From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:30 PM PT
To: Sammy Haim
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: FW: fom the begining....end...---...DAGGA...---...You are
what you inhale which includes the airborne particles of feces of those you
choose to keep company with!
Is it my imagination but did I notice a change in tone in
your reply below compared when you tried taking me for a sucker with your bs, “fom the begining” [sic]?
I still,
however, very much appreciate the fact that you are increasing the circle of
those people dependant upon my communications for
their insight and
While I await further input from others who may not
necessarily share your opinion but who may not only spell better but, much more
importantly, better logically thought process than you, Greggy Greedy Drug Pusher-I have not had sex in over a year-not played with
myself Beckham as well as
Take as much time, bearing in mind time is very much on
my side, before responding while thinking about your extraordinarily foolish
Bear in mind as you battle to hold on to your smelly breath your long history in this great country, led by our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush, of playing it "fast and loose" beginning with how you fed your family when first arriving in New York by killing animals that did not belong to you?
And don’t give me any bull, you miserable, aging horribly specimen, about G-D "sumhow" [sic] sending you a message that you should first procreate before securing an honest livelihood.