From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:01 PM
To: 'Tracy'
Subject: RE: 4-kin


Tracy - I remember him well, perhaps he morphed since into one if not both of the blondes I ran into last night over at the Pacifica Restaurant last night?


We r headed shortly for the east coast then on to Peru, perhaps when we get back we can all get together, in the meantime stay tuned to, “...Less said the better?”


Breathe deep and enjoy life to the fullest, when and only when subscribing to the whole truth and nothing but the truth, blah blah.





From: Tracy
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: 4-kin

Hi Gary,
How are you and Marie doing? I was in LA attending High school friends parties – then off to
Sacramento, returning yesterday, off to Vegas tomorrow late eve for the weekend and in the midst of it all I have hanging out with Steve. Do you remember meeting him? The blond, gentleman, with two cell phones I gave a hard time to. Unfortunately I have just returned from being out of down and loaded with work. When  I have a moment to breathe I look forward to seeing your site.

Lets all get together again soon.  

Hi to Marie.


On 5/21/04 3:43 PM, "Gary S. Gevisser" <> wrote:

Tracy - check out