From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 3:38 PM
To: David and Neil – Managers of Ccrest Bed and Breakfast Café in Minehead, England
Cc: rest
Subject: Ccrest


Dear David and Neil, earlier today I attempted sending you an E-mail while taking a break from today’s “touch rugby” game down next to dog’s beach in Del Mar.


I got more than the usual “good hands” compliments from a couple of the better ex-South African players seemingly half my age although near to the end I came up a bit lame and decided to sit out the rest of the game.


We were playing close to the water’s edge as the tide was coming up and being short-legged I got caught by a wave just as I leaped to catch a rather pathetic pass from one of the American players who still thinks American Football while playing a game that requires mostly quick hands and a whole lot of finesse, quite different to playing say the game of poker which is all about bullshitting your opponent and more like the game of chess which as you know by now from having read a handful or more of my emails is all about getting your opponent to not only play to your advantage but protecting your pawns at all cost, even sacrificing a queen if necessary.


I hate poker almost as much as golf although I have yet to play even a hand while still managing to come up Aces in just about everything I touch and of course like the other guys when a good looking woman or two decides to trek through “our course” participate in giving the customary “cricket clap” while others, i.e. the fukukta oldies go around in circles eventually all ending up in tailspin, especially those who play it “fast and loose.”


It pays though to be “infants” at heart and I see nothing wrong in exploiting my golden name and I assume you have now listened to the Matthew good band’s song, Last of the Ghetto Astronauts which can be accessed at page 16 of the website which reminds me that in the next 24 hours I need to get off at least two emails, one to Mr. Hurst, Marie’s former husband’s attorney and one to Mr. Sammy Haim.


Last night we rented the movie, “Gathering Storm” about Winston Churchill whose “dog days” were used as a form of ridicule by members of his own party, the Tories, who first tried to ignore him, then they made fun of him, then the fought him “tooth & nail” while he kept at his art risking it all before winning it all “hands down” which should ring somewhat of a bell, wouldn’t you agree? 


Having married Marie who is whole lot more than a fashion plate has more than a number of folks’ head twisting, no doubt “sum” [sic] all the way to “TimpucktTOo” [sic].


There was only one change I made in the email I tried sending you earlier which got screwed up because I am using a wireless Internet connection that seems to go in and out like the tide. That change was to add a “T” to the “but” in the 4th paragraph with a hyperlink that shows Marie in her “kick butt” pose.


One of the things I failed to mention in my reply to the “non-response response” of yours was to get your thoughts on us getting a liquor license, but don’t let that point stop you from giving me the straight facts.


May I suggest you read the E-mail I sent you at 1:28PM PST ever so carefully before tossing out another piece of garbage. Now as you will have read I first went with before Marie let me know that she thought would be a better name for the girl-women’s line of clothing to match


This Friday evening we are putting on our first “workshop” for potential “franchisees” although as you should have come across in my previous writings this past week we already have our first “franchisee” without having yet written one word of a business plan.


In other words I am putting you both on notice that unless I hear back from you within the next 24 hours keeping me informed about materials that make both perfect sense as well as dollars in our pockets, I will be shutting down Ccrest post haste as a Café replacing it with something probably a whole lot more hip.


Copied on this email is once again a statistically valid sample representative of the world’s population including my attorneys strategically centered all around the world including the Risdon folks who have a branch in Minehead who continue to demonstrate their “love” toward me, i.e. trust and respect.




Ps – Have the insurance brokers email me immediately with the insurance policy currently in effect.