From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2006 9:04 AM PT
To: Anne Merritt
Subject: RE: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


If you decide to enter politics you have my word I would give you a “heads up” before pointing you publicly in the “write” [sic] direction assuming of course my head is still attached to my balls,,, thinking you would have to be absolutely stark raving nuts unless of course you really wanted to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing which means don’t listen to a word I say but don’t when discussing it with Marie miss the points she would make ever so articulately.


Second, please print a hard copy for Marie both this email I got earlier from failed politician-journalist Windy Winn as well as the attached document that unless you have a color printer could come out weird in which case convert the text all to black and if having trouble with that then email me and I will send you a black, no strike that, another more colorful version.


I was not in the happiest of moods when I typed this now 2700 word “obituary” which was “sum” [sic] 9 words less than the original that seemed to keep pace with the rain drops hitting the oversized front windows of the Cliff-Carriage House but based on the reaction I got from people all over the world, both literate, semi-literate and baboons like my uncle David Gevisser and his clown son Mark who is possibly still revising his autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, apparently I “nailed it”?



Third, I met the other night the new owner of the sushi restaurant on 11th street and 101 just up from the Carriage House at 101 11th street, the same night I invited my friend Ed and Dr. JKP Jr. while failing, as you couldn’t resist pointing out, to invite you. He is apparently a master sushi chief and it may be in your interest to at least try his very good and very well priced sushi to mention little of the most awesome cheese-vanilla bean-ice-cream cake our friend Laura handed to us when we left the Belly Up last night all of us not quite sure whether Matisyahu was with his Menorah lighting mocking us Jewish people which covers all independent thinkers or everyone else including himself.


Soon enough though we are going to know exactly where everyone stands as the “small talk” grinds to a halt.


Fourth, this E-mail to Girlie, one of my local private bankers has not just bankers all around the world worried about panhandlers linking up with prostitutes increasingly “feeling their oats” as the world understands clearly how very dark is the DAAC not only “setting” the price of everything but deciding on what is and is not moral but anyone in any business who uses as well as doesn’t use money as a “means of exchange”.


Time to sleep, to dream, and wake up refreshed.




[Word count 484]



----- Original Message -----

From: Anne Merritt
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2006 4:34 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


Del Mar Ag & Fair Board


I'm going to make sushi now-learn how-try to learn how.




----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser

To: Anne Merritt

Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2006 1:12 PM

Subject: RE: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


Be more specific about the political stuff.


From: Anne Merritt
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2006 12:39 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


Yo Gary, I agree. Wishing isn't the right term. How about "I bid you a wonderful new year"? It will be a year of profound changes for me..that's for sure.

  I have an opportunity to become more active politically  and am debating this. I think I could do more good than most people in the position if I decide to throw my application into the "fray", but it would take away from my painting time. So I am thinking long about it. Interesting how life persents us these opportunities when we least expect them. Very interesting to dwell on the results. (no, I'm not going for Duke's job).



----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser

To: Anne Merritt

Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 12:27 PM

Subject: RE: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005



And while I know versus believe 2006 will be the greatest year in the history of our species, for those especially willing to embrace the changing tides, for the rest it could a nightmare from which they will never recover in any of their near future lifetimes, I will still “conform” to the “ritual” of “wishing” not only you but my adversaries the “best”.






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2006 12:24 PM
To: 'Anne Merritt'
Subject: RE: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


The Hasidic-reggae was great – the mixture of spirituality-church was the most interesting – I will let Marie explain.


From: Anne Merritt
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 9:18 AM
To: rest; Gary S. Gevisser; Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Fw: Fun at the rock cabin at the end of 2005


Gary, can't find Marie's email ?? mdg13@yahoo????

Hope the reggae was great.

Best wishes for 2006.
