< From: Gary S

Captain Pouch - Blog



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:22 AM PT
To: Capt. Ronald L Pouch
Cc: rest; Augusto Benito Vargis; Tefo Mohapi; Captain Dale Dye; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; editor@shanghaidaily.com; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; JRK@class-action-law.com; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Oprah; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Professor Jeffrey Sachs - Columbia University; M.A. Sanjayan, Ph.D. - Lead Scientist, The Nature Conservancy - Planet Earth BBC commentator; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: HOLE...---...: Rubbish: please take me....


Captain Pouch,


Both of us know you understand I have a unique perspective on The Diamond Invention and were it not for your decision to throw in a zinger word like, “Rubbish” designed only to make yourself feel good about your decision to side with the DAAC who in all likelihood “butter your bread” significantly less than what you deserve for your loyalty that of course I am obliged to highlight until Kingdom Come, I would have while not taking you off my email list simply added you to my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list versus using your “Rubbish” that comes with no explanation apart from letting me know what is today in the space between your ears, to take you, and of course at the same time empowering others including our refugees STILL continuing to seek a safe haven here in the United States and of course to be willing to do the heavy lifting, on one most Educational Light Journey.


Of course you understand the “slave trade” never ceased just morphed in to something far more evilly efficient.


Neither this Internet only book nor my unique and universal insight can be indefinitely “dismissed” given the awesome power of truth I am sharing at Light-G-D-speed at the very same time the population explosion rate is dramatically declining and each of us dependant on the slave wage masses populating like rabbits and prepared to die like flies are increasingly incapable of predicting what the future will hold apart from truth, that which does not change, inevitably uniting all of us, both good and bad.


It is important that you don’t forget I had nothing to do with the authoring of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention nor the decision by the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel to infiltrate both the British War Industry during World War II or the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA which is what I believe has you the most “disturbed” since such treasonous actions on their part while not inhibiting in any way, shape or form their supreme command of allocating the world’s resources, nothing more than the most mild perfunctory reprimands, has made a mockery of each and every law on the books of the so-called “civilized races” going back a century.


To infiltrate the planners of war brings with it the extraordinary price for the victors of war and you know one thing for sure that you are on the side of the victors of both World War I and World War II but you are far less sure about the Korean, Vietnam and now two Gulf Wars both against rag tag armies built by our tyrant Saddam Hussein who ended his reign of tyranny holding out in a fox hole.


Let me repeat what has anyone in any way, shape or form connected to Wall-47th Street feeling increasingly nervous with each tick of the clock and the entire world is not embroiled in war.


The out-of-control population growth is beginning to slow down at an “alarming rate” while Knowledge-Information-Light is spreading at an even more alarming rate and why you increasingly find throughout the world even the dirt poor not willing to fight for “love of country” as they figure out all the systemic corruption amongst the big talkers who shout propaganda, “We are in a fight for Freedom and Democracy!


The Sanjayans of the world know perfectly well what they need to do in the follow up series to the BBC’s Planet Earth series with its great photography while imparting to a mesmerized worldwide audience the dire straights of the amphibians disappearing the result of the water crisis due to human overpopulation and the depleting of the rain forests to produce beef and cocaine which like opium production coming out of Afghanistan is mostly for U.S. consumption.


The Sanjayans of the world have their own mouths to feed and would be replaced in the very next instant by a better educated individual with less of an Indian accent were they to properly explain why we don’t go along with investing the most miniscule amounts of money in protecting and preserving the planet versus war where money is no object.


Not to mention that you should take no comfort in any single human being ignoring this most important and very well laid out book including each and every elected and non-elected government official such as Senator Ted Kennedy and my uncle David Gevisser, the male heir of American Charles Engelhard, the co-inventor-conspirator of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel.


Below is page one of a 3 page letter sent by my father, a first cousin of David Gevisser on May 6th, 1994 to David Gevisser’s one son, Mark Gevisser a renowned South African journalist-author who recently penned the autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s current DAAC President who succeeded Nelson Mandela who understood perfectly well prior to writing his 11,700 word speech which he titled, “I am Prepared to Die” and read on April 20th 1964 from the dock of South Africa’s Supreme Court in a last ditch effort to “save his neck” from the gallows, that the reason South Africa’s Apartheid Regime had not been toppled by the United States Government made up of 3 bought and paid for Branches, namely, the Judiciary, the Executive Branch and the Legislature more commonly known as the United States Congress made up of corrupt freeloading Congress people and multi-millionaire Senators was that the South African Apartheid Regime was “protected” from its very start by the U.S. Government, the very moment this most obscene regime in the history of the world who made Hitler look like a choirboy grabbed power in 1948 and consequently it came as no surprise to any aware student of history, economics and politics that Nelson Mandela who joined the ANC in 1944, the same year of the Bretton Woods Conference that enslaved all the peoples of the world who didn’t have the big guns, would inevitably “pay homage” to his captors by applauding their judiciary and why of course Tefo Mohapi, a Black South African now approaching 30 years of age and whose mother was imprisoned by this most repressive regime during the Soweto Riots of 1976 would suggest the correct title of this speech of speeches should have been, “I am NOT Prepared to Die”.



Tefo like Augusto Benito Vargis, a well educated Peruvian guide is very quiet these days and each of us 7 odd billion humans on this planet may each have an opinion as to why but I suggest it has everything to do with the fact that Tefo in particular is questioning the integrity of his mother who later went on to receive a DeBeers bursary much like Bill Clinton getting a DeBeers-Rhodes Scholarship.


My father, Bernie Gevisser never received a response to this incredibly revealing letter that ended not just with, “With best wishes” but two paragraphs prior, “Please give my love to your Mom and Dad.”


Mark Gevisser’s dad screwed not only my dad and my father’s two other siblings but David Gevisser’s own brother Leslie Gevisser whose only claim to fame apart from working for our family’s The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies where he was a “nothing” purchasing agent who could be trusted as far as my father and his father Israel Issy Gevisser “could throw him”, was that he spent most of World War II in a German prisoner of war camp much like my Royal Mater’s “top notch” South African-Israeli lawyer, Julius Gurwitz.


Poverty of Thought deprived human beings have this rather poor habit of “cozying up” to their abusers which one does not need an advanced degree in psychiatry to understand.


The Son of God seems to have defied God by not being “fruitful and multiplying” apart from one logical argument is that Jesus Christ was extraordinarily intelligent and knew better about the human mind not necessarily more evolved but enlightened with change, easily able to adapt to a changing environment.


For all I know you may have also not found the right woman.


My father, it seems, not only continues to talk nonsense to strangers all in an effort not to deal with the extent of the extraordinary mental abuse he began receiving immediately after returning to South Africa from World War II, some 71 odd miraculous missions dive-bombing the crap out of the DAAC Nazi bastards, when his uncle Louis Sher, the brother of my paternal grandmother, Katie Sher, attacked my dad with a knife, blaming him for his sister Katie developing cancer as she “worried to death” about the safety of her second son engaged in the most dangerous of actions against an enemy that was not defeated and would within a matter of 3 years following her death on June 8th, 1945, the same day DAAC Nazi Germany surrendered, not only find sanctuary on the southern tip of Africa but begin executing to perfection Hitler’s plan to come up with a “master race” which simply meant getting rid of all “troublemakers”.


Anyone with just the slightest amount of intelligence understands that the concept of “universal peace” is nothing more than a “cover” for elitists who understand perfectly well that peace brings with it the end of their “gravy train”.


You do not need to have spent a single moment in my shoes to appreciate what the DAAC have managed to accomplish in the past 100 years as they have most of all succeeded in dummying down the electorate who fall into two categories; first, those born with a good physique who cannot think of much beyond anyone who is more than 30 years of age which is old wanting to jump into bed with them and those not quite body-gifted but who have managed to read 3 books thinking themselves so very intelligent as they get accepted into any college of their choosing so long as they or their corrupt parents have the money.


But once you read just once the series of emails between myself and Codiam Inc., the DAAC’s most significant money laundering and intelligence gathering operation here in the United States that began on November 11th 2004 after I had maintained a 24 year total silence, only communicating my thoughts to the most trusted members of the very deep Jewish Underground who keep tabs on the Mossad, Israel’s most secretive intelligence institute with the most superb assassination’s unit, you should not only understand the proverb, “It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt” but why others much more intelligent than you would prefer that you be very quiet.


A week ago this past Saterday evening Dr. John K. Pollard an alumnus of MIT and Cornell University joined my wife and me for dinner at Q’ero, a Peruvian gourmet restaurant in Encinitas, California two towns north of heavily corrupt Del Mar.


Given the more than usual amount of wine consumption, one and a half bottles consumed ever so slowly with the most extraordinary meal, Dr. JKP eating a very cold water fish that once had a heart beat making up for Marie D. Gevisser and me, both of us now some 6 months vegetarian although still eating eggs and milk on occasion, we decided to take a long walk back to Dr. JKP’s new Mercedes 4 door sedan where without being told he placed the corked half bottle of wine in the boot.


In the course of one most extraordinary high level intellectual discourse which didn’t seem to bother any of the tables very close by from engaging in foreplay the botox look having us increasingly inhumane human beings looking increasingly like fish which of course has you thinking of The Sperm Donor’s so very disgusting and so ugly mother responsible for this slimeball of slimeballs so poor breeding, Dr. JKP made the quick comment that he had never heard of the Talpiot, Israel’s super secret most “wired” intelligence institute which had him sending me this hyperlink on July 6th even though over the course of recent weeks I had been increasingly talking about Israel developing the most “wired” people the planet has ever known.


I now come back to not only the “back and forth” emails between myself and Codiam Inc. that began after a 24 year silence and for you to figure out who besides for the FBI were Blind Carbon Copied and of course you can see as did Codiam Inc. who was Carbon Copied, but for you to use your imagination to figure out what I saw and heard while a very intimate member of this extraordinary close lipped mafia of mafia which the United States Justice Department don’t want to touch with a 100 foot pole.


While you think what people like Martin Rappaport of the Rapaport Report, the most definitive newsletter broadcasting the fixed pricing of the DAAC’s Diamond Currency are now thinking give some thought to how long it is going to be before the more “connected” such as the almost 500 million wired highly productive Chinese get wind of what it is that makes so many of us so very miserable and uncaring.


Increasingly those acquainted with the dark DAAC side of the 3 Branches of the United States Government including those of us “transplants” from our war-torn regions of the world are choosing simple but not necessarily easy to understand words such as “RUBBISH” which provide the user of such “Sly English” with a “quick fix” solution to their increased state of anxiety.


Not to mention the very next thing those getting more than their fair share of the graft-spoils of Diamond Drilling Bit oil wars are quick to follow up with,


“The basic problem with the rest of the world and the reason transplants like you are so happy living in the United States is the fact of life that where there is the most strife there is lack of Freedom of Religion!”


And in the next breath, without of course giving an independent thinker the opportunity to get a word in “edge ways” is for those suffering the most from “Poverty of Thought” to point to tyrant states such as Saudi Arabia, declaring in the most assertive voice, “Your choice is Islam or death!


To view the second half this thoughtful email response to your “rubbish” click on this hyperlink that takes you to your blog.


When I first saw your email for “sum” [sic] reason I thought you were Captain Dale Dye of KFI 640 AM’s Military Affairs’ expert yet to give, to the best of my knowledge, a detailed explanation on what Allied Forces in Afghanistan are doing to either increase or stem the production of opium production depending upon both our consumption here in the united States that accounts for some 90% of the worldwide demand as well as what we provide along with weapons of war to “friendly” terrorist forces doing our bidding.


Not to mention, this Hot Shot military expert who sounds so very convincing on the radio when communicating with other DAAC operatives, has surely seen the movie BLOOD DIAMONDS and noticed all those South African accents so far north of the borders of South Africa which not every motorcyclist in the world necessarily knows or cares to know is located on the southern tip of DAAC controlled Africa.


You may also have realized that there is a good deal of truth in this movie that was designed to sell more than movie tickets.


Not to mention that so “warm and fuzzy”, so very personal Hollywood ending with a Black well built man out of Africa standing so tall, brimming with pride before a mostly Lily White Wheaty Eating audience didn’t it make you just want to vomit?


To mention little of that so annoying female American journalist who kept asking very poor South African accent Leonardo Di Capri for him to provide her with “proof” about there being a far grander conspiracy than a measly one billion US Dollars in Diamond Currency finding its way in to the diamond markets of the world inevitably entering the hearts, minds and souls of American women, the largest single group of DAAC sponsors apart from DAAC corrupted governments that afford the DAAC, the terrorist of terrorist financing organizations such an extraordinary large footprint on 47th-Wall Street, New York City, the money laundering capital of the world.


To mention in passing the “free passHollywood continues to afford the DAAC, the special interest of special interest group which make the most inexcusable mockery of the United States Secret Service tasked with protecting the United States Dollar from counterfeiters.


Yes, a day shouldn’t go by between now and when next meeting up with our Maker when you don’t think about that day when President elect John F. Kennedy was forced by American Charles Engelhard, the American head of the DAAC, the mafia of mafia who price fix everything, to meet on U.S. soil at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan with his partner Harry Oppenheimer, the Anglo South African head of the DAAC who of course welcomed Charles Engelhard with “open arms” as this “open supporter” of the South African Apartheid Regime journeyed to South Africa in the late 1940s to make certain the South African Apartheid Regime, also known as the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division moved swiftly to consolidate their awesomely brutal power over the world’s richest mineral resources in the very same year the modern state of Israel was founded.


I was once told, “No-one reads your letters”.


Therefore, probably, one or two of you will have stopped already. For those who may still be curious, if, not, exactly interested, let me introduce myself.


Let us skip the early years and, perhaps, the “reason detre” of my life, when I was 15, before Norman Pearle, before Dale Carnegie, I wrote a thesis…”


The above 3 paragraphs, beginning, “I” and ending “thesis” were transcribed from the middle of page 2 of a 4 page letter titled, “A-nother Letter To All Traders” written by my highly literate Royal Mater, Zena Gevisser and sent to me and my 3 elder siblings back on April 7th, 1996 when she and her second husband, South African clothing magnet Alan Zulman, were vacationing in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM Grand, room 412.


You can click on this hyperlink to read all of page 2 and this hyperlink for page 1.


In due course and prior to next communicating with my father, Bernie Gevisser, a World War II Allied Fighter-Bomber-Pilot with some 71 odd miraculous missions dive bombing the crap out of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel’s Nazi-German bastards I will be uploading pages 3 and 4 which you can access, again in due course, by clicking on this hyperlink and this hyperlink.


Just in case you are having difficulty given the number of hits my one website www.NEXTtraterresTRIAL.com is getting let me just continue briefly from where my also highly secretive and deceptive mother left off, not to mention Zena Gevisser, just 19 years of age and only married to my father some 3 odd months, “From the earliest days of 1949 - while the air war during Israel’s War of Independence was at its most critical stage, the lines in the sand being drawn for all the Middle East’s future wars - began visiting Israel two to three times a year”:


…thesis on “Overcoming Shyness” and “Personality Development”. I had read most of the set books for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year Psychology, and the answers I required were not there. Three years later, in South Africa, in 1947 I put a course together. There is tale in itself of how the gods contrived to get me to this, but this need not be told here.”


Now you haven’t forgotten that my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser and very “close lucky friend” of my Royal Mater was extraordinarily carefully chosen as the “male heir” of murdered American Charles Englehard although the “title” given my uncle David Gevisser on March 2nd 1971 when Engelhard was laid to rest at St. Mary’s Abby Church in Morris Town, New Jersey with Senator Ted Kennedy, former President Lyndon Johnson and Vice President Humphrey forced to attend this mafia of mafia gathering was that of “executor” which brought with it a not exactly inconsequential “sign on bonus” of US$6 million paid of course offshore and tax free.


Nor have you forgotten my account of what took place when I last met with my uncle Dave back in 1995 the day after I got to “report” to him how brilliant a job his ANC Government were doing to screw up the South African economy, the DAAC not in the least bit interested in attracting stuff like “foreign investment” or technology to those regions of the world they are hell bent on maintaining in a perpetual state of war, their peoples increasingly dependant on “handouts” which we euphemistically term, “Foreign Aid”.


But you may have forgotten that my very worldly mother was born on May 30th 1929 to the favorite son of Nechie Badash, one of the early residents of Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Not to mention that my great maternal grandmother who was as close as it gets to David Ben Gurion, both coming from the same shtel of Plonsk, Poland-White Russia, Nechie the sole surviving member of her immediate family who got “wiped out” in a pogrom, “returned to England” from Israel to “raise” my mother whose father could afford all the “help in the world” given not only Albert-Alef Badash-Ash’s great success as an international trader but access to as much cash as the most senior members of the DAAC who understood perfectly well that it would not remain a “State Secret” very long that this mafia of mafia backed all sides to every war following the DAAC’s very near defeat in the Anglo Boer-Farmer War of 1899-1902.


Captain, it will probably take me about 72 hours or so to remove your email address from my one email list and there is obviously the distinct possibility that you will still continue to receive my emails long after I take my final breath given how your address could be on other emails lists of mine that continue to expand at an exponential rate.


In the meantime may I suggest that you do a couple of things in your very busy schedule knowing that possibly one or “tTOo” [sic] others may be taking my advice either 10 minutes ahead of you receiving this heavily broadcasted response or prior to the world blowing up.


First, as I have suggested now time and again in very recent times, read up on Afrikaner Field Marshall Jan Smuts who not only knew best Cecil Rhodes, the founder of the highly anti-Semitic DeBeers but who made it his business to “prove his mettle” to the very deep underground Jewish Underground beginning by allowing a Kibbutz-farm in Israel to be named after him in 1932, a rather important year in the history of modern day times.


According to Athol Fugard who my wife and I have this habit of running into on the bluffs of Del Mar, Smuts supposedly wrote the definitive book on the different grasses of South Africa.


Mr. Fugard you will remember is the playwright who played Jan Smuts in the movie, Gandhi.


Second, since for all I know you may in fact be a California Highway Patrol Officer and consequently may know of someone who might have “legal jurisdiction” in my “neck of the woods”, not to mention I got a “warning ticket” today by the female U.S. Park Ranger-Police Officer who was involved in the rather unpleasant incident back on August 15th 2006 involving a very poor White American who was being harassed by out of control San Diego Sheriff Deputies, please spare no effort to investigate the “nothing to speak ofMichael Windy Winn, a failed politician-journalist who gives only money corrupted kids a false sense of security that there is “open debate” in the United States of America bearing in mind Windy Winn is a neighbor who tried on January 2nd of this year when realizing that spitting in my face was not going to work as the wind caused his filthy saliva to “backfire”, to then do me seriously bodily harm if not murder me when throwing rocks and sand at me and my dog as I passed him by on the bluffs of Del Mar riding my mountain bike.


Not to mention that Windy Winn, a very desperate lost soul is of course no more of a physical threat to me than a handful of other deranged cowardly human beings living the “good life” here in heavily corrupt real estate agent infested Del Mar, California beginning with the slimeball of slimeballs, The Sperm Donor recently back from fishing in Missouri with my wife’s soon-to-be 15-year old son JoNathan who I had a great time with today as we both played our hearts out at tennis following yesterday’s rather upsetting lunch at Barbarella in La Jolla where I came across a couple with a very similar looking Italian Greyhound to our Pypeetoe, the couple having heard about Pypeetoe’s passing on the tracks near our cliff house.


Quite awesome is this “real time”, stay in the moment, Internet where those choosing to be on the “side of dark” are increasingly at a “loss for words”, never quite certain when their “day of reckoning” will occur while realizing that not only is hell here on earth for those who usurp their limited authority but with each tick of the almighty powerful clock my message of truth is resonating that much louder with the vast majority of human beings who are not yet corrupted and who also realize that they have everything to lose by resorting to violence, instead to just “kick back” and watch these decrepit human beings “fall apart”.


Better yet, knowing that our time is both “very short” as well as “finite” to make the “best use” by doing the right thing and sharing one’s knowledge even if one has absolutely no belief in a Superior Being since it is just a question of time before each one of us knows everything there is to know about the next person.


You have of course thought more about it is not who you know but as my very smart French-Canadian wife says, it is what you know about who you know that counts and with each tick of the clock each one of us is able to figure out who amongst us is most responsible for getting me, exposing the corruption at the very top and bottom as well as in between, such an extraordinarily large footprint on the Internet without me having to “break a sweat” apart from when exercising regularly and making love to the most beautiful woman in the world who puts up with me not because she doesn’t have other choices such as The IT, Windy Winn, and go ahead and name each and every individual on my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list that of course needs a little updating.


Not to mention, how it is just a matter of time before not only all law enforcement beginning in the United States but all those currently in prison as well as those who have ever spent time behind bars or working in the DAAC prison system throughout the world get their arms around why IT IS that the 3 Branches of the United States Government while “waging war” on all our military regimes-tyrants throughout the world who simply forget that we are the ones “buttering their bread”, not once did we go so far as to “lift a finger” to command just one of our Special Forces units backed up by less than a handful of fighter-bomber jets and in less than 30 seconds we could have toppled the South African Apartheid Regime, the most repressive of our regimes, were it not for the Apartheid Regime that ruled with a Diamond studded iron first over tens of millions of Black African slave wage earners mining the mines of the DAAC doing the most marvelous terrorist of terrorist jobs for a period of some 45 odd years during which time the DAAC were able to not only launder all their fictitious-worthless Diamond Currency, unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried but use such currency to purchase not only other currencies such as the worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollar backed up only by our brutal military but the precious and limited resources of the world that they didn’t already own following the conclusion of hostilities in Europe back on June 8th 1945 when began the 3rd Reich’s southern division’s trek to South Africa sitting atop the world richest mineral resources including uranium.


It turns out that Unwitting Witness is Windy Winn who now lives on 11th Street, a half street away from my residence in Del Mar.


The first question you should ask Windy Winn is why the need to communicate with me anonymously unless as is quite obvious, he like my wife’s X-husband, The Sperm Donor aka THE IT are increasingly too busy keeping track of their lies from day.


Only lies can drive someone nuts - MDG


One might argue but only with the “once born” who you would know not to argue with that it is best to leave “lying dogs alone” but I know and it didn’t require the lifeblood of my beloved dog Pypeetoe, the most sensitive, such a character as he manipulated his triangle shaped ears to make so many marvelous shapes and so beautiful that most thought he was a girl, being sucked out in a split second by a fast moving train, how very quickly life can be “cut short”, and therefore to make the most use of both our limited time and G-d/God-given talents, bearing in mind how from a very young age I was made aware of atrocities on the DAAC battlefields of the world, not that it harms to remind you of the horrors that confronted Israeli soldiers as they began taking back the Golan Heights during the 1973 Yom Kippur War when they came across the mutilated bodies of their fellow soldiers, “caught by surprise”.


Life, wars are all about “intelligence gathering” and for the founders of the State of Israel such as David Ben Gurion the first thing they knew they needed to “weed out” were “sell out” Jewish people beginning with the Jewish Kapos who lightened up the load for the Nazi SS at the death camps of World War II.


You would understand why it really came as no surprise to the very few non-brain dead Jewish people that survived the Holocaust, some 6 years following the formation of the State of Israel in May 1948, the most senior Israeli intelligence officer in charge of a highly covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Suzannah, had “turned”, resulting in the torture and death of other Israeli undercover operatives.


And of course you could figure out when simply fixated on “following the money” as I was while in my mid-teens that it was not only the Israeli double agent who survived but there existed a very distinct possibility that one or more who ended up dead had also “turned” and why as time passed by with the DAAC interfering with the light intelligence breaches would only get worse until such time as they “couldn’t outrun the clock” and the almighty powerful clock “struck back”.


As we approach Light-G-d-Speed time, relative only to mankind, slows down.


Both David Ben Gurion who was “recalled to duty” immediately thereafter the disastrous Suzannah Operation and Menachem Begin, leaders of the two “official” Jewish Underground movements exclusively fighting the British in Palestine during World War II as well as in the 3 intervening years prior to Israel’s Statehood and when the 3rd Reich’s southern division took root in South Africa, had to not only deal with the DAAC British hanging their comrades but smuggling weapons into the prisons so that their kinsman could commit suicide purchased with what besides for Diamond Currency?


And again no surprise that Menachem Begin chose to be buried alongside such heroes at the Mount of Olives rather than Mount Herzl, the “traditional burial” ground for Israeli leaders.


Even more important for you to appreciate is the extraordinary breakdown in intelligence during World War II that was very well known to the likes of David Ben Gurion thanks to Jan Smuts and other members of the deep underground Jewish Underground going “back and forth” between “friend” and “foe” on all sides.


Not to mention you understand why Plato got it right when he said, “Good people don’t need friends!”?


Bad people need friends who provide no peace of mind which can only come from always doing the right thing that can only be taught by the just who know better than to ever turn a blind eye to evil.


Of course you may feel “duty bound” to serve at the behest of the 3 Branches of the United State Government doing the bidding of the DAAC, most of all focused on petty crime that has the masses fighting it out amongst themselves here in the U.S. as well as abroad while the “filthy rich”, many have already fled U.S. soil continue to laugh all the way to the bank, not in the least bit concerned that their treachery will ever catch up with them and even if it did they simply argue that they also will only die once.


While you may think it unimportant both in your personal as well as professional life to be bothered to read Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA or for that matter be bothered to let your “imagination run wild” with all the military intelligence that was being shared by the DAAC infested British War Ministry with the DAAC Nazi Germany including exactly where Allied paratroopers would be dropped on D-Day June 5th-6th 1944, you must not forget that not all Jewish people are for sale nor are all Jewish people stupid and of course the same could be said about not all that many in the mostly Gentile world.


Let me come back to what my French-Canadian wife had to say to Windy Winn back on June 10th, 2005, the 6th anniversary of me beginning to establish my very significant “footprint” on The Internet.


From: Marie Dion [Gevisser]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:11 PM PT
To: Michael Winn
Cc: rest
RE: Invitation




Gary and I agree that lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.


The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.


Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence regarding 2 questions Gary posed to you and that he reminded you of this morning at the beach when we met with you.


Marie Dion [Gevisser]


Would you have any evidence linking Windy Winn to Unwitting Witness?


Suffice to say this email below from a “trusted source” seems to tie Windy Winn to Unwitting Witness:


From: Trusted Friend
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:39 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: I have received a number of messages from "god" with this return address. When I used the address, auto-logged into my address book,
Michael Winn responded.  When the messages arived, I never bothered to look for God's return address and I would not know who Miguel@unwittingwitness.info might be. 

Just Add God to your broadcast list showing God's address as in the link above. 


This should flush "Miguel" out of his sorry hole.



What goes around comes around with a vengeance!


[Word count 5992]


From: Capt. Ronald L Pouch [mailto:captrlp@ktc.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 9:46 AM
To: 'Gary S. Gevisser'
Subject: Rubbish: please take me off your mailing list



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:48 PM
To: 'Demetrius Phillips'
Cc: rest; Dad; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; artbell-coast; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It; Mossad; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Augusto Benito Vargis; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: PEACE....Behind the curtain - alternative news sources/Demetrius


My friend



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:37 PM PT
To: Capt. Ronald L Pouch
Cc: rest; Devin Standard
Subject: RE: Ducati STS4


Ron - I doubt very much u really disagree with what I assume is my point of view that the sooner there is a suspension in the trading of public corporations the more likely we will not only enjoy the rest of our retirement, forget for the moment the next generation who r getting screwed big time by Wall Street selling the bs of the world’s population continuing to expand given the knowledge we already have coming from a variety of sources beginning with the natural resources drying up, the AIDs genocide just another act of war by the DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] as well as what the numbers say on the extreme ends of the distribution curve which say everything about the fact that time has in fact run out 4 each and every one of us, our indifference now this very instant coming home to roost, bearing in mind just one single thought, how long given how long it took 4 u to reach me out of nowhere be4 women, the major wearers of diamonds, will out of shame toss their engagement and wedding rings along with their increasingly worthless diamond necklaces aside to mention little of the those fire-necklaces made infamous during the 1976 Soweto riots to mention in passing a good number of women throughout the world appreciating as I am sure u do, in the words of my Artist-painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion,


The wor.d would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullshit” [sic]?


Without a doubt the ST4S is the greatest motorcycle I have ridden, incredibly well balanced, but like anything fine tuned, very unforgiving, the same I suspect with co-dependant dogs when their master-s leave them behind.


Enjoy what is going to be one most incredible ride as the past and the future all come to-get-her in the present.




PsDevin Standard is the executor of my estate and should I not return from my next motorcycle trip to Europe where I plan to ride thru the Italian and Swiss Alps with MD, u can be first in line to make an offer on my Ducati which “4 sum” [sic] reason seems “tTOo” [sic] ride effortlessly with or without a passenger.


Then again assuming u r a cop u would know the importance of having someone on the back trusting enough to lean real low in making the turns at blinding speeds?


[Word count 411]


-----Original Message-----
From: Capt. Ronald L Pouch [mailto:captrlp@ktc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:42 PM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: RE: Ducati STS4



Gary - Thanks for the reply.

Sorry but a ride is kind of out of the question.  I am in central Texas and you I believe are in the People’s Republic of California.  I earn my retirement living buying and selling for my own account so I don’t agree with your idea.  I am interested in your opinion of your ride the Ducati ST4S.


Thanks and regards



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:10 PM PT
To: Capt. Ron Pouch
Subject: RE: Ducati STS4


Ron - interesting this “moc” [sic] given how well the rest of your email reads?


I mentioned in a broadcasted missive yesterday which I believe I blind copied u on that u could be this guy Ron Bellows Senior in disguise, RBS a senior risk management specialist at the “unlawful” and “shameful”, using Eliot Spitzer’s verbiage, in describing Ron’s “fony crap megalopoly” of AIG-MandM-ACE Ltd?


Then again for all I know u could be “D-G?


I do have a book which like The Diamond Invention is available over The Internet, the only problem is getting Manager Minute One assembled in such a fashion like it won’t seem as if I am trying to tell people what to do and how to do it, simply trying to look at things the way our almighty SMART G-D might go about designing the universe, why not at least try imitating the smartest?


G-D forbid I were to not only use the Almighty’s name in vein like every fricken rabbi, priest, mullah, not to forget the worst of all the heathen atheists who think themselves so godly at least those that I have been fortunate-unfortunate to meet but in so doing usurp my very limited authority to go about executing as flawlessly as possible the disassembling of the DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] in all probability the largest landlords and beyond a shadow of a doubt the most evil organization ever to have taken form on this planet in my backyard of South Africa while providing my best efforts to avoid a single drop of blood being spilled by pulling out all stops to keep each and every one of us gainfully employed until such time as we all meet up once again with our maker who will I assume have the smarts to reassemble each and every one of us according to a formula much like Einstein’s “Mind of G-D” equation, E=mc² standing not only the test of time but direct experiments for going on a century?


Time I think for a bike ride where we can discuss in the flesh not only our mutual interest in Ducati motorcycles but what suggestions u might have in helping me=we execute the plan for solving all the problems of the world once our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush does the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and suspends trading of public corporations.


The collapse of the stock market here in the United States is all but certain. It makes no sense that a publicly traded company should be valued more than a private business which generally sells for between 3 and 5 times predictable earnings plus liquidation value. And remember management of private companies are much more accountable assuming they have the checks in place for their "audirtors not writely balanced" [sic].


Publicly traded companies with their diverse shareholder ownership allow management much more flexibility to mix things up, taking with the right and hooking the owners with their left, lefties to boot. Right now the smart money has left or is in the process of leaving the markets in search of "safer heavens", safe harbor provisions a thing of the past.


Again, President Bush should do the smart thing and immediately suspend trading of public corporations, thereby protecting the innocent and naive who are simply throwing good money after bad. Those well run public companies should have no fear for they will be at a competitive advantage relative to the capital that has been so smartly socked away.


The scars of 1907 remain on the masonry buildings housing the stock exchange of Wall Street. The fundamentals of the economy at that time were much worse than in 1929. One man J.P. Morgan saved the day, not so lucky for the victims of 1929. History has a way of repeating itself but today the "risk markets" are more fragile than at any time in history.


"Risk assessment" is my business.


And so if u r game and in the area how about a sunset ride, first tho, I want to spend “sum” [sic] time on the beach with my pouch Pypeetoe right now sunning himself on the ledge of our Cliff House watching ever so carefully the passing “traffic” as a Marine Helicopter gun ship passes by.




[Word count 720]



-----Original Message-----
From: Capt. Ronald L Pouch
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 11:28 AM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: Ducati STS4


Quite a few of your emails com up when I do a search for Ducati STS4.  I am interested in that bike. I have a Hyabusa and K1200GT one of which I might sell. I would love to see you opinions/comments on this bike.  Your email prose is delightful. You should assemble them into a book

Thanks and regards,

Ron Pouch