From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, October 09, 2004 8:30 AM
To: Barry & Annie
Cc: Devin Standard
Subject: Ccrest


Hello once again to both of u – by connecting on to this hyperlink u have all the information relating to the operation of the café needed, in my opinion, to complete your “due diligence”.


Next is the survey which shouldn’t take more than a week, agree?


So what assurances can u now provide me that u can complete the transaction by the end of the year.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – The vast majority of business-personal deals I do are on a handshake, more than a handful just on word never getting to “press the flesh” despite my being well aware in this “dog eat god” [sic] world there more than a handful of human beings willing to grab an arm and leg especially when they see someone down and out just begging for mercy who should be placed on leashes until such time that they get fed up cleaning up after their own bullshit.


The western world has a lot of cleaning up to do and the first place I believe we should begin is with a revamping of the English language given how quick we go from being Oh so civil when wanting things our way and when the masses don’t quite get with the program of us helping them to be civilized while bringing in the big guns we foul up a lot of things in addition to the land and the use of foul language, most of all we screw with our own minds and why my sympathies at this time are for the spoiled brat rich kids pocketed around the planet who don’t have the tools to compete in the real world thanks to the Digital Age, a G-D-Send the playing field being leveled like no other time in recorded history, agree?


There is balance everywhere, the fear of a nuclear holocaust is totally overblown given how relatively more topsy-turvy-curvy are our financial markets, only those who really know their business who have become expert at their craft will make it thru the next business cycle the rest even those expert at sitting around a table bullshitting will implode in to a heap of tears, agree?


Unless I hear from u within the next 72 hours with very clear responses to my 2 questions in the main body of the text I will assume you were really not quite as interested as you once protested, certainly not at today’s bargain basement price of 300,000 pounds, then again tomorrow the place could be worthless if one is not able to take care of the cool clients so attracted to our one of a kind hot spot in all of the English west countryside.


Either way please feel free to tune in to our networks each and every spare moment of your day beginning with, scrolling down to less said the better.