Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:47
Cc: rest;
Subject: FW: Freedom of the Press
Mark – As you can see journalist-politician
Michael Winn forwarded me the email you sent him.
First, it is not the Gevisser
Query piece the media are refusing to publish, this fiction-non-fiction article to the best of my knowledge has
yet to be presented to any publisher; rather it is “Abarbanel
met his Waterloo in the form of Gary Gevisser” that Winn is
having difficulty getting his publisher at the Del Mar Times to do the right
thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing.
Again, one needs to just step back a little to
understand what is “real-ly” [sic] going on here.
Everything ultimately leads back to greed and
survival so very much intertwined, the currency, not exactly of choice, remains
monies which governments print 24 hours a day so long as the people accept such
a medium of exchange to be used for a
variety of purposes the most devastating the mortgaging of the next generation’s
future through out of control real estate development that goes hand in hand
with human population expansion that simply cannot continue and the numbers
support my premise.
I have spelled things out rather clearly in terms of
how one organization that has been primarily based in South Africa for the past
100 years has managed to gain control of the world’s monetary system but
no one is really complaining since each and every one of us has to some degree
benefited from the devastation of the natural resources, but there has of
course not been an equitable distribution which is why the rumblings are only
now starting to be felt, the Digital Age, a G-D-Send.
The DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC] have
managed to buy off each and every government of their choosing while using
their extraordinary power to change the way we think about ourselves, our love
for money supreme above all else, just look at who sits in the best seats of
the synagogues, churches and mosques.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to
recognize the disconnect of my journalist cousin Mark Gevisser, the Lilly White
Wheaty Eating son of the “male heir” of
Charles Engelhard, co-inventor-conspirator of The Diamond
Invention responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and
murder of all time that continues with the genocide taking place in South
Africa today, some 1500 people, mostly young, dying of AIDs, NOW hurriedly revising the
autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s Black Prime Minister.
Have you noticed that not a single person has yet to
confront Mark Gevisser or his father David Gevisser about David
Gevisser’s relationship with Charles Engelhard the richest man in the
world who died rather mysteriously in 1971 at age 54, at least not publicly?
Have you noticed that no one has got my Royal Mater
to go on record with what she knows?
Have you noticed that no one has asked Senator Ted
Kennedy what exactly was so precious about Engelhard that had him shed tears
for this scoundrel of scoundrels to mention little of what thoughts Kennedy
shared with former President Lyndon Johnson also in attendance at the church
funeral of Engelhard that most people including the author of the Diamond
Invention, Edward Jay Epstein, thought to be Jewish?
Now lets come back to Michael Winn’s Gevisser Query which while
containing enough material for an “honest” publisher to feel their
oats is rather infantile given
how extraordinarily easy it is to check me out in a matter of minutes given my
rather well documented curriculum vitae.
Winn chooses going the Gevisser
Query path because he knows it will at least get his foot in the
door and in the process he will undoubtedly make some bucks before coming up
against a brick wall were he to ruffle “tTOo” [sic]
many feathers.
What that
does for our “social cause”
is to delay things and for the masses of hard working people to suffer not only
more but allow inevitably the survival of the richest
until such time as just a single bomb gives us all a bad hair day, not quite as
bad “tho-ugh” [sic] as their being “gridlock” in the
financial markets which is what I am hoping to avoid which will allow the
mostly crooked rich to get even richer, the frenzy that will result from the
markets collapsing will allow the “smart money” sitting on the
sidelines to gobble up those few remaining “properties” that they
don’t already own and the masses so shell shocked taking it out “on
their own”, nothing quite so bloody as civil war.
Winn like the Del Mar City council members like the
publisher of the Del Mar Times like the publisher of the New York Times and
Wall Street Journal like each and every politician on this planet is not
“al-to-get-her” [sic] a moron capable of understanding everything I
have written above hoping against all hope however, that he will be able to
beat me at least at one game of chess, of course there is also ego involved
especially when you consider the fact that as hard as it is to believe I have
managed to attract not only independent thinkers such as yourself but one
amazing, out of this world, artist painter designer client Ducati- motorcycle-partner
What each and every one of these stooges who provide
the public with nothing more than a false sense of security,
no different to my former SCAL
Class Action Litigator] clients,
fail to understand is that I cannot be beaten given the fact I have all the
facts at my fingertips, not lying, stealing or cheating helping enormously in
maintaining my “command of numbers”
making me quite the “kid” but with both skill and knowledge to
compete with those at the very top of the pyramid with all their minions who
have rather brilliantly perfected the art of deception relying on people like
Winn to be out there suggesting to the masses that there is in fact “open
Winn along with every one of the other FOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES who I will be
mentioning time and again until such time as the Good Almighty SMART G-D
chooses otherwise has made the conscious choice to ignore a rather important
issue which they hope against all hope will go away and that is the irrefutable
“smoking gun proof” of “voter
fraud” in my possession that leads all the way to the very top ranks of
the United States Democratic Party, the rigging-hijacking of the California
Gubernatorial elections of November 8th, 2002 not really much
different to what took place when President John F.
Kennedy won
that all important election that resulted in the Vietnam civil-drug war
escalating out of control.
The meeting that took place between the top operatives
of Vivendi, the French French water conglomerate on December 28th
2001 and California Governor Gray Davis very similar to that all important
meeting between JFK
and Harry
Oppenheimer head of the DAAC after JFK had stolen
the Presidential election important enough you would think for all the
distraction games to end rather soon, like how about right this instant.
Time to fly.
-----Original Message-----
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Freedom of the Press
To: <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: Query Letter
Awesome article.
To bad they wouldn't publish it.
What ever happen to freedom of the press?
I too met
My wife and I "from
We talked about politics, God, world hunger, pollution, you name it.
He told us how he once worked in
We exchanged cards and we parted.
When I got back to the Windy, I e-mailed him and found out that his e-mail didn't
That was two years ago. Now, in the last month or so, "he must have found
my card," I receive 10 e-mails a day.
Interesting how one little visit resulted in a fountain of information.
I enjoy reading his letters and e-mail them out to others when they come in.
He is getting a pretty big following.
I wouldn't be surprised if some day he would be on the radio talk show...Coast
to Coast with George Noory.
Here in
Well Mike, keep up the good work and report what your heart tells you.
Be truthful to God,
Be truthful to yourself and
Accountable to others
and you'll never lose.
Take care,
Note: forwarded message attached.
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