Mr. “Heart” [sic] - it is July 1st , 6:30AM PST and since I don’t have an Internet connection over here in our rock cabin I will wait until returning tomorrow tu San Diego, where u can join me and Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. et al 4 lunch at Rainwaters, scheduled to begin at noon, but don’t bother unless u cum with a cashiers check made out tu me and I think u know exactly the amount required to satisfy me at this time.


With all that said, I will save u as well as those copied on this email disk space by simply clicking on The Pisser to c what I have next in store 4 u, your client, et al.


U do remember the rock cabin that u made such a big deal about in court on October 24th of last year altho it was your client, Dr. JBS who signed his second declaration “under penalty of perjury” about my having bout the cabin for my wife who was at the time my 9+ year “travel companion” on an incredible journey thru life as part of a “quid pro quo.”


And of course today u know differently and perhaps even able tu read quicker than most my updated English, agree? Yes, Mr. Hurst the table has now turned much like I do when playing chess with Dr. JBS’ biological son, JonATHAN and it is getting tougher and tougher to refer to me as unSTABLE

 given your read of the “pigsty” your client surrounds himself in to mention little of what else my wife’s too children are exposed tu sum 50% of the time they are not with her and me.


Patience is sweet to the heart of the Indian altho it is unfortunate that children have to wait so long before finding out what “shit heads” many of their parents turned out to be, making the transition from kid to dik in about the same space of time that Hilter went from a rather pathetic painter-artist to almost ruling the world and of course the defeat of Nazi Germany didn’t bring with the elimination of Nazis just like the pogroms of Eastern Europe didn’t educate the Jewish people that it could happen again and again the instant one turns a blind eye to evil, agree?


Now u are not offended by my use of “shit head” and even if u r my suggestion is that u get used to it since by the time I am finished and done with u, that unless restitution is immediately forthcoming under my “terms & conditions” there isn’t going to be a bum anywhere in the world who hasn’t heard of u whether or not they see u in the flesh since I assume when u go into your neighborhood at nite u don’t don a mask, agree?


The children have a right not only to free speech and good quality air and drinking water but to learn the “dos dnA don’ts” [siC

] best taught on neighborhood streets. U know about my Bottoms Up Schooling which I first began preaching while a tutor at the fukukta University of Natal, South Africa which have since taken on an added dimension as I have become more schooled in such things as the appreciation of what it takes to become a fine painter-artist and of course u know that a master-painter such as Sebastian Capella can with just a few short strokes, i.e. hi-lites make the most of a rather horrific painting.


Now I assume u like sports hi-lites that show sportsmen running into each other, stationary objects tho seem to bring out the best and worst in us and why I happen to somewhat fascinated with sports like boxing and wrestling, nothing quite as pathetic as professional wrestling where after all the bravado usually the person who makes out best is the one not just with the biggest voice but the one who cheats the most, much like what we see on Wall Street, altho the problems of the world as u know begin on each of our streets, having nothing whatsoever to do with race, color or religion simply poor parental religious teaching, agree?


Now I have sum difficulty thinking of all baseball players as “sportsmen” which is not the case when it comes to professional basketball players and of course there are the Harlem Globe Trotters without a white “wheaty” amongst this group of genii, agree?


Now perhaps one could spell the plural 4 genius differently but one of the things I remember from Latin was the word “amicus’ which u of course know where I am heading with all this, and that the plural is “amici”, agree?


Now by the time I am finished and done with I am not going to be asking that kiss my ass 4 the simple reason I have no idea where u have been sticking your tongue these days not knowing exactly what I might do next in terms of seeking the relief I am entitled to.


Of course I could ask the courts that those responsible 4 the insidious and malicious actions perpetrated against me receive lashings or be placed in those vehicles we c put thru their paces by National Insurance Institute to add tu our understanding of whip lash but there are sum who may consider that treatment far too minimalistic in terms of “harsh & unusual” punishment 4 folks as wretched as Dr. JBS et al.


I am assuming u are already on pain medication and if not I happen to know of a terrific doctor who u have already read about who performed the “fix” on me who is not only competent, i.e. hasn’t let his formal education interfere with his learning able to attract the best, britest and incredibly good looking assistants imaginable but would never form an opinion on your psychosis unless he was not only Board Certified in terms of Psychology and/or Psychiatry but had also spent time with u asking the important questions such as, “Who knew what and when did they know?”


And of course u are beginning to find out not just more about me and your client but who may have spurred him on, as in getting this out-of-control, rapacious individual to not only shoot Mr. King Golden’s poison tipped arrows but to bring out the worst in your bigoted, racist and would it be wrong 4 me to add the word “deviant” to adjoin the “Ben” in the Dr. John Ben Stewart’s name, agree?


Yes, nothing could be further from the truth than tu suggest that the relationship between Dr. JBS’ second ex-wife and himself is anywhere close being “amicable”, civil perhaps, but then again u have yet to c Dr. JBS in his “livid” state, agree?


But u have seen him out of control best illustrated when u read him the riot act when we first me in court when I was not represented by counsel as we heard so precisely u telling your client not that he “may have” committed perjury but, he had in fact done so.


U may argue that what we heard was “privileged, blah blah” but at the end of the day it will all come around full circle and bear in mind that there is no such thing in mathematics or anywhere in the universe 4 that matter in terms of perfect circle, a perfect asshole perhaps, that it is all about probabilities which improve as one goes “back & forth” just as in Quantum Mechanics, gathering more and more evidence as the “insect” struggles more and more with the trap set by the spider with 8 legs, keeping its trap shut, letting its feet do all the talking waiting until its victim is first dead before sinking its teeth in the flesh.


Your client’s “Teeth” email to the woman of my dreams coming on the tail of him sending a rather articulate email wondering aloud why the principal at Jonathan’s elementary school would be calling him of all people after she had already left a message 4 JonATHAN’s mother is sumthing I will never forget nor will I ever forgive, the same with the E-mail your client sent tu me on September 14th 2002 again with no text other than him showing how “bare boned” he can get, altho it is doubtful he will be able to blame Danielle who will be 14 in a matter of 5 days 4 this 1, mistake?


Make no mistake Mr. George G. Hurst I may not be as quick on my feet in a courtroom setting as I am when surrounded by silence, since I am easily distracted, perhaps G-d’s insulation 4 protecting my mind which I know is a terrible thing to lose, agree?


U will undoubtedly agree that the evidence I am collecting, the case that will ultimately be heard whether I am alive to c it all thru to the bitter end will be both “superior and overwhelming” and no one not even a tap dancer like yourself will have any place to move and very likely no one not even your spouse will bear to have u around given at a minimum the very dirty looks u will be receiving as I turn the heat up on u.


One of the things I love about our spot here in Heaven is that not only do we get to c each and every day a season or too sumtimes all 4 but more importantly the contrast between hot and cold at least twice a day and with the multi-cross ventilation a moment doesn’t go by when I don’t feel a breath of fresh air blowing in.


There are in fact times when I have to scratch myself to make certain that I am alive and then I make certain to give thanks to G-d knowing full well that there is not only one G-d but the likes of u and Dr. JBS represent all that is ungodly in this world; fortunately, unfortunately u are few and far between, agree?


Yes, it is not 4 me tu say why there is or isn’t evil in this world but it is my right and privilege to confront it each and every time I encounter it and given the Digital Age which I consider to be the last blessing G-d has conferred on us, there is no reason 4 any of us to be distracted by the likes of u who play it so “fast & loose”, agree?


E-mail is one incredible communication device that allows one to write and respond in each of our own “good time” never tho tu feel the need to own anyone or anything that doesn’t add to the overall benefit of humanity, agree?


And of course u will agree that there is nothing quite like a deafening silence especially when u are someone like me so well versed these days in the Inner Workings of the Universe only just beginning tho tu understand why the genius of G-d elected to have sound appearing within Space Ship yet providing science with things such as the Red Shift that illustrates movement of light “backwards & forwards” that has us now knowing that at least from our perspective the universe is in an expansion mode much like the Doppler effect that even a dope head such as u and your client et al can figure out whether a train is approaching or leaving assuming of course u are still able to listen, agree?


The instant we stop listening to nature, reading the sign posts clearly demarcated both at the cosmic as well as the subatomic level we are doomed to repeat, i.e. to go around in circles much like schools of fish, agree?


Time to update our school system, tu reinvigorate the masses of underprivileged who have been downtrodden for eons that there is far more to this universe than the pontifications of old farts such as u and your client et al who cannot see beyond the edge of your noses and whose toes are all butt infected not having been exposed to the real world where G-D-Nature rule supreme?


Once a direct experiment is conducted that will prove as I more than strongly suspect that the speed of light in a non-vacuum environment such within “Spaceshit” [sic] earth then it will open up endless possibilities; for one thing it will mean that the astrophysicists who are referred to as TOES and people such as u and your client et al are anything butt godly who simply don’t have what it takes to contribute positively to our state, but that in order to keep u from coming back as say an ant we should if necessary be prepared to place u lot on welfare.


I c G-d as empowering each one of us to make do as each of us Cs fit to allow as much lite to enter our being and to those like yourself incapable of playing it straight, “up & down” to be held in check until such time as it is G-d’s will to do with as he sees fit, agree?


It is crystal clear to me that sum of us are gifted with the means to take the likes of u and your client et al on an educational journey a far cry from the customary escape hatch that has u coming back time and again to seek revenge given the persistence and tenacity to mention little of the propensity each of u has 4 taking the easy way out, using your G-d given talents to usurp your limited authority, agree?


Evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork is sumthing within each one of us that we choose to unleash and why I am also “hell bent” on getting folks to begin measuring their words ever so carefully to rethink the mistakes of the past, to build upon the great work that has in fact been done and to be ever so careful in dismantling the evil that lurks out there which altho small in number given the magnitude of the build up, given the amount of “borrowed time” we have all been living on makes just one foul move potentially catastrophic and why I have begun my “peaceful crusade” willing to take on even family members who play it “fast & loose” and whether u like it or not I choose to consider u and your client et al as close as it gets to family.


Friends is what each one of us needs to focus on, that the more we stop relying on family, ignoring their weaknesses and blemishes the more we think of them as G-dly not willing to hold them accountable whereas if we treated our family members as we do strangers not only will we begin to possibly treat our family members as well as we treat strangers but in the process of going “back & forth” we will get tu know one another ever so well that it is unlikely we will go to war with anyone.


Do unto they neighbor as u would want them to do unto yourself is in fact all that is needed 4 grounding children right from the start and then there is Science, Math and the rest is all about teaching history the right way, going “back & forth” interrogating the hell out of what caused the world to begin going topsy turvy from around the time of Pythagoras until the middle of the last millennium and tu then ponder the importance of evolution recognizing that “survival of the fittest” resulted in not only our bigger brains but far more sensitive skins tu touch ever so gently.


Yet the testosterone so important in the strengthening of the blood line clearly got out of control and today we have both men and women inhaling the stuff as tho that is the way tu live an enchanted life when it is nothing more than a certain way to return that much quicker as an ant without even a tail between its legs, so dependant on others who at times are dumb enuf to lead the “deaf, dumb and blind” into the freezer, agree?


Marie + I know all about the freezer in your client’s buddy’s “love nest” condominium that David Henshaw, a Harvard Law School graduate maintains overlooking Torrey Pines altho I doubt it was the view or the great investment potential that first got this “boy wonder” to want to be so close up to his buddy from “Misery” [sic], agree?


Yes, Mr. Hurst Esquire when someone decides to go “to war” with me u can bet your bottom dollar it will be just like my marriage vows said, “Tu death do us part.” I will have my forensic experts looking everywhere including what someone would keep in their freezer that might be attractive to future Dr. JBS’, David Henshaws Esqs, King Golden Esqs, Kathy Murrays, Sam “Shoe Shine Boy” Haims excetera excetera including things such as Pot and speared fish.


The meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth with a TWIST built into it and of course there is nothing quite like having built in cupboards as I go about collecting all that is due me and not one cent less, so help me G-d.


And of course it pays to having cultivated the likes of exceptional individuals like Jeffrey Krinsk Esq and Mr. Devin Standard whose father I am all but certain can be counted on in the event my too co-trustees were to fall from grace, which from the bottom up would have them rise with the tide.


Change is in the air and it stands to reason just based on an understanding of basic physics without even an inclining in terms of metaphysics that when the “bulb” went off in Alexander Bell’s head having him place a vacuum tube around a filament that caused the light travel constantly “back & forth” at light-speed that outside of that vacuum tube the speed of light is all over the board and why a game like chess with its 64 squares on which 32 pieces are placed sum up everything there is to know about the game of life, which like chess is getting your opponent to play to your advantage.


4 every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained other than knowledge and knowledge is Light, nor is anything lost.


Each one of us has everything to lose and everything to gain by coming to terms with what I know to be G-d’s game plan based on the science I happen to believe is true, picture perfect without it taking much of stretch to imagine even without someone actually conducting a direct experiment that measures the speed of light as it enters and/or exits earth’s atmosphere tu C that C, the speed of light does in fact change altho it is more like a “shift” much like in shifting the gears into “low” or “high” gear of an automobile which again in our non-vacuum environment we hear much like the breaking of the sound barrier and once the light-speed barrier is broken with Mass “shifting” and becoming the constant then the only conclusion a reasonable person can arrive at is that it is in fact the Hand of G-d that drives e as in energy as in the genius mathematical expression e=mc².


2 C is tu many to believe but the evidence can found elsewhere beginning right at the beginning starting with the first Hebrew word that translates into, “In the beginning…” and of course sum would argue wouldn’t G-d know better than to have his scribes begin a sentence with a proposition but then u would have to not only know how to read Hebrew but to also bear in mind that it is the 3rd letter in the first word בראשית that contains the first clue that G-d knew what he was doing but tu those who are clueless it requires a little further explanation.


Suffice to say tho that א pronounced “Aleaf” can also be written as IC. And to take a leaf out of my mother’s book The Winking Cat, sum literary license so tu speak we have the second letter, again reading from right to left, “רּ” which is pronounced “Rash” and my mother’s maiden name happens to be “Ash” and her middle initial is “R” for “Rosalind” altho we just simply call her “Roz the Proz.”


Now as offensive as u may think this is to my remarkable mother u should know that she has always considered prostitution an honorable profession as long as all parties are consenting, blah blah blah. My mother tho is known to wear many hats and hence there was this story in sum fukukta English tabloid that showed my mother and my step-father who alternates between her “slave”, “boy toy”, hair stylist, garment maker and G-d only knows how he finds time to make love to her but she sure talks a lot about it as u get into the book, and of course u should go out and by this Cinderella nonsense material since even tho I don’t stand to inherit a dime from either her, my multi-millionaire step-father or my father who has been so incredibly holding on to the monies I have gifted him over the years, given the “debt of gratitude” my mother owes me I have every reason to believe I will inherit everything she leaves behind and make no mistake even tho the headline of the article reads, The Mad Hatters, there is nothing in the least bit nutty about my mother or my step-father Alan Zulman.


My mother is unquestionable more of a genius in figuring people out and her ability to compute numbers is better than anyone I have known or even read about perhaps other than Pythagoras and of course she like Alan Zulman also knows how to make a buck and get publicity when they c it as serving their best interests.


Suffice to say I not only learned a thing or too from my folks, perhaps more so their parents, but as I have written before the most important thing was to let me fly free and hi from a very early age knowing how important it was to not only land on my only too feet but when tu get up quickly when down on the ground and of course being the athlete albeit terrific swimmers you and your client et al profess to be u would know that when out in the surf that is when u really learn how to “roll with the punches” and having surfed a wave ski aka surf ski in at times “above average” surfing conditions I know the importance of being able to hold one’s breath while strapped and to not be in a hurry surface always cognizant of the reef keeping my scarred right hand just slightly extended and the instant I feel sharpness to flip myself right side up and to then catch my breath and head out again never being greedy to grab every wave even tho with my paddle there isn’t a surfer alive including any of the Tomsons brother who could beat me tu the punch.


I was thinking that just before sending u and your client et al tu Timpucktu I would grant u all one wish and tu let u know that I could very possibly arrange an hour or so surfing tutorial with either Shaun or Paul Tomson. I haven’t really been in the water alongside Shaun whose father u can see in this photo hyperlink standing in the back too from the left played rugby with my father at junior high. Their father was a good enough swimmer to be selected 4 the Olympics in 1936 but got bitten by a shark in a spot we all loved to surf.


Bay of Plenty in South Africa brings back many fond memories 4 many of us but the most memorable is my coming to grips with how incredibly brite Shaun Tomson was in understanding economics. Only recently did I find out that he had in fact graduated with the same degree I received since he decided to leave university in the middle of his studies to try his “luk” [sic] on the World Surfing circuit becoming World Champion the year after I arrived in the United States.


4 many years after I came to the United States I simply stuck “tu my knitting” keeping my head down not bothering with what anyone else or their neighbor was doing, never even Cing the need 4 a girlfriend focused mostly on getting to know myself and then I got deathly sick.


It takes having come as close as it gets to meeting one’s maker and finding oneself in the hands of someone who was as close to godly as anyone I have met to know that there is a far higher power out there than just idiots like u and your client et al.


Dr. Michael Moshal did much more than save my life he gave new meaning to how precious and delicate life is and upon his death at age 45 within months after putting me on the mend I found a new purpose in living, never, never, never, to let the likes of morons such as you and your client et al interfere with my learning given the fact that I had got so little formal education blocking my ears from all the nonsense that was spilled by folks so contaminated by the Apartheid regime.


While typing this email I have also been typing another email tu Ms. Laurie Black who is married to Robert Lawrence the son of the disgraced and thank G-d finally deceased former ambassador to Switzerland during the Bill “Wallpaper” Clinton administration.


Suffice to say I don’t think there is the need any longer to explain why I use the “Wallpaper” designation and of course it is must a matter of time before he resigns from Ron Burkle’s Yucaipa Corporation 4 reasons u are very likely aware of, agree?


Ms. Black u would also know sent me an “outraged” email. Copied on this email is a “good friend” of Laurie’s who u may know personally and if not then u very possibly read about Superior Court Judge Lisa Foster in a fairly recent article that appeared in the San Diego Weekly Reader and just in case u to are having trouble right at this moment with hyperlinks sumthing u demonstrated back on October 24th of last year in Superior Court Judge Hendrix’s courtroom u were quite the expert at accessing let me spell things out a little bit further 4 u.


And just in case u had forgotten one of my previous tutorials in terms of the first word in the Old Testament which sounds exactly like “Beret-shit” altho sum mite won’t to “knock heads” with me and say it sounds more like “Beret-sheet” either way u would agree that a “beret” not a berretta hand-gun in the event u mite concoct another pretext 4 sending the FBI and/or Detective Steele from the San Diego Police Department to intimidate me, is same as a “hat” and so we come down to mincing words over whether the last 3 letters of this awesum 6 lettered word, בראשית, is “shit” as in “deep dudu” or “sheet” which is what sum Orthodox Jewish people ly on and/or in between when on the odd occasion they actually “make love” when not so much “in love” with G-d but themselves believing that being “The Chosen” people they should forsake all the basic tenets of Judaism which is, “To dudu unto your neighbor but what dudu was heaped on u going back to when we were slaves, and the rest is commentary” [sic].


So knucklehead do u want to argue with me who exactly is a Jewish person in this day and age when just with the slightest fukukta education, particularly us English, forget rite now the brain dead Arabs who have been heaped so much crap 4 eons now have to contend with besides 4 a pig like Ariel Sharon who perhaps someone as brain dead as Sharon Stone may take pity on and suggest that before they have sex he showers, gets a haircut to eliminate any possibility of lice being transferred and Christ Almighty I simply cannot get your client’s herpes condition out of my head right now.


And with regard to Ms. Stone, the only thing I know about her is what I read at the Von’s cash register check out counter that said sumthing about her now wanting to be “nice to people” [sic].


Why the hell now, u may ask? Well, if I don’t get settled in very short order i.e. 24 hours from when I hit the “send” button on my Microsoft Outlook screen it won’t be any longer a question of “If not now but when and in what condition will your hair look like once I truly decide to “take my gloves off” and put the “A-team” to work and yes so far going on 3 years now not one member of my writers from my days of “running” IMS have assisted me in my writings and if you are thinking, “Thank G-d” then Mr. Hurst when the time comes 4 u to meet our maker may I suggest that u go cup in hand, assuming I will leave u with a cup to pee in, and don’t even bother asking 4 forgiveness as I am all butt certain u won’t even get tu meet G-d and instead u will simply be plugged up to a series of devices that will download all the shit u allowed in thru your nostrils to mention little of all the shit u dished out and u will return; yes the more I think about it the more certain I am that u will be given one of three choices, either a mouse with only one, a giraffe without any feet or a pumpkin 4 your next of kind to consume at will; actually the more I give it thout the more likely it is u won’t be given any choice other than the pumpkin and then your outer shell can be used as a scarecrow and the next time I see u I will give u a scarf that one can use at any time of the day or at nite since it is rather luminescent.


And of course what shines right at me at this time is my wife’s will that u so used as an exhibit thinking that if u throw enough shit up against the wall then sum of it will stick and u are 100% correct, moreover I will be using every single item to stick it right to u where the sun don’t shine even if I have tu borrow all the dimes from Jonathan’s “Loot” box. My credit with his remains in good standing which reminds me I still need to get an e-mail out today if possible to Sandy Weill of Citicorp and of course from reading other emails u know his titles at this “powerhouse” of company in deep dudu.


I have never been one to wear my authority on my lapels knowing full well how relatively little authority I actually have knowing tho that as long as I played it straight, never lied, stole or cheated anyone out of even a dime, never spread anything that I knew to be wrong or fraudulent forget maliciously fraudulent then I would continue to have a guiding hand, no different to anyone else I know of.


I cannot talk 4 anyone who came before or folks I have not yet met but I don’t consider myself any more fortunate or less fortunate than the average Blow Joe, making the very most of my sensitivities and the relatively little amount of time I have left to do the most good and until we show the kids who are all our futures that sum of us are prepared to stand up to evil wherever we see it, that we are not equipped to play in deciding what evil is worse than another, what we do know is that once u let sumone get away with one evil act, even a so-called “white lie” it is just a matter of time before things stack and we all go topsy turvy which is where the world is today, in no small measure thanks to the likes of u and your client et al who fortunately, unfortunately represent a very small fraction of the world’s population, a fraction nevertheless.


And given my belief system that nothing can be lost, just like nothing can be gained by one less of us since all it really takes is just one nincompoop like u and your client et al to set this world ablaze; point being that given that as much as I embrace the Digital Age there can be no getting away from the fact that it is just a matter of time before knucklehead like u and your client et al could figure out by sending perhaps no more than 3 minutes with the aid of someone like myself who also had access to sum of the enriched uranium that is currently unaccounted 4 that would open the Pandora’s box making 911 a made-4-TV  Movie of the Week which is how sum in a matter of a few years assuming that there is that much time left to get this ship in order will begin to start viewing that very tragic event.


The instant we allow folks like u and your client et al to get away with what I consider to be nothing short of “attempted murder” we hasten the clock that has our shorelines getting eaten aware quicker than we ever thout possible; just as time slows down as we speed up so does time increase as our minds slow down, just ask a youngster how slow things are moving versus old farts like u and your client et al who have had their sequencing interfered with, agree?


I must tell u I found it quite unconscionable that The Reader would publish the new name sought by the son of a convicted murder seemingly oblivious as tu why on earth a son should be made tu suffer 4 the sins of their father and of course their mother albeit the Bible apparently only making reference to the “Sins of the father” altho I am not as familiar with the Bible either the Old Testament certainly not the New Testament despite as u know having been raised Orthodox Jewish.


U by now know quite a bit about me but over the course of the next few months, weeks, hours, minutes and seconds I am going to know everything there is to know about u and your client Dr. JBS et al as the unofficial “discovery process” begins in earnest without a stone being left unturned using all the power vested in me including if necessary selling my art which continues to appreciate at a record pace sparing nothing in pursuit of the relief that I am entitled tu under United States laws governing jurisprudence as well as the court of public opinion given the fact that it was your client et al  who first went public with his insidious assertions, perhaps to cover-up his own misgivings and G-d only help him if he were to assert that somehow one of the animals he has cared 4 so miserably were to have talked him into such ungodly action and 4 you to have continued in the path when you could have so easily refused to go along by either resigning once you knew better, perhaps interviewed the children, researched Kathy Murray, King Golden et al but instead you saw the big buck signs and went at it like a “pig at the trough” and never, never, never will I ever forget or forgive you as you attempted to intimidate the incredible mother of children caught in the middle of battle involving good versus evil.


U are now aware that my attorney Mr. James C. Ashworth Esq, the son of Judge Ashworth has been hospitalized altho I don’t know the specifics as to what has him in such bad shape that sum tender loving care couldn’t accomplish in the privacy of his home let alone perhaps the more sanitary conditions of his family members who must be grieving certainly as much as me, altho if their homes have become anything like the “pigsty” my wife found over at Dr. JBS’ house when she last visited to pick up Danielle who will be 14 years of age in a just a matter of 5 days then of course being around very caring professional people is the next best thing to sliced bread, never tu forget that Dr. JBS’ second ex-wife battled endlessly tu keep clean butt after 10 years of marriage finally gave up, so it will be interesting to c what caused the first Mrs. Dr. JBS to finally give up, agree?


Either way, it is hard to say what exactly caused my one attorney to go off the “deep end” but make no mistake the day before “our” second encounter, u and just your client versus “us”, me, Marie Dion, Devin Standard et al, in court which took place in case u had forgotten, on October 24th of last year, Mr. Ashworth had us showing up one day early having in the rush to get both my and Marie’s declarations “signed under penalty of perjury” completed believing that u would “stick to your word” and get the issues between your client and me resolved outside of a criminal court setting, but perhaps at that time u were unaware of the other players behind the scenes pulling the strings of this already out of control maniac.


Cum to think of maybe in the end, should push come to shove I will let him keep one electric guitar. I have a buddy Jim who would put the others to far better use.


Without belaboring all the issues that took place in that very fair judge’s courtroom all the way back to even before my wife first went into labor with Danielle let me advise u of a number of things in the event u are considering stretching things once again to the limit altho I remain of the opinion that u as well as Dr. JBS et al may have in fact broken the law resulting in possible prison sentences 4 all of u. .


U may have sum difficulty reading this script which is designed to get u to slow down and then speed up at different intervals much like the “notes” u see the Goodbye hyperlink in an effort to get u tu begin counting your blessings.


Bare in mind that I have not yet found the time to interest a district attorney, moreover a U.S. Attorney to assist me in as I move full stream ahead in conducting my “due diligence” knowing that once the “discovery process” begins certain witnesses may find themselves, lets just say a little “stressed out” and would prefer that I simply drop matters.


Not, however, on my watch nor in the event sumthing were to happen tu me can u count on either Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. or Mr. Devin Standard the too co-trustees of my estate being any less persistent than me in ferreting out the goods on u and your client et al “hell bent” on destroying my reputation and of course it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to have figured out that the “false and misleading” declarations signed by your client “under penalty of perjury” were designed to take the wind completely out of the sail of my beloved “significant other”, “travel companion” and now my wife, Mrs. Marie Dion Gevisser.


Since our stunning victory in Judge Hendrix’s courtroom there have been a number of subsequent events that u are intimately familiar with none more important than any other in demonstrating to the masses who are paying more and more attention to what I have to say than your worst nightmare may depict and why it doesn’t pay to be gracious in victory when dealing with the likes of u, your client Dr. JBS et al.


Dr. JBS’ continued disrespect toward my wife, not abiding with her written requests tu steer clear of her front door to mention just this once his “shouting and screaming” at her doorstep since Jonathan wasn’t quite prepared 4 a baseball practice to mention little of Dr. JBS’ poor behavior toward his biological son on the baseball field during an actual game in full view of an audience who if need be will all be subpoenaed 4 depositions as well as very likely find themselves on the receiving end of interrogatories altho I must admit my terminology mite be a little awkward but there will be nothing quite like the experts I will be bringing to bear in addition to those who Mr. Ashworth had already been paid so as tu pave the way tu have my case against your client placed on a “fast track.”


Of course there are few as familiar as me in terms of what is causing and which groups specifically are  dragging their feet these days and remember Mr. Hurst Esq. when u completed your due diligence on me examining carefully for example the opinion of Judge Jack Weinstein in Federal Court New York City credited with both my timeliness and the preponderance of the evidence that my company provided that resulted in his “one in million” reversal of landmark multi-million dollar jury award, before deciding to accept the word of your client to mention little of Mrs. Marie Dion Gevisser’s response in court to your pitiful question why Kathryn Murray would say all the things this knucklehead of a person could conjure up in her drug infested head +++ to mention even less at this time in terms of what I and my “hand picked” defense team have in store 4 the Medical Director of Sharp Memorial Hospital who has most assuredly been diligent in making certain that his employer hasn’t got behind in the medical malpractice insurance premiums as I now go about licking my chops knowing that unless Armageddon arrives sooner than I have predicted I and/or my trusts can be assured of payment to mention little of the hi-probability that the Chief Financial Officer [CFO] of Sharp is as smart as the CFO of Scripps Hospital who wouldn’t be so foolish to go with anything less than a AAA rated carrier altho as u have will have gathered from my recent emails particular to the son Sebastian Capella the carriers “worth their salt” are getting tu be “slim and few” [sic] and of course there is that description of me by your client that must have the top brass at Sharp questioning his eyesight and/or his judgment tu be making “life & death” decisions, agree?


As time passes on u will see how stiletto like I can be, rarely, if ever, repeating myself unless of course I am communicating with a new audience which of course I am every month, week, day, hour, minute and second, never forgetting 4 a moment unless I am in sum incredibly happy dream the anguish u, your client et al put me thru between September 11 and October 24th of last year and then there is the matter of the FBI and the San Diego Police Department showing up at my doorstep which now brings me to the main point of this communication.


Should I catch even a whiff of you and/or Dr. John Ben Stewart et al attempting to interfere with anyone including his second ex-wife, or even his first ex-wife, or his biological son, Jonathan Stewart, or his biological daughter, Danielle Stewart, who could become material witnesses should my pleadings include my contention that Dr. JBS is not simply pathological in terms of his dealings with me and his second ex-wife, that once a “liar, a crook and a thief” always tu be counted on tu, “ly, steal and cheat” as in if u constantly sleep with a hairy dog u are likely to catch more than a cold and u can bet your bottom dollar I will be investigating u, your client et al’s sexual preferences including how it came about that Dr. JBS contracted Herpes and how, when and where he shared such information with his previous sexual partners whether they were men, women or even possibly children.


At what point do we as a society begin accessing when a child is “at risk” and as you most assuredly know, so well versed in my hyperlinks as demonstrated in court on October 24th 2002, that “risk assessment” is very much my business, something I am probably better at than the Average Blow Governor, agree?


To be or not to be? What will it in fact take for folks to stand tall, rise together in harmony as we see when folks in a stadium, regardless of race, color, economic standing and religion all rise as one?


Our day in court on October 24th should be a day 4 momworkers, orphans, widowers, pensioners and anyone so dumb enough to trust someone simply because they have sum fukukta professional designation such as “Doctor” tu remember that as opposed to 911 which took the coordinated effort of gutless evildoers, in our case it took just one remarkable woman having the courage to simply look a judge right in the eyes and tu speak so incredibly clearly tu a clearly very fair judge grounded in the rule of law but also I believe inspired by G-d, tu stand tall while u and your pitiful client pummeled away like nothing short of too out of control wrecking ball.


And as the pendulum swings, those not secured by the “mass” held tight are 4 a very rough and need I add, wet ride, agree?


We have now installed several caller-id units around Marie’s house so that we, that is, Marie and I don’t need to listen to Dr. JBS’ death-like voice and at the same time it will allow his biological children to decide 4 themselves whether or not they wish to speak with The Doctor who calls incessantly but 4 some reason when it came time to take a colleague to task for malpractice on his very own daughter became deafeningly silent and of course Dr. JBS can call both children on Danielle’s cell phone and yes it would be sad if he were to insist that Jonathan carry around a cell phone that like his baseball caps tend to get lost rather often.


No longer, however, will there be the possibility of either child having to bear witness to his lies, at least not in our household which brings me “back & forward” to the message he left on Marie’s machine 4 Jonathan which Jonathan, Marie and I all at the same time heard on the day of Jonathan’s baseball award ceremony spelling out that the reason he couldn’t make it tu the celebrations that included Jonathan apparently having the “lowest earned runs scored” against any pitcher in his league, because Dr. JBS who also serves as assistant coach was out surfing with Danielle, when in fact the baseball ceremonies and celebrations were only just beginning at around the time Danielle got dropped off at her friend’s house just “up the street” from where everyone was having a rather “jolly old” good time, not tu forget the appropriate coaching Jonathan received from his uncle visiting from Canada in terms of how to pitch the baseball accurately without injuring his arm.


In other words, your client’s lies are starting to wear on everyone none more so in my opinion than with his biological children and of course it is not my call that could possibly have them facing up sooner rather than later in terms of “judging” their father by their mother dragging them into Family Court.


There isn’t a human being on this planet who I believe can love, i.e. trust and respect their biological father as much as I love Bernard Nathan Gevisser but what I care most about today, is the very good name he inherited from his father which he only did his utmost to protect because it simply couldn’t have got better. Unlike the mineral gold, a golden name stands one in great stead and woe to anyone who would even attempt to chip away at sumthing more meaningful to me than all the riches in the world that come with a heavy burden.


My grandfather, Israel “Issy” Gevisser was not a very formally educated man but there wasn’t a soul who knew him who would walk away having to count the number of fingers remaining on their hands and the same with my father and the same with me.


I don’t remember talking much with my grandfather altho I was very much a man at age 15 or so when he passed away and despite speaking since age 3 I really wasn’t all that talkative and usually become that way only when around folks who have allowed others to interfere with sequencing.


Issy Gevisser was tho an especially quiet man who let his actions say everything about him, modest in all respects and like my father blessed with rather strong yet soft hands despite years of hard toil making his mark on the African continent, not by the barrel of a gun but by pushing a wheel barrow picking up unbroken bottles off the streets which he then traded 4 other wares, constantly, step-by-step building up an incredible name that eventually had those without the “privilege” of being “white” i.e. lacking no color, yet subjected to badgering “day N night”, coming to him knowing that he could be trusted to act as a “front” without it costing them an “arm & a leg” altho his one brother did lose a leg to diabetes, that most importantly their privacy would be protected at all cost while making absolutely certain that their pride remained in tact.


There isn’t anyone I know who can appreciate as much as me the issues of privacy but more importantly what it takes to build and/or destroy someone’s pride because it is a person’s self worth that can mean the difference between leading a productive life and one where one constantly feels entitled to something that others have painstakingly earned; and why it is so important to stay clear of folks whose “deficit needs” have them beginning to stink.


I am constantly balancing a number of things and number is the essence of all things, each one of us having individual choice with regard to our words-actions being “good” or “evil”, that “Sticks and stones break bones” but it is words that kill and my drive to come up with a  measurement system that has young people, forget ulta-kukus like u, your client et al weighing the words they chew on, being prepared to put them down on paper or tu simply toss their thoughts in to the trash can.


As I face our rock cabin fireplace I see a number of meaningful objects from the 3 brass utensils to clean the ashes, to the 30 odd pewter ornaments that with the exception of 1 open container that I assume is 4 sugar are all functional; 2 liquid gas lamps, 3 candle holders, 21 measuring units, 1 water pitcher with too condor feathers extending out, 1 closed rounded urn that contains our “stash” of chocolate, immediately to the left is the one plastic yellow “hot seat” and to tu my far left, at probably a 110 degree angle is a bigger urn that presumably is 4 water altho when one twists the faucet the water flows ever so slowly and then to my right is the second plastic yellow “hot seat” and then to my far right from about 70 degrees to 110 odd degrees is our front “garden of Eden” where I can see a good deal of the cow bones I carried yesterday from the animal’s burial site not certain that I hadn’t broken one of the U.S. Forest laws but absolutely certain that I hadn’t broken any of G-d’s laws and if it turns out that a forest ranger objects I will gladly return them all where I had found them strewn about as if imploring me to make the most use of them.


This short interruption was principled engineered so that I don’t develop carpel tunnel syndrome altho I rarely look at the computer screen when I am working out here given the fact that if I twist my torso just a little bit in each direction I get to see all that is happening outside from an almost 360 degree perspective and there is this terrific breeze somewhat hampered today as the one window is closed shut after my dog tore thru the screening yesterday afternoon in search of me.


I had left Pypeetoe with ample water and food along with this incredible breeze blowing thru the cabin in every direction with the temperature inside around 78 degrees while the temperature outside was blazing well into the 90s. I had gone out 4 about an hour and half tu do sum shopping manly tu get him a T-bone steak which wasn’t available having to settle 4 the best New York strip that cost a whole more than his daily free range chicken. When he is alone with me I feel the need to feed him all the things a healthy dog needs in addition to the very best food dog available that keeps folks like my wife’s brother who is one of the “richest vegtenarians” [sic] in the world in business.


When I returned I my “poor” dog at the beginning of this $1 million bridge built to protect the Arroyo frog with his tongue hanging out shaking like he was ready to jump. I went thru all the emotions my wife says one should feel when being served an excellent meal, “Chewy, crunchy, sweat…and no saccharine and no place 4 sarcasm” [sic].


Right this very moment he is laying next tu me with his body at a 45 degree angle to my right leg as I am sitting cross-legged on the couch with his head flush up against my “flushed thigh” and his nose somehow tucked in under my knee. In his prior life it is possible he was a contortionist or possibly an abolitionist, certainly like every dog he is colorblind and of course Mrs. Marie Dion Gevisser is, “Gary, give me a break. He is just a dog… When my brother who is just eking out a living as a veterinarian while managing to fish in the all the hot spots east, west and north but never south of Nova Scotia, eventually gets here perhaps he will provide u all the evidence u need that Pypeetoe who I miss very much is just a dog” [sic].


Back in the late 1980s I came very close to purchasing a glass and wood multi-sided house and I just cannot remember how many sides altho 8 comes to mind very similar to the house the one son of the founder of Qualcomm supposedly owns at the end of Via Del La Valle right up against the northern section of the Del Mar cliffs not far from where I understand the bones of Del Mar Man were discovered.


This almost perfect spot was up in Santa Ynez just aways inland from Santa Barbara and were it not 4 the fact that Bo Derek and her husband at the time had their ranch within a mile or so, not so much a distraction 4 me since I was with my “Greek Goddess” at the time, more so 4 my male friends who mite visit using powerful binoculars tu c what they could just as easily view in the privacy of their living room by just turning on the local news getting all the “guts, glory & sex” all rolled into one, I would have bought this fukukta house and made a killing.


I am tho also constantly aware of the “killing fields” and just making deals after deals 4 the hell of it when my basic needs are met is in my opinion, “over the edge.” And of course it makes me feel good as I get my stretching in while still managing to type at 130+ words a minute that this is costing Dr. JBS an “arm & a leg” and even if u haven’t agreed to discount your hourly the cost it is doing to your insides may even have me starting tu look better; but don’t worry I am still much uglier than u but who is say how u mite look say 24 hours from now, agree?


I have an uncanny ability to read people once I get a sense of where they come from and having an “above average” grasp of numbers could allow me “on average” to do a whole lot better than the average Joe Blow particularly when you consider the fact that I never let my formal education interfere with my leaning. U know I have yet to pierce any part of my body; do u think the next judge we next face together mite be prejudicial, so when last did u have a facial?


I just happen to be looking over the latest San Diego Reader where they mostly advertise all this stuff butt u wouldn’t be wrong if u were to go out right now and get your own copy so that u can be fully up tu speed in terms why I chose at this time tu respond to Ms. Laurie Black.


Today I am “hell bent” in getting people out of their armchairs preventing them from becoming “coach potatoes” [sic] by starting to interact in the real world even if it means them paying sum ridiculous price like $3 4 a cup of coffee with foam added on top 4 good measure.


The sooner each one of us stops being dependant on the government tu do our bidding and of course Mr. Hurst you know exactly where I am going with all this but remember each and every day I get new listeners who are not as up to speed as u r in the tricks of your trade which have nothing whatsoever tu do with justice but how much money u can make in the short amount of time u have remaining during this go-around on planet earth.


Yes, Mr. Hurst if I am right about e=mc² encompassing the “Hand of G-d” then it stands to reason that I mite be also correct in my belief system that those of us who act like “bottom fishers” will possibly have to work their way up the food chain be4 they can say become a catfish, perhaps an ant and 4 the life of me I keep thinking how someone as “pewtrid” [sic] as u will cum back as sumthing worse than a pumpkin as I had suggested earlier tu G-d.


Hymm, I know exactly what I will be suggesting tu G-d the next time I am at prayer, no, no, no, I am leaving the “head eating lover” praying mantis 4 Dr. “Kill-er” Stew-art, a “Stink Bug” is what I think should be “in store” 4 u which is this “pitch black” insect Jonathan and Danielle introduced me the other week.


I knew there would be a reason 4 that earlier diversion and right now I am thirsty and so I will make my way into the kitchen area, first I will put out more bird feed so that I can continue feasting on G-D-Nature.


I will be back so why not visit the restroom, cough a little and if u choke to death my hope is that u didn’t leave your desk in a big mess and of course make certain that there are no skid marks left on your underwear because trust me it is going to get a whole lot worse before I am finished and done with u.


The word count thru the last paragraph totals 10,075 which took me just over 77 minutes tu type and during this time I made quite a lot of progress on my email to Laurie Black and I should also add that I don’t intend to read thru let alone correct all the errors contained in this email until I am finished lunch tomorrow with Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. over at Rainwaters in downtown San Diego where all the movers and shakers hang out.


Now I might be getting a little ahead of myself very possibly not having mentioned my lunch plans 4 tomorrow but everything, in “Jew course” [sic], agree?


It is now 1:08PM PST and I am back after more backbreaking work cleaning up the fallen leaves and a rather long walk 4 this time of day where the temperature outside is almost 90 degrees and inside the cabin it remains 78 degrees which clearly doesn’t take into account the terrific breeze blowing in.


Mr. Hurst, as much as I believe Hell is here on earth with all the miserable specimens like u and your client et al I must tell u I just cannot imagine how much better heaven can be than where I am right now. My dog is now exhausted, with his torso flat, legs scrunched up tucked underneath lying a perfect 90 degrees “tu em” [sic] with his a full-on 90 degrees to his body flush up against my hips.


And of course even if u don’t think I am hip and deserving of an emmy, 4 sum reason no matter how I spell this fukukta word “emmy” my version of Microsoft Word has this “red underline” perhaps it is simply a reminder of the out-of-control budget deficit facing California which I could clean up in a matter of months, altho I am all butt certain Marie will divorce me.


And no matter who would put up with me it would be a significant trade down.


We all need to becum traders in order that the trains continue to run on time because altho Chaos Theory calls for a certain level of uncertainty in the market place the instant one cannot maintain “free flow of goods” best illustrated when John D. Rockefeller entered in illegal, anti-competitive, contracts to monopolize the oil industry believing of course that he was doing “God’s work”, it is essential that there be a certain level of Chaos critical to keeping markets in balance and it all boils down to pride.


Pride is what first got man into trouble and it is going tu be pride that gets us out of this horrific mess. There is a lot of pride in my family perhaps more so than the average Joe Blow household and rarely do u hear any of the Gevissers blow smoke altho I think my cousin, Mark Gevisser, the well-known South African journalist author would do himself and his audience a favor if he checked out to see how much stronger the weed is that he must be smoking than anything we were exposed tu while walking around places like my step-father’s clothing company South African Clothing Industries [SACI] which by now u shouldn’t confuse with SAIC aka Science Applications International Corporation where your client et al’s buddy King Golden who is part of the “et al” used to work before I eventually gave him a “real man’s job” assisting me over at Epilady USA Inc up in Santa Monica during the late 1980s early 1990s as he and I labored to give the “little monster” Krok girls a hair-cut or too.


Mr. Golden tho as usual who had difficulty keeping his pants on  in trying circumstances did, however, give me of his best which allowed me to focus on the task at hand always tho having tu mindful of what this rather crafty character could possibly be up next, have any idea, Mr. Bumble Bee?


BGevisser is how my father would always refer to himself when working at the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies headquarters on Maiden Road in Durban, South Africa altho they had a fair sized operation in Johannesburg where many folks thought that with David Gevisser up there it meant that was where the “shots were called.”


As u would know from reading my other emails that I so carefully include u on, David Gevisser was not only the executor of Charles Engelhard’s world wide estate but he happens to be the father of Mark “Prick” Gevisser.


I have a number of beefs with Mark Gevisser despite the fact that he has the most incredible mother in the world who probably thinks Mark is the best thing that could have happened to her other than marrying my uncle David Gevisser who can barely talk.


Now if sumthing were to happen to say Hedda Gevisser as well as me, i.e. dead, then it wouldn’t be altogether improbable 4 Marie and David Gevisser to get married and what a “chidach” i.e. marriage. Marie would potentially be the richest woman in the world having to do tho no less than what she does today which is everything +++ and David would be able to tell the whole world that he has the last laugh but then again David Gevisser has the worst stutter of anyone I know on the planet.


Yes, Mr. Hurst, u probably have sum sense of what business I have brewing right now in South Africa best articulated in my September 2nd 2002 E-mail to South Africa’s Minister of Finance that u included as part of your exhibit later on October 24th 2002, i.e. the damages continue to mount.


Make no mistake your and your client et al’s attack on me was at a minimum besides 4 a clear cut shot at Marie and an almost certain direct path to hell a full frontal attack on my father who this October 18th will be, please G-d, 80 years of age.


Bernard Nathan Gevisser is like his father a rather gentile, sum would argue convincingly an incredibly gentle man, more like a Pope than any Pope perhaps in history, certainly there is no one I know who cares more about other people than my father irrespective of age, color, religion or economic standing. He does tho like his father have very powerful hands altho arthritis has now set in managing tho not to let it interfere with his golf, always encouraging me to give of my best whether it was in the classroom where I naturally had a difficult time concentrating best described in my mother’s written verse, “How to fly hi when surrounded by turkeys” or on the sports field where being an “above average” sportsman he knew that the best way to coach was, “less said the better” something I continue to abhor while watching some of the coaches who volunteer in places like Del Mar seeing this “power & authority” as their opportunity to “act out.”


Never once do I recall either parent once asking me if I had done my school homework which brings me back to the subject of “white lies” and I won’t be touching on the ruling whites who remain in South Africa who continue to “call the shots.”


The case I have against u, your client et al goes well beyond the stuff one normally encounters in a case where a bigot has finally met his match and the fact that I happen to have a few more brain cells remaining than this racist may very well have to do with the amount of drugs and alcohol Dr. Stewart consumed both prior to, during medical school and after he became a supposed practitioner of medicine, and of course you know Mr. Hurst, at least having spent as much time as you did violating my rights to privacy by entering my website database directory without my permission regardless of what nonsense Judge Hendrix allowed u tu drop in during the court hearing altho 4 all I know Judge Hendrix may in fact be more up on what is going on with The Internet than he let on and could have been doing a number of things including giving u enuf rope to hang yourself or even just letting u ramble on giving the pounding u were taking.


U so reminded me of a punch drunk boxer having received more than a handful of one to many blows and trying to bait his opponent to smack him one time. At one point I even considered getting out of my chair letting u stand on so that Marie instead of looking u straight in the eye and letting u have it would have been able to look at your balls, seen how shriveled up they had got which would have allowed Judge Hendrix to c what an incredible beautiful smile she has to do with her very well looked after body, and of course u haven’t forgotten the maxim, healthy mind↔healthy body.


Your suggestion that because people like you feel the need in your upscale community to lock your doors at night that I should be compelled to abide by what u deem to be prudent which is to place up firewalls after firewalls which only keep the hackers happy and their clients, the firewall manufacturer, agree?


The only thing that is meaningful to me Mr. Preacher with your pin striped suit as u begin to look, feel and sweat like “Jimmy Swagger” [sic] on TV, is my value system that binds me as tight as it can get to that which sum of us refer to as G-d and so help me G-d I intend to pursue this matter to the very bitter end and if it means u deciding to poison yourself or better yet Dr. JBS with his own free will decides to simply pop a blood vessel or too while pop-ping 3 not tu be confused with either POP 3 servers or when Mr. Krinsk and I play pong, altho u know from reading my E-mail to Mr. Rick Capella exactly how much money I will accept within the next 24 hours, not one penny less.


And again, after that period is up, meaning exactly 24 hours after I hit the “send” button u can bet your bottom dollar that not only will I take my time in getting to the courtroom steps ahead of anyone else thinking of filing a lawsuit against Dr. JBS et al and remember et al includes Sharp Memorial Hospital I will also let anyone other interested parties know that I will consider providing financial assistance in such a lawsuit-s.


Furthermore, despite what I understand tu be a personal relationship with Mr. James C. Ashworth’s parent-s do not, I beg of u, do anything that might lengthen the period of his recuperation. Even if it is G-d’s will that my friend James Ashworth never files a brief again, a tragedy no doubt, you and your pitiful client et al should take no comfort if such an tragic event were to occur; on the contrary I will simply “lit a fuse” without anyone having anything to fear but fear itself, since I am simply letting u and others know that I consider myself to be on the “side of the sun” that I will continue tu take u on a lite journey that will be endless, just speeding things up here and there, putting the squeeze on by getting the message out that much clearer buying up if necessary all the necessary media knowing more than the average Joe Blow how the “spot media market” functions when one pretty much controls the news, bringing to an abrupt end the horror that struck me and those dear to me back on September 11th 2002, and that in addition with each passing day following the my 24 deadline the cost to u, your client et al will increase by $101,000, not a penny more, not a penny less.


And one other note of caution as you weave through the next series of emails which u may or may not be included on don’t forget that my ever expanding audience without any help from the general media who are on notice of my “terms & conditions”, continues to be a representative sample of the world’s population.


Furthermore, I am in fact not only exceedingly stable, anything but self-destructive, but more important 4 u and your advisor’s to ponder ever so carefully that I am also a very patient man and in the words of my wife, “Patience is sweet to the heart of an Indian” and may I therefore suggest even if you have already seen the movie Thunderheat which deals a lot with dreams, rent it again 4 it may help you get with the program in very short order as your nightmare is only just beginning.


Copied on this email is FBI Agent Culp as well as Detective Steele, the main purpose being that I consider you and your client et al a real threat to a number of people I care about altho it is very possibly outside of both their jurisdictions to do anything at this time until perhaps they see in the flesh a victim lying upside down, having just come back from a short rest in the bedroom of the cabin where I have this incredible photo I took of Marie that her pictured upside with? drawn in chocolate.


And please excuse me if I suggest to both of them that they put aside everything that they have seen so far from and if necessary to revisit it all at a later time and to simply go and read the declaration that Mr. George G. Hurst placed into evidence back in October of last year specifically the declaration signed by Ms. Kathy Murray who has not simply a history of “exaggerating” so well articulated by my wife in court on October 24th but more importantly is Ms. Kathy Murray’s involvement with drug traffickers at least one who is in this country illegally although Mr. “Graham” may have been apprehended. It is my understanding that when things got a “little out of hand” in the Ms. Kathryn Murray household, from what I was able to “pick up” in a conversation involving Ms. Murray, her disappointment with this British transplant had absolutely nothing to do with him cultivating, harvesting or distributing illegal drugs not just here in California but in the State of Oregon as well, nor for that matter was his brandishing of a high powered revolver, but the fact that he was simply two-timing her.


Mr. Hurst, there are many who believe World War III began on September 11th 2001 but I happen to believe it began even before WWI. It all depends on how one looks at things and of course u have taken a careful look the “dialogue” section of my email to Mr. Rick Capella, no doubt and also read sum of the data I have provided with regard to the side effects of Aspartame, no doubt as well.


Before tho u think u will be able to capitalize, i.e. get rich quick I will be doing my level best to place such future litigation on a “slow track” all geared toward getting our budget deficits sorted out everywhere not just here in California.


By now u must surely be at least willing to consider that there exists the possibility as infinitesimal as u can possibly imagine and of course being so incredibly brain dead I shouldn’t assume anything, but be that as it may, at least speak with your grandson altho by looking deep within your eyes u could possibly have a great great grandsun that is already out of law school who hasn’t had his formal education interfere yet with his-her learning who would probably concur that I happen to be gifted in a number of ways and one of them is an ability to see very clearly once I have a full perspective of the “battlefield” knowing not simply where the enemy is lying in wait but blessed by parents who allowed me to fly free from a very early age I have today a bird’s eye view of my entire surroundings that this understanding of human nature when combined with perhaps a better than “above average” grasp of mathematics there isn’t really a problem I cannot solve if given sufficient time and of course I need peace of mind that comes from having not simply “trust in G-d” but in a number of my fellowmen and women who in the event I get knocked off my perch, the edge dweller that I am, these folks can be counted on to make certain my soul rests as peacefully as I rest each and every day living each day like it was my last.


I happen to not only believe in G-d and what He seeks from each one of us, having gifted us more than fig leaf to place around our loins, just one more opportunity to avoid being scratched from this earth since we are all but headed for the dog house and the cow bones you would find lined along the driveway of our rock cabin is meant to illustrate just that.


I cam very close when I first raised the American Flag yesterday morning to place it upside down which I understand from the movie Thunderheat is a “distress signal” and not necessarily a sign of disrespect.


This is tho a time to rejoice, once we do what the greatest leader the Jewish people have known in modern times advocated that “The Children of Israel be a Light unto the Nations” and there are more than just the Jewish nation who have been mistreated and no where is it more apparent than in our backyard with the Indian Nations now sucking on the hind tit.


Up yours.


Sincerely yours,


Gary S. Gevisser

Aka The Pisser

