From: One hung low
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: RE: ?^???G
the mumzas are dive bombing my accounts which they can easily identify. They hv
sales people all over the world.
people hate them because of their tactics and propensity for litigation. Most
people admire us because we got around their patents and see us as the Young
David fighting the Giant.
problem they hv is 40% of their Company was sold to HSBC so for every 1
cent they drop in their price, potentially they would lose circa
30million kettles time 1x US0.01 cent. Their partners will not be impressed. So
for time being price bombing is with laser guided precision
this is a tough war and has some way to go
hung Low
Original Message -----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: One hung low
Cc: Dad
Subject: RE: RE: ?^???G
When u talk punishment do u mean
literally they still use the slow water treatment?
In other words why not go to war with them by providing
with each kettle a lifetime supply of our new and improved line of Gipsy
Coffee and Tea once owned by the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies
that under the watchful eye of my dear uncle David Gevisser in turn under the
“command and control” of Charles Engelhard who had this thing for bringing
David’s rogue uncle Sol "Little King" Moshal cases of coca cola just
prior to the Little King selling our business for a "song and
dance"...---... listening to your music has my poor dog Pypeetoe who was
resting so peacefully after a 10 mile run along the beach now starting to
whine,,, do u have a US insurance carrier?
I am going to try and meet up with you in Las Vegas but
consider visiting with me at my partner-wife’s 227 27th Street Del
Mar beach house where we can hang out drinking mohitas which is this crushed
lime drink I was introduced to by my buddy
U would think that if they weren’t going to hire my dad
who could be counted on to get the job done couldn’t they have chosen more
sturdier particles than those orbiting the sun not able to withstand a plunge
in to Mother Earth sum 93 million odd miles from atomic explosions ad-nausea,
enough to make you vomit thinking how many more kettles you could sell a year
with those $264 million tucked under your belt?
Please remember to check your weapons prior to entering
the beach house.
On the other hand even a genius like my extraordinary
mother doesn’t always get things perfectly right the first time, until very
recently thinking my father threw bombs out of his cockpit when bombing the
crap out of the Nazi bastards perhaps thinking that there was this conveyor
belt going under both wings of his spitfire that would transport while
dive bombing at speeds approaching 400 mph three 500lb bombs and on occasion a
1,000lb bomb when flying a Kittyhawk up on to the leading edge and be4
dropping it into the cockpit giving my father a “heads up” perhaps playing your
website’s music so that he could bop his head from one side to the other thus
exercising the scalene muscle linked to carpal tunnel syndrome never forgetting
tho to keep both hands on the joystick every so often picking his nose while
the other index finger pulled the trigger on the machine guns ensuring no
interruption while strafing enemy targets and when seeing a Nazi such as Ernest Oppenheimer escorted by motorcycles he would take a deep breath
avoiding the farts of this big time Nazi supporter flip the plane without
having to worry about incurring repetitive stress diseases by having to
lift,,, u get the picture, then again that mistake of
Nothing quite like the ongoing cost to the families of
those tens of millions of Africans of color whose ancestors were mass murdered
by the South African Oppenheimer family with the Kennedy family’s big time
buddy American Charles Englehard lending quite the helping hand aided and
abetted by United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the creation of
perfect vacuums between the ears of those content with “peace of mind” not
necessarily all that fixated on quick fixes knowing intuitively there is a time
and place for everything, time, motion and space all relative.
O what a tangled web we weave when we forget the cost of
war, money no object in war, those games tho fast drawing to a close as I
complete the cycle of explaining the
Unified theory
For the inner workings
Of the universe
As well as why folks like the prosecutors seeking a
criminal indictment against the law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach and the top
dogs at the Republican Party would prefer I stay put minding my own business
than get be4 an audience such as Howard Sterns forget for the moment
Congressional hearings where I would explain in simple English their fear of me
bursting the bubble of the critical importance the population explosion plays
in keeping the stock markets around the world from imploding, agree?
Public corporations in all likelihood shouldn’t be
trading at on average more than say 5 times earnings altho I believe a good
case could be made for the
Well the end very much “incite”
[sic], then again with parallel universes being tossed out the window thanks
finally to Professor Hawking falling on the sword, we
are getting further and further alone in the expanding universe, there is,
however, no beginning, middle or end once one has figured out the “hand-eye”
co-ordination of an
Ps - I will just copy my dad and a couple of trusted
fellows who can all be counted on to keep their big mouths shut - any future
reference to this missive will have your name deleted - let me know of a
suitable handle that will not have you being eaten alive and I assume along
with your Chinese look u can say more than "chop sue me"?
-----Original Message-----
From: One hung low
Subject: Re: RE: ?^???G
I produce kettle and export worlwide
There is a remarkable story here as well. Did u know that
all kettles in teh world 45 million pcs per yr all hv a patented switch system.
It was owned by a family who split because of the money.
Now there are 2 families who have fought in court and
agreed on sharing patents.
Myself after yrs of being controlled by them and with
"threats" as well as spies in the factories and punishments, I
embarked on a mission to raise funds anonomously to create our own switch.
After a long battle I did it, now there is 3 of us and we are fighting them
evey day. We hv patents, approvals and even sell in
"Gary S. Gevisser" <
2004/09/08 Wed PM 07:39:59 GMT+
To: One
hung low
Subject: RE: ?^???G
What do you produce?
-----Original Message-----
From: One hung
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
4:02 AM
To: gsg
Subject: 回覆:
Hi Gary
I am in
YOu can download SKYPE and then we
can talk very clearly. My handle name is One hung low
寄件者: "Gary S. Gevisser" <
日期: 2004/09/08 星期三 上午 07:55:09 GMT+08:00
收件者: One hung low
let me know if u r online able to give me 10 minutes of
your precious