From: Gary S Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:21 PM
To: US Marine Captain Brian Steidle - The Devil Came On Horseback
Cc: rest; Office of the Israeli Defense Department Attache - Israeli Embassy Washington DC.
Embassy of Pakistan - Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Shelby Queen - Administrative Assistant - US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Jerry McCauley - US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Julie Hock - US Holocaust Memorial Museum - New England Regional Director; Melissa Rubenstein - US Holocaust Memorial Museum,; Mark Gibson - US Holocaust Memorial Museum - Assistant Director and Operations Manager; Andes Abril - US Holocaust Memorial Museum Mid-Atlantic Regional Director; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Mossad; United States Justice Department; Mathew Margo Esq. - 60 Minutes Attorney - son of South African Judge Margo who in 1949 developed the "blueprint" for the Israeli Air Force; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton;; Randall Kaplan. co-founder of AKAMAI with Daniel Lewin - 911 victim - Member of Sayeret Matkal - Elite Israeli Special Forces unit; Oprah; Rush Limbaugh;; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Author-Journalist Mark Gevisser - son of David Gevisser, executor of American Charles Engelhard's estate; Dad; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist;; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.; Kathy-Louse-Gevisser-Danziger;; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post;; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Drew Faust - President of Harvard University; Richard C. Levin, President Yale University; Miriam Ross - Survival International; israellycool; Michael Jackson; Naomi Campbell; Kate Moss; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Roger W. Robinson - Protege of senior DAAC operative David Rockefellar - Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy - JAB's law firm representing the House of Saud; Dr. John K. Pollard -; Kristin Pollard;
Subject: WHY HAVEN'T THEY DONE IT? - Courage-Enlightenment


Dear Brian,


By now, after removing all the utter nonsense that others have planted in your head, trying as best you can to go back to when you were a little kid, then all the way forward to the very last person you communicated with prior to receiving this communication - and I would not be surprised if you have already consulted with your "direct report" when a Captain in the US Marines - you should be able to answer your own very important question,


"Why haven't they done it?"


You have heard the expression, "Careful when biting the hand that feeds you!"


You have read also by now Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER asking yourself first of all what happened to those diamonds, followed up in the next instant with what prevented President Franklin D. Roosevelt from simply killing Ernest Oppenheimer’s son Harry when DeBeers not only refused to stockpile diamonds on US soil to help in the war effort, but so very embarrassed the President of the United States who carries the title, Commander In Chief when then having to let the world know that he could not do a thing about DeBeers given how he as well as Churchill as well as the entire 3 Branches of the US Government including the US Supreme Court, were all bought and paid for, long before D-Day June 5th-6th 1944, one month before the atrocity of the Bretton Woods Conference, followed some 6 months later with the atrocity of the Yalta Conference.


Yes, you got it!


Not enough Jewish blood had been spilled.


6 million of my Jewish brothers and sisters were simply not enough for those who have no loyalty to country or religion who simply fear both the independent thinking and wandering Jew.


The Arab nations that attacked Israel at the start of Israel’s War of Independence had no military to speak of when compared to the Allies who owned the skies, aircraft carriers and enough bombs remaining from World Oil War II to blast our oil tyrants all the way to Timbuktu without Israel needing to fire a single shot and instead of having to constantly “field an army” to have devoted those same resources these past 6 decades to weaning the world off oil which of course is needed to fuel oil wars needed to cull the ever more aware masses.


What then would Israel have done to prevent all the hate filled rhetoric reaching the ears of the next generation of Muslims who would not have known about such hate as their elders would never have gone to war with Israel in the first place were it not for US Americans so very hooked on crime, sex, violence and money.


You can stop reading now if you like because once you focus just on this one war that did not result in the ongoing Jewish holocaust you will find there is very little to distract you.


Not even your cat mowing or dog barking or better yet that dam fricken cell phone ringing with most likely yet another nonsense talker can distract you from the failure of the folks from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum to engage me in debate.


Jewish people in particular, especially those here in the United States acting so “holier than thou” are shameful, and with each passing moment they know it that much more.


I have already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Nazis did in fact win both World Oil War I and World Oil War II which is in great part why you don’t see my name in headlines, YET!


Each one of the individuals carbon as well as blind copied, representing a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population, understand perfectly well as do all the top brass of all the world's military, if Al Quaida were to have so very easily shut down, just one land based oil field or a “sitting duck” oil supertanker fueling up at a deep sea oil rig they would be cutting off their lifeline, principally to US Petro Dollars.


Al Quaida is not, however, as dumb as they first appear.


The US Dollar is increasingly worthless and our oil tyrants all over the world, not just in the Middle East have yet to distribute amongst their enslaved masses all those so very blood stained DeBeers-Petro Dollars stored in vaults and numbered bank accounts used every so often to purchase stuff like the next best and greatest Airbus “fit for a king” that is increasingly nauseating to the ever better informed masses getting increasingly higher speed internet access.


Currently Tim is climbing up a ladder situated alongside the south end of our stone home with a 1100 sq/ft or so “footprint”, 18 to 24 inch stone walls, all depending on when that part of this most cozy home was built, let alone the weed the contractors might have been smoking back in the early 1930s when the first section was stuck together.


Tim was saying earlier that it should take him all of two hours to have everything operating, more than doubling the current download speed off the Internet to 1.5 MB and upload, more than a third faster, to some 250 KB per second, making video of me rock climbing with my super duper second hand mountain bike very much on its last legs, still wobbly but not quite as scary as when you will see me coming down the backside of Noble Canyon even if I don’t end up landing on my head.


BTW, my French-Canadian wife still thinks that anyone wanting me dead should continue biding their time since there is also the superfast Ducati ST4S.


Point being Tim just needs to point in the south direction and so long as say every African, Peruvian, etc etc yet to be slaughtered doesn’t have a big tree with a whole bunch of leaves in the way, they could in fact be more up to speed than you.


Tim though, has his plate full doing some 3 installations a day and if there was more time in the day and willing not to have any social life, happily divorced for some 8 years, 2 kids, “not doing very good at school”, the boy is 12 and a girl 15, communication as you expect limited pretty much to what both kids think the parents want to hear, and consequently you would be happy to hear that he is not ready to move his installation company to Darfur.


On the other hand there is Kristin who has yet to meet up with Adam Tucker and between them and both their families it is very possible just to get rid of them as part of the dowry the Pollard and Tucker family might hand over to the two of them their entire email list which in turn could be shared each time Adam and Kirstin complete an installation alongside one mud hut village after the next.


Didn’t you just love the so very ingenious way 81 odd year young, virile and horny Dr. John K. Pollard “offered up” his starlet crazed granddaughter, Dr. JKP finally no longer able to take her ignorance, most of all his great intellect when delivering the most awesome “backhanded slap” this alumni of MIT and Cornell University has ever delivered that not only has him now back in the “good graces” of the world’s academia, the new corrupt church but I must now insist he return to our cliff house in Del Mar for another great evening of great food, great drink and now we have such great conservation to look forward to with me promising him that I will not bring up the need for him to be part of a round table discussion, so long as he brings along at least one more female quest who won’t object to everything being filmed live and uploaded immediately on to


To repeat Dr. JKP’s “coup de grace”:


I am quite familiar with Ron Burkle, thank you.


Send pictures !


Everything was in that pause prior to the “thank you”.


Sec. James A. Baker's law firm represents the House of Saud.


I knew Sec. Baker’s very close ally in Ronald W. Reagan’s first administration, Roger W. Robinson also known as “our man Roger” well before Roger who shares the same initials as President RWR as well as the same birthday, February 6th, some 40 years apart, joined the National Security Council in March 1982

when I was just turning a strong 25 and “our man Roger”, a not exactly athletic 31 but already one awesome pontificator, especially when stoned.

I thought I would just help you just in case you were having trouble with the math when computing the last time Roger, King and I got together in February 1991 at my very humble two bedroom, two bath, and sparsely furnished apartment in Santa Monica, California before ending up for dessert at Spagos in Hollywood where at the table next to us was a guy wearing a ten gallon hat that matched his cowboy outfit that fitted in perfectly with the ten or so women each one longer legged than the other, all wearing cowboy shorts that appeared depending on how they sitting that much shorter than the next, all Mossad agents; at least that is what I was led to believe by the Mossad agent who orchestrated the entire event.


Roger had flown out to California to attend the 80th birthday celebrations of President RWR who didn’t know whether he was “coming or going” well before he was elected President.


Roger W. Robinson is by all accounts a right wing conservative which didn’t prevent him from being “bosom buddies” with King Golden Jr. who I first met in late 1981, early 1982 when he was General Counsel for Science Applications International Corporation, a very significant Offense-Defense contractor here in San Diego.


At the time I was working for a start up medical company, Diagnostic Sciences Inc. who had acquired a commercial technology from SAIC that was first used to track Soviet submarines.


King Golden Jr. while very well schooled first at Berkeley and then at the University of Virginia Law School, better known as the “Gentleman’s law school” where they also lie, steal and cheat despite pronouncements to the opposite that appear “edged” [sic] in stone on their one masonry building, was having difficulty not only keeping his penis in his pants but more so the fact that he was privy to information that SAIC was principally in the business of starting wars by sharing highly classified top secret information with any interested parties including the Soviets who were also interested as much as the US in an arms buildup in order to keep the ignorant masses gainfully employed.


It was not long after I suggested to the board of DSI that they return the technologies they had bought and in the process get a full refund since no one at the time had found a way to stabilize the reagents that came from the tail end of fireflies during transportation, that King Golden Jr. resigned from SAIC to go “freelance” working mostly with me and one other client, an Israeli physicist who had perfected laser switches that were first used to protect the eyesight of US submarine commanders from lasers fired by Soviet submarine commanders when our best and brightest commanders would be looking through the periscopes.


All the detail should not have you either confused or bored especially when what we are talking about is my credibility versus anyone you know including yourself and members of your immediate family.


The day the US$1 million check arrived from Westinghouse who at the time owned CBS Broadcasting which to the best of my knowledge still owns 60 Minutes and all the retards they employ was quite a day to celebrate, no different to today and here at our stone home nestled in a slightly sloping hill deep inside the most breathtaking Cleveland National Forest, it is once again a warm, sunshine filled day; best of all was breakfast this morning where this most extraordinarily beautiful woodpecker, spotted like a leopard, a broad black band over its chest plate, the most perfect long peak and head and skin so smooth, looking so much like our perfect in every respect,

so very fast

super Italian Greyhound, Pypeetoe, so very missed.


Much more important than the check which we had blown up for a photo shoot was the fact that Westinghouse who had stolen this technology were now forced to return it to this Israeli physicist who by this time because of how Westinghouse had managed to drag things out was pretty much “down and out” all the while Westinghouse, another Defense-Offense contractor just like SAIC had already sold the technology to the highest bidder and then “sum” [sic].


Roger W. Robinson for very good reason led me and his “bosom buddy” King Golden Jr. Esq. who was my one American attorney at the time, to believe that Secretary James A. Baker was, “The most dangerous person in the world!” which prevented King Golden Jr. from selling his shares in SAIC.


King Golden Jr. Esq. is a left of left, leftwing Socialist-Democrat who I first met about a year after I returned to the US from South Africa where I was treated for liver poisoning by my good friend Dr. Michael Moshal MD who was the head of the Gastrointestinal Unit, Dept. Medicine, University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa.


Roger W. Robinson is first and foremost besides for being one of the greatest bullshitters in the world, a banker, specifically a DeBeers’ banker.


“Our Man Rogers” claim to fame began with being the protégé of DeBeers banker David Rockefellar.


You would recall that there was this man John D. Rockefeller who would hand out dimes to beggars on the street when journeying to the headquarters of Standard Oil located at 26th Broadway, Manhattan, New York City.


You recall that Sec. James A. Baker is first and foremost a lawyer whose law firm makes their money by advising clients of the DeBeers Anglo American Cartel who require first and foremost diamond drilling bits price fixed by this mafia of mafia, price fixer of price fixers, special interest of special interest group at always more than the price of a barrel of oil which the DAAC also price fix.


You wouldn’t need to be a student of our so very sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws all geared toward putting price fixers out of business to know that the logical conclusion of what I am spelling out in real time is that DeBeers are very simply the allocators of the world’s resources but are not very good at it because of the fact that they have seen to it for more than a century now that market forces do not function in any markets apart from those involving very small business people mostly bartering.


When you were last in a Chinese market whether in the Peoples Republic of Communist China or in places like Vancouver which require all signage to be in both French and English but there is only Chinese, didn’t you have the warmest fuzziest feeling that you were finally seeing the free market system at work?


Cutting to the chase.


There are of course a good number of people in the world far more up to speed than you just waking up to how very little you can trust each and every one of your supporters who failed to spell this all out in simple English.


But you have something most of them fear, but of course not quite as much as me who has all the knowledge of the importance genocides play in the miserable lives of filthy rich disgusting elitists amongst us who have been "Playing God" now for more than a century.


What are you doing for lunch today?


Now think about the last time you and your US military family last "broke bread" and you all finally came to the conclusion that when all was "said and done" you still had to make a living and it was unlikely you would get your old position back in the US Marines in charge of some 300 who would be forced to question not so much your "intelligence" but the intelligence being shared with their enemies.


Let me explain.


Those photos of the extraordinary butchery perpetrated on defenseless mostly non-Muslim population of south and western Sudan, known as Darfur, which you and all your "hangers on" deemed so very important to get back to the US as well as the United Nations high command who could care less so long as you looked busy, never forgetting who was buttering your, your sister's and your Navy officer father's bread, were a total "smokescreen" and had you been raised by the best of the best of Israeli Intelligence you would have known it in a heartbeat.


You have heard of Google Earth.


Before God gave us light there was of course planet Mother Earth.


When you were a captain in the US Marines I am sure that on at least one occasion you saw a photo from a satellite in lower earth orbit.


I am not sure whether it was of the quality where you could tell the size of the male's penis when erect but then again I am not a captain in the US Marines.


Now look at this dialogue I have going with lawyer background Aussie Dave who has a blog on The Jerusalem Post internet edition.


It is more than the entire editorial staff including the editor of who knows I didn’t get off a ship just yesterday in Haifa Harbor, Israel where again my paternal grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser held in his and his Nazi murdered sister's name priceless land known to people like my maternal great grandmother, an early resident of Tel-Aviv who returned to England in 1929 when my mother was born to her genius mathematician father Alef-Albert-Al Badash-Ash who like my mother was raised by his mother, Nechie Badash who while just a little girl, about age 8 witnessed from inside a closet the slaughtering of her entire immediate family, leaving Nechie Badash very possibly the most trusted Jewish person in the world, a fact of life known to David Ben Gurion who came from the same very tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as Nechie, may the Good Lord rest her soul.


This schlemiel Aussie Dave is not alone in having the most difficult time with my ongoing very tight, easy to read and understand postings on blogs such as his that spell out a great deal about the genius of us Jewish people, the very few who have not lost our way in the pursuit of money and unnecessary wealth:


Immediately following the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Al Quaida will launch a series of attacks on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait that in the next instant will paralyze the US economy, much the same as this ingenious report was designed to do!


Aussie Dave, however, is much worse than an idiot because this scumbag has quite a mouthpiece on a very heavily accessed website.


Aussie Dave has a legal background and that is very possibly why he was given such a mouthpiece to hang himself when first writing me in response to my informing him of who exactly butters his bread apart from DeBeers, was to fire off:


How come you ask a lot of questions which don’t suggest much else but your hatred for the State of Israel?


Let me now clue you back in to the power you have right this instant without having to meet me for lunch.


You still have an internet connection.


You still have your toes in the event someone were to break in and cut off all your fingers and legs beneath your knees.


You should though first practice wiggling your toes just for practice, just in case they decide not to cut off your legs beneath your knees.


Next step I suggest is you not hesitate in contacting everyone on your email list who may prefer hearing all this first from you bearing in mind my email list may not only include of course people on your email list such as Michael Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, all one and the same, just different names who impress the easily impressed.


Now start at the beginning and read this entire communication as though you were reading it not only for the first time but had never heard of me, let alone a single name I mentioned which of course could be Goggled alongside mine, at any time.


Think about those people who have not only known me a lifetime but are intimately familiar with my rather stellar work product that spans now half a century bearing in mind I only started speaking at age 3, raised by a genius, tender loving mother who never once raised her voice to me in those so very important formative years knowing that I could be most of all counted on not to breath a word “out of place”.


Think smart!




If I am not for myself who is for me? If I am only for myself who am I? If not now then when? – Hillel


[Word count 3577]


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:39 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Courage-Enlightenment


Let me know when you are next online.


-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:06 PM


Subject: RE: Courage-Enlightenment


Let me start at the bottom.


Are these "kind of people" really supporters if nothing has been done?


Hollywood has also been all over fundraising, not to forget my Jewish brothers and sisters over at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.


China has a very significant footprint in the Sudan but not quite as big a footprint as the US has in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar.


The Devil Came On Horseback along with John Dau's, God Grew Tired of US, has "all kind of people, Politicians, celebrities, etc" focusing extraordinary attention on China who is very much "playing ball" with the United States as this industrial powerhouse, fueling the world economy, ever so gradually is raising its currency relative to the US Dollar.


Were China to with one "push of the button" raise its currency to less than 50% of where it should be given again both the size of China militarily and well as industrially with a mega hard working population fast approaching 1.5 billion strong, then the US would not be in a position to afford much more than a "pot to pee in".


Remember, I am only suggesting that China raise its currency to half of what it should be and in the next instant the US which imports most of its oil from South America would not be able to afford one drop of the 4 million barrels of oil we currently import to satisfy domestic demand to keep mostly SUVs and trucks forever clogging up our already congested highways and freeways.


Remember as well the US produces very little that the rest of the world wants, apart from weapons and munitions which don’t amount to being all that valuable at the "peace negotiating tables."


Remember also, I am explaining in simple English that "peace" is "war" to those of us who "profit from war".


China quite obviously does not care very much about all the "negative publicity" that documentaries such as yours generate even though I am quite certain that most of your "frustration" up until "meeting up with me" who didn’t get off a boat just yesterday in Haifa harbor, Israel, was with those here in the US who have been "dragging their feet" while giving you mostly "lip service".


Come back now to that ingenious Israeli Military Intelligence report.


Israelis are not the most stupid people in the world even if their current prime minister is both incompetent and corrupt.


Had the "US Cavalry" arrived "in time" then what jobs would all your "kind supporters" do in order to "make ends meet"?


All the "talk" here in the States is "money, me" whereas all you were looking for were a few "good men" who could shoot possibly half as well as me today to bring an end to a genocide that would end the next genocide making that much more people "living the good life" waiting in food lines here in the US.


Ending just the first genocide would have stopped each and every subsequent genocide.


Let us now transition to the Anglo American Boer-Farmer War of 1899-1902 where in order to defeat the Afrikaner Boers, expert shots on horseback, folks like J.P. Morgan who financed the American Anglo Boer War as well as the American led 8 Allied nations invasion of China in 1900, saw the benefits of investing in war so long as the person left in power sent them on schedule the necessary mineral resources to keep not only that tyrant in power, never of course forgetting their second-in-command to also get his stipend were his boss to simply forget who "buttered his bread" and what was left over would then be "divvied up" amongst the rest of the bankers-financiers with no loyalty to country or religion.


And were you to be so very naïve in thinking that anyone profiteering from war were to suddenly wake up one day with a conscience, please let me know.


Now I suggest very strongly you take just 30 minutes of your time to read one chapter of The Diamond Invention, Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.



-----Original Message-----

From: Brian Steidle

Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 1:30 PM

To: Gary S Gevisser

Subject: Re: Courage-Enlightenment


i have thought of it but why haven't they done it?


I have had a tremendous amount of supprt from all kind of people. Politicians, celebrities, etc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S Gevisser

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:53:21

Subject: RE: Courage-Enlightenment



I know you are surprised by this "ingenious" report which must have you asking a number of questions beginning with why hadn’t you thought of it?


In other words, why hasn’t Al Quaida already attacked such targets in their own backyard, why not say a floating oil field like a "sitting duck" oil supertanker far less heavily guarded than say the Cole?


What do you think of these photos below taken of me some 40 years ago?


Has anyone else come forward to support you, in particular anyone credible?




-----Original Message-----

 From: Brian Steidle

 Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:44 PM

 To: Gary S Gevisser

 Subject: Re: Courage-Enlightenment


It means that the US government will not intervene unless there is a reason to. More than just stopping atrocities.


Would love to see this report.



-----Original Message-----

From: "Gary S Gevisser

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:38:39

Subject: RE: Courage-Enlightenment



Does no "political will" mean you found no "political allies", no one willing to "put their neck out"?


Are you aware of a not so top secret Israeli Military Intelligence report that says the following:


Immediately following the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Al Quaida will launch a series of attacks on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait that in the next instant will paralyze the US economy.



-----Original Message-----

 From: Brian Steidle

 Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:31 PM

 To: Gary S Gevisser

 Subject: Re: Courage-Enlightenment


No political will, no resources for us and intelligence.


-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S Gevisser

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:12:06

Subject: RE: Courage-Enlightenment


Brian, your timing is excellent.


I want you to first of all assume "only the best" of me.


To be perfectly clear, I am not trying in any way, shape or form to "set you



I genuinely believe based on both your military background and your

"resignation" toward the end of your documentary that when "all is said and

done" you are simply at a loss to explain why the "US Cavalry" didn’t arrive

if not "in a week" then at least prior to you "losing hope."


With all that said, can you now try and explain in simple English why you

think the US did not put an immediate end to such a genocide that continues

to this day, not only in the Sudan?


-----Original Message-----

From: Brian Steidle

Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 11:45 AM

To: Gary S Gevisser

Subject: Re: Courage-Enlightenment


I would love to hear more.



-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S Gevisser

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:15:02

Subject: Courage-Enlightenment


Brian – last evening I sent you this email below which may not yet have been

forwarded to you.


Why do you think the “US Cavalry” didn’t back you up “in a week” of you

courageously providing irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of an epic genocide

taking place in Darfur and the surrounding region bearing in mind that as

far as I am aware most of Sudan’s oil goes to China not the US?


You don’t need to answer both questions in the paragraph above and of course

you don’t have to respond to this email but if you are interested in true

enlightenment then please don’t hesitate to let me know.


Gary Gevisser



 -----Original Message-----

From: Gary S Gevisser

Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 5:17 PM

To: ''

Subject: The Devil Came on Horseback - Website


How do I reach Brian Steidle. I am a South African with a unique perspective

on Darfur, “just one more tragedy”.


It is unlikely he has seen a more recent Israeli Intelligence report that

makes sense of the things that didn’t make sense of why there was so little

and so late done in Darfur.