From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 6:27 PM PT
To: Raye Anne Marks
Cc: rest; Sebastian Capella;


Has Sebastian commented on your notes?


Did you notice how you got about 63% odd of the way through the trade-secret material before saying, “Now you are ready to begin painting”?


I might use your last paragraph in the last paragraph of my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE! to repeat:


Our tendency is to complicate things.  We can see every single thing there.  If you want to do this you can, but only once you have established this basic simple statement of values.  But “we” [sic] aware that the basic strong statement of values will be weakened by a large amount of details.  It is much better to squint your eyes at this stage and strategically choose only the most important details. 


Does the statement “Beware of the Yellow Peril” have you feeling more respect for this art aware people or fear which the least talented of hot head talking heads in the west would prefer as they paint China as the new EVIL EMPIRE so afraid to adopt these so old cultured, merit system driven hard working, hard playing peoples that all their “smart” invaders chose as their own versus the not the not-so-smart, “gift of the gab” westerners hooked on “money, money, money, me, me, me” so unaware of the meaning of the west’s oft used expression, “The Emperor Has No Clothes”?


Now all you may need mention is “pricing” both in terms of cost of materials, knowledge and retail pricing for those EXTRAORDINARILY FEW students of the best art professor of possibly all time who are capable first of all understanding what you wrote let alone complete the execution without Sebastian fixing all their mistakes.


What do you think of the idea that we put on an exhibition exhibiting the works of all Sebastian’s students' unsold paintings and for Sebastian to grade them first on a scale between 1 and 10 and then next to this number what percent he thinks he contributed.


Not to mention what might attract all his students to be “forthcoming” is for them to beware that at the end of the day his signature alone may be worth more than all their other assets combined.


To mention little of me thinking of commissioning Sebastian to paint the inside of the studio we plan on building for Marie at the Stone Home.


To mention in passing at what point do you think the drawings he has done so far would make economic sense to make into geeclays?


It is my humble but not necessarily seasoned opinion that all one needs to change the view of the moron art critics who make a living promoting no talent artists like Pollack is just one, possibly two of Sebastian’s extraordinarily talented and “smart money” students to “make an example” of these nincompoop art “quick money” critics looking to make money out of the so many non-talented artists by inviting them to a seminar-workshop aimed exclusively at empowering them by making certain there are young minded people in the audience asking all the right questions beginning with you answering why you choose to share your “trade secrets” at no more than what the “market will bare” [sic]?


And why not combine such seminar-workshops with that “real-tycheck” [sic] student exhibition!


From: Raye Anne Marks []
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 3:12 PM
To: Raye Anne Marks


Hi, I thought you might enjoy some notes I have been keeping on how to start a painting from Sebastian.  Raye Anne

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