Part II of email to
Subject: Do you believe or do you know G-d?
Keep refreshing
your web browser or click on this hyperlink and if Part II is still not loading it probably means it has not been
written yet.
In the
meantime read Part I by clicking on
this hyperlink, noticing additional
hyperlinks since it was first broadcasted on Saturday, August 19, 2006.
You may
also click on to this hyperlink that takes you to the most
recent, and continuously updated with hyperlinks, communiqué to President George W. Bush who to the best
of my knowledge continues to pull off quite the miracle as the extraordinarily DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel-Marc Rich-Hollywood corrupted Saudi Royal
Family continue to keep all their Mullahs and other despot oil producers “in line”.
Accepting our
worthless and fictitious DeBeers-Dollars
in exchange for oil without which conventional wars cannot be fought is a very
risky business, more so as the past and the future all come together in the
Risk Assessment is my business.
No one has
yet come forward providing any evidence of GWB
or any one of his close advisors including his father as closely connected as
the Kennedy clan to the DAAC who have, going back to the
formation of the United States Federal Reserve in 1913, been in command and
control of the entire western world’s capital and financial markets.
[Word count