From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:05 PM
Cc: rest;
Aaron"BrownNose" Brown (;; Rabbi Abner Weiss; (; Glen Shapiro (


Linda – Please explain in simple 4th grade English why Sidney “does not get them” and I assume u don’t have him shut out, freezing his balls off in one of your horse stables?


Bear in mind that in addition to Tony “Mouth and Foot” Unruh, Aaron “BrownNose” Brown of and finance professor at the Yeshiva in New York City, Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss, Glenn “Writing Coach” Shapiro and our great President George W. Bush, blind copied on this missive is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, TU tho, doing one terrific job, if not getting our great great President George W. Bush re-elected guaranteeing my book Manager Minute One will in fact be one incredible best seller, agree?


The continuing denial of Jewish people around the world to face up to the reality of what in fact caused Sidney’s parents, both holocaust survivors to be so deafeningly silent is in fact falling on less and less deaf ears.


It stands to reason that not everyone could have been as well informed as yours truly about the extent to which the 6 million Jewish people plus gypsies plus others not quite able to band together for reasons I have spelled out rather well, did nothing short of “stand by” as the first tier diamond wholesale traders made up of predominantly so-called Jewish people aided and abetted their pimps, the DeBeers Diamond Cartel under the “command and control” of the South African Oppenheimer family with lots of friends in the right places, my father’s first cousin, the idiot David Gevisser being in the “right spot” at the “right time” to serve the best interests of Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator in the Diamond Invention that was very much in full swing when the “bought and paid 4” Kennedy clan “took possession” not so important the White House as the United States of America’s Justice Department, agree?


Now get down this very minute and think, think, think at least about doing the right thing for the general good and begin to thank George W. Bush a truly great Gentile, more Jewish than most pitiful specimens such as Tony Unruh who presents a face that Jewish people are a bunch of imbeciles and cowards to boot.


Once again it is a very gentile and balanced man in the White House saving our bacon, were it not for the vast majority of G-D Fearing Christian Americans Israel would be on its own to deal with an enemy it no longer has the advantage of “first strike capability” and then where would we all seek refuge given how all the top spots on Mt. of Olives have been set aside for big time crooks clothed in religious trappings, agree?


Now if in fact u have been unsuccessful in training your horse to kick Sidney both in the chops as well as the mouth time and again to the point that he has become deaf, dumb as well as blind to the “writing on the wall” then let Sidney with hopefully “sum” [sic] degree of intellect remaining despite more than half a century of suffering horribly to provide a rebuttal to each and every one of my arguments and of course I will in turn assuming a relation has not taken an ax to the back of my head see fit to return my very best.






-----Original Message-----
From: []
Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: 10 days to election...twist...AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?


Hi,  Please do not send e-mail's to Sidney Abelski at this e-mail address.  He does not get them.  Thank you,


Linda Raphael