From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 4:30 PM PT + FOLLOW UP SENT: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:20 PM PT
To: Shouts, The New Yorker magazine
Cc: rest;'; Roy Essakow; Walter E. Pinkerton, Jr. Esq.; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Roger W. Robinson; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Ed Bertolas; Louis; artbell-coast;; Dr. Laura Family; Rush Limbaugh;; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Roger Hedgecock; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission
Subject: RE: ...1241....How do I reach
Seymour M. Hersh?




I’ll try contacting Hersh through the folks at while “briefing” you on two “interesting” interactions I have had in recent times, the first this past Friday evening with a good looking, athletically lean Korean-American university student working at a local restaurant here in heavily corrupt Del Mar, California that we have to thank my wife’s x-husband, the most evil human being I have ever met in my life for providing the entree in to this G-d forsaken society so extraordinarily helpful as I gather “intelligence” to “share” with the rest of the world in an effort to “give peace a better chance” and the second with a 70-year old former Israeli military man I met earlier this afternoon during my jog on the beach with my dog, Pypeetoe.


Not to mention how I insisted in vain for this in very good shape mentally-physically Israeli who appears to be further along in writing his book than me not to share with me any “classified” intelligence relating to the Iranian infiltration of Hamas once he told me of his own military service in Israel’s Special Forces units and his father, one of the leaders of the Haganah, Israel’s less militaristic “Jewish Underground” who relied on the Irgun, the more “quicker to shoot” of the two underground movements that fought mostly, they thought, were the British occupying Palestine prior to the establishment of the State of Israel which few including both Jewish Underground movements thought the newly formed state would last more than a few hours against the well armed Arab nations who also happened to have Allied air support and then “sum” [sic].


To mention little of I suspect this gentleman’s very diamond rich relatives in Israel now in the last hour in all likelihood being given not only the “heads up” to read Edward Jay Epstein’s INTERNET ONLY most fascinating book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION but understanding PERFECTLY WELL how it came to pass that J.P. Morgan was able to “save the day” in 1907 when the fundamentals of the western economy were worse than they were in 1929 which were a whole lot better than they are today.


To mention in passing I wonder if anyone has fixed the masonry of the building housing the New York Stock Exchange that suffered damage following what may have been the first so-called terrorist attack back in 1907 when it was simply J. P. Morgan organizing a meeting of bankers and telling them simply to “fusbate” which is the phonetic spelling of a South African slang word for “sit tight-bite your tongue” and if they kept their big mouths shut tight the “world would be their oyster”.


Such individuals include Louis in Israel, the flat-line plotting “it” as well as Ed Bertolas who recently called me a “pussy” and when that didn’t result in me digging a fox hole in our awesome garden here on the cliffs of Del Mar all the way in to the Forbidden City then thought to pull out his “rili” [sic] big guns and suggest I simply “get a job” forgetting of course a number of things besides for it interfering in my quest to “bring peace” which is the last thing those such as Bertolas and Co. benefiting from DAAC sponsored “civil wars” want to see happening in their lifetimes.


Not to mention why Bertolas just back in January was “impressed” with just one of my many jobs since turning down the opportunity to be the American head of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel which didn’t prevent me from dating for almost a decade before marrying going on 4 years ago the most gorgeous beyond belief sexy whether dancing naked or dressed on tables French-Canadian Marie Dion Gevisser who along with me leads the most awesome fearless life, our biggest issue when exhausted from wild sex finding intelligent people in such a heavily corrupt society.


I now want you to look very closely as the FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES you see in the carbon copied section.


Trust me when I tell you that both blind copied and copied from other computer networks is pretty much every single intelligence agency in the world, no one, however, including me, knowing for certain who exactly is receiving a copy of this communiquι as well as when it is being sent although of course I, no doubt, have the “best idea” given how I am the one who has been organizing my “team” ever since my “services” were terminated by the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel after they had poisoned me back in 1980 but when failing to kill me thought they had succeeded in scaring the living daylights out of me which of course they had.


Now take a look at the beginning of Chapter 13, THE DIAMOND MIND as well as the tail end of Chapter 12, THE CORPORATE UNDERGROUND.  



Chapter 12


The financial holdings of the Anglo-De beers corporate pyramid provide the means for protecting the diamond invention in adverse times. When new diamond strikes are made, it can orchestrate their purchase using its corporate intermediaries. When there is a temporary decline in retail sales of diamonds, it can use its financial reserves to buy back diamonds in the pipeline to prevent any decline in price. When influence is needed in diamond producing nations, it can use corporations in controls in those countries to provide incentives to their leaders not to infringe on the diamond invention. Like pawns on a chess board, the swirl of corporations in the complex are used to safe guard the all-important queen in the game: the diamond cartel.


Chapter 13


Control of the world's diamond mines was a necessary but not sufficient condition for perpetuating the price of diamonds. If the public's appetite for diamonds decreased precipitously, as it had in the Depression, or women's fashions suddenly changed, as it had with coral and pearls, De Beers would not be able for long to keep prices from collapsing, no matter how ruthlessly it cut back on production from the mines. To complete the diamond invention, De Beers had to control demand as well as supply, and this required some manipulation of the psyche of the diamond buyer. What was necessary was the creation of a mass mentality in which women would perceive diamonds, not as precious stones that could be bought or sold according to economic conditions or fashions, but as an inseparable part of courtship and married life.


In September 1938, Harry Oppenheimer journeyed to New York City to investigate the possibilities of creating such a diamond mind. He was met by Gerald M. Lauck, who was the president of one of the leading advertising agencies in the United States, N. W. Ayer. Lauck and N. W. Ayer had been recommended to Oppenheimer by the Morgan Bank, which had helped his father consolidate his financial empire. His bankers were clearly concerned by the worldwide decline in the price of diamonds.


I now need to prepare to meet my wife at Sebastian Capella’s residence before going out for dinner.


Be so kind as to click on this hyperlink that will take you in due course to the rest of this missive that I will attempt to complete sometime tomorrow afternoon once I have taken our “tTOo” [sic] dogs on both their early morning as well as mid day 90 minute loop walk of Noble Canyon deep in the most awesome Cleveland National Forest.


[Word count 1241]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:20 PM PT
To: Shouts -, The New Yorker magazine
Cc: rest; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; artbell-coast; Roger W. Robinson;; Dr. Laura Family; Rush Limbaugh;; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Roger Hedgecock; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Eric Einbinder; Erik Forman; Kenneth Standard Esq. - Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Mossad; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Jeffrey Essakow; Neil Gould;;; Conrad Wolff; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor;;
Subject: ... ...”IN jEW...cOURSE" [SIC]..."HOW TO BECOME


I appreciate your patience and thank you for being so understanding that I have other things on my plate besides for taking people such as yourself on an educational light journey in an effort to “give peace a better chance”.


So very important right now that you also assist in stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution that we are implementing at Light-G-D-speed, invigorating the masses getting a bs education, then finding out that they can’t get a decent paying job, resorting inevitably to violence which is an integral part of The Diamond Invention.


And of course no one working for The New Yorker believes for a moment that the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel didn’t pay for everything in this latest Blood Diamond movie including the toilet paper Leonardo Di “CaKKa [sic] used to wipe his bum, the sellout that he is.


I have just eaten the most delicious warm turkey lunch, seasoned absolutely perfectly with just enough ginger not to overshadow the rest of the ingredients in the sautιed vegetable gravy all washed down with no more than a quarter glass of very fine red wine that my amazing wife left for me as she always does when leaving our Stone Home each time changing things around including the heavy furniture which usually takes the two of us.


Then again by the time we get around to even thinking about changing the scenery we have usually consumed more than half a glass each of the finest spirits, never though do we touch “hard alcohol” which as you know is one of the most miserable excuses men very out of shape use to explain their abysmal performance in bed.


Not to mention how very important is my diet that allows me the necessary energy to get out there on cold winter days and occasionally in the evening to exercise my miserable body in order to even be in the running to satisfy my hard to believe in the most incredible shape wife, so very “demanding” assuming of course one is like the “it” so “bent out of shape”.


It helping a lot though should I eventually be able to get my pulse rate well below 40 which it was a quarter of century ago when I was still playing competitive rugby, so very fortunate to have not suffered any lasting injuries.


Bear with me as I “drag things out” a little while hoping that with all the mouthwatering sex talk you wont lose your focus, continuing to not lose sight of the all important oil trading in the myriad “means of exchanges” that are not all “reflected on the books” not even close.


Not to mention how it would take just one supertanker oil tanker being “held up” or just a significant diamond merchant anywhere in the world deciding to listen to their conscience and broadcast they are no longer afraid of the DAAC, the mafia of mafia, willing to join me in continuing to expose this special interest of special interest groups who fix the price of everything including Neil Gould’s Carmel College, Durban, South Africa’s female friend whose beautician spa in Sidney, Australia specializes in anus bleaching principally, I understand, for gay men and heterosexual men with small penises.


Once Neil provides me with this extraordinarily superficial Jewish South African’s email list I will add it to this list and then you can figure out just as a matter of “deduction” who she is so that when you are next in either Hong Kong or Sidney to email her in advance.


I began preparing this delicious meal which only “rili” [sic] required heating up a whole bunch of leftovers that Marie Dion Gevisser had left in the so well organized gas and electric refrigerator, right after sending out this 740 “world” [sic] reply email to an automatic response email sent by a “sumwhat” [sic] close friend of my middle brother.


No to mention yet again that Jeffrey Essakow would agree wholeheartedly that he along with his brother Roy are possibly the two dumbest, scholastically speaking, South Africans on the planet which is an incredible insult once adding the words Lily White Wheaty Eating South African balanced out, however, by the incredibly brilliant South Africans of color the very many that they are.


To mention little, however of Jeffrey of course managing to pass the accountancy exams in South Africa that has him a designated Certified Public Accountant, such an exam like the Certified Public Accountancy exam geared towards those “audirtors” [sic], the most average, willing to “tow the line”, G-d forbid, you have someone on the “team” daring to “make a difference” and “tell it the way it is” which would have the entire profession the first in line at the ever growing soup kitchens.


To mention in passing that it is my humble but seasoned opinion that Jeffrey with all his significant disadvantages that include his good looks is amongst the smartest street smart people you see on this email list which still has him in my humble but seasoned opinion amongst the bottom half a percent of the dumbest people in the world but yet smart enough to let me know that he doesn’t mind me leveraging his intellectual midgetry to assist in increasing the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


BTW on November 20th the folks at acknowledged with this “back and forth” email that I could count on them to “forward” my communication to the “bloody liar”, now “deafeningly silent” Hersh, “as soon as we receive it” after I courteously enquired,


“Could you please give some idea of how quickly you would forward what I have to say on to him as well as the editor-s of The New Yorker?”


Not to mention on December 5th I sent Mr. Hersh this 1104 word email without YET receiving a direct response from him although it is conceivable that he is waiting for a follow up communiquι which you can access in “Jew Course” [sic] when clicking on this Hersh-Killinger hyperlink, probably within the next 7 days.


As you would know world renowned investigative journalist Hersh has called for “an investigation by a Congressional committee” in to the whole Iraq “comedy of errors” that has our troops “stretched thin”, figuratively not necessarily literally, committing “atrocities” that even my sources SIGNIFICANTLY more reliable than those Mr. Seymour relies on have confirmed our troops today are more “viciously scared” than possibly at any time in the history of the United States apart from the war of The North versus The South despite better equipped with both offensive weapons and body amour protection.


Not to mention our superior and overwhelming superiority in the air and during the night when we “rili” [sic] take advantage of technology and why the entire world including their victims and their families should come “to-get-her” [sic] to afford our deranged troops the best possible defense beginning with the children of the “privilege” who are not forced due to economic pressures to join the military of the increasing poor but who are for the first time in history seeing the clock beginning to “turn back” as we all begin to go backwards while embracing technology to its fullest.


Let me now explain all this for you and the rest of the brain dead in simple elementary school English which is gong to scare the living daylights out of the likes of Dr. John K. Pollard an alumni of MIT and Cornell University who in order to “get by in this world” is increasingly dependant on his charm that like diamonds “wears thin”, simply incapable given his lack of athleticism despite being on the MIT wrestling team possibly only because he was able to convince the moron faculty who has convinced idiots like Dr. JKP that he is “gifted”, but with nothing more than today barely the “gift of the gab” to mostly talk utter nonsense when it comes time to explain why it is that he was so extraordinarily dumb to allow his formal nonsense education to interfere with his learning, no different to the rest of the imbeciles that represent the overwhelming majority of people on that one email list.


Yes take a deep breath.


Now examine first the commercials aimed at college age students encouraging them to get into debt by taking out loans which the commercials make it patently clear such loans can be used for other things besides for education.


But what the commercials fail to say is that the parents of the kids who have up until now been allowed to mortgage their kids future by being a part of the out-of-control real estate development in the first world that has led to the real estate inflationary bidding wars that now has the kids JUST BEGINNING to take out their vengeance on their parents as they of course will be required to co-sign and risk whatever little equity remains in their real estate holdings.


Second, examine what the impact on the world’s limited resources such as water and oil so very critical in getting the world’s poor who cannot afford to attend university and end up with an utter “bullsh*t” [sic] education such as Dr. JKP that at best allows the rich to trickle down the cost of getting rich on to the backs of the poor and when the likes of Dr. JKP who have managed to go to sleep at night thinking that there are more evil people like the “it” out there, do as of RIGHT NOW, this instant, get “caught with their pants down” they growl so very loud but knowing if they make a single wrong move they are being extraordinarily closely watched.


Not to mention that I would only need to spell it all out to the brain dead as the world is now forced to look for pragmatic solutions to the burning of fossil fuels such as employing powerful magnifying glasses which we know are feasible at boiling water even on a cloudy day to generate clean electricity giving each of us clean drinking water and for fuel to look at things like Castro beans that are incredibly resilient, need little water and grow “out-of-control” throughout the year versus say maize that is seasonal.


Yes, it requires us once again becoming farmers but employing the smartest minds in the world to bring these very easy to grasp technologies to the forefront without us having to go back to the Middle Ages.


Not to mention it wouldn’t take in my estimation after very seriously examining all the facts more than 20 years to accomplish, about the same time we begin to run out of oil, forget the fact with the direction we are going we won’t survive another 36 months.


To mention little of this type of investment wouldn’t take any more than the utter nonsense being spent on going back to the moon or the boondoggle space lab or worse yet the lunacy of going to Mars.


As anyone intimately familiar with my quantitative unique and universal “risk assessment” skills knows full well, I have the “common sense” to explain pretty much everything of importance to each of us sharing this most awesome planet Mother Earth without the need to invoke the “name of G-d” to bring “fear” in to the hearts, minds and souls of all my adversaries which while a large “absolute number” make up a statistically insignificant number in terms of the world’s literate and illiterate world population.


But it no doubt helping keeping these scumbags of scumbags “in check” as they also know how EXTRAORDINARILY comfortable I am in proving the case, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that not only does G-d exist in both our minds as well as in the rest of “G-d-Na-ture” [sic] G-d is extraordinarily present, SMART and hideously vengeful.


I do not, however, rely to any extent, at least at this time to debate the subject of “G-d does NOT exist” even though I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN there is not a single human being alive today that is anywhere close to being smart enough to make any argument whatsoever that “G-D does NOT exist” at least when debating me for the simple fact that anyone in the slightest bit capable today of putting up any argument knows PERFECTLY WELL that I am capable of employing the highest levels of mathematics and science to provide such overwhelming evidence of the existence of our Superior Being, not dumb enough to tell each of the imbeciles amongst us exactly how and what to do in order to reach the highest levels of spirituality.


Such proof, bearing in mind the better the evidence the better the proof, does require again, a basic understanding of math+science=chemistry at the highest levels which is currently limited to a relatively small number of people like Dr. JKP who rely on the masses, especially the children of privilege to be sufficiently distracted when still young and impressionable not to seek out such KIL until such time as they are either dead or co-opted-corrupted and unwilling to share their Knowledge-Information-Light.


Hersh maintains, and I couldn’t agree more, that the purpose of Congressional Hearings has everything to do with us deciding, “whether we are a democracy or not


I have right now forgotten the name of this student-waiter who is on my one-of-a-kind email list made up of a representative sampling of the world’s literate and crooked human population but what I want to “share with you” is both the “problem” he presented to me this past Friday evening and the answer I gave which I could have stretched it out over a period of hours, if not days and why not weeks, months even years while making certain everyone at the sushi restaurant within an “earshot” got to hear who in turn could be counted on just like you to share the solution with the 3Rs most commonly known in the insurance industry as Relatives, Referrals and Renewals.


My solution to the “age old” problem “How to become financially independent before I am old and ugly like the ‘it’?” begins first with knowing that at the exact moment you “come of age” so must you immediately “detach yourself”, assuming you don’t have as I did 2 of the most incredibly “well balanced” parents “joined at the hip” to make their child which they know versus believe is not of their “own doing” but a “gift from above” to “fly free and high” from day one beginning by communicating with the child no different to the way one would communicate with any genius which is to listen, mostly to the body language given how as we get older and we lose our genius in pursuit of the ingeniously designed distractions we rely more and more on our children’s “gift of the gab sly English” to steer us in responding with ever increasing physical force as all parties to this so bloody internecine fighting raise their voices higher and higher until such time as all become “deafeningly silent”, just like we see right now.


Scaring the Living daylights out of all those at the top of the DAAC pyramid all the way to those co-opted-corrupted at the bottom of the barrel is the fact that not only am alive, in my 50th year, feeling mentally as fit as I was at age 15 when I knew pretty much everything there was to know about how the world’s capital and financial markets were designed by mostly incredibly lazy men to deprive the poor of a good education beginning with understanding how best to take care of one’s body, mind and soul by paying very careful attention to what how much utter nonsense mostly out of shape religious clerics had to say as they spoke in “forked tongues” mostly scaring the living daylights out of kids too shocked to even question why these godly men couldn’t take better care of their “G-d-given” bodies so very full of themselves as they went about feasting on the young while their parents couldn’t care less so long as they were convinced it wasn’t their children being physically fiddled while they hurriedly grabbed as much as the graft as possible, not in the least bit concerned for their offspring’s mental health given how they didn’t know any better, I am enjoying this one life I know versus believe better than every single one of my adversaries which of course include the nonsense talking Seymour M. Hershes of the world as well as the indifferent all of whom show their “true colors”, their “envy” in both the nonsense they speak-write as well as their now “deafening silence”.


How idiotic can you get in calling for “Congressional Hearings” when for more than 100 years the DAAC controlled 3 branches of the United States Government allowed the DAAC, the money launderers of money launderers to allocate the world’s scarce and finite resources amongst their friends beginning with the United States Congress.


Where is all your consciences that you would at this late hour of the day continue to associate with anyone who refuses to appreciate by declaring out loud their understanding of what it means to have had the PRICE FIXERS OF PRICE FIXERS “calling all the shots” for more than 100 years including all the wars where you PERFECTLY UNDERSTAND, “money is no object”.


It has never been a “generation gap” only a “credibility gap” that has got increasingly wider as the haves have used their command of both the weapons of violence and the airwaves to keep “LIK” [sic] from shining on the masses of disaffected until now when we use the advances in technology to shine the brightest of lights on the relatively few at the top so exposed.


Interesting how yesterday my awesomely exotic and smart as whip French-Canadian wife questioned using her cell phone 1-858-WIL-NEXT, her 14+ year old son, JoNathan, about whether he knew what he was “doing” when giving me his Spanish teacher’s email address after Marie Dion Gevisser and I enjoyed a most wonderful and healthy lunch topped off with a slice of the most delicious cheese cake.


Enough to have me seriously consider following up with Ms. Shauna.


Not to mention the most beautiful smile that came across MDG’s face which began well before she felt the need to explain to JoNathan that if he were to get expelled from school it could fall in to “Gary’s plan to take us all on a long trip around the world”. 


While there can be no mistaking the lack of Intelligence possibly best reflected on what goes on at “rubber stamping” Board meetings, such KIL I was intimately familiar with long before close aides to both David Ben Gurion and my Royal Mater suggested just hours after I, along with other 15-year old spoiled rotten South African Jewish kids, met with DBG outside his non-descript small house on Kibbutz-Midrasha Sde Boker on November 1st, 1972 to “further my education” in Israel which I did in fact keep an “open mind” to all the way through my final year at high school in South Africa when I chose to attend 3 different schools in an effort to distract everyone including members of my immediate family, eventually choosing a college catering mostly to “dummies” and “drop outs”, generally the most “creative” of the kids who fall into the extreme ends of the distribution of the Bell Shaped curve that breeds such nauseating “mediocrity” so transparent on my one-of-a-kind email list made up of in my humble but seasoned opinion the dumbest of the dumb human beings with of course a handful of extraordinarily bright “independent thinkers” thrown in “here and there”.


Mostly my “decision making” was geared toward getting off the “radar screen” of the extraordinarily insensitive Durban North, South Africa Lazarus clan headed up by Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus.


Not to mention that I knew my DAAC uncle David Moshal-Gevisser Engelhard would have little difficulty keeping “track of me” were the Lazarus family to say so much as “boo” given how “one of them” had managed to marry my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser that didn’t take me all that long to figure out why; Jenny “WreGevisser, which is how my RM referred to this “wicked witch”, quite the “talker”.


Birds of a feather flock “to-get-her” [sic]!


In the fall of 1972 just prior for leaving for Sde Boker, located south in the Negev Desert near Beersheba, on the 4 month Ulpan to Israel, following in the footsteps of my two elder siblings who both went at the same age to kibbutzim in the north of Israel, very possible the same kibbutz, I was dating The Pig’s eldest daughter who later visited with me at Sde Boker and since we were “still getting on” I joined her and her immediate family in Tel-Aviv during one of our “free weekends”.


I had by that time made it patently clear to all those wanting me to “further my education” in Israel that the problem I saw for myself was reconciling how well received the Lazarus clan was in Israel while being so extraordinarily supportive of the South African Apartheid Regime which anyone in the WHOLE WORLD with just a single neuron firing right in the space between their ears knew was under the “command and control” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who from my “standpoint” even at age 15 seemed to have the total support of the world’s superpowers focused exclusively on finally conquering China.


You have to remember how I was raised by the most extraordinarily sensitive mother who was raised by the strongest willed woman the world has possibly ever known, Nechie Badash watching-listening when no more than 8 years old her entire immediate family was “wiped out” by a gang of knife and gun carrying Cossacks just out having fun killing Jews.


I was nothing short of indoctrinated to “love”; i.e. trust and respect and well as like the Chinese, “The Jews of the Orient” who while being invaded time and again perhaps more so than any other most civilized peoples had not only never been “conquered” but managed with the exception of the western alliance to “convince” their invaders to adapt the awesome Chinese thousands of year old culture deeply entrenched in the “merit system”.


You didn’t need to be a rocket scientist when attending my Jewish day school of Carmel College, Durban, South Africa to know that the “merit system” had long been replaced by “mite is right” which us kids were reminded of constantly as The Pig pushed his weight throughout our daily lives, the teachers, the principals so very in fear given how they all knew he was a blithering idiot just like Hitler but backed to the hilt by the South African Secret Police known as BOSS.


In the very early days of 1974 with my “troublemaking” eldest brother sent off to Israel following two members of BOSS visiting with my RM in her bedroom complaining about his poetry book, Picking up the pieces of yourself, I was elected by the student body to be captain of Samson one of the 3 “teams” which the entire student body was divided up amongst.


I knew this relatively “high profile” position in my last year of high school would have me “engaging” more with The Pig whose eldest daughter Marion, I seem to recall, was elected the girl “House Captain” not because she was The Pig’s good looking daughter but because Marion was genuinely liked as well as being both scholarly and very athletic.


I had still not yet made up my mind about furthering my education in Israel even though the pressure was on me to choose as I was kept informed by the very deep underground Jewish Underground on the progress being made in hunting down and killing the masterminds of the Munich massacres that began 3 odd days after we arrived in Israel back on September 1st, 1972.


Immediately after the student body had cast their vote electing me as the male House Captain I went to see the principal of the school Mr. Mike Kessel who I expected to try very hard to dissuade me from leaving Carmel College using the arguments that I would in all likelihood have to give up some of my best subjects like Latin and Hebrew and replace them with new subjects that would require at least “tTOo” [sic] years of “catch up”.


Kessel, however, offered absolutely no resistance and nor did he see my leaving as “being rid” of a “troublemaker” since in the tradition of my mostly home schooled Chinese education I had done a rather “masterful” job of following ever so closely aside from when immersed in the thick of the rugby scrums the principal of “The tallest trees attract the most wind”.


I did, however, begin my explanation when seated in Kessel’s office as his secretary rather nervously closed the door leading from her office in to his, by reminding him of how well despite starting off on a rather “childish footing” when “seeing fit” to expose the girls tits by engaging them in a water fight on our first day at Sde Boker - not to mention water conservation was not high on our priority list - I had done rather well in my final exams coming top of my class before returning to South Africa to the utter amazement of everyone apart from the close aids of DBG who were not all that surprised by my final show of “worldliness” when finally letting them know that I would take my time and see how things “developed” before deciding to take them up on an offer that few Jewish kids anywhere in the world would give their “eye teeth”.


It is one thing to be chosen while still very young to become a member any one of Israel’s most brutally disciplined Special Forces units which of course includes its most brutal Air Force if one happens to have been brought up on a Kibbutz in Israel where the “merit system” works as good as it gets to “perfection”, remembering “communism” is only a “dirty word” used by those who want to be the “communist bosses” while getting everyone else to do all the hard work, hence why it is that the United States Congress is the most exclusive club in the world made up of Communist bosses.


But it is quite a commendation if one is raised in a Lily White Wheaty Eating household surrounded constantly by black South African slaves who, however, did nothing short of worship the ground that both my parents walked on even those who felt the venom of my RM’s harsh tongue were they to ever get caught playing it “fast and loose” although I soon got used to the “charade” that had so many of our so worldly “servants” after they had been “fired” returning time and again to visit with the “new servants” who lived in the rather barren and small houses in the back of our properties commonly known as “kayas”.


We always had very big dogs who only seemed to bark at the LWWEs which just reminds me of our 13-year old Maggie always barking her “head off” whenever the “it” would venture close, now stirring for me to take her and Pypeetoe on their 3rd walk of the day followed by a delicious meal which will include the remainder of the turkey.


Not to mention the extraordinary growl, “SHE CANNOT AFFORD IT” that came out of the mouth of the “it” when I happened to back in July 2002 at Danielle, my wife’s 13-year old girl’s birthday party with the “it” listening in, mention that if MDG were to decide to purchase a Lear jet within a 12 month period and had Mr. Starks decided to take me up on the “double or quits” bet, it could have resulted had MDG decided NOT to purchase her own jet in Newel Starks paying me double the amount of money I had loaned in him in the spring of 2001.


To mention little of the day Irwin Strous Esq. ventured “unannounced” in to the back of our house at Bowes Lyon Avenue just down the road from Howard College which housed the University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, the scream that came only reassured the rest of us that our Great Dane hadn’t bitten his entire head off just a chunk out of Irwin’s shoulder blade.


To mention in passing, Irwin who you can see in this photo second from the left with arm around his oncologist wife’s shoulder – the photo taken in my RM’s flat in Netanya, Israel - was the “lead attorney” defending The Pig many years later when The Pig and the rest of their Jewish Kapo clan got carried away with their awesome DAAC “Money Power” and saw fit to steal more South African government-people property.


And of course it was sad that a few years later Irwin’s mother would end up being killed and half eaten by a  lion at a game reserve in the province of Natal-Kwazulu.


I had taken very “careful stock” of my surroundings when it came time to sit for my final “metric” [sic] examination back in late 1974 having decided that the State of Israel had got itself far too in bed with the worst of the worst of the human population’s worst of the worst led of course by Harry Oppenheimer and my father’s first cousin David Moshal Gevisser-Engelhard, bearing in mind that murdered Charles Englehard was long dead and buried back in March 1971 at St. Mary’s Abby Church in Morris Town, New Jersey his funeral attended by the heads of the Nazi-socialist Democratic Party.


I had managed to keep Hebrew by getting private tuition from Mr. Fisher, the Hebrew teacher at Carmel College who was responsible for all the exam questions which he knew he didn’t need to provide me with in order to get an excellent grade but of course it didn’t bother me in the least being handed well in advance all the questions as well as perfectly correct answers to score 100% which simply allowed me to then, knowing exactly what score I would get in Hebrew, to spread things out in the rest of the subjects that did not include Latin so that I would get enough of a passing grade to get into the not exactly crappy University of Natal but no where near as top a grade as I could have got which was all the signal needed to send to those of the very deep underground Jewish Underground that I was “going it alone” and at the same time remaining off the DAAC and their South African Secret Police’s “radar screen” for a long enough period to “line up my ducks”.


Time to fly.


[Word count 5178]


From: Shouts, TNY []
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:36 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: How do I reach SEYMOUR M. HERSH?


You can try sending a letter to Someone there will take the appropriate steps.

The Shouts Dept