hong Kong.


Best regards,




Derrick, even tho I know versus believe that u and I r at least as evolved as JB he is not altogether deaf, dumb and stupid, fully aware of the "method to my madness", just look at his comment, "Gary's family all suffer from mad cow disease” [sic] or words to that effect - the only person anyone could ever say was anywhere close being "mad" in my family is my stepfather Alan Zulman and his first cousin Norma Essakow and her youngest son Roy Essakow, a subject JB and I discussed at length again when we met up in Hong Kong just be4 I went across to Beijing to “stir” things up with our Chinese brothers and sisters in the Beijing Hotel overlooking Tiananmen Square and remember I have as much of Alan Zulman's DNA in me as u do, agree?


Bear in mind Alan Zulman was the very first person, to his credit, to take on the Durban, South African Jewish mafia when he chose to divorce his wife, the mother of his 3 kids, not so much because he caught her screwing around with what I understand was the entire Israeli water polo teenage team that once visited Durban but because she had also been providing sexual services to his best friend and partner to mention little of Abe Dubin the co-founder of South African Clothing Industries eventually screwing my step-father Alan out of Alan's share of the "over-under invoicing" that had been going on for donkey years in SACI which u must remember was a public corporation.


There are few things JB does not know with all his "informers" around the world "currying favor" that combined with his rather impressive financial engineering skills makes him at least as good a story teller as me, i.e. I see no reason why he couldn’t be included in our one of a kind seminar, agree?


JB knows pretty much every trick there is to know in structuring deals, every so often getting caught by his own "bought and paid 4" [sic] Chief Executive Officers, the biggest crooks using their ill-gotten gains to change the laws on the books to their liking and when for whatever reason, mostly the result of the masses getting better acquainted with why the rich get richer and poor increasing the picture then the rich simply buy off the judges, jury followed by law enforcement, agree?


Again not to forget that the police officers in Machu Picchu wear Coca Cola emblems on their uniforms which to some might suggest that "We, Coca Cola, really care about the people entirely responsible for our over the top share prices", my disclosing the essence of the workings of the “real world” not lost for a single minute on the likes of very sophisticated financial engineers such as JB.


Point being when someone so worldly makes such a broad illogical statement,


“Gary, in his effort to beat me to die the richest person in the grave could given his intimate knowledge of the insurance game, certainly superior to mine, have him getting an override on each and every Employee Liability settlement, those being displaced through the smokescreens of ‘Reductions in Force’ when they are simply mostly ‘tTOo phat’ [sic] has me now thinking that when we meet in 6 weeks he would have little trouble in structuring for me a tax free insurance loan in exchange for me simply moving my insurance over to his insurance network already being formed from the bottom up, placing me in a ‘sumwhat’ [sic] competitive position to give him a ‘run for his money, blah blah” [sic],


they begin to sound a lot like Ron Bellows Senior, "This is what happens when you give rights to blacks", then again I have every reason to believe that JB is quite confident that no matter what given how much he is responsible for much of my “home schooling” he feels that I would never deprive him of founder stock in my intellectual property even if he has me “click my heels” for all of 6 weeks, agree?


Just this minute, 10:42 AM PT a man by the name George Thomas, born in London I would say about my age, he says tho a lot older, but like me feels much younger, he says, “in his early 30s” whereas u know I don’t feel a day older than 15, just rang the door bell and I let him in.


Mr. Thomas says he is the founder of Green Earth Education movement says he is looking for housing and has invested 15 years of work on his own slender resources getting small grants and donations whenever needed that the conceptual stage of his project is now completed and the implantation stage is now beginning addressing,


“...awareness and earth friendly lifestyles, using warm human language as opposed to bureaucratic languages common to the United Nations, NGOs, etcetera etcetera such as the phrase ‘sustainable development’ ... the top down approach to managing the planet has to be replaced by grass roots, self empowerment and a life caring attitude which honors the source of life and the creation, more of a person size solution... I think that if we have an earth education movement connected to personal empowerment it will be an unstoppable transition to a compassionate society, the reason is youth and caring parents are all concerned about their future and they will likely get on board anything that is beneficial to their well being and the new earth, the old earth is separate interests in competition with each other which creates a life destructive scenario bringing us to today’s war torn and polluted planet.


Question to Mr. Thomas: How did u come to stop by my new digs?


Answer: I am the founder of GEM. I went back to my car and stopped and felt I needed to just stop and I don’t know and I looked around and saw some mattresses on the balcony and a possibly unused house... got to find the basic finance to launch this project... I have the budget up on The Internet.


Derrick, surely JB is fully aware having taken counsel with the smartest of people in his recent trip to India and no doubt why he is so eager to return that there can be no holding back the tides of change, the entire world waking up to the realities of the "real world" where racism, bigotry blah blah is nothing but a smokescreen to cover up mankind's lust for greed and while u have never once demonstrated anything close to jealously-greed JB's words and actions provide strong evidence, in my humble opinion, that he is no more evolved than u or me simply because he is gay, i.e. running here and there to places like India, helping put out little fires that break out every so often amongst the super rich, such band-aid solutions that keep putting off the long term solutions contained in my answer to the all important question of "Why the financial markets have not imploded yet?" is again becoming better understood to even the Lumpen proletarians, agree?


I am typing rather quickly still having to complete the move into my new digs so let me know if anything I have written so far does not make perfect common sense.


The fact that I state time and again very clearly that I have the answer to the question, "Why the world's financial markets have not imploded yet?" and JB is willing to wait 6 weeks to hear what could mean the end to his "favored class" position speaks so loudly at this time I can hear my mother in England saying words to the effect, "Where did I go wrong with his Jewish education?"


So forgetful are the likes of my mother and your uncle JB that in being encouraged to question G-D, us Jewish people think the way to follow up is to defy logic, logic telling us each and every step of the way that our almighty one G-D is extraordinarily smart, the need to go "back and forth" as opposed to around in circles again G-D-NAture having got rid of our tails, again nothing quite encompassing following carefully in the tracks of Technology Religion Art Math Science as our


JB's "wish..." smacks of the most incredible fear, a subject I will cover in my next broadcasted email.


I will blind copy JB on this communiqué who now knows how easy it is to stay up to speed with what it is that attracts like no other website a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, by the end of the day my next communiqué to the Attorney General of New York will be ever so short and precise such that even for my amazing father will stop feeling the need to make out to everyone he comes into contact with that reading what I say requires another Rosetta Stone.


In other words only the Almighty SMART G-D will be able to stop me from taking down the DeBeers Diamond Cartel and the deafening silence of those today fully aware of this most evil organization is being heard most of all by young, strong, and fearless black south Africans like Tefo Mohapi.


Be happy,






Ps – Have u picked up in London yet the cries to have Robert F. Kennedy’s white Christian cross removed from Arlington Cemetery in Virginia.



-----Original Message-----
From: Derrick Beare []
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Good Morning


I am on the way to work. In my opinion it would be a mistake to cc JB on all

your e-mails.Also don't let your other recipients see his. address db.




-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 1:27 PM
Tefo Mohapi
Cc: rest;; Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General; DeBeers Diamond Cartel
Subject: RE: Good Morning




Love=trust and respect...---...