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PMoylan – BLOG



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:15 PM PT
To: pmoylan@san.rr.com
Cc: rest; Steven Levy - Newsweek; tom.petruno@latimes.com; Tefo; Emile Myburgh (emilemyburgh@hotmail.com); Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Roger W. Robinson; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Oprah; oreilly@foxnews.com; Rush Limbaugh; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. Laura Family; JohnStossel@abcnews.com; Seymour M. Hersh c/o The New Yorker; TheTonightShow@nbc.com; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: RE: ...HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE....GIFTED...IMBECILES....blo...money-oil-power...


Do you have any idea how invigorating and at the same time so relaxing to witness in “real time” those getting more than their “fair shake”, now for the first time in the History of the World “falling apart” en masse and we don’t have world collapsing, at least not yet?


Do you have any idea what it means when a corrupt United States Justice Department prosecutor finds that he with all his mighty DAAC power cannot even hide behind a Grand Jury while doing the bidding of the mafia of mafia?


Do you know what this means to each and every member of the media who make out like they are there for the “good of the people” not just of America but the world now finding themselves in “real time” applauding one another as I go about my “carefree” and might I add the words “awesomely loved filled life” lumping them all “to-get-her” [sic]?


Do you understand better why anyone in their right mind would bother speaking with NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell, who is traveling with Secretary of State Rice about anything other than what her husband, Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve Chairman, wrote in 1966, his essay titled, GOLD AND ECONOMIC FREEDOM?


Can you think of any other words spoken apart from “Giddyup”, by “Greenspam” [sic] in the past 42 years that human beings can understand let alone “sum” [sic] official speaking “on condition of anonymity” to Mrs. Mitchell-Greenspan again traveling with Sec. Rice who will surely soon ask for her government check to be paid in rice based on today’s exchange rate of the Chinese Yuan to the worthless-fictitious and so blood stained DeBeers-Dollar.


The Yaun last traded at 7.772 to the worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollar.


Do you perfectly understand that most if not all of the Saudi leadership can not only speak perfect English but got enough schooling to understand perfectly why Alan Greenspan prior to going to work for the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel made perfect sense when theorizing about the disaster that would befall the United States if we went officially off the Gold Standard on August 15th 1971, some 5 odd months after American Charles Engelhard the co-inventor-conspirator of The Diamond Invention was murdered?


Do you perfectly understand that when Alan Greenspan’s wife reports that “In fact, Saudi leaders are privately ‘deeply skeptical’ that the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki could implement the U.S. plan” what the Saudis are in fact saying is that they will crash the U.S. Dollar if the United States does NOT maintain civil unrest in Iraq until such time as their and Iran’s oil fields run dry.


Do you perfectly understand that we have seen to it that the DAAC Saudis have a sufficient air force of their own to fly these one of many DAAC tyrants to a “safe heaven” [sic] with enough fuel on board that their fleet of jets don’t make it to the end of the runway before blowing up?


Do you perfectly understand the deal that was consummated between DAAC President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ibn Saud following the atrocity of the Yalta Conference that began on February 4th 1945 two days after the Soviet Red Army liberated Auschwitz?


Do you know that there is not a single member of the House of Saud who needs to read Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER to know that the Mossad as well as the deep underground Jewish Underground, the least armed unofficial intelligence group in the world who exclusively watch over the Mossad, also did not need to read this or any other chapter of increasingly edgy Edward Jay Epstein’s Internet only most fascinating book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION but who would know how very easy it would be to crash the United States Dollar so long as no single large trader in the world feared the United States military.


Who in the U.S. apart from Sec. James Baker III and Co. has reason to support the House of Saud tyrants who play with the price of oil so that the few independent thinkers that there are in the west, particularly here in the U.S. don’t have a shot “of” [sic] coming up with alternative energy sources that make all the common sense in the world apart from there is no price to be paid for common sense?


You either were bred right or you are dumb as a door nail.


Did you know that I come from a long line of very successful traders who didn’t need to go to school or university to learn about the economic principle of supply and demand?


Do you understand how easy it is for every single Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, Lily-White-Wheaty-Eater, Black, pink, yellow, green as well as all those green with envy human beings to understand the utter nonsense of the words used by DAAC Ms. Mitchell and Co.,


The Saudi government has signaled in the past that it would oppose an early withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, fearing it would leave minority Sunni Muslims at the mercy of Shiite Muslim militias.


Do you need me to explain the word “oppose”?


Do you and I know one another?


Do you know what I was doing in Beijing in the spring of 1989 apart from talking with very young kids at the Beijing Hotel overlooking Tiananmen Square when Sec. James A. Baker III was United States Secretary of State undermining the Chinese government that led to the Tiananmen Square massacre that spread like wildfire through the alleyways of Beijing amidst the most awesome advances of man and machinery coming together, all the construction workers must have first thought with all the screaming students that another Cultural Revolution was about to begin?


Which planet were you on during the ten year Chinese Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976?


Do you know how well I know Sec. James A. Baker III’s confidante Roger W. Robinson who was on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission from October 2002 to December 31, 2005 first as Chairman and then as Vice Chairman?


Do you understand perfectly well why King Golden Jr. Esq., my personal American attorney of some 15 odd years and “bosom buddy” of RWR who WE not so jokingly referred to as “our man Roger” when he and Sec. Baker where running the White House during the President Ronald W. Reagan’s first administration, laying the foundation for going to war with China, would repeatedly refer to Sec. Baker III as “THE MOST DANGEROUS PERSON IN THE WORLD”?


Do have any idea why Ms. Molly H. Hubbard, Director of Development for the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy is now so “deafeningly silent”?


Do you have any idea how great and safe I feel right now?


Do you have any idea how beyond belief great those not getting their “fair shake” for the past 100 years, one generation after the next and in places like Peru and China as well as in parts of the U.S. for a whole lot longer, are feeling right at this moment when reading this again in “real time” and seeing bastards such as yourself showing, at a minimum, such utterly disgusting, so awesomely stupid indifference?


Do you think the Chinese government need me to tell them they should be placing all their military on maximum alert and be ready to ship out to the Middle East before or after James A. Baker III’s House of Saud moves into Iraq?


Would you know the Chinese government far better represent the peoples of China than all the western alliance countries combined?


When last did you visit China and take a real close look on their faces and remember to include those Chinese now returning in droves versus the long faces of the slave wage earners in just say the United States, the greatest welfare state in the history of humankind, so unkind to G-D-nature it is no surprise there is so very little sense of community so very important if you are going pull together any military worth talking about?


Do you want to me spell out in verbiage that you would see in the recital to an epic class action complaint why it is that you are such a moron to want to associate with anyone on my one of a kind FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list that of course needs updating.


Could you and I know anyone in common?


I would like you to take a look at the hyperlink above the letters “moc” above while I next read columnist’s Tom Petruno’s most recent article, Are big funds nearing a limit?


While organizations like the Los Angeles Times make it their business to hire the “most average” and that includes their litigators I make it my business only to surround myself with the “best and brightest” and should they get co-opted-corrupted-weak knead I make it my business-personal to take them on an educational light journey.


Once you understand why it is that people like Petruno think it is important that they tell the world they have “friends” so you begin to understand not only the “method to my madness” that exposes these “most average” who are not only the easiest to corrupt given how they only know to claw their way to the top but are as logic would dictate the most superficial and consequently the easiest to also impress but why at the end of the day they cannot be relied upon by even their DAAC bosses to keep their big mouths shut, at least not in this Digital Age.


I have only read the first line of “Are big funds n” but it doesn’t take an advanced degree in Quantum Gravity-Physics-Mechanics to get one’s arms around what was going through Petruno’s head when he wrote me this past Monday, January 15th at 6:06 PM Pacific Standard Time, Do you have any friends?


Several individuals who know Petruno rather well were dumbfounded when they read those 5 words having already been familiar with his “Are big funds s…” article from the day before which began,


Popularity often is the kiss of death for an investment.”


The Los Angeles Times’ litigators are of course now well “briefed” as are you and those copied on my 542 word response that contained two not exactly private “sidebars”, one to Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who the LA Times attorneys would know of, if not intimately familiar with both Mr. JRK’s work product as well as mine that is in the “public domain” and the other to a far less known individual, Augusto Benito Vargis, a very well educated and worldly Peruvian guide married to an equally well educated and worldly woman; both Patricia and Augusto, however, my wife and I have only known since we did the Inka trail where we ran in to non-athlete South African attorney Emile Myburgh.


Everything in the end prior to meeting up once again with our Maker comes down to price.


In what I believe was the first communication sent to me on September 30th 2003 by Mr. Myburgh he expressed eagerness to assist with an ad campaign that I wanted to launch in South Africa; repeating the first section of his 3rd paragraph “I would be delighted to help you with your ad campaign.”


A lot of water has “flowed under the bridge since then including Tefo, a black South African, using the $5,000 I sent to launch the ad campaign to “keep his head above water”.


You would know that if no one thought me worthy enough to give me a job flipping hamburgers at In N Out Burgers I wouldn’t need a banker, safe deposit box or for that matter a “kick back” from the Feds including the Internal Revenue Service or its counterpart over in England commonly known as Inland Revenue were I to be “desperately in need” of currency for a variety of things including buying the very best of dog and human food for our two dogs, Pypeetoe and Maggie.


There is nothing funny about being poisoned to death especially if you don’t survive.


Dr. Michael Moshal MD, a highly respected South African gastroenterologist was the first to confirm back in 1980 after I had returned to South Africa from New York City were I was “holding fort” at Codiam Inc. headquartered on 47th Street that combined with Wall Street makes Manhattan the money laundering capital of the world, that I had been poisoned and didn’t waste any time in letting me know after he, a fit, non-smoking 45-year old was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer within days of identifying the damage done to my liver.


Dr. Moshal was dead 8 months following his last letter he sent me on February 24th 1981, one month prior to my 24th birthday.


Dr. Moshal was not a wordy individual nor was he one for “small talk”, most of all he knew not to talk gibberish to me.


The only thing truthful in Dr. Moshal’s 35 odd words detailing his “lung problem” was the last 5 odd words, “I am back at work”.


Dr. Moshal saw no coincidence between his diagnosis that came about after he had x-rays following a fall he took while waterskiing with his family, a non-invasive medical procedure he was at first reluctant to take until I insisted.


Dr. Moshal’s father was my father’s family physician who during my father’s physical exam when volunteering to become a fighter-bomber-pilot with the South African Air Force, allied with the Allies during World War II, “turned a blind eye” to my father’s very slight asthma which disappeared altogether on his first practice dive-bombing run.


Dr. Moshal knew there was no place safe for me to run and had me promise to “lay low” even though he knew without me opening my big mouth that I had the power to call for the assassination of each and every member of Codiam Inc. all the way across the ocean to those “calling the shots” at the DAAC’s Central Selling Organization housed in downtown London, England who in turn get their price-fixing “marching orders” from Johannesburg South Africa.


Dr. Moshal also felt the need to let me know that it would mean not simply the death of my father’s first cousin David Moshal-Gevisser Engelhard who it was no secret to the deep underground Jewish Underground had “sold out” both the “good” Gevissers and the “good” Moshals who combined were one extraordinary force to be reckoned with but it would leave my Royal Mater fully exposed.


But that is as far as Dr. Moshal let me know how deeply he was involved as a member of the very deep underground Jewish Underground.


Dr. Moshal was also unaware of “safe houses” in Durban, South Africa I could have chosen were I to have had any fear or be dumb enough to show the DAAC any “disrespect” and to let them “chalk down” my “insubordination” to healthy dose of “naiveté” given all the intelligence I had gathered while “hobnobbing” with Stephen Cohen and his main Hasidic-Black Hatter, Martin Rappaport of the Rapport Report which publishes the price of Diamond Currency.


Dr. Moshal also knew how very well schooled I was both academically and in the “real world” but nevertheless felt the need to reinforce that I could “do better” than resort to violence given how I was mostly extraordinarily quiet until I was certain he was on the “side of light”.


Again, Dr. Moshal had no reason to believe I didn’t need a “reality check”.


At the time even if I were to have had the slightest bit of anger which I did not since I knew it was “all business” I was in no position to do much about it given how I could barely talk, the effort just to go visit with him in his medical offices took all the energy I could muster, requiring several days of total rest just to get back my strength that was only enough to put a smile on my face when I would be awoken each morning by the awesome black servants of the Benn family of Durban, South Africa who guided me back to health.


Again, there is still no anger, nor is their disappointment in anyone given how I know versus believe the best of the best are long dead, only the “stragglers” remain and who am I to “dictate” that they are not worth “saving” as I approach my 50th birthday feeling not only “good about myself” knowing that I am doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing but getting close to being as physically fit as I was at 15 which was not close to how fit I was the last day I played full on tackle rugby when a brute force 220lb American football player playing his first game of the highly intelligent game of rugby where bulging muscles are a significant disadvantage when hit with a stiff arm tackle decided to pounce on me when I wasn’t even close to the ball.


I was not angry with anyone but myself and when realizing that I didn’t even suffer a concussion let alone able after waking up to walk unassisted on my two feet still attached to my chicken legs I knew the next time I wouldn’t be so fortunate.


Warren BO Buffet was right when he said, "You pay a hefty price for a rosy consensus."


Not to mention I am now slightly distracted by the ongoing failure of the DAAC controlled media throughout the world with the exception its seems only of China to draw the connecting dots between poor hardworking immigrants both legal and illegal on the U.S. side of the U.S-Mexican border not having dollar currency to pay for their pizza, using Mexican pesos that American entrepreneurs are increasingly smart enough to accept as Wall Street-47th Street reach record highs.


The trickling down of ill-gotten gains can go only so far given the “barriers to entry” of the totally nonsense banking-real estate-insurance system, no different to our oil tyrants not in a position to share their abundant Petro-dollars with their masses for fear that they would lose their heads long before there would be a run on the U.S. Dollar.


But again, that hasn’t stopped our House of Saud Saudi Royal family tyrants from “going public” with their “demand” that the United States “make good” on protecting them “at all cost” including free oil to wage war by suggesting that if the U.S. fails to keep the civil war going in Iraq thus allowing amongst non-military U.S. personnel for the continuing exchange of worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars for highly prized Iraqi oil, then Saudi Arabia will send its own Arab forces into Iraq to do a far better job.


The price of admission to one of my Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops is only what you can afford which can be paid at any time following the conclusion, the entire seminar-workshop shouldn’t take more than 45 minutes during which time I will coach you amongst a number of things how to become financially independent within 60 days which for “sum” [sic] people may not be soon enough.


Dr. Moshal like most South Africans understood perfectly well the “Money Power” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel but only understood its significance on every aspect of all our lives once I explained to him how this devoid of all spirituality cartel of cartels interferes with the “Free Enterprise System” by invalidating the critically important economic principles of “Supply and Demand”.


Not to mention that the instant one has untraceable and never inventoried currency used in any exchange let alone Diamond Currency which is unlimited in supply and engineered-manufactured-distributed exclusively by one lawless organization for more than 100 years, so in the next instant can one only make a joke of everything beginning with sex.


To mention little of how the art world plays their role in the Diamond Invention by having History of Art majors and media art critics promote bs artists who can, however, without any skill just time on their hands slap cheap paint on to cheap canvas and if it has a subject that one can relate to like a “breach scene” [sic] and better yet with bright colors and most of all matches the curtains, it sells.


Dr. Moshal who was not a wealthy man understood in the next instant how very little contribution he, one of the most brilliant physicians in the world, honest as the day was long, kind as no other person I have met, a total non-politician but who thought his unbridled but highly secret support of the State of Israel contributed to the “overall good” while fully aware of Israel being a sanctuary for the biggest Jewish crooks in the world with absolutely no Yiddishkeit-humanity running through any part of their bodies but who saw Israel as their “safety net” were things to get too “DAAC” [sic] in South Africa and the DAAC controlled United States would once again close its doors to Jewish refugees escaping the next holocaust.


Dr. Moshal had about a year to get “his house in order” which is more than I can say for most who have passed on thinking this world was about them.


Money meant a lot to Dr. Moshal and so it should but only once understanding its rather recent history.


While money has never grown on trees it has been around thousands of years but only at the start of the last century was it used by the ruling elite to co-opt-corrupt each and everyone all the way to the bottom of the very dark DAAC socio-economic pyramid.


Having pretty much now allocated all the world’s precious resources amongst its friends in “high places” there is in fact very little left to be shared with the poor and downtrodden masses who are simply broke but not stupid, not even close.


You are not smiling only because you are not broke, just extraordinarily stupid like a good number on this one email list of mine that is not a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate, honest and hard working population, not even close.


While I have never, not once, lost my faith in G-d, it has helped getting to know extraordinarily good people like Dr. Moshal who had many South Africans “friends” who would only say nice things about him so as to make themselves “feel good” but I doubt even his wife and children knew him as well as me who while knowing him only a year got to know him very well.


One can find “good” in everyone which is of course part of the design of an ingeniously designed system.


Each of us “good” as well as “bad” does in fact “play our role” but it is not always by choice.


We are born with “free will” to find out quickly by losing our identity what is the “will of G-d” and when we fail to consistently and methodically without any fear, knowing our time is finite, to find our purpose resorting instead to choosing the “easy way out”, by becoming lazy we lose the “stamina” to logically thought process until such time as our lies create sufficient short-circuits in the space between our ears where we can no longer HEAR the “words of G-d”, so the choices we make are increasingly not ours.


Just look over the past few days how I have been “gifted” two rather important imbeciles beginning with this “nothingTom Petruno and former Nazi prosecutor John Loftus Esq. who when on talk radio back on November 11th of last year “saw fit” to argue vociferously that if George W. Bush’s grandfather was alive he would indict him for Nazi War Crimes.


The current “deafening silence” by so many with access to the airwaves that influence public opinion around the world is, thank G-d alone, being understood at Light-G-D-Speed.


I am in no rush right now to do anything, not even email the handful of emails I have already written before then compiling my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE!, subtitle, A Message for the President!


My best friend wife, French Canadian and strong but quiet and most humble supporter of George W. Bush knows that I now have my toothbrush packed in my small backpack relying on her to bring along a small tube of toothpaste.


But again, I am in no rush to leave the United States but I see no reason why Rush Limbaugh and Co. don’t join Art Bell in the Philippines, a spot I look forward to visiting soon.


There is in fact no reason for “good” or “bad” people to be in the least bit fearful of humankind, much more “good” than “bad”, hence why in spite of man being so primitive this remains the best time to be alive as the past and the future all come “to-get-her” [sic] in the present.


There is a reason for everything including why our skins are most commonly soft and bleed so very easily.


There is a remarkable photo I saw on the Internet last evening that showed a group of young people walking past a long pool of blood in a market in Baghdad following another day of “bloodletting”.


It looked like these folks all dressed in colorful dress were oblivious to the carnage or the danger that could await them in their next step but these folks are not close to being as brain dead as our kids currently far from our industrial-military-complex’s battlefields or what I have in mind for the likes of Loftus and Petruno and anyone else who dares to cross my path at this time.


Those on “foreign soil” including Allied troops made up of many Canadians who have lost in Afghanistan alone these past 6 months some 70 soldiers whose families are also grieving horribly are not as well informed as those who have been receiving my emails who understand perfectly there is nothing “free market” about the “American way of life” apart from getting things for “free” and getting both lazy and stupid in the process of talking so much utter nonsense.


The fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans are “dirt poor” and more in debt than at any time in the history of the United States with increasingly less fertile lands to farm not to mention our ongoing daily consumption of some 20 million barrels of dirty burning fossil fuels that continues unabated while producing so few goods that we want but mostly don’t need, not lost on the highly efficient Chinese with now 1 trillion worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars in “foreign reserves”, does not absolve any of us including the brainless from the reality of the United States of American being the greatest benefactor of The Diamond Invention.


Just because you are poor is no excuse for being stupid when you now have the information to do something “good” figuring out even if devoid of all spirituality those people appearing to be “indifferent” from all the carnage around them are bonding like never before in modern day times and they have an ally in China who could care less about what some idiot accountant pencil pusher says about stuff like “balance of payments” when they have the merit system fully at work!


The name of the game is “productivity” which to a good number of fatso Americans not pulling their weight, living vicariously while watching our athletes perform on TV, is a foreign word.


It is not such a joke this American “house of cards” so joined at the hip with the House of Saud!


Not to mention, forget Iraq, Babylon was once an almighty place.


Babylonians don’t need some DAAC jerk filthy rich reporter on 60 Minutes to tell them they invented the 60 minute clock or perfected the use of the Right Angle Triangle.


Not to mention how ill-equipped are even the best western-style military to prepare it soldiers who mostly participate in the economic draft for financial reasons, simply incapable of containing themselves in a “civil manner” when seeing their buddies being blown to smithereens by an increasingly sophisticated enemy who for good reason no longer fear any superpower let alone the United States of America whose people aspire most of all to live in big houses with no yards to speak of, drive big fancy motorcars and have the latest wide screen plasma TVs to mostly enjoy their porn when their spouse is out having an affair.


Again, while the heavily corrupt government of Israel did in fact learn a lot about both Iran and Hezbollah Special Ops not even Israel’s most elite killing machine Special Forces such as Flotilla 13 are anywhere close to being as invigorated as those Hezbollah Special Forces commandos who survived not 6 days but 6 weeks against the entire Israeli Defense Forces including its brutal Air Force.


But those Hezbollah as well as Israeli Special Forces commandos many if not most still having “gaps” in their formal education which allows them to focus that much more on the mission at hand are not rich with fancy cars and big homes awaiting them should they survive yet another confrontation.


Once getting their “arms around” what has people like Loftus and Petruno “acting out” even if “putting it down” to the “Hand of G-d” so in the next instant they will question their Commanding Officers why they allow their commandos to be paid in worthless-fictitious-blood stained DeBeers-Dollars.


Place yourself right now in the shoes of a Jewish Israeli Special Forces commando who while never firing in anger a single shot that resulted in baseball size hole soon after appearing in the space between the ears of a target who may have been more than a mile away, became after a grueling “testing of the mettle” a member of the world’s best Special Forces killing machine units and upon completion of the mandatory military service is then given an opportunity to join the assassinations division of the Mossad the most intelligent savvy and brutal intelligence service in the history of humankind, the Mossad more wired than a baby at birth and then “sum” [sic].


So here you are now in the United States holding down a decent paying job, every so often you return to Israel to visit family while providing feedback on how people such as myself “are getting along”, reading my Dale Carnegie book, “How to win friends and influence people”.


Wouldn’t you just wait for your Commanding Officer to talk before saying a word and if non-communicative, just wanting to “shoot the breeze” to find out why Bruce Willis and Demi Moore didn’t show up at your wedding, wouldn’t you suggest that if they don’t have the time to read this communiqué to then suggest very subtly that there is this most fascinating Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS which may not be as interesting as Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, written by a Hollywood blockbuster author who may know Steven SPIelberg and then go “VERY QUIET”?


Ehud Barak is today a Wall Street investment banker and prior to becoming Prime Minister of Israel served with distinction in one of Israel’s Special Forces.


Today as when he advocated on behalf of Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich that Rhodes-DeBeers scholar President Bill Clinton grant Rich a Presidential Pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute of the Clinton presidency Barak was a fat pig.


Not to mention yet again that a year prior to his last day in office Clinton sought to remind Americans in his “problem” speech at Caltech University that America was ripe for a Bosnian style ethnic cleansing civil war but for the life of him couldn’t think of George W. Bush to blame.


Barak may very well use the defense that he like Clinton was suffering from dementia given the overwhelming scientific evidence that shows a very strong correlation between fat and neurological disorders such as dementia which may in fact sway a “jury of his peers” but not those in far away places pulling the triggers of guns and planting roadside bombs.


Trust began to go downhill the instant us Americans allowed the formation of the DAAC British Crown controlled United States Federal Reserve in 1913.


It is now 3:45 PM PST and my awesomely funny and yes mind-boggling sexy wife just called me on my cell phone 1-858-SEL-NEXT to let me know that she is “on my way” to visit me this evening at our Stone Home here deep in the awesome Cleveland National Forest.


I just set up a blog for you which you can access by clicking on this hyperlink. Any changes or additions will be later reflected in the color green.


Time to fly.




[Word count 5498]


From: pmoylan@san.rr.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 7:53 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser; rcooper@sgi-ir.com
Cc: Oprah; jennifer.saranow@wsj.com; David Berman - Berman Capital; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Rand LeShay - A MARK; Guy Friedman; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Thomas Stephens Esq. - Bartlit-Beck- Citicorp Venture Corporation + Newell Starks' attorney; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Dr. Jonathan"Trouble Bubble" Beare; Solly Krok; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: Re: ...BLOODY MURDER....nightmare...4...more...years...money-oil-power...





----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 10:45 AM PT
To: rcooper@sgi-ir.com
Cc: rest; Oprah; jennifer.saranow@wsj.com; David Berman - Berman Capital; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Rand LeShay - A MARK; Guy Friedman; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Thomas Stephens Esq. - Bartlit-Beck- Citicorp Venture Corporation + Newell Starks' attorney; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Solly Krok; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: RE: ...
BLOODY MURDER......nightmare...4...more...years...money-oil-power...