From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:10 AM PT
To: Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor
Cc: rest; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton;;; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Guy De Chazal - Partner Morgan Stanley; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Oprah; ''; ''; Devin Standard; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Adam Tucker; Dr. John K. Pollard -; Professor Jagdish Bhagwati - Columbia University; Professor Joe Grundfest - Stanford University - former member of the SEC; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996;; Dr. Laura Family; Goldman Sachs; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Guy De Chazal - Partner Morgan Stanley;; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks;; Jerusalem Post; Joseph Steinberg - President of Luecadia National Corporation; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Robert H. Frank - Profefessor of Economics - Cornell University ; Simon Wiesenthal Center; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Steven Lee Parkinson - Mothercare - Middleast; Professor Trevor Jones - Economics Dept - University of Natal, South Africa;; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars; John Ziegler - KFI 640 AM "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Rush Limbaugh; Roger W. Robinson; Roger Hedgecock - Recovering Lawyer; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Dr. Laura Family; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Mossad;; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department;; Oprah
Subject: Did you receive the letter I sent DeBeers? This is a very important story that has not been reported. The editor/journalist contacting me should first read




Ps – Hilary Clinton was in fact telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth even though that is not what she intended when speaking earlier today at a TAKE BACK AMERICA CONFERENCE when, according to a National Review article, at the end of her speech, she turned to Iraq.

"We're going to end the war in Iraq and finally bring home the troops," she said as a number of Code Pink protesters stood up in the audience.  When she declared, "The American military has done its job," boos began to be heard around the room.  As the boos increased, Sen. Clinton raised her voice. "The American military has succeeded," she said, to more boos.  "It is the Iraqi government that has failed to make the tough decisions."  Still more boos.

At that point, there was a round of cheers.  "I love coming here every year," Clinton said.  "I see the signs, 'Get Us Out of Iraq Now.'  That's what we're trying to do."


I trust you will assist me reach out to the Iraqi Government by simply forwarding to your contacts over there the first part of what I sent last to Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor John Loftus Esq. before according to my one American programmer, Adam Tucker, who now thinks he can teach me something about “efficiency”, I ended going off on a “tangent” and “losing” him when after 743 odd words of “bone chilling” reality that he has never witnessed in his entire going on 30 years apart from when exiting his mother’s womb, I mentioned in the 744th word my dog, Pypeetoe, not to suggest that Adam Tucker wasn’t alone in reading further up or down how Mr. Loftus caused innocent Americans to seek police protection because of his foul mouth.


Feel confident that my contacts in both the Israeli Government and Israel’s Defense Forces are significantly superior to yours; i.e. my entire communication to DAAC Justice Department operative John Loftus Esq. of some 4,577 odd now edited words, reduced by two, will not need to be translated in to Hebrew for Mr. Barak and the Mossad to understand what is the smart thing to do including calling up Hilary to commend her and her DAAC former President husband on being so extraordinary intellectual honest without even knowing it.


Change is something you can only accurately gauge when going “back and forth”, from big to small.


Picture a frame of a movie reel that has to move at the speed of 32 frames a second before our eyes see a “smooth” motion.


The same number of feet an object no matter what size falls within the non-vacuum of planet Mother Earth, the only space in the universe as know it where sound can be heard.


The same with the number of teeth, two sets, 64 squares on a chess board, all to help you keep track of what it means when there are no coincidences which simply means to pay attention not that we don’t have free choice to ignore.




Big stick whack whack. Big stick whack whack.


Stay tuned prior to my final heavily broadcasted communiqué to Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University which he as well as you have not received but has already been “applauded” by a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, for my follow up email to the former executor of my estate Devin Standard, an African American entrepreneur although much more successful at playing the “corporate game” who may have been initially delighted when first reading Adam Tucker’s utterly nonsense but so very self-serving soliloquy that contained a lot of “feel good” words but mostly talked about why precisely his mental health is far from perfect, the same with anyone breed in an Apartheid system where they constantly feel the need to be told they are “good” when all their instincts tell them that they are rotten to the core.


[Word count 663]



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:22 AM PT
Subject: Did you receive the letter I sent DeBeers? This is a very important story that has not been reported. The editor/journalist contacting me should first read


Gold unions' demands are 'mind-boggling' authored by Angus Macmillan that still appears in the Business Report.


You have an opportunity to “scoop” the biggest story since the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944.